Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1921, p. 10

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MJUIIIIVHWI. I 10 THE-LAKE-SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which is combined THE WILMETTB LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, J1L . Telephone ____Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. ..92.O0 A YEAR All communications must . be ac- companied by the name and address ot the writer. Articles for publication snould reach this office by Wednesda> afternoon to insure appearance i* current issue. .resolutions of condolence, cards a* aianks. obituary poetry, notices oentertainments or other affairs wher«n admittance charge will be made oST collection taken, will be charged foat regular advertising rates. plus labor. Periods of unemployment are the most favorable for /getting roads built and public buildings erected. There should be public employment bureaus all over the country to find jobs for willing workers. The loss to the community by their non-pro- duction is a hundred times what it would cost to maintain an efficient system of such bureaus. Unemploy- ment can never be wholly done away with, as many popular follies help to create it, but watchful oversight by federal and state governments can re- duce it to a minimum. Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. _ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1921 The Unemployment Situation Tn limes of quiet business, some croakers are always representing things as far worse than they really SEEK OFFICERS' PENSION Men who accepted officers' com- missions for the world war only and who were wounded or disabled should be retired with pension the s*mc as are officers of the regular army, the American Legion's national legislat- ive committee declared last week in praying Secretary of War Weeks to extend the privilege to them, Tiit selective service law and an opinion of the army's judge advocate general were cited as justifying ifte claim. Dally Thought. 'Tls strange what a man may do and a woman still think him an angel.â€" Thackeray. Bound to Be Polite. Absent-minded professor, meeting his son: "Hello, George, hoyr*S" your father?"â€"Ladies' Home Journal. Over-Estimate Themselves. Most of those who claim that th« world owes them a living are inclined to insist on living high. Lancaster Piles First Turn*,, The first turnpike in the rT States was constructed between caster. Pa., and Philadelphia. are. It is milch that way with life present unemployment situation, in which it is claimed that some 5,000.000 people are out of work. The truth is that there are very few periods when there are not a good many people who are in the course of transit from one job to another. Furthermore, the number of unem- ployed may be computed . in many AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C.H.BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue . You Know Values? Here are six good Cars We offer at future prices $210 . 220 FORD TOURING '..'..,..... FORD TOURING ........ ._ FORD TOURING, STARTER . ... . . 325 OLDSMOBILE TOURING ... . . . 350 FORD COUPE .........;.. 340 FORD COUPE............. 375 We also offer New Ford--Touring..Cars on time at $ 194.00 down, $33.00 Monthly. New Ford Sedans $284.00 down $46.00 Monthly. cases by comparing the number now at work with the number employed at the height'of the boom times. In that period great numbers of young people, were tempted by high wages to leave school prematurely.___also many women left their home work to take factory jobs. Conditions, like these are not natural. The chances are that when a fair comparison is made with average times, many less than 5.000,000 people are loafing. The unemployed must co-operate by a willingness to work for fair prices. Much idleness has been caused di- rectly and indirectly, by strikes. Those who arc not willing to work for wages that the public can afford to pay.'are not entitled to much sym- pathy. However, everyone knows that the number of people out of work for ho fault of their own is very large. Everything possible should be done to assist them. More public construc- such times, to take care of this sur- tion projects should be started in Ij/MffGStK wound â€" b Gakfi Rmim. Do* art â- part k m fop <i» d» iiifcaiy North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONE EVANSTON 6424 J. E.SWIFT TEAL ^ Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. Phone Wilmette 37 R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4884 The Universal Car Ford 81 ° Church St. EVANSTON A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND garbage receiver Oder Piwut Ry Preof Do« Proof IM 9eves ur US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works^ , Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Why Wait for Rush SAVE 25$ It.will cost you less NOW to let us repair and. remodel your old furs like tew in our shopr Your garments will be ready for you to wear when cold weather sets in. /t> NO DELAY NO EMPTY PROMISES Try Us and Be Convinced Fur coats cleaned, glazed and lined with our real silk lining for $25. Unusually Fascinating Styles, Super- fine Quality Pelts, Incomparable Values in OUR NEW MADE TO ORDER FUR-COATS SELECTION. ALL WORK AH work is FURS AND GUARANTEED. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Visit our showrooms and bring your friends, absolutely guaranteed. SYLVIA'S FUR SHOP Z 412 Mailers Building 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago â€"Lâ€"------------------Phone Dearborn 6785----------- . an in a recent interview, had this to say about the North Shore Line: NORTH SHORE "I make many trips to Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and Waukegan. I always travel on the North Shore Line. The trains are fast and frequent, the cars are clean, the seats comfortable, and the train crews are efficient and courteous. It's a pleasure to ride through the pleasant North Shore country without the annoyance of smoke, dust or cinders. The dining car service is fine and«the food first- class." Milwauke e Limited trains leaving Wilmette every hour, from 5:4* A. M. to 42:48 A. M., take you direct to the North Shore Terminal Station, Milwaukee, con- venient to hotels and transportation lines. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD 'Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue

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