mmmm^mmmm^ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921 Fireside Quite The Thing, In These Times Kenilwarth Happenings We are all looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to the first of the Concert Evenings of the Kenil- worth club, which will take place De- cember 15, at the clubhouse. A very! After dinner, at the house party, 'twixt the foxtrot and the toddle; bring on the movies! That's where Sidnev Spiegel comes delighttul program has'been *rrang in ed. Mrs. Edwin Hedric will read Ed- Spiegel, a Xew Trier High school ward Sheldon's -Romance";, and Mrs senior just past his seventeenth birth- Adele Wolfe Smale w:!l sing -♦â€" Mrs. Valentine Smith gave a mo-1 vie party Saturday las! in honor of j her son's birthday. After the rr.ovies, •â- Mrs. Smith served dinner to the' guests at her home on Abbotts ford; day, is a motion picture exhibitor of the first order. He doesn't ask you to forsake the fireside and wander >to the nearest movie palace. Have "em right in the home or anywhere, he says.. ^ On Friday evening, December 2j, roaa Spiegel will show a special film, se- lected for the occasion, at the Wil- mette Methodist church. A *«»" nient of their daughter, Virgene Suth- I weeks ago he entertained the North erjan(J to yfr jonn Peck Washburn. Shore Dancing club, between dances, ^ of Mf and Mr5 William D. I wih a few reels of delightiul comedy. Wa-hburn 0f' 1014 Sheridan road, Ev- Within a few days he will offer an ex- armon at a iuncheon on Friday last. ceptional motion 'picture entertain- â€"»_ xnent in the drawing room of one oi Mr. and Mrs. William W. Maltby of Kenilworth announce the engage- the north shore's finest mamions. In church, drawing room or club, Spiegel the exhibitor extraordinary, appears upon brief notice with his trustv "projection" paraphernalia. Sidnev is the son of Sidney M. Spiegel of 410 Sheridan road, V\ innet- ka. ;: ;;___________ Xmas Seal Selling Now at Top Speed Wilmette, Kenilworth and Grc»s Point Promise to Establish Record in Contribution*______ Those from Kenilworth who attend- ed the Indiana society banquet at the . Drake hotel Saturday last, were j Messrs. Grant .Ridgway, Warren j Pease. Leon Alien, Irving Woodward. Edward Parmelee and Dr. Ruins Stolp. â€"+â€" ' . Mrs. John C. Carpenter entertain-; ed at dinner on Wednesday evening : at her home on Woodstock avenue, in honor of Mr. Carpenter, the occa- J sion being his birthday anniversary.; â€"♦â€" j Miss Madeline Shidler, of ^outh; Bend. Ind.. who has been the guest of Miss Virgene Maltby for the past' ! week, returred to her home Tuesday.] The sale of Christmas seal* in New Trier township is proceeding »n earn- ^est Everywhere outgoes one en- counters the hustling sales persons engaged in purveying the penn> Merrv Christmas stamps Mrs. John H. Karns and daughter,! Betty, who have been the guests of j Mrs. Irving Woodward, left FridayI for their home in Chambersburg. Pa. j â€"♦_ Mrs. Charles Blackwood, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. J. A. Calbertion, ^Frei-Buirey has~ieh Wednesdapor California, to re •in NcniiHw main until early spring. charge ot the work- „.,.,• In New Trier Township High school The Kenilworth Club will give al "smoker" on Saturday evening. MrJ Ralph Bingham will be among those] present. -*â€" the Misses Mable Forberg and Gert rude MacRea are in charge and ex- pect to put the school tar over the top. . - i In Gross Point, the location or the Xew Trier Health Center and Tuber- culosis Institute clime, which P»> * â- half the salary of the puohc health nurse, the children of St ioi^T school and the public school are rnax- ing a complete canvass of the, village in the determinatson to establish a rec- ord in sales. " „ , Miss Marv Davis and John Selzer are Christmas seal sales persons in the country district west ot Gros> Point. * . In Wilmette the stamps are on sale at the Wilmette State Bank and the First National Bank, in the various drug stores and in the Cafeteria. Mrs. J B Olwin is chairman of the sale; conducted in the-Wilmette AYomaflLi. club and Mrs. Frank Oelerich tor the Mr and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves were Wilmette Catholic Woman's club, and hosts at an informal dinner on Wed- Mrs. F. G. Favor, in the Parent- |nes<jay evening last. Mr. George Jones celebrated his birthday anniversary at a stag din-; ner given at his home on Tuesday! evening. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wash-j burn were hosts at a Sunday night supper party in honor of their son,: John Peck Washburn, and his fian- cee, Miss Virgene-Maltby, whose en- j gagement has just been announced. â€"*â€" } Mrs. Harry Shmus entertained her. Bridge club at iuncheon on Thursday last. â€"+â€" Mrs. Harry Crooks entertained her! Bridge club at luncheon on Wednes-! dav last. Teacher associations. Seal your mail with Christmas beais. OPEN WAY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS legal procedure leading to the spreading of assessments for ^'»me"^ street improvements, recommended -•â€" Mrs. H. F. Hutchinson gave a birth- day party Saturday last, in honor of her daughter. Betty Jane. The Thursday Evening Bridge club j met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- j ter B. Gerould in Evanston. â€"♦â€" Members oi the "Church of the Holy- street improvements, »cw»*««-â€"-â€" «<-,","-") v* <â- "*â- ^ « 1/ «T recentlv by the Village Board of Lo- Comforter held a Bridge at the home cal Improvements, was instituted of Mrs. Warren Pease on Wednesday. [ Tuesday of this week ^« "f^I: The Friday Af7e*7oon Sewing club | Jaj^^^-i^ffig^A^I^ 1 for ; met at the huluc ..of 1M> Miriam ney \\ enban to â„¢*<*Igfif™™l Shattuck on Friday of last week. j the lollowmg prospective impr«j>c . __v__ ments: f __ The Art Club met at the. home of* Paving of Washington avenue iromj Mr$ Alexander Rejchmann, on Thurs- • FourtiTstreet to Michigan avenue \ d morning. Paving of one block in Third street . 