Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Nov 1921, p. 11

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 11 rORTH *c»l Otro*«» Special 9PBciai^ itjgg Cools C [but HOTIOID may file objections In said Court Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. \ DrofflMd water pipe In Pleasant Ave- nue all within the Village of Kenii- itr, I w<5fth» County of Cook and State of Illl- i n#*» the ordinance for the same being | a file In the office of the Village Clerk ._* w« IS. \>t Mid Village, and the said village •at w*» "VfiavinB- applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assess- ment of the cost of said improvement ----,- -ii nnriT' i according- to the benefits, and an as- Hereby 'given to al>.ptr9l- I sessment therefor having been made Motlce ]â- /JJJt tlie Villaifa .o£ Sng 1 and returned to said Court, Docket Crested ^acounty, nu^**2r be 1 Number jj the final hearing thereon Sorth, Cook CO«J improvemef ted 1 m be toeid on the twelfth day of Ordered that J *J That a co*8 lth l December, A. D. 1921, or as soon there- made »V *SsfSon *«*«r{}Sf ftre I after M the business of the said Sttem of cB*Jte? P»Pe flti?Jr g»te | C/urt wlH .permit. All persons deslr- Sltlr?n Jlth auxiliary' **£, 'and life f/drants ytn shutoff Jf"hydrantj drH)S'X>v"gate valve X" plpe8jr. ry wat?pad nouse .f^y&raes corfer heahV/with colder J°ln5«posed XkBt «*tubs Wocks set in f curW^|Zed *tl°" Sss service JeBt gaCnnec- Plpe®' soldering ."J^oxes. Cain In brass Julron Bervltft waterjt and VZ with the, Poland c£5l pro- 1Xo1LZt Road, Sphalt co«r £ipe CUQ^1 concrete/^oposed^he £hl_ gr Hon where sjT f0adbe<i,ijiwaukee te«v£i undoy l&ore anfbed of the cr.°r NorthiSerthel Railway, wailroad and°^orthwe£supervlslon Chicago a5glneerlng^ said pro- including^^constructjftd froni and Iiurlng tl£rtjetnent, Jpeent water Sosed im'r°'Sun tfMi point twen- Innnecti* Jgf ro# of the south- Sam inCttriutne#« Cumberland JTSo^-^SSF across the easteriy UnBOU?h^Chicaso. North Avenue, *°TV ^Railroad and the fiehts of ^tiw#estern Railway ?horc and M»wi» West Railroad Chicago ana jp northeasterly of Company. *° (%e thereof and on Avenue ten JKe extended of lot the southwew Re.subdivision of the soutneas*' We8t Kenllworth; 6 in blocK *eriy jn aaJd west clocks l f*to a point two (2) thence W north limits of the Bailroaaim.ort|I. aiso southeast- feet soumBt Railroad avenue Village Mnnectlng with the erly ^f water pipe on the from fne extended of said lot said 9n the Re-subdivision of south*? in West Kenll worth, to 6 i'OAvenue; thence west In block*>rth Avenue to a point K-e"" east of the west limits sa»jre 0f Kenll worth; also In tVfOnue from and connecting o* id proposed water pipe in »*Yoad Avenue southwesterly B said Linden Avenue to a v* (2) feet east of the west •the Village of Kenilworth; .rrf^Ueasant Avenue__from___and said before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. 8ald ordinance provides for the collec- tion of said aaaesament In ten annual Installments, with Interest th«r«un ai the rate of six per centum <6«.) per annum. Dated, Kenllworth, Illinois, November 15, A. D. 1921. PRANK R. TOUNO, Person appointed by the Pres- ident of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Kenllworth, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appoint- ion ment approved and oonl by the County Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. ELMER E. JACKSON. Village Attorney. LS-tto with the said proposed je in West Railroad Avenue % terly and west in said Fleas- ~iue to a point two (2) feet he west limits of the Village .'forth; also in Tempel Court , '»wn as Temple Court) from 1 scting with the said proposed ie*e In Pleasant Avenue, north- V|d Tempel Court to a point • Milt south of the north limits \"ot la&e of Kenllworth; also in T rfli .Avenue from and con- en i ith the said proposed water 0y]y past Railroad Avenue, south- in said Houldsworth Avenue connecting with the said pro- is , water pipe in Tempel Court; ,,*ri Maple Street and in the alley hecting said Maple Street with a uldsworth Avenue from and con- ' ting with the said proposed water pe in Pleasant Avenue, north and Btirthwesterly in said Maple Street iVul in said alley to and connecting: Jith the said proposed water pipe in , ouldsworth Avenue; also from and onnecting with the west end of the aid proposed water pipe in Kenil- orth Avenue, north parallel with the est limits of the Village of Kenll- worth to and connecting with the said WORK WANTED Housework, Furnace, Etc. By Day or Week PHONE WIL. 765-W v/jy//s//s/y/////s/s/y///////////s////A'/s/////s///////W I $50.00 REWARD for information leading to recovery of 1921 Maxwell 5 Touring car, Factory No. 329825, Motor No. 350350. Sidney R. Ketchum | "305^KaT^Iar^Bariir^Brdg. Kalamazoo, Michigan If you love a light-weight, flexi- ble, compact Sedanâ€"powerful, With rare comfort and distinc- tive beautyâ€"then drive this new Jordan car. Its snug body is a step in ad- vance of motor car styles. It is quite the most substantially built enclosed car produced in America. Equipped with the new, and exclusively built Jordan motor. There's power in abundance. At the wheel there's a feel women appreciateâ€"that's ease of handling. It's a silent car. It's a rustless It's a car of such fine per- sonality and faithful perform- ance you quickly love it as you would a thoroughbred horse or a pedigreed dog. Drive it. Know first hand the meaning of complete balance, of flexible power, of perfect comfort*-* It has been built for one thing onlyâ€"Service! Nothing has been spared to make it the most [ratifying of all cars to own. Tith reasonable care it will run 200,000 miles and last ten years. And the price is right. Buy now with confidence. grs Wi mmmzzzzzmmzss&zmsmma â- Â«â- â- â- â-  Cleaning Pressing Repairing Done well - - at the right prices. Wm. Kaplan CUSTOM TAILOR . ~627"RaiIroad Ave. Wilmette €67 NEW JORDAN PRICES Silhouette, $2093 Playboy, $2095 Laodaulet, $2995 Sedan, $3200 Brougham, $3200 F. O. B. Factor* _ GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Evanston 5700 1629 Orrington Ave Jordan Motor Car Comfamt, Inc., Cleveland, Ohi§

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