Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1921, p. 8

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Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must bo in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. Rates for the same advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20c - lino. Black face typo charged double price. srs« FOR BAMO-HKAL ESTATE FOR SALE â€" HERE'S THE HOUSE for you. New colonial, unusually well constructed; finest plumbing fix- tures; H. W. heat; 3 bedr.; tile bath: breakfast nook; attached garage; port crechler; all the little extra fea- tures that make a real home. $17,000. Best value ever for the moneyâ€"Hon- estly built 8 r. stucco in choicest sec- tion; heated sun pen.; sleep, pen.; 2 baths; maid's qtrs.; 4 large light master bedr.; dble garage; heated chauf. qtrs., with bath. Reduced to 118,900. -----Owner going east has cut $3,000 from price. 9 r. stucco in beautiful east- ern section; H. W. heat; tile baths; billiard r.; deep wdfeded lot with dble gar. A wonderful home for $18,750. A few other extra good buys in homes. Let us submit list. WE HAVE SOME REAL BARGAINS IN CHOICE LOTS. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L". Linden. ...Wilmette 407 3ARGAINS„ Mmmmw GLENCOEâ€"ONE OP THE PRBTTI- est locations on the east side, near the lake, Dutch Colonial, white frame, lot loo by 200 feet; garage to match house; 7 large rooms, 2 baths, 2 enclosed porches. $20,000. Glencoeâ€"Woodlawn Ave.; New shin- gle Colonial, five bed rooms, 2 baths, 2 porches; 100 ft. lot; nice trees and shrubs. $16,000. _ . Winnetkaâ€"East side; 7 room stucco, large porch, hot water heat, 100 feet frontage; sacrifice for cash. $15,000. Hubbard Woodsâ€"Brand new, beau- tiful home, four large bedrooms, three big porches, double garage; _____price $22,500; big reduction for cash. FRANK A. REID 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Telephone: Winnetka 1300 LTG44-ltc 7 R. FRAME ARRANGED FOR TWO families, $8,000. •â-  6 rooms & si. pch., h. w. heat, $s.6<>(). fireplace, bookcases, $9,500 7 r. frame, 4 bedrooms, east side. $11,000. 7 r. stucco & shingle, h. w. heat, sun ^dinlngj^JCcliejsJlJJLMfl, 7 r. stucco, large 1. r.. very attractive house, $14,000. See us about'vacants. We still have some bargains. WTLMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 518 - 4th St. Ph0nPL^44!ifc =/ SITUATION WAWTEP-MALB WAITED â€" POSITION BY EXfKKi- enced chauffeur; will do own repairs; good references; married. Phone Glencoe 618. LT44-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN WOULD LIKE position as gardener or will do housework. Tel. Wll. 766"W^T44 ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"TWO or THREE furnished rooms for light housekeep- ing. Phone Wilmette 588. L43-2tp hklI» WAMTBtt-ffffiMAiB WANTED â€" YOUNG LADY OF RE- flnement; permanent position with new and growing STORE FOR CHIL- DREN. High school business train- ing preferred. To assist in store and office duties. Genuine opportunity for right girl. Pleasant work and excel- lent future. Apply personally. Do not phone. KIDDIE NOOK. 1160 Wil- mette Ave.. Wilmette. LTOJj^tc WANTED â€" ONE OR TWO GIRLS, divide work between them Including laundry for family of four; no objec- tion to one newcomer. Telr^Win. 834. LTG44-ltc WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; white. Phone Monday. Kenilworth 1343. or call at 515 Ab- bottsford Rd. L44-ltc HELP WANTED â€" YOUNG GIRL TO assist with housework. Dr. Hecht, 815 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wll. 492. LTG44-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENE sU L housework; white; no washing; stay nights; references. Phono mornings. Win. 492. LTG44-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FKMALE FOR ,Kâ€"HOl'SEHWJLP HOOPS FOR SALE â€" SOLID OAK DINING table, piano, porch furniture, child s bed, high chair, bob sled, velour por- tlers, and other pieces of furniture. Call on Saturday afternoon or Mon- day morning. 816 Lake Ave. . L.4 4-1U' FOE SALE â€" MAHOGANY STAINED chest, 5 ft. long, 2 ft. wide, H/ ft. deep, top lid. castors,. $6.00; Sq Oak extension dining table, 3 boards. $8.00. 