^ wmmmmmmmmmmm^mm PPWWWW THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921 [ Social fiapptnings Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg and son, Harold, and daughter Marguerite, 1538 Walnut street, returned last Sat- urday from an extended trip in the east, stopping in Washington, D. C, Richmond, Va.. New York. Philadel- phia, and St. Clairsville Ohio. â€"+â€" The Cozy Corner Circle of the Con- gregational church will hold an all- day meeting Thursday at the church. All members of the Guild Circle are urged,to be present at this important meeting. â€"♦_ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pettibone and daughter, accompanied by friends, motored to Rockford, 111., over Labor Day. Mrs. Pettibone and daughter, remained through the week, returning on Saturday. , â€"♦â€" Mrs. A. E. Barber, who has been spending the greater part of the sum- mer with relatives and friends in Co- bourg and Toronto, Canada, will re- turn to her home at 621 Linden ave- nue, the latter part of next week. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Edward H. Yonkers and her daughter, Miss Dorothy Joyce Yonkers, have returned to their home at 911 Sheridan road, after a two month's tour of Europe. Among their many interesting trips was the air Putt and has many friends in the village. _♦_ Miss Beatrice Evans of Memphis, Tenn., and Miss Rosemary Howe of Chicago, have been spending the past week with Miss Marjorie West of 1033 Greenleaf avenue. â€"*â€" The Neighborhood Circle of the Congregational church will meet on Tuesday at 2 o'clock with Miss Hattie Brooks, 922 Forest avenue. â€"*â€" uef The members of the First Division of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Lund- berg, 1538 Walnut avenue, on Monday afternoon, September 19, at 2:30 o'clock. A good attendance is desired. â€"*â€" Mrs. Roy A. H. Thompson of 811 Ashland avenue, . accompanied by Miss Mary Lloyd of Winnetka, re- turned last Friday from an extended camping trip in northern Winconsin and Michigan. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline and family of 1311 Greenwood ave- nue, have returned home from Fish Creek, Wis., where they spent several weeks this summer. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Lyman C. Dunbar, formerly of Wilmette, have moved to 420 S. Paulina avenue, Pasadena, Gal. Mrs. Dunbar was formerly Miss Katherine Parsons. _*â€" Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Finlay and fam- ilyof 806 Lake avenue, started by mo many interesting trips was inc «*n »j~* ~~~* j-----r' voni,„i, T» flighf itm 1M* to Londou, made to|%. W.JfeJ5S3JSL 'SLff"^^ two hours. James Magill, son of Dr. and Mrs. George P. Magill, 731 Elmwood ave- nue, left Monday evening to enter Wooster College, at Wooster Ohio. â€"*â€" Mrs. R. A. Putt and daughter, Mer- celia have returned home from a ten day's trip to Dayton, Ohio, where they were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Mary Adams. Aileen Adams formerly~made her home with MrsT Our storage space is fill- ing up very fast. We have four skylights and ven- tilators in our roof which makes this storage space more free from moths. Our insurance rate is also very reasonable on ac- count of our building be- ing isolated. Better in- quire at once if consider- ing storage this fall. -1 = 1= STORAGE h FURNITURE CD tSSSPSBS&iH» where they will make their new home. â€"*â€" The Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- mette announces the first monthly 733 W. RailrcdlW Phone Wil. 53 j Millions la___ Electric Irons are in daily use In this Land That would not' be the fact if the implement failed to make good. Once used it becomes immediately an indis- pensable unit in the house equipment for ir- oning the family wash- ing, for