MUSIC CONTEST FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Homer E. Cotton of Now Trier High School Starts Movomont To Stimulate Intoroit In Mutlo Extensive plans for a wide and tho- ,Sh Music Memory, contsft among Schools of northern Illinois under Utton 0* the "In and About Chics- Supervisors of Music'* of which Homer E. Cotton, director of He at New Trier Township High .'hoc-!, is the leading spirit, â- At a regular meeting of the organ- ition on December 3, a committee •ix, with Prof, Conover of Highland rk as chairman/, was appointed to lake a selection of contest numbers, e committee will be assisted by rs, Max Oberndoerfer, National usic Chairman of tfie Federation of Oman's clubs. Thirty-five composi- ng will bc-selected. Jim LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921 Uto Tournament Plan The contest will be conducted sonic- that after the manner of an athletic lotnament, Mrs. Cotton exulains, fith preliminary tryouts in the differ- nt school to determine the contest- nts in the finals, which probably will held in Chicago. [At the meeting last Sunday held ,i the tyon and Healy Concert hall, [program was given by children from rade school orchestras represent- jg Cicero and South Evanston, and he Girls Glee club from New Trier. he organization has decided to give [rograms at each meeting to illus- kte the work done. The purpose of Je organization is to stimulate IiT erest in music in the schools of Chic- go and vicinity. mrs. James Lytle, who has been re- ading with her daughter, Mrs. Char- UrBfake, 1009 Chestnut avenue, is _ving today^To spend the winter Asheville, N. C. and in Florida. Community Dancing Every Tuesday Evening BYRON C. STOLP SCHOOL 10th and Central Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 Dancing Bs30 to 11:00 AdmlMloa BO cent* par pemon, Including* wardrobe New Trier Yuletide Program December 18 Chorus, Qiao Clubs, Orchestra and Teachers to Take Part In Annual Yuletide Festivities Sunday, December 18, is the date for the annual Christmas program at New Trier High school. The pro- gram will be marked this year by the same taste and beauty in jhe musi- cal selecions as in previous years. A Christmas cantata, "The Manger Throne", by Charles Fontcyn Man- ney, will be sung by the Glee clubs and chorus, accompanied by the or- chestra. The program will also in- clude a number of Christmas carols and hymns and the audience will be requested to join in the singing of 4hes. The chorus and Glee clubs will be assisted by four soloists. Two of this number are members of New Trier faculty, Miss Irma M. Moschelle and Mr. William A. Snyder. The contralto solos will be sung by Mrs. Asa B. Cooley ot Winnetka and the baritone solos by Mr. Charles Lutton of Evanston. Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, who is in charge of the program, extends a cordial welcome to all of the many friends of New Trier. No admission will be charged. WANT GATES AT LINDEN Village attorney A. C. Wenban Tuesday evening was instructed by the Village board to communicate with officials of the Chicago, Norh Shore andMilwaukee railway relative to the erection of protection gates at the Linden avenue crossing of the road. The request of the board fol- lows several recent accidents at the crossing, it was explained. 01 Bring Your Clothes Here § For Cleaning Pieasiiig-^-â€" Repairing Our workmen are the beatâ€" - every job that loaves hero is well done. JOINT ZONING SESSION A joint meeting of the Wilmette Zoning commission and. the Wilmette Village board will be held at the Vil- lage hall Wednesday evening, Dec- ember 14, when matters pertaining to zoning in Wilmette will be discussed. TRUCK DAMAGED A Public Service company truck crashed into the curbing in avoiding another machine at 6th street and Central avenue Saturday. The driv- er escaped serious injury but the car was badly damaged. OUR bread helps to make strong, healthy children. Of course you are par- ticular about the quali- ty of the food eaten by your children â€" so or- ^ierâ€"your" bread name and make sure that you get it. Wilson's Bakery ^m WWrastts^Avs. wnasBmnnaazaBMBBBaBm Public Demonstration of Burglar Alarm at FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1* 1LMETTE Saturday, Dec. 10th from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. The people of Wilmette, Kenilworth and Gross Point are cordially invited to witness, on the above date, a public demonstration of the Wonderful Anakin Burglar Alarm, recently installed by the Bank. ____________^ Demonstrations will be in charge of a special represent- ative of the Anakin Lock Works, and will be made periodically from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. They will be inter- esting and instructive and you mutt not miss them. On this occasion (December 10th) the bank will be open from 8 A. M. untiM P. M. of Wilmette ffi^omeafSartigs^posifors Member of Federal ReservejBank '//////////////////// CUSTOM TAILOR 627 Railroad Avenue Wilmette 667 MAKE REN HAPF^ THIS CHRISTMAS with VOLLAND BOOKS %w contain only Happy, wBolesome thoughts,cheer* iest inspirations and most artistic full color illustrations. irst ^ practically the SPECIAL A Three Pound Can of Crispy, Sparkling, Delicious Candy â€" $1.05 Douse Brothers sedan i?v This is usually retailed at $1 35 to $1.50. A candy that you can give to children ^reol^ as it is^me^o of^pure sugar oniy^ Renneckar Drug Co. TAe ^J&XoJUL Store Telephone 28 and 29 c. m, Mcdonald DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS 519 DavU St. EVANSTON, ILLINOIS