Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Dec 1921, p. 15

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1921 t% Classiied Advertisements fa* la far W< aduftlmmnr WlNNETKA^WEnjCLY^ TAJJ^ard GLENCOE P. fat. SHORE NEWS. NEWS, 10c MCKIE SAYS rrri kkt of Vacant prupkrty *Lt «f the tracks in Wlnnetkn. wlth- fnS block* of steam and electric sta- te n*; choice of three lots 50x150 at $60 per foot or corner 50 a 150 at JSory Avenue lot beautifully wood- Grl 50 x 171. at MT.M. t iliiVii or Oreenleaf Avenue frontage. Tblock, eaet of the Elevated station. With a view of the lake; lots 50x196: JerS choice at $90 per foot. â-  jfcw 5 room brick bungalow with sun minor, hot water heat, tils bath, gar- ucv in connection with house, sleep. j,Vk porch, lot 60 x ills price $12,000. 7 room white colonial; east central lo- cation; hot water heat; flamed sun prior; extra deep wooded lot; Attractive 8 room stucco; vapor heat. also instantaneous gas heater for faucet water; classed sun and sleep- n»j norches; S baths also extra lav- atory and toilet; 85 fopt lot beauti- fully shrubbed and landscaped;; 2 car iraiaKe; very fine value at $$1,500. in 11 YOU PROPERTY FOR SALE. WE HAVE SEVERAL. REAL HUY- ,; WAITING FOR US TO 8UB- T THE RIGHT PROPERTY. LET IIS know WHAT YOU HAVE TO RF M*. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden avenue. Phone W1L 88 LiD-ltC WHHV> ~ R?W»BD YOUNG W0- from one to seven P. at. Call Glen- •*• 649. LTGtt-ltc l%£* cl5fB*«>8r and working around houses; 88ci per hour. Oliver Herts- er. Phone Wll. 8345. LT4-2tp For saleâ€"* room stucco bun- Kalow, with breakfast and sun porch- es, fireplace, bookcases, $8,500. 7 room frame"; hot water ht; 2 porch es; 4 bedrooms; bath; shower; large clothes closets; $11,500. , < room stucco; modern; hot water ht., m»o location overlooking: park; a bar- Ne'w ? R-'BrlJifAfltucco; hot water ht.; breakfast porch; 8 bort rooms; bath with built* III tubr f good hoine; WILMETTE REALTY GO. A^J.JW^odoMfcProiK^ 618-dth Bt. ^"Sos"" FOR SALE â€" WINNBTKA CHOICE site; nea? Indian Golf Club entrance; 174 Linden Ave.; imme-llate posses- ion; 9 room stucco house; sun and sleeping porche.i; large living room, TepTace; .» bath 'rooms; combination heat. Garage; corner lot; 128x187. $27,500. Owner. Phone Ql*jffi£6fl$ *'OR SALEâ€"8 ESTATE HOMES 11 $5,250 to $11,500; possesion of 1 In 80 days. balance May 1; bringing $50 to $100 rental.; cash or terms by owner ta- king a depression of $500 to 9Loop fo?g|mmedrate sale. Tel. Byn^M. FOR SALE- JUST COMPLHTBJ* beautiful 8 room and heated din. Kg porch, brick and -tucco resi- dence; h. w. heat. 116 Sixth 8t.,wii' mette. Choice east location. Phone Wilmette 1985. LTQ5-tfo FOR SALE â€"â-  BY OWNER, 7 ROOM *Xelllng7 777 Poxdale. N. E. Wlnnet ka; $9,700, $500 cash, discount ac cording to cash paid; immediatei pos session; only good until Chr»8trnas. E. Vail. 175 W. Jackaonr Wab. 8820. LTG5-ltc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOU8E work by the day (white); can give references. Call WIL 077-M. -,---------1â€",____M LB-ltc SITU AXIOM WANTtfiO ^BKb=a5d ggMAijB CSL.^L»L MAIL AND S^.nm.ent Fleld ««rv»ce; 8125 nith. Bspcrlence unnecessary. For free ?i»n*iCU.£flL0f •«*">»natlona lnstruo- « 2** wp|t* J* I-eonard (former Clr- niJ!?n58Sa «**»»ner>. 590 Equitable Hldg., Washington, P. C. L5-2t MAN AND Wlb'kl (COLORED) WAN tp IT «2I£ *5.&tler and cook'* pet phone .Jyan;_21861^_^___ L4- It OVER $20,000.00 WORTH OF OUR sample stocks of talking machines, pianos, player pianos, vacuum clean- 2£- "ewjng machines, motors, man- gles, and a few records, were dam- !PSt^<i watef when a flre «tarted in the next store to us. On every f!L «an£enby lke jn«»«f*nce adjust. IS fwe..w ".l"*^? founts of from 5« to 88 l-Sag. Our regular guaran- \iUfffm witfi. evJer>r JMHrehase. Easy ISSâ„¢!? V 2?»