THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 Classified Advertisements >TES—10c per line for •■ch insertion. Minimum 3 line*. Copy mutt fce In by Wednesday i»t 4:00 P. M Rates for thtwm* advertisement in THE IAKE SHORE NFWS, WINNETKA WFFKLY TALK and GLFNCOE NEWS. 20c line. Black face type charged double price. WAITED—NEAT MAID FOR aK«£ houaevork where eecond maid ia kept; electric washer *»d mangle* Phone Win. 1652__________LTQ3-UC •<ITIIAT1Q\ W.% VI'Bn—M A MO IT WANTED TO MTV—VACAMT WANTED IN WILMETTE—RO PT. vacant: east Hide; north of Lake ave- nue. Address Lake Shore News D-94. L3 Itp FOR S AI K—IIK A I, KSTATE Honest To Goodness Bargains 9 r. thoroughly modern, In very finest section. In splendid condition, One j See us about a choice lot on Sheridan wooded corner: only $12,000.- road, exclusive agents. , • FOR SAl.K 2 apartment brick, each 6 rooms and bath, garage, flrenlnce, hardwood floors, ensh required $1000. Price $io.r>oo. For sale, new 0 r. frame bungalow. Karate, hot water heat. 3 bed room*. up-to-date In every respect: 310,40ft. For sale, new brick bungalow, hot water hent. livlnrr room 24 ft. Ion". 8 bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch. $13,500 New colonial 7 r. home, in choicest east location; h. w. heat; tile bath; shower: extra toilet and lavatory; huge living room: fireplace; fine wooded lot; exceptional value, $15,000. Brand new 7 r. stucco home in Ideal east location; h. w. heat: tile bath: heated sun and sleeping porches; garage: deep wooded lot: $18,500. Ideal t r. stucco In perfect condition; tile bath: maid's bath; B bedr.: heat- ed sun and sleeping porches: Nokol h. w. heat; double srarasre; huc-e wooded lot; owner leaving, must sell; $21,000. Splendid deen lot In verv best western section: $28 ft. Wooded lot in ex- cellent loc. $45 ft. Deep wooded lot in very finest loc. near lake. $115 ft 1 M. R. BARKER & CO. WTLMKTTK RKAI/TY CO. s A. J. Woodcock. Prop. ,513- 4 th St. Phone WH. 1304 LTG3-lto FOB RE\T-F\(TOnY FLOOR FOR RENT—FOR LIGHT MFGNH nbout 6.000 ro. ft. 3rd floor and 2.000 sq. ft. 1st floor. New moder» building; prood lleht. ? blori<« tv& Havens wood C, * N. W. nnd L tlons: ready Pebruarv 1st. • td« Book Builders, 9 So. Clinton str"o*l L3-11 FOR MALE—AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE— KOHD TOURING; model; no starter; In jcood ;«»>n*l order. Phone Wll. lTla. liTs-ll Loaf aisu poind Mite! RELIABLE LANDSCAPE OARDRNKTl. 25 vears experience grading, pruning, trimming: also furnish trees, shrubs, perennials: houseman, by day or hour: best reference*, Mlobael swi- ll van. KS2 Pine St.. Wlnnetka. Phone Win 1540.___________________LT4S-tfc EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT Wlb^ take care of small set of hooks even- ings: also make up Income tax re-, turns and other government reports. Address D-89. Lake Shore News. Wll- mette.___________LTQl?8tp EXPERIENCED MAN: WHITE: wants house clennlnjr and worklnsr around hou Hertsberger. LT2-2tp HOUSBKBEPBR—PROTESTANT, RB lined, educated middle aged woman, capable of entire management In motherless home where maid la kept children also handling help. First Experienced in care and training of class references. Telephone Beverly 3 '19 5._____________________ LTG3-ltc POUND—ON TRAIN IN WILMBTTB; vcllow female puppy; for Informa- tion phone Antl Cruelty Sooltty »r Win, 1«53._________________H^rA1^ LOST-BLACK "LEATHER DRIVING srauntlet glove, from Chestnut Ave. to village. Phone Wll. 2357; reward. T.3-1 tc *£e : onomic 5T*, I:, r. Phone Wll. 2S4R d condition; oak cases: $75.00 good each. Telephone Wlnnetka 850. . LTG3-ltc GOOD RELIABLE MAN WANTS TO take enro of furnnees; also any kind of work around the house. Prices WANTED TO 1WY—-MISCELLANBOrS L1-3tp reasonable. Tel. Wll. 2567. SITUATION WANTED—AS HOUSE - man. perparlnpr dinner nnrtlos a specialty. Phone Evan. 3S64. LT3-1h> FOR SAI.F—1»'»»-svnoi.n ooonn rOMI-" »v FOR rSRFITI. CHIUSTM** GIFTS Player*. Edison Talking Machines. Monoras. Rrnnswlcks, CSrafonnlns, Slnsrer SeuhiK machines). Wash Ins bines, Ironlnsr machine*. Vacuum esneH. Easy Pnymentsi on s'» of them. Patterson Brothers. HSU Davis street. Phone Evanston oril. LTG2-4te Foil i»r.vr—itoo>is / HIGH CLASS ROOM—AND RPARD for two; private hnmerjieaTtrnn*'.: benutlful sin-rounn'In.jrsTevery con- venience. Phone Highland Pn»«v 1386. .