THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FfclDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 â- a ^ifhiiiBM •%.•• J* Activities s> brftv JKore Clulw by RutK Rirley"* BS imt? second of the s< dub of Wilmettej^ My; Haro!d B Maryott' will talk on 30. at eleyenj>,& of Aa 13 "The Develog PPf5d by Mrs. Ro n Luncheon of musical mornings at the Woman's take/^'ace on Wednesday, November ratorio and Opera", and will be ertson, who will give several vocal n to all club members. ne o'clock and reservations must be sent to Mrs. Thomas J. Moreau, 1507 Walnut avenue, Wilmette, not later than Monday. The afternoon program at two-thirty o'clock will have an oriental aspect when Rose Reinhardt Anthon Will relate some of her experiences in In- dia where she has lived in the closest intimacy with the high caste Hindoo. Mrs. Anthon was companion and social ad- visor to the fabulously rich Maharani of Burdwan, India, and is one of the few white women who has ever lived in the inner circle of the home of an Indian Prince. Her lecture is entitled "Seven Years in a Hindoo Palace". In keeping with the setting of the lecture Mr. Frank Park- er, baritone, will give songs from Kipling and Tagore. Mr. Parker's vocal study has been >t American teachers and he is serving his sixth year wittty of the American Conservatory. His Kipling songs tereated in its success are Mrs. Elmer Becker, Mrs. Hollenbeck, Miss Hazel Russell and Miss Helen Shurtleff, Chicago and North Shore alumnae of Dobbs Ferry are making arrange- ments for a benefit bridge to the erection of several new buildings at the school. The party is to be held Monday, December 5, at the home of Mrs. Frederick D. Countiss in Chi- cago. Miss Helen Gurley of Chicago is chairman of the affair. North Shore society, is always actively interested in^the annual Chairty Ball given for the benefit of the Evanston branch of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society, which is to be held at the Evanston Country club on Monday, December 6. This affair has always been the largest social event on the shore during the holiday season and plans are being made this year to make it more elaborate -than usual. Arrangements are being made for a large bridge party to be held Thurs- day, December 1, at the North Shore hotel for the benefit of the Vassar college endowment fund. Through the courtesy of the management of the hotel, the ball room has been donated for the affair and it is hoped that a large crowd will avail them- selves of this affair. The Store For Children 1160 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette ik Parker Th« Smartest and Beit Dressed Women in Chicego ha?e their Sport and Week End Skirts ]f=±$ MADE AT THE WILSON V) 5KIRT SHOP "mail with your «ra maUrial" Suite 1418 St vena Building Randolph 3219 North StsU CHICAGO IS Nerlh Wsbaeh ^ay.........7777777......,.... 77........TTSpeaks Wuzzy ___..............................Whiting y-Deever.......................«rw*-rr. .Damrosch , jre group will include: i Thou Commandest Me to Sing..........Hammond le Day When Death Will Knock at Thy Door....----- #, # t.....................................Carpenter Not Go, Mv Love......................... .Hageman ^J Bring "to You Coloured Toys . ,.........Carpenter w fe irs .erlrn Clough will be the accompanist. is doubtful whether there is any subject of more interest in â- c, than that which is to be discussed before the members of JS oman's Library club on next Thursday afternoon, December ilr. le Glencoe Plan". Mr. George W. Maher will be the speaker and »re» generally understood that he has some mighty interesting J**, to discuss thoroughly. BfThere will also be a business session, and some special music. Lionel Frank is the hostess for the month of December. 2ND KIPPY ss Myra Reynolds will give her t lecture at the Winnetka Wo- n's club, on Monday, December at 3 o'clock, instead of on Decem- r 5 as was previously announced. Wis to be illustrated with stereopti- in views and songs from the opera. Chi Omega sorority announces a :hr^rmi;ts bazaar to be held on next Wednesday. November 30, at the Mansion Woman's club. The alurn- lae have been busily engaged in 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES I and 4 Evening 7 and 9 Saturday November 26 CONSTANCE BINNEY in "Room and Board" Pathe New No.»3 "Winners Of fhTWesP" making hand made fancy articles of various sorts, aprons, fancy baskets, handerkerchiefs and pretty under- wear, these past few weeks for the sale, and anyone who is interested in doing her Christmas shopping early, is certain to seize this splendid op- portunity of obtaining choice articles at most reasonable prices. A food and candy sale will also be conducted in connection with the bazaar. Mrs. Knox Smith of Woodbine ave- nue, Evanston, is general chairman of the bazaar, and among the north \ | shore alumnae who are actively in-r7« ance Dr. Watson's Alco Artists 5 pieces This is a colored' orchestra that could make a dead man dance. They can't be beat. Don't Misi 'Em Saturday Evening December 3, 1921 Winnetka Woman9 s Club Are you preparing for the happiest of days for our little ones? Many ideal gifts may be found at The Store For Children. Discriminating mothers will appreciate the service of KIDDIE NOOK during these busy days especially. ^etmidOH CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, arc on Sale including Greeting Cards, Gifts, Coin and Bill Holders, Tags, Seals, Labels, Gummed Ribbons, Tinsel Cord, Crepe and Wrapping Papers, Holly, Mica Snow, and everything to make the Christmas Tree and Pack- ages beautifully attractive. The Great American History Playâ€"2nd Chapter NEXT WEEK Monday. Tuesday and Wed* netday. November 28, 29 and 30 CONSTANCE TALMADGE in ^omanV Place" Thursday and Friday, Dec. 1, 2 NORMA TALMADGE ________in_____• __ The Sign On The Hoc*" Saturday December 3 MARIE PREVOST ***** *+**'•***++++***++*+******+**+*+********+******+* * * * * + * * * + * * * * * '-i> GAIRING FINE ARTS PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING Complete line of Thanksgiving and Christmas greeting 1613 Orrington Ave. Evanston, 111. *****♦*****+***++***++****+***+♦*++♦*+*+************* GIFTS HTHE purchase of suitable holiday * gifts is always a perplexing prob- lem, often made more so by pro- crastination. For your convenience, as well as to leisurely inspect our ro* te resting assortment of high grade jewelry, we- suggest a visit before the on- coming holiday^rush. ;: :: Jewelry pieces may be selected now and held until tie holidays, but those requiring special designs should be selected without further delay. :: Charles E. Graves & Co. Jewelers and Platinumsmiths Madison and Wabash ^CHICAGO ^IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIimilllll.....II1III1IIMII1IIII.....IIUillltlMlMIIIIlllllllMlllllltlllllMMIMMIIIIIIllllltllllllllM.....11(11111 III til tlllll â- llllllllltl lllltlltlllltf II tllllt 111111 llltlt^ Tir "Nobody's Fool" "Winners Of The West" 3rd Chapter Grace Forbes Frocks MAKING AND REMODELING GOWNS and FROCKS 216 HOYBURN BUILDING PHONE EVANSTON 7467 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS "^^ SOBOl 0 o Bill Jonesâ€" has a splendid Touring Car and when the cold winds of autumn flirted around the open car,, he realized the comfort and luxury of an en_« closed body. After but little investigation, he commissioned us to build a winter enclosure. He selected one of our several -models and made but one stipulation, which was that he must have a simple, compact, dignified Job or good lines and best workmanship. "A job that must be as good, in every way, as his car. We delivered the car last week, but made a photograph of the finished Job. You may be interested in seeing the photograph or a num- ber of other cars that are in work right now â€" come in â€"we'll be glad to show them to you any day, and take your order for putting "STwlnter eneiosure on your car. CHICAGO COACH * CARRIAGE COMPANY, 1223 S. Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO. !/BO!