6 ^+_ between Isabella street and Gregory jhe Afternoon Bridge club met at avenue, Paving p!ace.» Paving avenue ot 1 the home ot two blocks in Dupee Tuesday last. Mrs. E. D. Parmelee of two blocks in Gregory Mrs. E. A. Stevens entertained her j Sewing Club at luncheon on Friday | Opening of Schuettler subdivision â- last. ^,______ mains. Opening of Seventeenth street (Jpenmsr or .se^envccmji 5"TT ... OvrV.r^ maH Complete the^opening of Sixteenth ( Oxtord road at tea Friday last at her home on j street ' The actual work will be started in; the spring, it is planned. DRIVER OF WILD CAR HELD TO GRAND JURY Mrs. Roy Jarrett has returned af- ter a sojourn in Indianapolis, Ind. â€"*â€" ' Miss Miriam Shattuck entertained} : informally at tea Sundav evening. PRELATE AT SERVICES The Rt. Rev. C. F. Anderson, Bishop of the Chicago Diocese, will visit St. Augustine's Episcopal church, Sun Patrick N. Balmes, 1722 Lake ave- nue, was held to the Criminal court Saturdav, December 3, charged wltn .-\ugusimes r.pi»cupai tnuim, juu- assault with a deadly weapotyupon fay Dec_ember 18, to-conducrrannual 1 TTerman Meyer, a raifroad ^aleman. Confirmation services. A large class,' Balmes was released upon payment or which has been receiving instructions $2,000 bonds in Justice John F. Boy- for the ^,ast 5everal weeks, will be er's court at Evanston. }v^e,re. ^ Pre* confirmed on that day. Cbe dbrfstnras Store Not many more days in which to complete your Christmas shopping, bat time enough If you don't pat it off too long. As convenient SI it is to shop at the Christinas Store with its extensive assortment of gift merchandise, its cheerful service and desire to pleased-it will he much more convenient if you shop early. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Nothing you could choose a a Christmas gift could please the average woman more than embroidered handkerchiefs. It is a gift that is always acceptable, You can find very beautiful ones here, either separate or in boxes. Prices from 15c to 75c VISIT OUR" TOYLAND As longs dream of dynasties, warriors of conquest and explorers of continentsâ€"so children dream through the inspiration of toys. In our toy section, boys and girls find priceless treasures â€"their friends, their comrades, their ambitions. Bring them in to visit with us. Below are listed only a few of the many things they will see. From DOLLS 10c to ......$5.00 TEA SETS From 50c to..... $125 DRUMS From $125 to .... $3.95 ANIMALS From 10c to ...... .$3.00 TINKER TOYS From 50c up TOY AUTOS From 5c to ....... $2.00 SLEDS From $2.50 to......$3.50 KIDDIE-KARS From $3.25 to.....$4.75 : TREE ORNAMENTSâ€"Unusually beautiful is the line of imported tree decorations we are showing. Very reasonable in price. HOSIERY Phoenix silk hosiery of excell- ent quality and flawless texture moans additional comfort at well as lasting wear. A box of hosiery is a moat suitable gift. Priced from $1.10 to $3410 pair. HAND BAGS When you buy a handbag hers, you have made an investment in quality. Wo recommend Hy« crest Hand Bags for style, beau* ty and quality of materials. Our •tore carries a full line of these bags, i in now shapes and leathers. GIFTS FOR HIS CHRISTMAS He will more than appreciate the extra quality of the gifts we have on display in our men's section. Selections were made because of attractive designs and excellent quality materials. Real gifts for real men! RIBBONS FOR EVERY PURPOSE Whether you need ribbons for tying Christmas packages, making hair ribbons, trimmings for dresses, or any other purpose, you will find them in our ribbon section. Come to our store early and obtain your supply for the holidays. As usual, prices here are lower than other places. Madras Shirts From $2.00 to..........$3.50 ___JSilk Neckwear From $50c to ...___.. $2.50 Hosiery From 35c to..........$1.00 Mufflers From $1.50 to..........$3.00 LINENS We have a splendid col- lection of linens of excep- tional quality from whichâ€" you can make your gift selections. Center-pieces, towels, scarfs, luncheon sets, fancy napkins end bedspreads. NECKWEAR Pretty neckwear works wonders towsrd complet* av costume. Auoaf ths most effective are Testes* an4 collar and cuff sets. Tbo wonderful needle work, quality of material* and designs make these true values. We Wrap Packages for Mailingâ€"FREE Bring us your packages you wish to mail We will wrap them securely, tie and address then:, for you. This service is absolutely free. If possible, pleaee bring them after 3:3S i" ~aT~any time on Saturdays. ifternoon on Kminary hearing ^s lield after a chanke of venue took the case irom Magistrate Mickey's police court BalmeV earjy last August, dr~ automobile through the lowere at the Chicago and Northv Central avenue railroad crossi seriously injured Meyer, who was tending the gates at that PJ1^" â- ,j months ago The case was" delayed several months awaiting Meyer's return trom ; the hospital. . INSTALL ELECTRIC LIGHT T^ The Wilmette Village board Tues- day evening authorized the .installa- tion of an electric light at Linden and West Railroad avenues/ A similar light was placed at Washington arid West Railroad avenues several Subscribe For Your Local Paper The McAllister- Wor then Co. 1148 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE