Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Dec 1921, p. 2

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^r THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1921 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS HAVE NUMEROUS OSES Local Bank Officials Say They Are Being Applied to Taxes, Insur- ance Installments and Home Buylngr The Christmas Savings habit has taken a firm hold on Wilmette resi- dents, according to officials of the Wilmette State Bank and the First National Bank of Wilmette. The Christmas Savings clubs at the Wilmette State Bank, it was stated this week, have increased with en- couraging rapidity since the 1921 Christmas Savings distributions were made two weeks ago. About eighty new accounts of this nature arc re- ported and these accounts, it was explained, are, for the most part, larger than the average of the year now drawing to a close. Indications are the Christmas Sav- ings accounts will far exceed in mini- Xmas Mail Heaviest In Village History Efficient Organisation Gives Villagers Excellent Service; Handle Much North Shore Matter An efficient organization, new and improved systems for handling the mail made it possible for Wilmette citizens to receive the best postal service during the holidays of any of the towns on the north shore, accord- ing to William E. Hess, postmaster. The volume of increase in the Christmas business this year, as com- pared with former years, was unprec- edented, according to Postmaster Hess, and:, in order to handle ^thts great volume of parcels and letters it was-ttecessary to hire fifteen extra clerks. All the extra helpers were students from the New Trier Htgh school and Northwestern university, and most of them had little previous experience. At no time during the holidays was dew in the mailing of ber and amounts those of last year, I Jher any> m< Mansion and ,t was announced at the First Nat.on- .^JJj^1^ to Wilmette to put al Bank. | Jh . Christmas parcels in the mail The idea o Ujnstnia Savings , JJ h ^,ed conditions in clubs, an official of the bank informed gJftK,; of other postoffices, the us, is growing in favor throughout , £es^steer declared. the country. . H - The small accounts permit the chil- I M_.„ c dren an opportunity to have their NEW PRESCRIPTION FOR own. savings enterprises, While the VETERAN OF BRIDEWELL original purpose of these accounts was to provide Christmas spending I William Meyer, recently released money, the funds thus accumulated from Bridewell, where he spent two are now being put to various uses m0nths at Magistrate Mickey's be- including tax payments, insurance - installments, payments on mortgages and even to the purchase of homes and motor cars, it is learned. Country Club Plans Many Bowling Events Sentiment in Club Circles Strong For a Season of Tournaments; Alleys To Be Renovated , Plans are going forward to make bowling the principle winter pastime at the Ouilmette Country club. Members of the club are to pass upon the matter soon in a ballot by mail, which will indicate the senti- ment of the membership. Directors of the club arc preparing a thorough renovation of the bowling alleys and providing ample facilities for a season of bowling tournaments; Featured among the proposed tour- naments will be a handicap event which will permit every member of the club, beginners in bowling and those who are adept, to compete for the prizes. __ Several-prize tournaments are plan- ned and there are prospects for games between a picked team from the club and other bowling quintets of the north shore. JOINS MURRAY AND TERRY John Newhall of Glencoe, who is well known in north shore real estate circles, has joined the sales forces of Murray and Terry, realtors. Mr. New-hall's territory will include the entire north shore. The firm is af* filiated with the North Shore Real ItsfaTe board. hest following several appearances in court on charges of drunkenness, dis- orderly conduct and playing the auto- crat in his home at Gross Point, was in again at the local lock-up over the Christmas holidays. Finding that corrective measures as applied to .normal beings failed to discourage Mr. Meyer's mischievous propensities, Magistrate Mickey this time prescribed the Psychopathic hospital. . Meyer was taken there for observa- tion early this week. Mature Keeps