SHORE NEWS, KR1PAY. NOVEMBER^ BAPTIST CHURCH inexperience of the incoming pastor from the small country town ot Aberdeen, S. D. The village nnms- ters were well represented by tne , speaker. Brother F. A. Troy spoke , . I for the pulpit supply committee and Since the formal opening of the, Raye cvidence 0f being able to see new building on November 13, it is 'J^n^fhj,,- poetic in connection with evident that the church has entered the trjaj8 0£ the gve men who -looked upon a new chapter in its career. everyw|,cre for a preacher." D*- The enrollment in the Bible school Ra * g kc |or the church and said is greater and the attendance as well, only thJ good things he knows about by almose fifty per cent. Th*con- our people, and he closed his remarks gregations are running normally at . p*;rforming a marriage ceremony about what Rally Days were a year bgt^een tne new pastor and his ago and the Young People's meeting, je Dr. and Mrs. Stansell spoke is attracting almost twice the former ^orK themselves and confirmed our number. | suspicion that we now have two pas- Among the features_oi promise _ in J_^ was ended by a the church life Is the recent organi- ; well received vocal solo by Air. zation of the Adult classes, the Bible J Grabau ,our chorister. Study Forum and the Fellowship „ Sunday afternoon, November class. The attendance in these two * â- â- < 430 O»ciockf our chorus choir classes last week was over rty. of* gfty "voices will render the can- tata "Song of Thanksgiving," Maun- der's arrangement, and the solo parts »rty. Next Tuesday evening the Bible Study Forum are to gather together for supper at the church to take steps toward final organization. This will be the first meal to be served in the church. The Building committee will meet in the church on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. On Wednesday evening, November 30, one of the most important Prayer meetings of the year will be held. The church at this time will consider ner" will be given in the church » .. . . f I _________..1- _ . . •____ T*k________K«_ "> .% ♦ (\ • Si I will be taken bv Mrs. R. J. Burrows. Mrs. A. William Dazey, Mrs. Ara Williams, Mrs. Ida K. Birr, Mrs. T. H. West and Miss Edna Davison sopranos; Mrs. H. L. Hanavalt, alto; Dr. Davis Lazear, Mr. D. W. Bowman and Mr. A. F. Hoper, ten- ors; Mr. J. G. Grabau, bass. Mrs. Granmbl'ing, organist. The annual "Harvest Home Din some matters of its life and growth which will reveal possibilities that every member should carefully con- sider. The Quarterly Business meeting and Social of the young people will be held on Friday night. The society on this occasion will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stifler at their resi- dence where a very unique program will be followed. Friday evening, December 2, at 6:30 o'clock. Note the change in date. This will be a turkey dinner fol- lowed by a program, for $1.00. Pro- vision will be made for 250 persons Reservations must be in the hands of Mrs. E. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road, not later than Tuesday night, November 29. The Ladies Aid will hold their an- nual Christmas sale in the church erator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, U. 5>. Aj. will be the speaker. Reception, 5:30 o'clock. Supper, 6:30. The women who are attending Mrs. Berry's Bible class are having a rare treat. The next meeting will be held in the church parlors Tues- day afternoon at 2 o'clock Not: only the women of the Presbyte"^." church are invited to attend this class, but the women of all other denominations as well, Sunday schoo1,^:30 A. M. Church service, 11 A. M. Junior C. E., 3:30 P. M. Senior C. E., 6 P. M. . Mid-Week service, Wednesday,^ P. M. The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf ave- nue. Thanksgiving was celebrated by St Augustine's people yesterday at two services. At 8 o'clock there was a celebration of the Holy Communion and at 10 o'clock there was a short- ened morning service with special references to Thanksgiving and a short address by the rector. Last week's Parish meeting and dinner was a great success in every wav The affairs of the parish were discussed and important decisions made an bright future for St Augustine's. Before long we expect to be able to Tiouse all our organizations, including new ones to be formed. The lack of such accom- modation has been a t some time and the decSE** at to provide fartherl^S sure growth in ma«y5* * The parishioners were thOS?* of reels of moving pictZ!?^ to introduce to them thT *• complete moving pictur? ** which has just been mstl^le?,, In addition to the rector's a outlining proposals for «i *L the discussion was taken «Lt* Mr. I. K. Stover, Mr. G w^.» Mr. B. A. Crowe, Mr R^S dard, Mr. Harry Wilson,R^^ Mrs. C L. Wachs, Mrs. B A^ Miss Louise Robinson, Mm i Comfort and others. f? Talks on GonfmnstroFlr^ to the visit of Bishop AndS December 18 are being give,, e Sunday afternoon in the m study at 4 o'clock for children m, t^ i *• «f *ua Friday, afternoon. December 2 The December meeting of the rrm"" Woman's society will" be held on Fri- ! The monthly Sunday school board diy,JDecember-2r It wilHre tire firsfi meeting will be held in the church meeting held in the new church, j Tuesday night, November 29, at 5 There will be White Cross sewing at j o'clock. id o'clock and luncheon at 12:30 j o'clock. The afternoon procrram will center about the local institutions of the__denomination,â€" ±heâ€"Orphanag'er ^01oT^People's Home and the Home for Missionaries' children. Linden and Prairie avenues. Her- man W. Meyer, M. A. pastor, 406 Prairie avenue. Phone 1396. Our Father's Faithâ€"-Our Country's Language. First Sunday of Advent. St. John invites you and your chil- dren to its church and Sunday school services. 9:15 A. M.â€"Sunday school and Bible class at Library hall. 11:00 A. M.