wfmm*â€" WWWminm\mmmmmmmm\*mmwyuMYmmv\\\\\\\wu THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 Tell Us, Who Is Wilmette's Fairest Lady? Who is the Queen of Wilmette? Should vou chance to -know her drop into the offices of The Lake Shore News within the next two weeks and leave her name and address. She is to he highly honored by the Board of Commissioners of Cook county who will ask her to be a sponsor on Sun- day. October 9, Jin the celebration .commemorating tire opening of River road, which marks the conclusion of the season's paving program. Announcement of the celebration and the request for appearance at the ceremonies of Wilmette's fairest of the fair was contained in a letter di- rected this week to Village President Zipf and the Wilmette Village Board of Trustees. The letter reads; To the President and Board of Trustees, Village of Wilmette, 111. The Board of County Commissioners of Cook County contemplate a cele- bration on Sunday, October 9th, com- memorating the opening of the River Road, and also marking the con- clusion of the season's paving pro- gram. __5__ .________ At this celebration it is proposed to have each town, city, and village of the county represented by a young lady sponsor (to be not under sixteen years of age), who will be given an appropriate part in the program. I have, therefore, been asked to re- quest you to name a young lady sponsor of your village and to sub- mit the name to me before October 1. The ceremonies will be held at a junction of Touhy Road and the Des Plaines River Road in the Township of Maine, at 3 P. M., and I shall be pleased to send you a detailed pro- "gTam~Tatei George A. Quinlan, Supt. of Highways. John J. Moron Named Xaverian Club Leader Well Known Resident Selected to Di- rect Activities of Popular Wil- mette Social Organization John J. Moran, 924 Greenleaf ave- nue, was named president of the Xaverian club of Wilmette Monday evening at the annual election and first fall meeting of the progressive social organization. The election of Mr. Moran is re- garded as a well deserved tribute to his splendid work for the club during the past two years. He has been prominently identified with the club since its inception several years- ago; Officers elected to serve with Mr. Moran include Theodore Adams, vice VILLAGE OF WILMETTE i NOTICE OF HEARING OX ZONING ORDINANCE The undersigned Zoning Commission of the village of Wilmett0"having here- tofore prepared a tentative report and proposed Zoning ordinance' for the en- tire village of Wilmette in accordance with law; Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Commission will hold a public hearing thereon in the Assem- bly Hall of -Byron CStolp School, Tenth Street, in the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, on Wednesday, the 5th day of October, 1921, at eight o'clock P. M., and will afford all persons inter- ested an opportunity to be heard; copies of the proposed ordinance will be furnished on request, said copies are in the office of C. C. Schultz, Superin- tendent of Public Works of the village of Wilmette, in the Village Hall in said Village; said public hearing may be ad- journed from time to time. Dated at Wilmette, Illinois, Septem- ber 14th, 1921. WILMETTE ZONING COMMISSION Edward Zipf, Chairman Earl E. Orner. Secretary Wm. H. Ellis â€"t-J-- Judson F. Stone------------_ ^W^Cr-ShUTtleff----- Henry Fowler Fayette W. Reed Lyman M. Drake president; John Korevan, secretary; H. W. Hammes, treasurer. Directors elected were L. W. Crush, A. L. Nor- rington, B. W. Lynch, J. A. Ronan, F. Seng, F. W. Harvey, Jr., Q. Spillance. Many interesting events are prom- ised for the club in the current season and plans are going forward for pro- grams that will eclipse in entertain- ment features any of the affairs pre- viously undertaken by the organiza- tion. CHURCH FOOD SALE Winnetka women members of St. John's Lutheran church of Wilmette are preparing to conduct a Food sale at Christ Church Parish House, Oak and Linden streets, Winnetka, Thurs- day afternoon, September 9. In ad- dfttforrrto the saleâ€"a~particularly in- viting supper is to be served from 5 :30 to 8:30 o'clock in the evening. The sale will be held between the hours of 3. and 5 o'clock. More, NOKOL Heaters will be installed in September than in any month in the history of Nokol. NOKOL COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Sherman Avenue Telephone [jgqqrcaM^^ Education Wins in the life struggle; more and more, college trained men and women are demonstrating their success as leaders in business and usefulness. How many Fathers and Mothers realize that they can assure college opportunity for the toddler now playing around home by placing $2.00 per week in a Savings Account that grows with compound interest as the child grows, , How many would gladly deny themselves this amount out of their pocket money carelessly spent, with nothing to show for it at the end of the year-? Think it over and open an account today at YOUR HOME BANK U Evanston T&yy SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 5% CASH fcAandCrry DISCOUNT Wilmetteâ€"Central Ave. and 12th St. . . .5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Profit Goods. Cosh and Delivered - - - - l°h Discoun These do not apply to Meat Department SPECIAL SALE Sept. 26th to Oct. 1st YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE IT, but I can prove that you are buying your food from 20 to 25% cheaper than one year ago, and I can see reasons why food must go down still more. AFTER AN EXTENSIVE TOUR OF EIGHT STATES studying crop conditions, Granville Hunt, former chief of the canned goods division of the Federal Food Administration, believes that now is the time to buy canned goods, that America is liable to suffer a dearth of canned goods, and that with the augmented demand and the limited supply the price will go up. BUY CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES NOW. I have a fine stock at low prices. REPUBLIC PRESERVESâ€" Pure. Strawberry and Raspberry. Look this price up. Only a limit- ed quantity left. 15 oz. jar. Doz. $.100 ; jar â- ................25c FERGUSON SWEET ORANGE MARMALADEâ€" 11 oz. jar................___25c SUNBEAM PURE JELLYâ€" Red Currant, Crabapple. Grape, Quince: 10 oz. jar: doz.....$2.85 Tar...............:..........25c RICHELIEU CRYSTALLIZED GINGERâ€" uu____•................ .48c CANTON PRESERVED GINGER Small pots ............'......55c APRICOTSâ€" Fancy, Blenheim, lb. .........35c PRUNESâ€"Sweet Santa Clara. Finest quality: 40-50 size: lb..19c . 30-40 size:Jb.................24c COMB HONEYâ€"Fancy white clo- â€"veihâ€"Comb ............'.,.... .33c REINA OLIVE OH___Pure, sweet, fancy olive oil. Quart ...-----$1.25 ANTONINI ITALIAN OLIVE OIL One of the finest produced: Pint 85c : qt..................$1.50 MAZOLA CORN SALAD OILâ€" Qt. can ___ ........ ........57c CAMPBELL'S TOMATOE SOUPâ€" Dozen cans.......... ^.___,.$1.23 RICHELIEU MAPLE SYRUPâ€" The price is down within reas- on again. Pure and delicious in flavor. Qt...................80c OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUfâ€" Xo. 2*4 can......:...........65c SUNBEAM SPANISH OLIVESâ€" Laree -.olives : 13'/. oz. hot. ...35c SUNBEAM DEVILED OLIVESâ€" Large olives, \3l/2 oz. hot. ...45c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard, No. 2 can: i Doz. $1.30: can................He BROCKPORT TOMATOESâ€" Extra fancy, large No. 3 effns: Doz. $2.25; can-----...........lte MEAT DEPARTMENT Lamb Patties, lb..............32c Native Pot Roast of Beef, lb 24r Hamburger Steak, lb.........25c Dixie Bacon, lb..............22c Home Made Sausage Meat, ..35c RICHELIEU ROLLED OATSâ€" These are not like the ordinary rollcd oats which you buy. They are far finer, and in aâ€"class by themselves. Large 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg..........27c RICHELIEU COCOAâ€"Dutch pro- cess. You will find it as fine as any you ever drank: Jl> lb. can .......*.............28c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota ; % bbl.............$125 LARDâ€"Pure, bulk; lb........18c CRISCOâ€" Lb.......... ........21c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOURâ€"Pkg......17c GRAHAM FLOURâ€"5 lbs......25c RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOURâ€" 5 lbs.......................35c NAVY BEANSâ€" â€"HaiuF-picke4; lb............~736e^ 12c LIMA BEANSâ€"Dried; lb. MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, large stalk ; No. 1 square can; doz. $4.40; can .........37c PLYMOUTH ROCK CORNâ€"For fritters and soup; doz......$1.75 Can.........................15c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORN â€" Extra fancy quality, tender, sweet; Doz. -2.40; can ...............20c PLYMOUTH ROCK SIFTED SARLYJUNE PEASâ€"Sweet, ten- der ; Doz. $1.65 ; can .........14c RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€" Exceptionally fine, tender, sweet, Doz. $325; can ..............28c HOME MADE PRESERVESâ€" Fruit is abundant, sugar and jars are cheap. Why don't you put Up your Preserves and Jelly? Peaches, Pears, Plums, Quin- ces, Crabapples, Grapes. MASON PRESERVE JARSâ€" Quarts, at a snap price; doz. 85c ATLAS E. Z. SEAL PRESERVE JARSâ€"Glass top; qts., doz. ..$1.20 Pints, dozen ................$1.10 JELLY TUMBLERSâ€" Squat. 6 oz. doz..............51c Tall, 1-3 pint, doz............48c MASON JARj^P^^Dj)z^_^30c_ JAR RUBBERSâ€" Good Luck, red, doz.........10c White, very h'eavv, 3 doz. for 25c PARAFFINE WAXâ€" 1 lb. cake .........._______12}£c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" This is the largest bar of soap that I know of. It is cut to weigh \0]/j oz. 66 10j/> oz. bars, box^.....$4.45 • 10 \0y2 oz. bars............69c No cash, discount. LENOX SOAPâ€"Proctor & Gam- bles. Old hard stock, râ€"â€" 120 7 oz. bars, box ........$4.20 10 7 oz. bars................35c No cash discount. "" 1__ BROOMSâ€"A clean sweep, well made, good corn. 4 sewed. ..55c WHISK BROOM â€" First quality corn. well made; each ......35c PAILSâ€"Galvanized iron, 12 qts.. Each................... .....30c CLOTHES LINESâ€" Calcutta Tute, 50 feet ........27c WAX CANDLES â€" Self fitting White or colored; 8 or 10 in box................49c SUNIBAY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy: heavv svrup: large No. 2V2 can ; doz. $2.75; can.......24c PLYMOUTH ROCK PEACHESâ€" Yellow Cling; fine quality: No. . 2V2 can; doz. $3.15: can ......71". RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS The finest; No. 2 can ; doz. $3.50 can......................... 30c Wise Investment - Compound Interest, accomplish wonders within a few years. Come in and let us ex- WILMETTE STATE BANK UNDER STATE CONTROL AND SUPERVISION s § $ (ontee I BEAUTY COMPACTS Perfumed with j the Wonderful New Odor of 26Flowers >V- Face Powder in its handiest, most economical form. Dainty ca\es of Face Powder Jonteel in charming little boxes that slip into your hand'bag. No spilling- no waste. Exquisite shadesâ€"to match all complexions. Complete with puff, 50c. [P. S. There's a large size Jonteel Beauty~1 Compact for the dressing table, $1.00J ..â- *• FREE For a limited time we give you a Jar of combina- tion cream with each purchase of a box of Face Powder and a box of Rougeâ€"all full sized pack- ages. Remember, you get THREE FAMOUS BEAUTIFIERS For the Price of Two Renneckar Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE TELEPHONES 28 and 29