THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921 COMMUNITY GOLF COURSE FOR WILMETTE ZIPPS SUGGESTION (Continued from Page 1) request of the Executive Secretary or of three members of the Executive Committee. Five shall constitute a quorum. Article VI. Order of Business l. Roberts' Rules of Order or Cush- ing'i Manual shall determine the order of business at the regular meetings of the Board of Directors nual election shall have been held. $. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall adopt a well rounded continuous program of lei- and Executive Committee sure-time community activities; au-l Article VII. Executive Secretary thorite an adequate budget and* jhe Executive Secretary when em- means of raising same; and, in gen- ( ployed shall be appointed by, and eral, support the execut cutive com- terve at the pleasure of, the Execu- mittee in carrying out the plans of tive Committee. He shall carry out the Association. 3. Officers. The Board of Direc- ors shall elect by ballot a Chairman, 1 Vice-Chairman, a Recording Secre- tary, a Treasurer and five or more other members of the Executive Com- mittee whose duties shall be such as their titles by common usage indi- cate, and as set forth hereinafter, and whose terms shall be for one year, or until the next annual elec- tion of officers of the Board of Direc- tors* 4. Meetings. The Board of Direc- tors shall hold regular meetings on the instructions of the Committee and act at organizer and general di- rector of the Community Service As- sociation activities. He shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Exec- utive Committee, unless excused by the chairman. He shall have the right to discuss and to introduce measures but no vote. He shall .cause to be kept accurate records of all financial transactions and of The Community Service association activ- ities ; shall prepare and submit to the Executive committee at its regular the second Tuesday of each month. | monthly meetings a full report of Additional meetings may be called by the Chajrman, and shall be called by him upon the written request of five members of the Board of Directors^ All members shall be duly notified at least three days in advance of the tailing of such special meetings. The annual election for officers of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year shall be held the second Tues- day in March in connection with the regular monthly meeting falling on that date. One third of the total membership of the Board shall con- stitute a quorum. The fiscal year shall close March 31. Suggestion regarding five members of Executive Committee: One member should be etecjecTbe- cause of his ability to organize and i 0T" the Executive" committee. the work of the organization, and shall prepare and cause to be pub lishedi upon approval of-the Executive committee, an annual report of the association. He shall give bond in amount and form satisfactory to the Executive committee. Article VIII. Committees 1. Standing Committees. Commit- tees whose functions are necessary to the maintenance of the organiza- tion shall be known as standing com- mittees. These committees shall be appointed by the chairman of the Board of Directors. Reports of the work of committees shall be submit- ted at the regular monthly meeting direct the standing Committee on Fi- nance. One for Playgrounds and Athletics. One lor Social Activities. One lor Music â€"One for Pageantry and^r The success of the program will be The problem of raising and collect- go vi'rned* largely by the'wisc choice ing of funds shall be the special duty of the heads of these Committees. | of the finance committee. All Article V. Executive Committee 2. Special Committees. The chair man shall appoint such special con- mittecs as may be needed to carry on the "program. _IX^JFinance_____â€" nor transferred except upon definite action by the Executive committee. Article X. Amendments This constitution and these bHjws may be amended by the »«""•£< vote of two-thirds of the ««^e' presented.______â- MRS, JAMES S. NORW» IS TAKEN BY DEATH TUESDAY Mrs. James £****J»i*& avenue, passed away quie »>' TucidaJ» ^bSoM^^^^ ham England has been a resMent of Wilmctte for 18 T^V*jȣW dor"" Eastern Sia? She leaves a son, William D. Norris. and four daughters, katherine, \\ â„¢%**Q£* Caroline Xorris. and Mrs. L. F. Cook Funeral services are to be held a the Congregational church th s after noon at 1 o'clock. Burial will be at the North Shore cemetery. SANTA ARRIVES BETIMES _ FOR WELFARE WORKERS Santa Claus came early this year for Mrs. Emma Stopka, \Vilmettes visiting nurse. M*JBf^Hfe[f:5 Xorthara, official Village Welfare WTheir devoted and unceasing effort* in behalf of the sick and the unfor. tunate were rewarded this week whe the Village board voted the women increases 4n salary. .â€"â€"--.â- -â- Trustee William H. Ellis, member of the Board of Local Chanties paid the two workers lofty tribute, follow- ing the action of the board. RED CROSS FUND TOTAL SROSS FUND TOTAL Wilmette's contribution au BIGGER IN FINAL REPOstt' was considerably m tXc%â„¢ »â- «â- •"â- •,•• Hi Quota, and »urna«««.,i 41.JTL! Wilmette** total contribution to the >*a rro« Fifth annual Roll Call ••> --- â„¢-;â€""»v mi excest k 2JU0**» â„¢ »urpasaed the Red Cross Fifth annuaJ Roll Call drive was $1,057,76, according to the final report submitted this week by the Wilmette chairman, Rob. W. Webber. Last week's issue of The Lake Shore News showed a contribution of $1,021.51 up to and including Novem- ber 30. Additional sums brought in by station captains since that date in- creased the total by $36.25. Subscribe For Your Loaal |W 1. Membership. The Executive Commitee shall be composed of the officers of the Board of Directors and five or more other members elected by the Board. 