THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 17 Iant BETTER BOOKS FOR THE CHILDREN - jldren'» Book Week to bo Observ- ^ «t WHmotto Public Library Holds Fortb. I«toro«U«f Pro- from By Sue Osmotherly Librarian, Wilmette Public Library) fhe tremendous importance of aoks in child life cannot be over- itimatvd. Ideals and aspirations Jay not be entirely formed by the ,Jt of literature tne child reads, but L\- are very definitely helped or Boered. Knowing this, Children's look Week was inaugurated just year ago by a group of serious, â- Jo-thinking people whose first idea Lgily was to throw the bulk of a reiit art, the art of selective reading igainst a sordid and dark influence „ a world just struggling out of a rightful war. The impressionable child was not rcc from these influences, no mat- ;r what his background, and the ook carefully selected for its stand- rdi of fine living was recognized at lis time more than ever, to play a erv important part. How To [evitalizeWornout lusted libraries all over the country have ottered their knowledge and experi- ence to parents and educators, and ct,"i Wilmette Library is among those wliicJrliave been in the vanguard. To commemorate Book Week a most }er*itw* program has been arrang- ed. For the night of Friday, Novem- ber 18, at 8 q clock, Louise Ayres Gar- nett will speak. Mrs. Garnett is a woman of many gifts and charms. What she will have to say will be most illuminating. Two story hours will be given for the children, the time and the stories will be announced to the children, at school. And the parents are invited. " Jbese meetings will contribute a rich pleasure to all who attend. Be- sides the value of the programs, a large attendance will help to bring about the spirit of fellowship our Li- 7rary, endeavoring to foster; a friendliness that will make you as anxious to call for our experience and services as we are anxious to render them. INTERESTING P.-T. SESSION The Central School Parent-Teacher association held a meeting Thursday, Nov. 10, at the school. Superintendent Harper spoke on certain features of new educational ideas. Miss Osmotherly, head librarian at the Wilmette Free public library, in observance of Chil- dren s Book Week, gave a short talk on children's reading. Music was furnished by the school band, an organization of the upper grades. The eighth grade mothers served refreshments. ""'""â- "'"'•'"'"'"•••'""•"IHMMilllllliminillMllltlHIlillllllHlllHIHIIIIIHHl WATCHES! Your nerve power depends on plenty of food, Ob, red blood of the kind that oriranlc Ironâ€" (anted Ironâ€"helps moke. Nuxated Iron U like i iron in your blood and likethelroninaplnach, itlls and apple*, while metallic iron ii iron ) sa It eomea from the action of strong acids iron slings. Nuxated Iron does not Injure teeth nor upset the stomach; It Is an en- ilirdlflhreatthlnff from ord i nary metallic iron. i quickly helps make rich, red blood, revitalize nout, exhausted nerves and rive you new rnrth and energy. Over 4.000,000 people JjBgjjJF ore using It. Beware of substitutes. Mwiys Insist upon having genuine organic Iron -Nuxated Iron. Look for the letters N.I. on tablet. Sold by all druggists In tablets iy-n«ver In liquid form. .Buying your •watches in yo ur ho «re town will save you time and trouble if any- thing should go wrong. We handle no- thing but good watches, all carefully adjusted, ranging from $10.00 to $50.00, all fully guaranteed. DOMINIC PAGLIARULO Jeweler and Optician 1061_____ 1166 Wilmette Avenue iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiin.:' The Economic Advantages of Electric Appliances C The Washing Machine takes over the hardest work In the house. £ The Vacuum Cleaner assures sanitary cleanliness C The Electric Iron readers it unnecessary to start a fire when ironing is to be done for it is ready in a moment, or two after being connected to any lamp socket.________ Businsss is Pressing! In fact, due to the large in- crease in our cleaning and pressing business we have found it necessary to buy a new pressing machine. This machine will enable us to get our work out quicker â€"and in just the same "well ilone" manner that it has al- ways reached you-in. Cleaning of rugs and drapes â€"done well. The coat of oporatlng all of thorn i» a mall V OUR Many Years of experience, catering to the exacting taste of the well groomed north shore, has taught us the art of • . giving complete satis- faction to the most particular. SCHULTZ & N0RD TAILORING â€" CLEANING -^J DYEING We sell them Monthly Payments Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois Aram K. New Trier Cleaners and Dyers 607 W. Railroad Ave. Phone IMS WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 1I1I111IIHI11IIII11I1IIIIIII1I1IH1HI1I11II1H1I1IIIIIIIII111 A CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL YOUR HOME MISS ADELAIDE C. JONES Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago. Instructor In Both Piano and Voice A correct foundation is essential for future success, and I will be pleased to confer with parents or prospective pupils. Tel. Wil. 2558 1530 Central Ave. rSSS////,//S/////S//////////SS/S//S//////S//////// William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished on New or Repair Work 964SpruceSt.,Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 jmjjj»mjji»ji>m»iuw^^^ â€" m IIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllll -------:---------------PHONE WILMETTE 320 1152 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE ILL f///J////SSSS////////////////. The Decorative use of Lumber AT The WILMETTE HOME BAKERY â€" FORâ€" GOOD THINGS TO EAT 406 LINDEN AVENUE - WILMETTE PHONE 1025 ^JjAMMMMSMJUMS^M^^ Adds much to the = appearance of j| Your Home Our advice will help you in choosing "" the Proper Lumber jj (Build a lattice fence, a pergola or a trellis in ab§ your leisure time.) m milium ii? WINNETKA COAL* LUMBER â- jw/* C-OMPANY-«^» EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager