W&W \s WffiUKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1921 mww^n g ii.gi.iui.wipji. ii, i n,. .11 j m. i \mm ^Activitier s/~ ] ftortKJhoreChibtf by RutK Hisley~K BHK Music department of the Woman's club of Wilmette will have its first meeting of the season next Wednesday morn- ing, November 2, at eleven o'clock, and will present Mrs. Harold B. Maryott in Song Cycles of Schubert, Schumann j others. Mrs. Maryott is organist of the Woodland Baptist churcfi and a member of the Guild oTOrganists. Apollo club and other musical organizations. She will be assisted by Mrs. Robertina Robertson, who will give "Kliland" by Von Sielitz, a story told in ten beautiful short songs. This meeting is free to all club members and a nominal I charge to outsiders. I A luncheon will follow at one o'clock and reservations must be mailed to Mrs. T. J. More- I au, 1507 Walnut avenue, Wil- | mette, not later than Monday. The regular club program will be. presented at two-thirty o'clock, when Mr. Harry F, At- wood will lecture on '*The Con- stitution, Our Safeguard". Mr. At wood is an author as well as a lecturer and his book, "Back to the Republic", came at a time when something was needed to check the spread of Harry F. Atwood Bolshevism challenging the in- terest of Americans. About twenty states have adopted this book as a text-book for the public schools. His other publications are "Keep God in Ameri<^m History" and "Safeguarding Americairtdeals", the latter just pufilishecT~ Whereat: It was resolved that out of the proceeds of the County Fair, one third should be given to Rosary college, and $250 to St. Francis hos- pital, and Whereas: The net proceeds of the County Fair were $156620; be. it there- fore Resolved: That since the County Fair proceeds exceeded by far all ex- pectations, a donation of $250 be made to the Associated Catholic Charities of Chicago and a donation of $250 be made to St. Francis hospital, Evans- ton, from our treasury. The American Citizenship Department of the Tenth District Federation of Woman's clubs, of which Mrs. John Clark Baker of Wilmette, is chairman, will hold a luncheon and meeting on Tues- day, Xovember 1, at the College club. This department is composed of four divisions, each of which has a chairman, the Americaniza- tion division, Mrs. Harvey Edwards of Evanston; the Citizenship division, Mrs. Elwood Stewart of E^gewater ; Community Service, Mrs. Charles-N). Hurlbut of Wilmette; and Motion Pictures, Mrs. Lei^hton Jones of Evanstoiv Westmoreland Country club will entertain with a Hallowe'en party to given on Saturday evening;, Oc- tober 29. at 7 o'clock. The success of e Harvest Home dinner dance last month prompted the committee to plan for one more party this year. â€"*â€" The Catholic Woman's club will lold its regular meeting at the Wil- mette Woman's club on Friday, Oc- tober 28, at 2 o'clock. The Civics flass will meet at 1 o'clock. A delight- ful program, in charge of the Culture department, of which Mrs. W. L. Ball- ard is chairman, has been arranged, and will include a lecture on "The Cul- tural Advantage of Psychology" by Rev. K. J. McGuinness, and a violin solo .by E. Carleton Kaumeyer, for- merly a %ht opera conductor. *â- Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson of Winnetka will give a dance and bridge party at her residence for the benefit of the Vassar Endowment fund on Saturday, November 5. Burgess Johnson, pro- fessor of English at Vassar. speaks. â€"•â€" The North Shore Catholic Woman's league has adopted the following re- solution to dispose of funds raised at the County Fair, given at the home of Mrs. F. H. Jones, in Highland Park on September 10: Whereas: At a meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league held at the residence of Mrs. F. H. Jones. July 26, it was resolved that a County Fair be given for the benefit of Rosary college. St. Krancis hospital and the treasury of the league, and, TONIGHT. Before or after the theater visit De.JOXGHES internationally famous restaurant Francaise. Here one finds the most choice delicacies gather- ed from the four corners of the world, made into the most tempting dishesâ€"Monsieur Emil Zehr himself can cook. Our Peacock Room, the favorite luncheon room for afternoon lady shoppers, will now remain open until 1.00 A. M., where we will make a specialty, of serving Shrimp de Jonghe Lobster, oysters and all choice seaTToods. . Dancing in Gold Room. 6-8 P. M. Dancingin jh^majn Dinjng Room after theater- no cover charge. DeJONGHES. Monroe between State and Wabash Ave. CHICAGO CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. .'HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiimiiiimiiiiiHimiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiii^ PARKWAY TEA SHOP | Chicago Ave. at Croat Si. EVANSTON, ILL. â- â- â- ',â- "/ I LUNCHEON 12:30 to 2 P.M. Table d% Hote Dinner, 8:00 $1.00 <:30 to i Sunday 12:30 to 3:00 PM) 5:30 to8:00 PM) $1.25 j iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? INDIVIDUAL FAMILY WASHING $1.25 . 2.25 Wet Wash twenty-five pounds ». . tâ€"*â€"^ . Flat Work Ironed Apparel Dried, No Starch. No Mark Nelson Brothers Laundry Perfect Laundered Shirts Better Laundred CoIIars-They Last Longer Phone Wilmette 1800 FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. Phone WilmeUe 37 BARGAIN BASEMENT Hockey Caps BROWN, BLUE and MAROON_ 49c FOUNTAIN SQUARE - EVANSTON A. H. ULLRICrVFree^ Phone Evanston 1024 Children's Gauntlet Gloves ALL SIZES In brown only BARGAINS BRING CROWDS Hemstitched Table Goths Satin finishâ€"fully bleachedâ€"wide range of patterns. Size 58x58............ $1.29 Royal Worcester Corsets Sample lot, made of white and pink coutll, medium bust, long skirt, wide elas- tic section i sizes 21-28. Z JpleV/O Women's Knit Petticoats Fitted yoke, won't crawl ^v q up or bunch between ^f 3*£#* knees, white and dark colors... %JvJK* Blanket Bath Robes SESr^$4.49 Men's Nightshirts s^Te^ 98c -Cotton Blankets White with blue and pink borders. Sizes 63x78...... $£.i)0 Oil Cloth Lunch Sets Bluebird design. 13 pieces for 59c Children's Sleepers In flannelette. Gray only, drop seat* with feet; sizes 4-7.... 89c Children's Dresses In gingham, song or half sleeve, two pockets,, sash ef- fect; blue, pink and green plaids; sizes 7-14 ......... $1.69 Children's In flannelette, with or without collar, sizes 6-14 98c FOR Frames. Sash. Doors and Interior Finiih 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near No'th and CSybourn Ares, # I •'Hon* Lincoln Vfltt-3 Boys' Stockings ffi Women's Stockings X' cotton fleece, black ^f CVg^ , rib top, sizes 9-I0J.....%J #7 V- Goat brand; tough, re- al, wide rib; sizes 6-11 39c Large Range of Remnants of all descrip- tions always on hand â„¢