415 Maple Ave., Winnetka. Phone Win. 1560. LT44-ltp POR SALE-AIRDALE PUPS: THREE months oWJ house broken; child a pet; good watch dog. Write anaaie. Lake Shore News. Wilmette. â„¢-_2tp FOR SALE. AT SACR1FICE-SKT ur F°MUessSi ,Klnder?«tsn WJJlpmsnt in very good condition. â„¢on£.riL mette 1704._________________. =gTWB FOR SALEâ€"COLLECTION U£ kaRE F°genufnIe antiques. Phone BgMgB FOR SALE-GIRL'S BICXCL*!j*"^ model; practically new; $37.50. Phone Wll 1961 JU*SS"*»" P6R sALM-REED UAM IMkk»«:â-  IN good condition; Field's special. Tel Wil. 1819. i.44-ii HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"IN- cluding Walnut piano, fumed oak dining set . Call 470 Hawthorne Lane. Phone Winnetka 839. LTG44-ltc FOE SALEâ€"MAHOGANY POKER TA- ble; Chippendale living room set; kitchen tables; and porch chairs. Phone Winnetka 206._______LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WALNUT DINING ROOM set. 8 chairs and oval table, Queen Ann style; new; price $100. 175 Hazel Ave., Glencoe. LTG44-ltc FOB SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE WICKER living room furniture, chairs and rug. Phone Wil. 2320. LTG44-ltp FOE SALE â€" OLD ENGLISH OAK Davenport and two rockers. 159 Bert- ling Lane. Winnetka. LTG44-ltp WiSTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS ' WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND gas stove and refrigerator. Address _ Lake Shore News, D-40, Wilmette. L44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES LAUNDRY OR CLEANING DONE BY the day: will cook and serve Sunday dinner also; reliable. Call Evanston 104, mornings, or write P. O. Box 234, Evanston, 111. ___________________L44-ltp WILL DO LAUNDRY WORK. CLEAN- ing or cooking. Tues., Thurs., Sat., and half days Mon., Wed., Frl. Ad- dress P. O. Box 234, Evanston. LT44-ltc TRAINED NURSE WILL CARE FOR aged in own home. Phone Glen. 430. LTG44-2tc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE CARPENTERS WANTED â€" COME readyâ€"furâ€"work; franpr^uTRungT-^or^ est Ave. and 18th Street, Wilmette. LTG44-ltp FOR SALEâ€"OAKLAND ROADSTER; splendid condition; bargain. 932 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil- mette 1886. LTG44-lto FOR SALE >â€" 5 PASSENGER AUTO: good condition; very reasonable. __Phone Win. 639-R. LG44-ltp FOR SALE â€" OVERLAND COUPE: brand new; must sell before Sept. 12. Phone Evanston 2025. LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHANDLER CUMMINGS; new paint; must sell at once; big bargain. Phone Evanston 710. LTG44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING A\rr> PTrwrTyn at. Eaehment, works on all sewing ma- chines. $2; personal checks 10c extra. Li chit's Mall Order House. Box 127. Birmingham, Ala. LTG41-6tp WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY â€" SBCONU-HAWU ftSStXe and other household goods Highest prices paid for same, crost FurSltur? StoreT 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston. 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N.. Fell. 1644 Maple Ave. 1*3^ 11 -1 re tirety, particularly with ,v the definite mention o? tTa,. ' drivers. »oWBfiu Facts in the case are these. Len J Dean, proprietor of the wil«?J^ Dairy, had contracted for exten*^ space in the columns of The \S space in me tuiumiis. oi 1 he I I §hore News. Shortly following a negotiation of this contract he apnea? ed for release from his obligations^ regard to it, stating that as a dir2 result of the advertising he wart? .......ising ne was K. ing accorded unfair treatment bvY1 > ,,, competitor, th Bownu] certain MISCELLANEOUS REFINISHING, POLISHING, .VAKji* ishing pianos, talking machines, etc. Special Inducement this month. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davis St. Bvans- ton IiTQ41;6t.C PIANOS TUNED. REGULATED, RB- Pjired; expert. Foster. Py^Wln. LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"CHILD'S VELOCIPEDE SKt- ond sise; in vicinity of Broadway avenue; reward. Pohne Wll. If J?