Km R?1 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23,1921 j .i~2 V^ Activities q by RutK PxAeyTK HE annual meeting of the Star club, O. E. S., was held at the home of Mrs^A. J. Kuelzow, 611 Greenleaf avenue, on Friday December 16, at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: president, Mrs. Ida Birr; vice- _,Mit, Mrs. Anna Hoffman; secretary, Mrs. Addie McDonald- treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Sperber. The secretary and treasury reports were most interesting land showed a prosperous year, as is well proven by the following of donations: hfasonic Hospital Fund..............-----...................$25.00 [Masonic Old People's Home at Macon.................... 5000 [Masonic Hospital Linen Fund.....................!.!.!!!! 50.00 Masonic Orphan's Home, La Grangeâ€"1 box of oranges and... 25 00 [German Child Feeding Association ............,;."...... ' 25 00 [Illinois Children's Aid Society.................'..".'.'..! 5000 Lake Bluff Orphanageâ€"Stocking and 1 box of oranges and!'" 2500 Local Wilmette Charities......................___ ' 25 00 Mrs. Kuelzow, the retiring presidenjt^slVxceptionailv pleased with the work accomplished during the year and gives great credit to her chairman, Mrs. Marie Mcallum and her assistants The Star [club also donated covers for all the office chairs to the Wilmette chapter No. 753, O. E. S. •- I Monday evening, December 19 Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow presented to VV ilmette chapter six mahogany chairs for officers, a gift from the [Star club. B Members congratulated the new officers of the club and wished them success and co-operation in their new duties ords, Dr. Ingebor Rusmusscn, auditor; chairman of Standing committees, Mrs. Amos W. Walker, Mrs. Emory D. Frazer, Evans ton; Mrs. James Bur- ry KenUworth; Mrs. William Kunkel, Wilmette; Mrs. W. H. Britigan, Mrs. Frank W. Van Dusen, Mrs. John W. Peterson, Mrs. Frederick C. Minkler, Evanston; Mrs. John B. Hall and Mrs. Walter F. Heineman. The Advisory Board of directors in- cludes the following north shore wom- en, Mrs. L. Sherman Aldrich of Win- netka, Mrs. Ann Mcl.avvrv Arm- strong, Winnetka, Mrs. R. Hansen, F.vanston, Mrs. George Kraft, Ev- anston. Miss Gladys Lowry, Wilmette, Mrs. Frank L. Richardson, Evanston, Mrs. William Dow Washburn, Ev- anston, "Miss Emma G. White, Ev- anston, and Mrs. Warren S. Williams, present regent in Evanston. ami-** &t tun? Plans for the performance of "Alice in Wonderland" by the Junior [League of Chicago for the benefit of the RadclifTe endowment fund were discussed at a luncheon for Rad- cliffe alumnae last -Saturday at the home of Miss Katherine Shortall of Chicago. The Junior League has vol- unteered to give a matinee perform- ance of its annual dramatic program Tuesday, Decemebr 27,' at' tlw "lMay»= house, the proceeds to go fo the east- | em college fund. Miss Alice Gersten- berqr of Chicago dramatized the fam- ous child-classic for presentation by the league." . Tickets were distributed among the [women to sell in Chicago and north shore neighborhoods. It was decided to provide the girls who will act as ushers with costumes suggestive of "Alice", and between the acts they will sell candy to the audience. At the annual meeting of the New America Shop recently hei dat their headquarters in the Stevens building, the new officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. Israel =fe€ope, Kenilworth, president; Mrs. Harrison P. Young, first vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Myron J. Carpenter, sec- ond vice-president; Mrs. Edward W. Bemis, third vice-president; Mrs. J. V. Hill, recording secretary; Mrs. Emmet M. Fry, corresponding secre- tary ; Mrs. Frank E. Crassly, treasur- er ; Mrs. George L. Cragg, Shop rec- jdcttekodt The Store For Children 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette The Life of the Party Ask your dealer for it or phone Wabash 4712. Hkrbent Specialty Mro. Co 712 Federal St. Ciiicniro Merry Christmas, Everybody! Here we are, again giving and receiving just as old Santa Claus has taught us year after year. May this be YOUR CHRISTMAS, and a very glad, merry one for the children. Prepare your NEW YEAR CELEBRA- TIONS. The Store For Children has beautiful CONFETTI and air the FAVORS and DECORATIONS. Merry Christmas, Everybody! 33 + + + * * * + * + + * * + * * + + * * + + + + + + + * + + * + * * * * + * + * + + ,* * GAIRING FINE ARTS. PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING â€" Christmas Greeting Cards 1613 Orrington Ave. Evanston, III. Holland Furnaces Make Warm Friends. To all our "warm" friends and patrons, we wish a very Merry Christmas. â€"â€"~ ^HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY, P E. G. BROCHU. Branch Manager. *j| ig Carlton Building Winnetka 1030 p dao==[0 Forbes Frocks MAKING AND REMODELING GOWNS and FROCKS 216 HOYBURN BUILDING PHONE EVANSTON 7467 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS THE HOOVER FOR HER We Will De- liver Xmas Eve. llMJ|Mii_St_ Evanston 2230 Christmas Gifts From Pool's Party Slippers i Cut Steel Buckles Beautiful Spats Satin Boudoir Slippers Felt COMFY Slippers Children's COMFY Slippers Children's Pussin Boots NOTE WHILE TKLEY LAST Women's three and four buckle Galoshes $4*0O Misses five and six buckle Galoshes $3.50 and $4.00 Misses three buckle Galoches $3.00 and $3.50 ! 9 ~~^ S. POOL Shoes for Women and Children fi 1608 Chicago Ave, Evanston 793 Q OESIOEi