10 <» THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1«1 11 ~ 'Qui** J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ :: but on account of the many urgent requests for her services she has planned to divide her time among the churches this year. The first appoint- ment for the<«lass is Tuesday, October 25, at 2 P. M. The privileges of this course will be extended to women out- side the Presbyterian church. Our Wednesday evening study course and conference is developing a very marked interest and attend- ance. Every .Wednesday at 8 P. M. Bible School. 9:30 A. M.: Churdi Services. 11 A. M.; Junior. C% 3:30 P. M.J Intermediate C. E.? 4:30 P.M.. Senior C. E,.6:00 P. M. Greenleai av- enue and N'ir.th street. Sunday services held at the Wil- mette Woman's club include Sunday- school at 9:30 A. M. and Morning Church services at 11 o'clock. The theme of *the sermon to be preached by the pastor. Rev. A. O. Soholm. on Sunday. October 3, is "The Divine Guardianship".' There will be special music at this service. On Friday evening, October 28, the members of the church will join in a K*t-toKether and Hallowe'en party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandt, Lake avenue and Hibbard joad._____________;________:_____.. period.on, <rf«h« p««o» rf»g &','S S time be formally receired week the .pe»ker wBl mree.t .ome .o-, The "gf"^ o*tohtt 28, on the lution, to the problem, presented b, | ««**« Fr, SffiURj SundaySchooU ?v,„»«. E^.^tSi&M or the Officers of the School Mar tin Hayes Bickham. 429 Ninth street. dean, and C. A.Wheeler, 265 Wood court, registrar. ^ v The Washington Avenue .Circle, Mrs. H. K. Snider, chairman, will hold a Rummage Sale at.the Economy Shop. October 25. In the absence of the chairman. Mrs. James Crossley, will be in charge: The Annual conference of the W. B. M. I. will be held Tuesday. Wednes- day and Thursday. October 25-27. at the N'ew Fir<st Congregational church. Chicago. A very interesting and worthwhile program will be given at rhese meetings, details of which may !.e had from Mrs. W. A. Tucker, or Mrs. S. A. Lloyd. o'clock. Mrs. Mahin and Mrs. Leslie Miller will assist. -» Did you ever look in the mirror: Were you surprised to see yourself 3 But even when you did you saw your- self out of your own eyes. We are ; not so sure' what Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd is going to do- in his sermon on "A Fool and His Friends", but it may be that he will hold the mirror upthat we may see ourselves as "ithers" seej us [•'A special business meetine of the i Church will be held Wednesday even- ing. October 26. for the discussion of the budsret for 1922. This is a very im- ; portant meetinar and special effort" • should be made to attend. Time per- I nutting. Mr. Lloyd will meet the mem- ^ hers of the Board of Deacons and Board of Trustees, and the Church Officers. Meeting will be held in the Parlor, at 7:45 o'clock. Watch out for the Hallowe en Par ty Friday, October 28. All w« know is that it's to be held in the basement of the church - is for the Intermedi- ate department â€" and that it is a Costume or Old Clothes Party. Be Prepared! To the women concerned: Apronsâ€"Tuesday,' wttjh Mrs. Cal- loway. 520 Linden avenue, at 1 o clock Dolls â€" Thursday, all day at the church. Bob luncheon. Underwearâ€"Thursday, all day with Mrs. Tilt, 615 Laurel avenue. Box .luncheon. '. \pron Dressesâ€"Thursday, all day \with Mrs. Bower, 1041 Ashland avc- ! nue. Box luncheon. Fancv Workâ€"Friday, all day with Mrs. Jordan. 1012 Greenwood avenue. Box luncheon. The Woman's society ij j. engaged in Mission study miUL1*' Tuesday afternoons at l-SiSl They are using the new boot^T Kingdom and the Nations/*^ ** The women will meet for wi*. Cross work-the preparation of S? ages and other hospital equipment mission hospitalsâ€"this aftertwvi* 2 o'clock, with Mrs. M. J. H?2* 807 Greenwood avenue. ^11 A delightful occasion marked a. church activities last Sunday \tm noon when about eighty membenSi friends gathered at the home of? and Mr'a* T. A. Copeland to wilcoS the President of the Northern Bâ„¢ Convention, Mrs. Helen Barrett 33 gomery, who was the speaker at t£i Wilmette Sunday Evening dub \SMontgomery spoke briefly of the'nS task before the denomination 3 Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, of Glenoid who is president of the WomaS American Baptist Foreign MiiS society, also spoke. Later, these tn national leaders visited the Youm People's society at its Sunday evtj ing meeting in the church. