Candy-Mr*, R. * Burtner, 810 kXtwaod avenue, chairman. °n5S-Mri. H. A, Whitman, W2 Mnwood avenue, chairman. GFtTv Work-Mrs. R, W. Jordan, irti> Greenwood avenue, chairman. 1 Tndcrwear-Mw. Fred Tilt, 615 laurel ftwnue,chairman. Anyone wishing to become identified with any of the above groups should call the chairman. Date and place of meeting will be given by them. ENGLISH LUTHERAN \, 0, Soholm, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 A, M„ I. F. Mueller, Sup- erintendant. Morning service 11 A. M. Pastor will preach Reformation Sermon. Subject, Some dangers to Protestant- ism, Music under direction of Ed. P. t'hl, Jr. All services are held at Woman's -cklLiimLyou are cordially invited to attend. Women's Missionary society meets with Mrs. E. C. Hartman, 6207 Drcx- el avenue, Chicago, 111., Thursday, at TPrM. Friday at 8:00 P. M„ Hallowe'en party will be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandt, Lake avenue and Hibbard Road. Catechetical class meets at Lewis Mueller home, 128 Sixth street, Sat- urday at 10:00 A, M, Anyone wishing to take instruction please notify the pastor, phone Wilmette 1938. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921 wp^i^^^ u,mnJiiU"d^ N°y«TOb_erA the church will fall in line with the other church- e» of the country in praying and pleading for the success ofThe Wash- ington conference on the Limitation of Armaments. ______-. „ J1hecr*«u,armonthly meeting of the Bible School Cabinet will be held this evening in the church offices. Sunday, November 1,1, has been set as the day of formal opening of the new church in the quarters which will he occupied this year. The build- ing, will not be dedicated until the compleHon-of-the^ auditorium later in the year. On November. 13, a special program in which every family in the church will have a part, will be fol- lowed. '.«5!bce cJ*ssei fof men *nd women each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, at^SoA*!?' Su""day ,ch°o1 b««in» Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:30 P, p m mor chnat,a« Endeavor, 6 The Presbyterian" church is located SL2lu.?0rncrof Ninth 8trwt *««" ureenleaf avenue. vitcd** Se*t8' Everyonc c^dially in- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Stifler will give his fourth talk in the series, "Studies in Personal Re- ligion" at the service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The study will be based on Jesus' contact with Pilate, the Ka- ma n Politica The Woman's Bible class began its course last Tuesday afternoon under the leadership of Mrs. A, L. Berry of Chicago. There were forty-nine women pres- ent for this first lesson, and all were very greatly delighted and interested. It is expected that the attendance will be much larger for the second lesson, next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The class meets in the Sunday school room of the church. "Mrs. Berry knows the Bible and how to teach it." This was the unanimous opinion. The class is not limited to the women of the Presbyterian church. Our mid-week service each Wednes- day at 8 P. M., is a real "live meeting." -The_siudy__course is proving very in- teresting and instructive. The dis- cussions are "right to the point," As a result of the work of the "pro- moters" the attendance is increasing very noticeably. The sermon subject for next Sun- day morning will be "The Invitaion of Closed Doors." Morning church ser- yice__hegins at 11 o'clock. Millinery of the Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phons Wil.2052 1150 VIlimito Aft, RESIDENCE PHONE m Mrs^C. G. Kidder of Polo, III;, who is on her way to New York City, is {Pending this.week as the guest of Mrs. W. D. Elmer, 1517 Lake avenue. fflHSl Elmer is expecting Mr. and Mrs. ^Viiliam La Ventura of Davenport, Ia„ today, to be her guests over the week- end. Subscribe For Your Local Paper Dr. LESLIE W. JONES CHIROPRATIC !£?i..La<:t*#wloJl to- lon«-"tandlng conditions which have restated th« ordinary methods of treatment. â- ^â- ^I"8 OPSIV.5. CHICAGO OFFICR ii«»»." »Tu y,,Bttt5 ^"K - B 8outh wSKab awm* Honrni IS-13 A. >1.â€"7-l» |», M, HmirNi 2-4 l». U. R-lde»o, Pfcâ€" Wllaaette 8588 lVlv„l,«..». Crntral «felT An crock cm? Mokol declaration of independence ofcaal-adies- dustâ€"labor SignYwrslodoy NOKOL COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Sherman Avenue Tetephi Evanston 2339 mm tobacco Exclusiveness at moderate prices. Hats made to order. Cleaning and retrimming done reasonable. Flinker & Flin^er The Store of Personal Service MILLINERY and DRYCOODS * 121 Wilmette Ave. Just west of the track Phone Wii 2279 Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings . We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester- field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett k Myert Tobacco Co. esterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccosâ€"blended ?H Fruit and Vegetable MARKET RANDOLP New Style Electric, No. 22 Vacuum Cleaners With Many Improvements -f: Sold on Monthly Payments Five Dollars Down MEAT Market Public Service Co. ====©£ Jio^thejrii lUtnob PHONE 12S1 Next to Rosenberg's 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale By watching these colums every week for our special-sale, you will find yourself able to save 25% on your Meat and Vegetable Bill. Nothing is sold here but Quality Merchan- dise - - and it is priced as it should be, without excess profit.