*p«d-' Patterson Bros- 828 Davis St.. Evanston. Phone Bv- anston 864. ________________LTG5 4fc FOR SALE â€" IN GROSS POINT; seven room house and lot 898 by 109, with barn and variety or- chard; price 28.000; terms 82,000 cash, balance to suit buyer. Address Lake Shore News D-14. LT6*lte TobsbEwt^ .,-«. COMB IN FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Players, E.llson THktng Mschlne*. Seaores, Brunswick.. Grafoaolas, Singer Sewing machines. Washing machines, Ironing machines. Vacuum Clenners. Ensy Payments on all sf them. Patterson Brothers, 828 Dsvls â- treet. Phone Evanston 654. â- _________________LTG2-4tc FOR SALE â€" FURNITURE, RUOS, piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchanged. Pony-carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212. ___________________________LTGi-tfc FOR SALE â€" AN 88-NOTE PIANO player in excellent condition; 25 rolls included; also music cabinet. Address 869 Elm St. Phone Winn. "3S»_________ LTOS-ltc FOR SALEâ€"64 INCH OAK DINING table, 4 leather seated heavy chairs, two arm chairs, $47.60; splendid con- ditlon. Phone Winn. 484. LT5-ltc FOR SAI-Bâ€"MAHOGANY LIBRARY table, $20; gray painted chiffonier and dresser. $25. Phone Win. 885. -_____________________ LTQS-ltc FOR SALE â€" PREMIER VACUUM Cleaner, one-half price; good as new. FhoneTVlK2827. L5-2tc E-MlgCKLLAWKOl'H PRIVATE RESPONSIBLE WILMETTE resident has over 2% carat diamond ring, worth $1100.00, for $800. Terms. Address Lake Shore News D-99. ______________________________LTGS-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HUDSON SEAL DOLMAN. 40-42; in excellent condition; will sell cheap. Address Lake Shore News C.I5. _____________LTG5-3tc FOR RENT â€" TWO BASE. STORES; about 4,600 ft. fl. space; htd.; $76; Of- fice rooms If desired. Phone Evan. !232. _______________LTG5-2tc FOR RENTâ€"ABOUT 4,500 ft. fine hdt. floor spa.. $76; office rooms If de- sired. Phone Evanston 1222. ^ g FOB RE^Tâ€"BOOMS FOR RENTâ€"3 LAKOK FURN1SHKD bedrooma one-half block from Cafe teria and one block from Northwes- tern; also a large heated garage. Ad- dress 1021 Central Ave.. Call Wll. t>35. LTQ5-UC FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water. 829 W. Rail- road avenue. Wilmette. Phone WIL 10E0.__________ LT47-tfc I l: KKXT-oNB LaRGI Fl'RNlSH- ed room near transportation. Ap- plv at 629 Clark Ave. Phone Wll. 2345/ _____________ L5-ltC FOR RENÂ¥â€"TWO FRONT FURNlSll- ^it Toomsr suitable for light house- keeping. 1821 Forest Ave., Wilmette. , L5-ltp F«»f: RENTâ€"COMFORTABLY FUKN" i^hed room for one or two adults; 5isi Washington Ave. Phone 2*2T. _____ L5-ZtC FOR RENT â€" A VERY PlJaSANT furnished room. Address 1522 For- est ave. Tel. WIL 1760. L»-ltc FOR SALEâ€"OHIO VACUUM CLBAN- er; fine shape, with new aet attach- ments, $29. Phone Wll. 2345. _______ â-  LTQ6-ltp FOR SALEâ€"2 BOSTON TERRIERS; male; 3 months old; extra fine pedi- gree; reasonable. Phone Glen. 882. _^_________________ LTGS-ltc FOR SALEâ€"LIONEL TRAIN AND tracks, terminals, bridge, etc., $26. Also buffet, $18. Phone Wll. 489. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LTGS-ltc WANTED TO BUY â€" SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest -prices paid for same. Croat Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston, 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc BSBBSSBSSSBSSBSSSSBBBBS ITOMOH1M-:* »OK KK\T-%PARTUK\T» FTm RENTâ€"4 ROOMS AND_ LARGE !»orch: steam heat: f""11^^ • unfurnished; $65 per month. ITS* Ktmwood. _______ l/TOS-ltp ?* tTt ATIOX WAXTKP-FiiS Al>g_ SIT ATION WANTED â€" BY NURSE; i»rican; 12 years experience; cj- le of taking full charge, child: In ined Protestant home; would con- -i- companion or nurse for invalid elderly lady: reasonable salary: llent references: Ph°»* .li^!,* M. LTG&.HP F ABLE COLORED WOMAN * >uM like special Sunday cookinsr: 'lay work: reference. If reouired. = te Pi <X Bex 254. Evanston. TeL ex* IT u- _E v anston 104. LT5-ltc anr* general operators: salary ^8* r>~r week and i mssmlselns' hours t To 5:ta- apply fjru. beanty shegv l>ank building. Address 120* Central â€"i . Phone WiL T». LTG-^-ltc wantedâ€"white girl for gbn- _±rat bouse work: no lanmdry work: frxn^rteneed: coosl wages. Address Hazel Aw^____ LTGS-ltc TWO BARGAINS 1»20 DODGE TOURING. IN WONDER- ful condition; looks and runs like new. Its equipment consists of Shillo winter enclosure with extra summer curtains. 4 Royal Cord tires and extra bumper, gabrlel snubersv locking wheel, and- carries Dodge Bros.' "license guarantees price $750. Model 90 touring, and of the most popular models, with winter body and summer top; this car Is In excep- tionally fine condition; practically a new set of tires; price $425.00. WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win. 165 LTGS-ltc tfttnoN METHODIST CHURCH (Continued from page 11) Sroportions right. The children of lethodist parents belong in the Me- thodist Sunday school. The two anthems by the choir last Sunday were exceptionally well ren dered. There is room in the choir for a few more. If you can sing, come to rehearsal Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. A committee has been appointed to help in arranging the details in connection with giving the Lake Bluff orphans a Christmas in Wil- mette homes. Mr. Bentley has charge of raising the annual Christmas fund, in the church and Sunday school, for the Lake Bluff Orphanage. LOST - FORD WHEEL WITH TIRB. between Gross Point and Glenvlew on Lake avenue. Call C. Snelter Shermervllle, 111. Liberal reward. LB-ltc Dr. LESLIE W. JONES PHYSICIAN-CHIROPRAtrmR-OCCULIST 17s :11.12 A.M. 24s-7-tP.Bi. LOST-.A QIRLS SIGNET RlNCl; EN- graved N R.. with a small diamond and a small amethyst; reward. Call Wll. 187. L5-ltc FOUND - gXEB PUPW; BLAlSg and tan. Owner may have It upon Identification. Phone Wll. 609. L5-ltc LOSTâ€"BLACK FUR BELT AT WII^ netka Woman's club, Dec. 8. Reward. Phone Win. 82. LTB-ltc gGUND - SJMM'titikb. APPiy 820 Lake Avenue., or Phone Wll. 471. L5-ltc XOTKK Notice Is hereby given that the part- nershlp of Glen R. Ianson, Peter Carl- son and Elmer Blum, doing business as the Wilmette Express, was dissolved on the first day of November. 1921, and the buainesa sold to Waldemar Niel- sen. Glen R. Ianson, Peter Carlson and Elmer Blum will not be, respon- sible for any debts contracted by the Wilmette Express after this date. _M Wilmette, Illinois. November 26. 1921. Adv.-L3-3tc >Jm ssV " Drags} Bmjtiisu WM. T. WEHRSTEDT. Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. READ THE "WANT ADS", AND SAVE MONEY rt>B: SALte â€" PACKARD TWIN SIX sedan. ILSOOuOO; also PaekanL-Twin Six touring car, 91.000.00; can bo seen at 226 Sheridan road. Hubbard Woods, or call Olencoe T93U LS-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A 191» BU1CK. IX FIRST class condition; cord tires: bumper; Sot light; looks like new; reason* le. Address Lake Shore Neva C- 26. LTG>-$tc FOR SALEâ€"1919 OLOSMOB1LE SIX cylinder, A-l mechanically; caa be seen at North Shore Garage; price» Mjjsjfj. LT4-2tc S&sH RANDOLPH Jf,^ MARKET ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Market PHONE I2S1 Next to Rosenberg's 828 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7349 NO PRICES It Has become unnecessary for us to advertise prices every week. Our customers know that the goods we sell are fresh every and that prices ISED FORD CHASSIS F»»K SALE cheap. Skokie Motor Co.. 5»4 Lincoln Are. Winnetka 28*. LTGS-ttc 17.- CHRIST31AS TREE LIGHTS REPAIR. edV replaced and all kinds Electrical household appliances repaired and sold. Robert Ad&ms. Wit. 2888. _____________________________, 1>TG8-Itn SURPRISE HIM XMAS Wljst BEAV- tiful Parchment Shades. To order. The Lamp 4*u*v 16#» Shersaan. Kr- nnston 26». ________________L»-lte. piANOS TtTNJBD. RKGULATEIV KK- we charge lo^west can possibly be asked grade of mercbandise. tbis paired: expert;*best referene»a »^- ter^Phone Win. SOO-J. LTGSS-tfe

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