the pressing of the something or other that is necessary every day. ELECTRIC IRONS Sold on Monthly Payments All Types and Weights Works from any lamp socket Public Service Co. of Northern Ills. ECONOMY Is something that must not be overlooked these days. The food that we serve is as delic- ious as possible to be, but its price is low. Welch's Cafeteria Qtftfral Ave. at 11th Street Wilmette ^__^EhoneU20 meeting of the year to be held at the Wilmette Woman's club on -Friday, September 23, at two o'clock. Rev. C. Pernin, S. J., will be the speaker of the afternoon. The address will be followed by a delightful musical pro- gram, presenting Miss Cameron in character songs, and S. A. Campbell in banjo and guitar selections. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Louis W. Crush and Ed- ward Kirchberg. â€"*â€" The Wilmette Post of "the Ameri- can Legion will hold its third annual Fall dance tomorrow evening at the Ouilmette Country Club. Mr. Harry L. Flentye. Jr.. is chairman of the committee in charge of the affair this year. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Roy O." Hopkins entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Saturday afternoon last at her home, 1322 Greenwood avenue, in honor of Miss Lucile Drake. Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Grading Sawn F« Land and Gravel Cinders Bui Wing Material General Teaming We Build Droeways FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors "FOR SALE" Ada Bring The Earliest Results Tb. Smitten •«4*|,- Chic«|o h.T, tl^ Sport and We* End Skirts MADE AT THEWIUOH SKIRT SHOP madt with your tmn material" Suits 1418 St vsns Buildln. Randolph 3219 m« Randolph 3219 * North Sl.U CHIC AGO 16 North W.bMj, Call Wilmette 1921 To "H Insert "CLASSIFIED ADS" EXPRESSING, MOVING AND TAXI SERVICE * * * WILMETTE EXPRESS CO. 1225 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 40 SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Jprocsry Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St %â- CASH DISCOUNT Cash and Carry - - - - 5% Discount Cash and Delivered .... 2% Discus On orders of $1.00 or more of norma) These do not apply to Most Department Profit Goods. , 5 SPECIAL SALE Sept 19th to Sept 24th CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Wholesalers are asking higher prices for them. I can- not buy now to sell at my present prices. I still have a large stock of all kinds of fruit and vegeta- bles which will be sold at the old, low prices. CAMPBELL'S TOMATOE SOUP â€" Dozen cans................... RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE â€" The very finest grade of pineapple packed. No. 2 squat can; Dozen cans $3JO; can VERIBEST TOMATOESâ€" Armour's highest quality; No. 2 can; Dozen cans $1.50; can.......... BABY STEWART SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS â€" Wonderful quality for this price; Dozen cans $1.65; can........................ $1.23 30c 12>*c 14c CRACKERSâ€"National Biscuit Co. Have gone down in price acain: Premium Sodas. Graham, Ginger Snaps, lb. ...'............\..2©c Uneeda Biscuit. 2 pkgs. .......15c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota ; % bbl.............$1.25 COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Makes a mild, sweet, creamy drink. Equal to any coffee in cans at 45c. Lb......................37c COFfEEâ€"ROAST SANTOS. Very fine; very cheap: lb..........23c TEAâ€"Upton's Yellow Label, Cey- lon and India :,1 lb. can ... .80c V2 lb.........................40c OOloncr No. 25. 75c qualitv. lb.55c English Breakfast L. T.. 60 c „_ quality, lb....................45c Basket Fired Japan No. 162. 75c quality, lb. ... ..............60c PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara. Sweet; fin- est quality: 40-50 size. lb. ... .19c 20-30 size, lb..................32c RICHELIEU CATSUPâ€" The flavor of this catsup is not killed with spices. It is the fin- est catsup made. 17 oz. bot. .29c RETFWING^ATSUPâ€" 18 oz. bot. 20c: 9 oz. hot; ... 12c RICHELIEU MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€" Perfect quality: large 12-oz. pk^r: much cheaper than a 7 oz. pkg. at 10c : 12 oz. pkg............14c REAL EGG NOODLESâ€" Broad, medium and fine; g^ lb. pkg.....___. ........23c M ARSHM ALLOWSâ€" FrVh : bulk : lb. .„...... .....35c SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITâ€" Pkg. ............ .,..<:.... 16c SUPERIOR FAMILY .. LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" 100 bars in box-^^â€"^â€"^^^JS | lJLharsâ€"..........â- â- ' , .......43c AMBER SOAPâ€"Proctor & Gam- ble's ; 100 bars in box........$6.50 10 bars.....................65c MEAT DEPARTMENT Native Pot Roast of Beef, lib. 24c Short Ribs of Beef, lb......12%c Lamb Patties, lb.............32c Rump Corned Beef, lb......28c Breast of Spring Lamb, lb. ...6c REPUBLIC PRESERVESâ€" Pure sugar and fruit only. Straw- berry and Raspberry, which were very scarce this vear. At a great harerain nrice: 15-oz jar; Doz. $3.35: jar ...............29c WALTER BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATEâ€" Reduced in price; lb.........40c CHEESEâ€" Youncr America lb. ..........30c Wisconsin Brick, lb.........32c Colby Full Cream, lb. ... .. .35c COTTAGE BROOMSâ€" 4 sewed: very fine corn; ea...85c DEL MONTE WHITE CHERRIESâ€"Extra fancy; No. 2V2 can : doz. $4.20; can..........35c AINSLEY'S FRUIT SALADâ€" Large No. 2V2 can . .^..^.....55c HETNZ BAKED BEANS â€" Plain and with Tomatoe Sauce; No. 3 can 23c : No. 2 can .... .15c FOSTER PRESRVED FIGSâ€" 10 oz. can ...................30c RICHELIEU SPINACHâ€"This is one of the finest article in the Richelieu line: clean, ready to use; large No. 3 can; doz. ..$3.00 can ..-----...............\ .;. .25c PLYMOUTH ROCK SALMONâ€" No. 1 tall can.............24c RUBIDEAU3C SARDINES â€" In olive oil; y> sfze large can .. .28c CROWN SARDINESâ€" Norwegian Smoked; % size .17c PLYMOUTH ROCK TUNA FISHâ€"Splendid puality; ^or^-can 40c ; No. y2 can ... ,22c LIBERTY KIPPERED HERRINGâ€" Large 10 pz. cans, 2 for*......25c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, laree stalk; No. I square can: doz. $4.40; can .........37c SUNBEAM COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN â€" Austin, Nichols & Co.'s finest brand; Doz. $2.10; can ...............W* RICHELIEU SIBJED SWEET WRINKLED PEAS-Ex- ceptionally fine, tender, sweet; Doz. $3.25 ; can .... .:j»........*** SUN IB AY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy; "heavy svrup; large No. 2V2 cant doz. $2.75: can .....2*« GOLDEN EAGLE APRTCOTS^-^ First auality; No. 2y2 can; Doz. 3.80; can ... .........HB| PLYMOUTH ROCK PEACHES- Yellow Cling: fine quality; No. W can; doz. $3.15; can ........•«l REPUBLIC PEACHES - Yellow Cling; extra quality; No. 2J4 can Doz. $4.00; can ...............m RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS The finest; No. 2 can; doz. $3iJ can.........,.................*K MASON PRESERVE JARSâ€"-j Quarts, doz...................IH Pints, doz....................i§ ^TLA^S E. Z. SEAL PRESERVE JARSâ€"Glass top; Qts., doz. ..$»â- *• Pints, dozen .....£\ .'.......Si-11 JELLY TUMBLERSâ€" Squat, 6 oz.. doz..............*»c TaJL 1-3 pint, doz.............g MASON JAR TOPSâ€"Doz.....3* JAR RUBBERSâ€" Good Luck, red; doz.....• "'!«! White, very heavy, 3 doz. for *** MASON IMPROVED JAR RUBBERSâ€"Doz. ......... ..,.»•**â- â- PARAFFINE WAXâ€" 21 1 lb. cake................ -12HC BATTLE CREEK ,. CORN FLAKESâ€"Pkg. ........"J- CREAM OF WHEATâ€"Pkg. ttII* WHISK BROOMSâ€"Each .35c CLOTHES LINESâ€" Calcutta Jute; 50 feet .. 27c