Her Secret Man's conquest of nature Is very likely nn uneven eonllot. Many of her methods and seerets she has not revealed : some she may never reveal. V'ou had better come in before NEW_YEAR to have your picture -taken_It will make you look a whole year younger. H. G. Borgfeldt Photographer 1159 Wilmette Avenue Brown Bldg. Opposite Village Theatre Telephone 1278 Highest Quality Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pies, Coffee Cakes And Pastry Specialties. A feature is being made of Warm Rolls, delivered at your door, for Breakfast. These must be ordered the day before. Gross Point Bake WALTER MARTIN, Prop. GROSS POINT - ILLINOIS Telephone 1278 BACK OF EVERY BANK ARE THE MEN WHO RUN IT. Upon these men depend the service you get and the safety of your deposits. The men who control the policy of this bank are experienced business men who understand the principles of successful management of financial affairs and are well known in this community. Phillip Hoffmann, Vice-President Dan G. Stile*, Vice-President OFFICERS S. A. Wheelock, President Fred A. Smith, Vice-President W. D. Leary, Cashier F. L. Bateman Pres. Transconfl. Freight Co. W. W. Buchanan Pres. Com'l. Stationery & Loose Leaf Crltchell, Miller, Whitney & Barbour Phillip Hoffmann Hoffmann Brothers Benjamin F. Lewis Pres. Lewis Publishing; Co. DIRECTORS Frank J. Sea Pres. The Seng; Co. C. S. Stevens Co. Pres. City National Bank, Evanston JudHon F. Stone . McCormick Estates Arthur J. Taylor Mgr. American Slicing Machine Co. Henry Taylor, Jr. Steel Engraving: & Printing: 8. A. Wheelock President ---- WILMETTE STATE BANK YOUR HOME BANK Under State Control end Supervision To our patrons of the past year - and our patrons of the coming year - we extend our hearty wishes for a happy and prosperous _________________ NEW YEAR Kellogg's Com Flakes, pkg. . . ..... 10c Paul's Apple Butter, tall 16 oa. glass 29c Large Yellow Tins of Sunshine Krispy dozen................. ........3.25 Crackers...... ........69c Old Manse Pure Preserves, all flavors, 19 Burt Olney's Red Kidney Beans, can . .15c az., large jar, each..................3Jc dozen................ ........... 1.45 dozen ....................... ••• 435 Monarch Brand Spinach, can 15c; doz. 1.S5 Silver Leaf Preserves, Strawberry or Rasp- Monticello Pork and Beans, large can 15c berry, each 29c; dozen.............3.10 dozen............................1.65 Pure Lard, pound.............. --15c Atkinson Tomato Puree in glass, each 10c Pure Creamery Butter, Clover Bloon, dozen..... ............. ......1.00 ..pound.........^^............... H Best Royal Ann Cherries or Large Black Edelweiss Imported Pearl Onions, small size Cherries in 2% size cans, can 50c; doz. 5.50 bottle 35c; medium size, bottle ..... wj 5 lb. Stone Jars of Richelieu Pure Jam 1.95 Welch's Grape Juice, quarts 00c; doz. 7.75 Idaho Potatoes in V2 Bushel Sack; put up pints 40c; dozen............... 4#5° especially for us; per sack TTTTTTVTTTtaS"-" Sparkling Catawba Grape Juice, like Cham: Why buy other brands of coffee when you ' pagne, pints 55c; dozen............5.75 can buy the best coffee there is at 40c lb. quarts 1.00; dozen................*"~~ 3 lbs............. ........ ..... 1.15 Sweet Apple Cider, per gallon ...... One trial will convince you. Fairy Toilet Paper, specially prized, dos.l.» jUUfc or Libby's Plum Pudding, lib can 40c Johnson's Floor Wan, only......... jgg OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT We have obtained, direct from the stock show in Chicago, two prize "Beefs"--killed and dressed especially for us. These steers, "Jain", weight 860 pounds, raised in Illinois, and "Cleveland", weight 1170 pounds, raised by the North Dakota Agricultural College- will be sold for New Years, cut to order. Lovers of fine beef will appreciate this op- _____________ portunity to get the best obtainable. _ Armour's and Swift's Ham Ends, lb.....18c Swift Premium or Armour Star Hams, 5 lb. boxes of Armour Star Sliced Bacon 235 whole, lb............ ------ -.........35c Freshly made Lamb Patties, lb. .......35c Birdaley Sldnless and Boneless Herring, BiJMsShreo^c^ pouna .. .......... ..........ZOc Savoy Brsmd Salmon Steak, large can 50c Our own freshly made Pork Sausage, lb. 35c dozen..................... 2

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