2. Powers and Duties. The Execu- tive Committee shall prepare and re- commend to the Board of Directors for adoption an activities program, an funds shall be deposited with the treasurer and disbursed only upon check signed by the Executive secre- tary and countersigned by the chair- man or vice chairman of trie Board of Directors. -The treasurer shall sign in place of the Executive secretary until such secretary is appointed. Ex- penditures shall be controlled by an itemized budget prepared by the adequate budget, and plans for finan- Executive committee and adopted by cing same; and assume responsibil- the Board ot Directors. Accounts ity for carrying out such a program accruing before the adoption of such and plans upon authorization by the budget, or not provided for therein. Board of Directors. The Executive shall be paid only upon approval ot Committee shall at their discretion the- Executive committee. Budget employ an Executive Secretary and other necessary workers and shall create committees and departments as needed. 3. Officers. The officers of the Board of Directors shall be the offi- cers of the Executive Committee. 4. Meetings. The Executive Com- mittee shall hold meetings on a fixed date each,month, at a timeand place designated by the Chairman?3 Special meeings mav be called, by the Chair- , man, and shall be called (by him upon allowances shall not be exceeded Instructorâ€"Piano, Voice and Harmony MISS ADELAIDE C. JONES Gradual* of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago Tel. Wil. 2558 1530 Central Are. A Oft Worthwhile An Oliver Typewriter for Christmas! Here's a sugges- tion that brings a lasting gitt, one that encourages self-im- provement. For Son or Daughter at college, for Father's home work, and for Mother, the typewriter in the home is a pleasure for all. It replaces tedious long-hand. And it is so easy to learn! * The Oliver costs but half the usual priceâ€"and we sell it on easy payments, so little that you hardly miss it. -Re- member, this is the standard Oliver, not -a~toy-Tnodelv but the kind used by big busi- nesses. Over 950,000 have been sold. Investigate oar liberal offer. You'll be surprUed et the low price and easy Chandler'ss g\ */cunfain Square * Aa Subscriptions for all Magazines Received Here Subscribe For Vsurteee^Paper DRY GOODS SALESMEN FOR OUR CHICAGO SALESROOMS We have openings in our Chicago house for several men from 25 to 35 years of age, who have sold under- wear, or work shirts, or dress shirts or overalls, and who have a general knowledge of that class of merchandise. These positions carry a good starting salary* entail no traveling and will lead the right man to a future far above the average. In reoly please state age, nationality, experience, and salary desired. A ddr e s s Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Box J. E. H. UOYBURM I 615 Davis St.. Evanstonl The Oliver Typewriter. Co. 159 N. Dearborn Street, T.I. Randolph 500 WILMfeTTE GLASS WORKS 1030 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2508 Plate and Window Glass Artglass, â- Mirrors, Glazing Saturday December 10 BABE RUTH in MHeadW Home" . The Hero of the Diamond "Winners Of The West" -------4ttV Chapter-----â€"-â€",- Chief Little Bear, in Person Pathe Neve No. 97 Underofound Gartia^Wrorfvar AUTO STORAGE For The Winter We have some space left and would be glad to keep your auto at about $6.00 per month. STORAGE L FURNITURE [ fsslbfe&, uria mow you Angert Wire and Iron Works FhtM Engtewood 7498 * 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Electric Appliances are Ideal Christmas Presents Their large. >â- â- ••*, i -----r • i i I 1 i i i i i i i 1 i variety » j From the ! list something suitable for any ! member of the j family or any I friend can be at- i lected. We tell j them at the Lowest Prices There's always a large buying | movement at this time of the j year and often its af«et " to i render some article* scarce, j The lesson is { SHOP EARLY Public Service Co. I of Northern Illinois i WORK WANTED Housework, Furnace, Etc. By Day or Week PHONE WIL* 76S-W~ Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE SS7 NEXT WEEK Mod. and Tues., Dec. 12 and 13 "BITS OF LIFE" Produced by Marshall Neilan with Wesley Barry, Lon Cheney and other favorite*, in fact, Truly an All-Star Cast Wednesday December 14 MAY McAVOY in "Everything For Sale" Thur». andFri., Dec. 15 and If PAULINE FREDERICK in "The Lore of Jade" Saturday December 17 • CORRINE GRIFFITH in "Single Track" "Winners Of The West" 5th Chapter FREE Rogers Silverware START TODAY Saving our cards and you will soon have a complete set of Rogers Silverware. CARDS WITH EVERY PURCHASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS â€" Cards Given Away By â€" Rogers' Silverware Free to Customers Bed Slippers, Etc., for Christinas KASPAR'S^ SHOE STORE 609 W. Railroad Ave - - - - - Phone 590 ---------WILMETTE, ILL.