- L44-ltc AN EXPLANATION An article appearing in the Septem- ber 2, 1921. issue of The Lake Shore News, headed, "See Plot to Under- mine Wilmette Dairy Business .re- quires explanation in view of the fact that certain customers of the Wil- mette Dairy Company were, through a misunderstanding, incorrectly quot- ed in complaints alleged to have been made to Leo M. Dean, proprietor of the Wilmette Dairy Company. The Lake Shore News, in the interest of fairness, desires tcrsTafeThat reports of alleged unfair practices of Bowman Dairy Company drivers were mis- interpreted in the conveyance of in- formation to The Lake Shore News. These statemeji Dairy Company being mentioned» that connection. Mr. Dean stated th! numerous complaints had been vc-2 by his customers. He assertesktwi milk left by Wilmette Dairy CompS drivers had been tampered with and in some instances carried away. 9 made particular reference to th! complaints published in the issueV The Lalce Shore News of September 2. The Lake Shore Newsjiegrets that the customers referred to in the issue of September 2, 1921, were incorrectly quoted. Pretty Childish Fancy. Billy, unlike most children, ig j, afraid of thunder. One day, while playing with some of his friends, it started to thunder, frightening them. But Billy soothed them by sayin* "Don't be afraid, that's only God plajt ing his organ." tomers of the Wilmette Dairy Com pany, were not correct in their en Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Grading Sawn Fertiliser Land and Gravel Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Drirewan FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 W. RailroadlAve. Phone WiL 53 ^W^^^fl^^WPWIPiWS . FOR SALE. WILMETTE 1527 WALNUT AVE.. ATTRACTIVE 7 r» home with si. pch. & glazed sun pch.; wooded lot 100 x 140 ft.; *ar. Inspection by appointment on- ly. Price $13,000. GILBERT D. JOHNSON & BRO. Exclusive Agents 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 112 __________L44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE. SUBSTAN- tlal 9 room home, in convenient central location; « bedrooms; oak floors throughout; 2 fire places; 50 ft. corner lot; garage; $9,500. Exclusive ncrgf}£ R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. • 340 Linden Ave. Fhom? Wil. 68 _______L44-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MODERN 7 RM. STUCCO: water ht.; big wooded lot in choice east location; shrubs; gar.; liv. rm.; 18 x 24 htd. din. & slpg pchs; open sun por.; tile bath; all In'flrst class condition. Price for quick sale. $14,500 L44-ltp FOR SALE OR RENT â€" SIX ««><>»» modern bungalow; hot water heat $1,500 cash, balance like rent. lo-J6 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 343. 1_i4o-oiC FOR HUNTâ€"HOI SIP__________ FOR RENTâ€"THREE SIN-ROOM COM- pletelv furnished hous.-s in Glencoe. Highland Park and High wood : hot water heat. Each not over $!>;>.»«. cheaper rent if several months is ad- vanced. Addres H. S. M Pox 21*. Highland Park. Illinois. P!^*?i& Glencoe._________ L,K.44-nc FOR RENTâ€"FURN. 6 ROOM STUCCO house; large sleeping & dining^ por- ches verv attractive. 401 Woodlawn Ave., Hubbard Woods. i,T44-ltc FOR RENTâ€"MODERN 7 RM. BRICK; water heat; S. E. Wimutka; unfurn- ished: Oct. 1 to May 1: tt**'ftl month. Phone Wil. 93 . L44-ltp FOR REXTâ€"ROOMS _ FOR RENT - ROOM IN MOPKKK home; east loc: convenient cafeteria & transp.; garage. Phone ^^^Q FOR RENT -LOW Kit PART O* house: 4 rooms: bath, furnace heat, poss. Oct. 1st. Tel. Wil. ^4-^44.Up FOR RENT â€" LART5T3" FURN. ROOM. 630 Greenleaf Ave. Phone W1L^5^ porâ€"rentâ€"BEAl'TFFl'UiY Fl'KN- FVshed front room; ^sirable locat.on Phone Wil. 1940.___________I/To44-1U pvT5----RENT â- â€" PLEASANT FR<)VT ^S>mRwitJ board for two adults 73 Tenth street. Wilimtf-- l£* -l'» •yTJlEn-TO HKXTâ€"H< ThatDyou coal j this 1 going to ', and fi empty bins now|before it is too late. Coal wont spoil - - if you don't it this winter there will be a time that it will come handy. ~~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" â€" ;e in price will be WAMTFD TO RENTâ€"SIN TO ElOHT Lake Shore News r>-a,. L44 uc rx0cTn^;U?efayref,reno.S Phone Main 4717.--------__â€"â€"â€"aassq «===^«^ TO HEKT-KUU1IS _ WANtkd = rooms For ;^V"/ ^"ulekeeping. .or room* with board Private; bath deaired. ^e^TO WANTED--* OR 3 HOUbLKLLJ1L>U WAom?rr^nned couple; two children -----* and s years. Address P^f.^:^ COAL CO. ake Ave. Wilmette 642 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS

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