1 eu) Essex Model is Placed on Display ntten Branch of Hudson Motor Company of Chicago Donon- »tr*t«* £•••* ImproTomonU Evanston branch of the Hud- i'Motor Car Co. of Chicago, it now diving the new and improved Essex. Important improvements have been atuVumler the hood" giving greater •onoW and reliability and even noothcr performance. A redesigned intake manifold in- ,res the admission of a much more feet mixture to the combustion harober. This, together with a hanged spark plug arrangement, min- jjtcs oarbon deposit, and the foul- ot spark plugs through poor fuel r mixtures is practically impossible ml gasoline mileage is higer. Oth- r jmprovefnents in design give in* reaseel reliability, more flexible per- lance and further freedom from aintcnance care. Simple and inexpensive wayi to re- lace parts as they wear are provid- ed Thus the tight, squeak-free and attle-free qualities and lively per- ormance of the Essex when new may e retained throughout the life of the ar. Jjie new improved Essex expresses new day meaning of refinementâ€" i -reduced, weightâ€"freedom from nncccssary bulk and the finest mark motoring luxury. The body and the wheels of the New Jssex open models are finished in a 'eep rich shade of blue and all chas- is parts are black. A custom built fitted with gypsy curtains and light glass give added appear- ing Radiator shutter assembly, mo- or meter, neutral lock and cord tires re standard equipment. Mr. J. D. Courier, 903 Lake avenue, 4mm#dâ€"Mnnday from a wciik!l v«S«' rwith Mrs. Couffer at Colorado Springs, Colo. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21,1921 __ THAT WINTER AUTO TOP Indication of the early approach of winter days may be found in a cur- rent announcement by the Chicago Coach and Carriage Company, 1223 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, of preparations to provide the built-on California automobile tops for open cars. The concern Jhas- been in "busi- ne,8s. *or *orty"two years and has es- tablished a reputation for excellent service in rebuilding and refinishing car and carriage bodies. We are fully equipped with modern motor vans for local or long distance moving. Have taken many trips to In- diana, Michigan, Wis- consin and even to Cleveland, Ohio. STORAGE b FURNITURE CI HiSESBbSfe 0IXJ311 m |ras mnn 5 J i ; ! The Risk is too Great In proportion as the theft of acces- -â€" sories has increased, most insurance companies-have found it necessary to decline to insure accessories. We can continue this class of insur- ance because all our risks are "hand picked" and our losses are therefore small. For the same reason our premiums are about 20% less than those ordinary insurance companies. We will be glad to give you the details at your convenience. Smentan 3utomoMe ©nfcertortter* 209 West Jackson Boulevard Telephone! Wabash9271 m WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. .i-i in., P«WI : :-â- â- â- â- â- â- .;..-•.â- .-?'• FUNERAL DIRECTORS WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Our constant desire when called it to render the most â- â- • EFFICIENT and COMPLETE SERVICE ,â- â- â- -' :.': I;"â- 'â- â- â- '•-" â- â- ;•â- >â- '•â- «ud to supply FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS at the very LOWEST COST. CASKETS as LOW ma $35 Me charge for distance H. F. UNSER 1022 Davis St. Evanston, I1L MANAGER Phone Evanston 98 Phone Wilmette 280 My lines ^>f good solid shoes, for Hboys and girls, are now complete, and a call will convince you. Prices are lower than last season. My showing of STANDARD SPATS in regular and OUT sizes are the finest to be had SHOES FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1608 Chicago Ave. Evanston, Illinois, jj^ ,-:â- REAMS RE being sold in all the North Shore Suburbs between Rogers Park ana Lake Forest. Boxes contain an assortment of Vanilla, Walnut, Pecan and Coconut* Creams. Packed in \, 1 and 2 pound boxes. Sold in Wilmette by RENNECKAR DRUG CO. SNIDER & CAZEL SCHUMACHER CANDY CO., HIGHLAND PARK