■ _ _ __L48-tfe T . Wll. 400 j POR" RENT—SUITE OF 3 ROOMS j nnd both; 1 room hns nlftvo pnd Modern 5 room bunjralow. well located lavatory: use of kitchen and dininn- and In excellent condition, weather-| room: ndults. Address LnkoSb^ stripped throughout, tile bath, 50 News D-92. LTOS-lte End "L" 407 Linden foot lot. reduced to $7,900. Terms. Attractive 6 room home in North Ey^_ ansfon, corner lot. rF~pood wooded section, ready to move Into, no re- pairs needed. Price reduced to $8,000. Substantial 8 room stuccoo. north east, midway between station and lake, tile bath, extra lavatory and toilet. 2 car garage, wooded lot, $ir..ftftft. Beautiful 8 room stucco, best location. Wllmette. 2 baths, extra lnvntorv | and toilet on first floor, hen ted sun. room, large glassed sleep!ntr n^rcb. FOn TtFX'T—FURNISHED POOV«- hot and enlrl vi*nter, fi20 W. Jtn41rr..-iA avenue. Wllmette. Phone WH. "»AC« LT47-tfo FOR RENT—PLEASANT FUBV. Rnnif nlurt a commode for sole. 1622 Forps* avenue. Phone Wll. 1760. T/T3-itn FOR RENTV-TAVO VERY DESTRA^T.F rooms 'n nrlvnto home: nenr rn+e>. terln. Phone Wll. ft09-.T. L3-ltn POHRR \*T—(i A R A OR 2 Are places. 2 car htd. gnrace. eritiro | property in perfect condition, reduc- _ ed to $21,500. One of finest.corners in western section . 50 by 160 at 445. Beautiful 60 foot lot overlooking lako at $100. South front on Chestnut nt $115. "R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 6S: L3-ltc FOir^TrFXT^OA^RATTE: LIGHTS. CE- rrtfit floor: SO.ftft; west side. Ph«™«> Wilmette 7.'6. L3-1t« SITUATION MALE w*\Tion. FRWAliB STTT'ATTOV WANTED BY MAN AXn wife for penernl housework: coo»i rffs. J. T\. T.pc. 2746 Cottn"-" ffov.. avenii**. Phlf*ne-o. T.T03-1*«^ FOR SALE—YOSE PLAYER PTANO: unrlprht mnbopnnv case; three years old: perfect condition; en n't be t«1d from new: $550.00. Address Lake Shore News D-93. LTG3-1tn FOR SALE — FUBNITURE. BTTOS" piano, fixtures. plumblnsr. lumber, stnves. fnnythlnsr housrht. sold snd - evcbnnppd. Ponv-carts>. RftS Onk street. Phone Win. 1212. - LTP,1-tfe FOR RALE—HOUSEHOLD OOOpS- er»mb«nn»lnn desk; wnlntit bed: oil and gas heater, etc. Phone WH. 12<s. LTG3-lto WANTED TO BC7 — SECOND HAND furniture nnd other household goona. Highest prices paid for same. Croat Furniture Store, 1004 6 Emerson St.. Evanston. 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc MISS ADELAIDE C. JONES Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago. Instructor In Both Piano and Voice A correct foundation is essential for future success, and I will be pleased to confer with parents or prospective pupils. Tel. Wil. 2558 1530 Central Are. FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—2 BOSTON TERRIERS: male puppies: 3 months; extra fine nedlprree; reasonable priced. Phone Olencoe 882.______________^ LTG3-1te FOR SALE—LADY'S FUTt COAT. S1 "~ ' muff. $fl: gent's overcoat. $20: also fourteen year girl's wardrobe. Phono - W».—787-M. —— L3^Tfc AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. CanHtutntal Motor U695 F. O. «., FACTORY C. H. p»? r.GS EvnnMon MO 'ectric ,AP«ance, taH*«ouie. ^*«t*ork ,V««"inin - tt vuJfC,;'ron >'«n«U wh«»t«'.,0»»«t«Z for it ill? to be Ao. Auditorium Theatre Opening Monday evening, November 14, *ne Chjcagp^OpewHCoifipany inaugurated its eleventh and, from all portents, its greatest season. To the brilliant list of artists heretofore presented have been added new stars and pricinpals of world renown. Indeed, so numerous are the celebrities that patrons at every per- formance are assured their complement of notable artists. North Shore Trains to Randolph and Wells. Trans- fer without extra charge, to South Side Elevated Train, getting off at Congress and Wabash—at the door of the Auditorium. Express Train, leaving Wilmette at 6:45 P. M. arrives at Chicago in ample time for evening performance. * CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue NORTH SHORE