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN BAPTIST CHURCH Linden and Prairie avenues. \%mette. Herman W. Meyer, M. JLj pastor, 406 Prairie avenue. Phone 13%] Our Fathers' Faithâ€"Our Country On Sunday morning Mr. Stifler will give the third of his series of sermons Language. In Church as well as Sunday schoolj we have a vital message for you and The topic for the sermon next Sun- day morning will be. "What Is Your Religion Worth to You" and the Com- munity?" Practically every one claims' some kind of religious or Christian faith. If worth, is it really worth anything? ^^ISW^Ii^WS ^Vilmette Gâ€"y School of October^. cordially invited. _ *^lJ££S. Monday*J& eSkSS% no7edABible ?eh&nd with a short devcHional »ervke and a teacher wHI conduct this course of short talk by Mr-Lloydion Some Se- study. Mrs. Berry devoted her entire nous Weaknesses of the Home Life of The Cozy Corner Circle. Mrs. F..C. Huftma'n. chairman, will hold an af- ternoon meeting ot the church. Thurs- day. October 7. „^_Ceremonial will be conducted by the twp'Camp Fire groups under the give tne mini oi ni* scries ui »s»"iwn» «*. ......... .......*.«.«..»„ »*,. JVU m based on Jesus' contacts with the j your children. V\ c invite you to hear r»«^r.i* rtt* hi« time. The theme will be it. people of his time. The theme will be "Mary and Marthaâ€"the Home Ma- kers." The pastor's study and headquarters of the church, which for the past four time to the Bible study work of the Fourth Presbyterian church last year. Wilmette in Respect to the Religious Nurture of our Children and Youth." The Wilmette Second Troop of Boy Scouts. Mr. Harold M. Gilmore. Scout- master, will take their formal Tender- foot examinations today at the church. Plans are being made for the Troop to cook and eat dinner out of doors that evening. Thursday, October 27, Roosevelt's Birthday, the Troop will hold a formal church edifice and may be reached by the entrance at the northeast corner of the church. The telephone number is retained, Wilmette 2235. Last Thursday a large shipment of clothing and supplies, which the Wo- man's department of the church has been collecting, was shipped to New York to be loaded on the Relief Ship which Northern Baptists are sending as a Christmas greeting to Poland, Czecho-Slovakia and Latvia. 9:15 A. M.â€"Sunday school and Bi. ble classes at Library Hall. 11:00 A. M.â€"Service and sermon at the church. Subject: Man's Approval, Self-Approval or Christ^s_Approval; Which? T Cor. 4\3^T Every Monday and Friday at 4, tin pastor conducts a class for the reli- gious instruction of children at the church. Any child eight years of agt or above may enter. Thirty-six chiU dren are now in regular attendance Instruction is free to all. Preparation for three attraction! are now being made at St. John's:! the entertainment to be ^iven by Young People's society, "The Bit Symptoms: Nerves 'oft edge, easily irritated. Sense of complete exhaustion. Longing to stop the maddening pace. Growing desire to give tired brain a rest. Increasing fear that the over-strained nerves will break. Serious and continued questioning as to the value of the struggle. Treatment: Take Sunday for rest and for the proper adjustment of your mental, physical and spiritual nature. Take your nerves, your fatigue, your fretr your strain &nd your questionings into |ht^ quiet refuge of the House of God. Take the tention off your mental and physical and put it upon the spiritual, giving your sotil ener- getically to worship and to service. Cause: ^ Over emphasis upon the function of the mental and the physical. Partial paralysis of the spiritual owing to lack of light, air and exercise. '. .the spiritual forces. Result: This treatment, faithfully followed, has never failed to produce a clearing of the mental perceptions, an invigoration of physical power by means of its direction and a marvelous development of JHE CHURCHES OF WILMETTE HEARTILY INDORSE THE ABOVE AND RECOMMEND THE TREATEMNT. - The First Methodist Church St. Augustine's Episcopal Church The Wilmette Baptist Church St. John's Lutheran Church The First Presbyterian Church ^The First Congregational Church Wilmette English Lutheran Church â€"â€"