Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Dec 1921, p. 4

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THE LAKE Historic Photographs Added to Collection of Lincoln Relics SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1*21 ]Re*t Tired Neme$ At Tamday Evening Danes Strain of Chri.tma. Shoppinf Will Tall on You, Unlesa You Got Recreation; Hero's Cbanca Lest the strain of Christmas shop- ping get the better of your nerves, 'twould be well to get a bit of rec- reation to put you in fine fettle for Christmas Day and the holiday sea- son. Xo better opportunity for such di- version can be found than in next week's Tuesday Evening Dancing class at the Byron C. Stolp school. Here one may take .lessons, practic- ally free of charge, and indulge in dancing to heart's content and to the accompaniment of an excellent or- chestra. F.very resident of the nU, lage is invited. There is a very nom- j inal admission fee to defray the ex- penses of the evening. The Tuesday Evening Community dances have received the unqualified ennorsement of the Wilmette Com- munity Service association which has promised its active support of and co-operation in the project. ^ On Tuesday evening, December 27, will be held the annual Christmas party for the Community dancers. This party is certain to eclipse any- thing ever attempted by* the Tuesday Evening Dance directors. Next week's issue of The Lake Shore^News will give complete details of the party. Watch for 'em! Buy aiuf Sell via Our "For Sale" Ads DISTINGUISHED VISIT** Bishop Charles P. And-TJ^* Chicago Diocese, win*J&f « tine's Episconal chBr,k«.*.^ liter Confirmation to a Un^.JS' the parish at the morninT clt* * He will deliver the Christ *?** before the Wilmette ffijJ p** club at 7 JO o'clock. â„¢r Ev«3| ________ Read Farmer KingBburV, ** page 9. »"»urj« *$ Instructorâ€"Piano, Vofc» ^ Harmony MISS ADELAIDE C m^. Graduate of the America* (5 eenratory of Music, Cklea^T' Henry R. Rathbone, prominent Chi- cago attorney who lives at 312 Sheri- dan road, Kenilworth, has presented photographs of his father and mother Major and Mrs. Henry R. Rathbone, to the Lincolnia at the Lincoln tomb in Springfield. The Rathbones were guests of President and Mrs. Lincoln in their theater box on the night of Lincoln's assassination. When the sudden, murderous at- tack was made by Booth, Major Rath- bone, who was unarmed, sprang to the assistance of the President, but was stabbed by Booth, receiving a severe wound. The major and his wife at the time of the tragedy were a young couple engaged to be married. Major Rath- bone was a. distinguished soldier of the Twelfth United States Infantry during the war, and Mrs. Rathbone, then Miss Clara Harris, -was the daughter of United States Senator Harris of New .York, one of the found- ers of the Republican party. President mmrmw^Rmp^irm^^f^^i â€"' Jb. Krs &z*y2i*toent.3e. | and Mrs. Lincoln smiled upon the ro- ' mance. On the fatal evening, April 14, 1865, General and Mrs. Grant were to have been the guests of the President and Mrs. Lincoln, but they were unable to attend and Major Rathbone and his fiance were invited instead. They drove to the theater from the White House with President and Mrs. Lin- coln. Miss Harris* father had been one of Lincoln's stanchest supporters in the Senate during the war and a very warm friendship had sprung up be* tween Mrs. Lincoln and the young woman. A number of interesting personal letters which passed between the wife of the president and the daughter of the senator were presented to Robert T. Lincoln by Mr. Rathbone, Jr. By an interesting coincidence Mr. Rathbone, who is the oldest son, was born on Lincoln's birthday.. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS PLAN POPULAR WITH ALL AGES Christmas Savings clubs for 1922 are being organized with encouraging rapidityâ€"at both the Wilmette State Bank and the First National Bank of Wilmette. Indications were that the number of Christmas Savings accounts at each of the banking houses would show a large percentage of increase over 1921. The savings habit has taken hold and more and more people seem to realize the great benefits to be de- rived from this easy method of con- sistent saving. This vear the Wilmette State Bank distributed about $18,000 to 1921 Christmas savers. The First National Bank distributed more than $8,000. Every member of the family, from the baby up, can afford to open a Chrstmas Savings account," says Rob \V. Webber, cashier of the First Na- tional Bank. "We have accounts suited to every age and to persons of modest or great means. A Christ- mas Savings account provides funds that, while never missed in the de- positing, may be applied to good ad- vantage in several ways. For in- tance,or it provides Christmas money, it may come in handy in the payment of taxes; lodge dues, your charities and in many other ways." Knowledge Brings Love. Knowledge of u thing engenders love of It ; the more exjfCt the knowledge,, the more fervent tli« love.â€"Leonardo da Viuct. rmBBZ28EB22BBBBBBBBEBBEB2^^BB2BK William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES | chcerfullyfurnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 Wilmette Ice & Te amfng Got F.MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Sawn Fertier Land and Gravel Gidera Buildinf Rf General T( Material Wo Build Driveway* FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad A*e. WU.S3 Saturday December 17 CORRINE GRIFFITH In "Single Track" "Winners of the West" â€"â€"_____5th Chapter Pothe None* No. ft NEXT WEEK Mon., Tue«., December 19, 20 CONSTANCE BINNEY __ in "The Case of Becky" CO EOE I We have just received a stock of Beautiful Evening GOWNS § Come and see them UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. CoeOaua, Piepoieter lilt Central Arena* ___ Wilmette_____Pbeâ€" WSL MOJ^ I Wednesday December 21 HERBERT RAWLINSON In "The Millionaire" Thur«., Fri., December 22, 23 ANITA STEWART in "The Invisible Fear" Saturday December 24 ALICE JOYCE In The Prey" "Winners of the West" Ctb Chapter . Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Wilmette-Centra I Ave. and 12th Si, . 5* Discount Cash and Donrerod • • . . 2% On ordtri of SI.00 or mora of normal Theae do not apply to Meat Departs** ProfitGoods Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 de SI3 Moat Telephone 514 5 etc CASH 0*-iO-f.r DISCOUNT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Dec. 19th to 24th GRANULATED SUGAR With a cash or charged order that amounts to $1.50; «... No cash discount. 10 lbs. for........................... .....................0#C WAGNER APPLES. These are perfect apples, and they are fine for eating and * or cooking. Look at the attractive price. Box, over 40 lbs. net........ ............l.Od No cash discount. 10 lbs. 80c. JONATHAN APPLES. Eating or cooking. Every apple perfect. Ben, over 40 lbs, Every apple perfect. No cash discount. 10 lbs. 90c. Box, over 40 lbs. net ...... FLORIDA ORANGES. Heavy, sweet, juicy fruit. This is the season to buy Florida oranges. Navels are sour at this season. 150 size, Doz. 60c. 176 size, Dos. 55c .- 216 size, Doz............. ............................. ......•............ *i*C FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. Very fine quality. Indications are that grape fruit will be much higher by Xmas. 80 size, Dos. 90c each, 7ttc 64 size, Dos. $1.10, each, 10c MIXED NUTS. Almonds, Pecans, Filberts, Brazils and English Walnuts only. All m of the best grade. Lb. KINGSBURY IDAHO POTA- TOESâ€" Large, mealy baking potatoes. 30 lb. bag ..................$1.35 WISCONSIN POTATOESâ€" Selected quality. Peck, 15 lbs. 42c. Bushel, 60 lbs.........$1.60 BLACK WALNUTSâ€" 3 lbs.....-..'...................25c HICKORY NUTSâ€" Pound ...-----................15c PEANUTS, IN SHELL- Fresh roasted, lb............17c ALMONDSâ€" Paper shell, California I X L lb............................35c BRAZILS- Large Washed, lb......:.....25c FILBERTSâ€" Naples, lb....................25c PECANS- Texas, lb--------................28c English Walnut.â€" California No. 1 Soft Shelled, Pound .... -----..... ...42c Chestnuts- Italian, large. Lb............25c JUMBO SALTED PEANUTSâ€" Pound.......................27c JORDAN SHELLED ALMONDSâ€" Pound......................-90c RICHELIEU SEEDED RAISINS 15 oz. pkg. -----..............24c RICHELIEU SULTANA RAISINS 15 oz. pkg....................26c GOLDEN EAGLE CURRANTSâ€" Lb. pkg......................23c CITRON PEELâ€" Fancy, lb....................48c ORANGE AND LEMON PEELâ€" Fancyv lb. ........â€"......^nrw32c CIDERâ€" Morgan's delicious sweet cider. 1 gal. hot.....................$1.00 30c rebate for empty bottle. SNOWBALL POPCORNâ€" Ub. pkg.....................lie CANDIED CHERRIES- Lb...........................75c CANDIED PINEAPPLEâ€" Lb.................."...........80c BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATEâ€" Lb...........................40c BIRTHDAY CANDLESâ€" Any color. 48 in box...... .^48cr CKRISTMAS CANDLESâ€" Colored. 36 in box..........15c WAX CANDLESâ€" Self fitting. Any color. 8 or 12 in box..........................4Sc RICHELIEU CRYSTALLIZED GINGER- Vi lb. can.................. .4Sc CANTON PRESER GINGER- Small pot.....................55e~ DELIVERY SATURDAY, DECEMER 24TH We are to have a fine lot oi Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks and Geese for Christmas. It will be a great favor if you will give your order for these Thursday or Fri- day, giving us an opportunity to select a choice one for you. Please also give us your staple grocery order at the same time because we will not be able to deliver on schedule Saturday. BUNTE'S ASSORTED GUM DROPSâ€" Lb.......... ............35c CHAMPION CHOCOLATE DROPSâ€" Lb.......... ____...........25c KINDERGARTEN MIXED CANDYâ€" Lb.................... .....30c CHOCOLATE DIPPED CARAMELSâ€" Lb...........................45c CREAM PATTIESâ€" Lb...........................30c MARSHMALLOWSâ€" ~- W>. ......«..................35c BETSY ROSS OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATESâ€" 1 lb. box......................65c BUNTE'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATESâ€" 1 lb. box-----.................70c BUNTE'S HAPPY HOME MIXED CANDYâ€" V/4 lb. jar.....................75c * lb- Jar ....................$1.50 RICHELIEU FRENCH CHERRIESâ€" Formerly called Maraschino 13 oz. Bot......................S5c 7 oz.................•.,.......3^ 3 oz.................'...'..'..'.15c CREME DE MENTHE â€" CHERRIESâ€" 5 oz. box ...................30c RICHELIEU SALAD CHERRIES â€"9 oz. buttle FRENCH MUSHROOMSâ€" \ uvette, choice; can..........4Sc SUNBEAM SPANISH OLIVESâ€" Extra large, Queen. \iy2 oz. bo»le .......................35c SUNBEAM DEVILED OLIVESâ€" Extra large, Queen. \W2 oz. bottle........................45c RIPE OLIVESâ€" Large qt. can. RICHELIEU COFFEE- This is Sprague Warner & Co.'s pet. A coffee man employed by another house told me that it is the finest coffee ever put in cans. Lb. .^^...................*\m OLIVE OILâ€" ANTONINI PURE ITALIAN Quart can.................ftp Pint.........................afc BUDS OF ASIAâ€" Tea for three, in dainty bags. Fancy box...................afc RICHELIEU PLUM PUDDING- No. 2 can....................W* RICHELIEU AND RICHARD* SON * ROBBINS PLUM PUDDINGâ€" No. 1 can..............,....4fe HEINZ FIG PUDDING- No. 1 can....................fte HEINZ APPLE BUTTER- 2 lb. jar.....................•••** HEINZ MINCE MEAT- 2 lb. can ...................â- * 1 lb. can....................3* SUNBEAM MINCE MEAT- iy2 lb. jar...................m SUNBEAM MINCE MEAT- Lb. bulk....................•* SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD- Assorted fruits for salad. Large i\o. 3 can, Doz.......9j* Canâ€".....^tt....... ***** •**? RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN riwfcAFPi-Eâ€" Miced, \o. 2 can, Doz......»** 30s Can........................ MONSOON ASPARAGUS roiwiS- annate fancy Large stalk; Xftl'»*"? can. Doz. H^J can-........ SUNBEAM COUNTRY btWiLtMAHCOKW- W e get compliments on thU c0P every day. ^ It is very fioe. L»oz. $2au^can............... RICHELIEU SIFTED SW£E* WKIRSLEU PEASâ€" These are just like fresh peas^ Doz. $325; can ............. RICHELIEU PUMPKIN- Large No. 3 can; doz....« Can ..............â€"••••• ONSOON PUMPIUN- .9* Large No. 3 can; d*w^« Can

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