â€"Service and sermon at the church. Subject: "Christ's Testi- mony Concerning His First Coming." Thanksgiving Day, 11 :A M. Sub- ject : "Two Marks of a Heart Grate- ful to God." Mondays and Fridays at 4 P. M â€" Religious instruction of children. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11 A. M. on Sunday, December 4. The preparatory service begins at 10:45. Communicants are requested to inform the pastor on Friday, De- cemmber 2. . The Nominating committee of the Builders V. P. S. meets at the church on Friday evening, November 24, at 7:45. The Ladies' Aid and Mission soci- ftv holds its monthly meeting on Thursday, December 1, at 2 o'clock at Library hall. The Builders Y. P. S. m^ets at Library hall on Thursday evening, December 1, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Frank Newhall White, D. D.. Western Secretary of the American Missionary association, will be the1 speaker next Sunday at the morning service. We are always glad to wel- come Dr. White, and particularly a* this Thanksgiving time. Miss Welch will be the soloist. Service begins at 11 o'clock. The North End Circle, Mrs. W. H. j Hutson, chairman, will meet Monday; at the home of Mrs. Oscar Town- send. 1330 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. j C. Miles McDonald will assist. Box luncheon at 12:30 P. M. Dr. Norman K. Richardson of Northwestern, a member of the fac- ulty of the Wilmette Communitv School of Religious Education, was unable ;to be present at the last meeting of the school. Monday. No- vember 21 but will meet nis classes in "Child Psvchology" and "Parents' Problems" Monday, November 28 a* tb» home of Mrs. R. K. Crane. 1000 Michigan avenue. The r1?»s«e« will beHn at the usual time, 7:40 P. M. The M id-Week Praver Meeting will be held in the church parlor. Wednesday, November 30. at 8 o'clock. Rev. S. A. Lloyd, pastor, will have charge of the meeting. The Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs. F. C. Huffman, chairman, will meet unless further notified, at the church Thurs- day. This will be an all-day meeting. The Tatapochon Camp Fire Group will meet at the church at 3:45 P. M. Thursday. The Central Avenue Circle, Mrs. E. B. Wheelock. chairman, will hold an all-day meethur Friday. December 2, si the home of Mrs. A. J. Taylor, 83' Central avenue. .________iâ€"â€"- â€"Th^^2n7TTroun of JVoy Scouts will meet .at the church. Friday, at 4 o'clock\__Mr. Harold Gilmore, Scout- master. Tb*» *>r* Church Night Dinner will be held Wednesday, December 7â€" the first Wednesday in the month. Reservations may be sent to tTie church office now. Call Wilmette 1204. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The reception given our new pastor and his. good wife, last Tuesday evening Was a most enjoyable affair. because everything said and done -p?ve evidence of heartfelt sincerity. After a violin solo by Mr. Halleck and a reading by Miss Charlotte Springer, both of which appealed to an appreciative audience, our good friend Dr. Lloyd spoke as the ^ministerial representative of the vil- lage churches, and imparled nuirh sage advice for the benefit of the The annual exchange of pulpits by all pastors of the Presbyterian church within the hounds of Chicago Presbytery will be nextâ€"Sunday, No- vember 7. The chief purpose of this exchange is th^t^hjL_c^use_jiilXhurxh ^xTenisloir~and Home Mission work may be presented. Dr. Magill will exchange pulpits with Dr. Charles G. Richards of Rogers Park church. A Thanksgiving service will be held' in the parlors of the church Thursday morning at 7:30 o'clock, f'reakfast following the service. In t^e oast this h^s oroved to be one of the most delightful services of the year, and it is hoped many will come out to enjoy it this year. The Woman's society will hold its annual Christmas sale and luncheon in the home of Mrs. Rose Nelson, 901 Chestnut street, December-^-lr This is an opportunity to do Christ- mas shopping and avoid the crowded stores of the city. * Senior Christian Endeavorers are to have a social next Friday evening, to which all the young people of the churxh are "invited. The_houriJs_7 o'clock. ____!â€"â€"-â€"-^---------â€" A banquet will be given by the Presbyterian Union . of Chicago. Tuesday evening, December 6, at the Morrison Hotel. Rev. Henry Chap- man Swearingen. D.D., LX.D., Mod- Register your answer in the coupon in the lower right hand corner of this announcement, and deposit it personally in the collection basket in your churchâ€" Next Sunday Morning Go to the House of Godon^ that dayLSeetojt that^very member of your family does the same thing! Canvass your blockâ€"or your neighborhood! Do hot merely invite your neigh- bors to go to church next Sunday. URGE them to goâ€"and to turn in either the attached coupon, or one of their own. The great statesmen of the world arc in Wash- ington nowâ€"pointing the way to peace. THE TIME FOR ACTION HAS ARRIVED! The church of Godâ€"the great church uni- versalâ€"stands for j Peace on Earth--GoodWill Amon And if the church people of the world stand by their professionâ€"war will pass never to return-â€"and the men who gave their lives in the Great World War will not have died in vain. Crowd the churches of Wilmette next Sunday morning! Vacate the homes! Let every man, woman, and child who can walkâ€"attendâ€"and if you own an automobileâ€"invite the aged, and those who are not ill, to ride with you to THEIR church. ST. AUGUSTINE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH WILMETTE ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH JHE^IUlCTre3AKnCT^ara|MWz THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DEPOSIT THIS COUPON IN THE ^COLLECTION BASKET â- To Hon. I I I Charles E. Hu«hes, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C Wilmetteâ€"pray that the great ce«r ference of statesmenâ€"now ^Yf^ in Washingtonâ€" will stand fir-|Jȣ peace on earth and gn** "»* "Ty men-that Christmas of 1W1 »"* a day of real r*ioicin* throng the world. Address Church