ES52SSK 'fiwwww m THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, ^SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 Kenilworth Happenings Miss Mary Blomeyer of 430 Ab- bottsford road, returned home re- cently from^a pleasant visit in \ter former home, Waco, Tex. She visited in St. Louis, while away and was ac- companied home by Miss Elizabeth Russell. Miss Elizabeth Russell, of St. Louis, left Wednesday of last week for her home after spending a week as the guest of Miss Mary Blomeyer. Mre. William A. Gardner of Kenil- worth was luncheon hostess Monday for Miss Dorothy Flood who will be- come the bride Saturday of Mr. Rob- ert H. Gardner". Miss Cjarol de Windt gave a dinner party Monday evening for Miss Flood. Miss Katherine Fjeld gave a dinner for her Tuesday evening at the Blackstone, followed by a theater party. Later in the evening Mr. Rogers Gardner of St. Louis was host at a supper at the Drake. > Mrs. William McCoo, who has beery the guesi of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reichmann has returned to Toronto, Canada. A. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee enter- tained the Evening Bridge club Mon- day last. Miss Marjorie Burchard left Thurs- day to enter her Junior year at * Wellesley college, Wdlesley, Mass. Miss Ruth Woodward ' and Miss Katherine Robbins gave a handker- chief shower Wednesday last in honor of Miss Julia Warner of Evanston, whose marriage to Mr. Jack Herdic of Williamsport, Pa., will take place October 1. The Misses Emily and Dorothy Foresman left Sunday, to enter their senior year at Smith College, North Hampton, Mass. Miss Jessie Morton of St. Louis, Mo,, spent-theNyeek-end as the-guest1 of Miss Virginia Little. Mrs. James Murray has as her guest Miss Marjorie Brampton of Trenton, New Jersey. Mrs. F. C. McCauley of Louisville, Ky., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. Mr, and Mrs. Reed Landis, who have been making their home in Kenilworth this summer, will move into their own house in Glencoe, which is expected to be finished in a fortnight. Mrs. Rufus Porter and son. Ned, have returned home after spending the summer at Lincolnville, Maine. Mrs. Charles Meyer entertained in- formally at tea Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Durham have rented their home for the winter and have taken an apartment in town. Mrs. George Keehn left Thursday for Montreal, Canada, to meet her son, Grant, who has been abroad for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Moss are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Monday last. , The Misses Elizabeth and Kather- ine Merrill heitjwonday for Bradford academy, Haverhill, Mass. Miss Sally Keehn of Reading, Pa., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn. Mr. William Reichmann left Fri- day for New York to spend several days before he returns to college at Providence, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blakesley Gerould arrived home from their wed- ding trip to New York, Boston ajid other eastern points. They will re- side on Sherman avenue in Evanston. Mrs. Gerould was Miss Dorothy Taylor. Mr. .and Mrs. Maulsby Forrest are back froitLJtheir honeymoon at Eagle River. Wis., and are visiting the latter's jarents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. ^lttllllllllllllll>llllllllllltlllllllltlll|IIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIItlllllllllllltlllltlllMIIIIIIIM^ U>ARKWAY TEA SHOP j Chicago Ate. at Croat St. | EVANSTON, ILL I LUNCHEON 12:30to2 P.M. | Table a" Hole Dinner, S:30 to | I 8:00 $1.00 j I Sunday 12:30 to3:00 PM) 5:30 to8:00PM) $1.25 ifllllMllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli? Mrs. Ernest Fleischmann of Kenil- worth entertained on Tuesday after- noon last, in honor of her sister, Mrs, Joseph Regneas, wife of the celebra- ted singer and teacher of New York. Mrs. Regneas, better knowir-to musi- cal circles as Mme. Sara Anderson, gave rare pleasure in a program of songs, the accompaniments of which were played by Mrs. Jacob Cline. At the "request of several Kenilworth music lovers, she * rendered Schu- mann's famous Song-Cycle, "Wo- man's Love and Life". The large gathering was moved to great en- thusiasm. Mrs. Bulley of Sheridan road, and Mrs. Huck *bf Leicester road, presided at the tea-table. The floral decorations were pink roses. Reichmann. They will leave next week for-St. Louis, Mo., their new home. Mrs. John V. Rathbone is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Bernell, at New- ton, la. The Wednesday Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Gillette. THAT WINTER AUTO TOP Indications of the early approach of winter days may be found in a< cur- rent announcement by the Chicago Coach and Carriage Company, 1223 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, of preparations ta provide the built-on California automobile tops for open cars. The concern has been in busi- ness for forty-two years and has es- tablished a reputation for excellent service in rebuilding and refinishing car and carriage bodies. CENTRAL SCHOOL P.-T. SESSlQi The first meeting of the n#^ year of the Central school £* Teacher association will be held$* day afternoon, October 4 at V »\*» Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber,'chai^Cl(> the Education committee nt* Tenth District Fetation ofV an's clubs, and a leader in Wfc. ' Parent-Teacher activities, wfli K ( speaker. De' Subscribe To Your Local >•* 'â- •••, 5137 Nokol Heaters Over 25,000 people ^^in 5137 homes in 25 States and 6 for- eign countries-are using Nokol today. NOKOL COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Sherman Avenue Correct Fall Millinery If we do not have your choice on hand it it our specialty to make it > for you. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Remodeling, cleaning and blocking done at reasonable prices. Flinker & Fli The Store of Personal Service MILLINERY and DRYGOODS 1217 Wilmette Ave. Just west of the tracks Phone Wil. 2271 X*|K»" Thursday nnd SeHirtfay Evening*7 f** *****+******** .i.***** ****** ************** ******* **£ Fall Shirts * * * * . + + * * * * * * * * * * * + * ) * / + * •> ************************************************ ***.> We are now showing a very fine stock of shirts in the newest fall patterns. This is a good time to lay in a supply. The Home of Hart, Shaffner and Marx Clothes BURNS TOGGERY Across From The Northwestern Station Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings ^oriiHiiiiiiitriiiimiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiimiiifiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiUHiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiii! The McAllister-Worthen COMPANY Dry Goods - - Notions Men s Furnishings ,-. 33 Quality V/ Pri rice ,jj Come In -â€" FindjOut I 1 For Yourself § | 1146-1148 Wilmette Avenue | I Wilmette, 111. I yilllllililllilllllllllii iiillllllilllllllll If Cooking Odors and Greasy Fumesâ€" will circulate through every room in your home as soon as you close your doors and windows. ' r â- Go now to any of the following dealers and see an __ itcheiu ^^^nlilcitor demonstrated. , Also learn that it costs less than 2 cents a day to keep your home correctly ventilated. For Sale By W. F. Beyrer, 1122 Central Avenue WILMETTE Blake Electric Shop, Railroad Avenue WINNETKA F. A. Darby, 1104 Davis Street Henry C. Wienecke, 678 Vernon Avenue EVANSTON GLENCOE Hubbard Woods Electric & Hardware Co., 902 Linden Ave l" HUBBARD WOODS 7 FOR OFFICES • STORES; _ FACTORIES • PUBLIC BUILDINGS RESTAURANTS -THEATRES • HOUSES1** 2850 N. Crawford Ave, Chicago, I1L phone Kildare 1520 «â- >