.THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 «\ AIT CHAM NWK much more p°puIar f°r *•• purpose. Jb nLfflJ Corn was used primarily as a feed for â- rtAbli.hed ltll with which to combined WIUUBTTB HOC AM* established lit* ISSUED FMIDA V OF EACH by 1222 Central Ave.. Wilmette. UL SUBSCRIPTION. A TEAR All communications must be ac- companied by tbe name and address or tne writer. Articles for publication snould reach this office by Wednesda> afternoon to insure appearance iv current issue. resolutions of condolence, cards o.rank's, obituary poetry, notices oentertainments or other affairs when «n admittance char&e will be made 01 a collection taken, will be charged fo»t regular advertising- rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette. Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 The Service of Capital People with bolshevistic tenden- cies, seem to think the time will come when workers of all industries will be able to dispense with the func- ions performed by capitalists, and secure for themselves the profits now taken by the owners of the business. But they do not fully realize all the service that capital performs. To operate an industry, funds must be provided to build a _pjant, buy modern tools and machinery, advance the money for raw materials and wages until goods can be sold and the money for the same collected. The majority of people can never save much motfey, even though they have I _jarge_ pay. _So capital must be sup^J plied by people who have ability to earn it, and also to save and keep it. Furthermore, there is much risk in domestic animals, and it was- also used largely in the form of corn meal, for "johnny cake", "hasty pudding", etc. But wheat preparations with oat- meal and rice, were favorites for what has become known as breakfast foods. During recent years, more effort has been made to popularize corn pro- ducts for this purpose. This was particularly marked during the war, when there was such a tremendous demand from Europe for wheat, and corn seemed less available for use overseas. Great advertising cam- paigns were promoted to make corn popular as a cereal breakfast food. The result is now seen. In any grocery store, as you look over the package products displayed on the shelves, corn flakes, hominy, and other brands from the corn fields, have a very prominent place. This result was accomplished by advertis- ing on a nation wide scale. It could.not have been accomplished in any other way. Local advertising by stores helped a lot. The result has been tremendously useful. It has persuaded millions of people to use corn freely, has developed a market for corn products that did not exist before, and has tended to keep down prices by popularizing a broader range of cereal products. Such an experience goes to show that any good and useful product can j 6e popularized by the use of publicity. People do what they are solicited to do, if you can show good reasons for such action. The same influence can be equally effective in directing trade toward any store, the owners of which have the enterprise to reach out and speak for it. $155.10 AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 P.O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. #Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors ^TrealT i â- mL . ^___ i i 35% SAVING ON YOUR FURS Buy Direct From the Manufacturer Wraps of Squirrel, Seal, Mink and all the Newest Creations in furs We Specialize in Remodeling and Repairing GLASS & GLASS 8th Floor, 32 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. EST. 30 YEARS business. Many enterprises fail. If people are to venture their money in this uncertain field, where so much capital is all the time being lost, they will expect a fairly good return for it. If you limited them to the interest they could get in a bank or in gov- ernment bonds, they would never put a dollar into business. * It would of course be possible for , any group erf workers to undertake I to carry on a business ^of their own. and if they had a good manager they could make it pay. But most work- ers seem to prefer to take a fixed wage rather than take the chances of business for themselves. Most of them seem to feel that their chances of good pay and regu- lar work are better in a business run by capitalists. Those that feel that the capitalists* profit is unnecessary, should set up for themselves. If they have the ability to run the bus^ iness, they can become independent of capitalists, or still better, graduate into that class themselves. A REAL Business Chance ! MUSIC is a necessity in every home. With the Easy Payments that can be arranged, there is no reason for you to delay. Brunswick Outfit No. 1 Beautiful Brunswick with 12 selections of record. J155J0 Open for your con- venience, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day evenings. - September catalog- ues are just out» We also carry the Edison Sonora Graf onola Repairs on All Talking Machines TTERSON ioi 828 Davis St. EVANSTON Telephone Evanston €54 3 Sm/awmhmv^^^ VSSSSSSSSSj The Marching Miners The West Virginia miners who have been gathering in armed bands and threatening to settle their labor , troubles by a show of force, do not know much about the temper of this country. In their remote mountain regions many personal and family feuds have been settled by gun play. But the people will not permit in- dustrial quarrels which affect the gen- eral prosperity of the country more closely, to be determined in such a lawless way. These armed miners may have grievances, but if so they are taking a. very poor way to secure their de- mands*. The more thev parade with â€" guns and try to create a reign of ter ror. the more the people of this coun try will feej that they have no par ticular reason for complaint, b^ have l>een mislead by fanatical agi- tators. If they want to get a fair consider- ation of the rights and wrongs of their case, they will have to drop their guns, and return quietly.to their homes, and allow their grievances to be settled by reason and justice and peaceable conference. IN WILMETTE FOR A Live Wire Business Man! Two railroad men bdugrht an El- ectrik-Maid Bake Shop equip- ment for a small town in Wis- consin. They are operating and making' real money, without hav- ing known ji Jthing about the bakery" business. Others *are do- ing it in other cities. You have the same chance right here. A cash business; no charges; no deliveries^ your profits In the till every night. Everyone who eats is your customer. We supply all equipment and full information. Writ**? Wire Today for full particulars on ELEC- TRIC-MAID BAKE SHOPS. Act now to obtain exclusive territorv for Wilmette. Electri€-I*|aid Bake Shops 321 Cedar St. St. Paul, Minn. VMWAVWMV^^^^^ Promoting A Food Product One of the most interesting ex amples o( business success in pro- moting the use of a good product, has been shown in the popularizing of corn as a cereal and breakfast food For in*iy" y«ars rhe o£her grainsyve* '-V- - - " The Right Route to Connections for Wisconsin and Michigan Points At Milwaukee take the Inter urban Cars for Waukesha, Watertown, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Beulah, Sheboygan, She- boygan Falls, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake. Or take the Pere Marquette Line Steamers at Milwaukee for North* em Michigan Points, Ludington, Manistee, Frankfort, Onekama. North Shore Limited Trains, leaving Wilmette every hour, from 5:48 A. M. to 12:48 A. M„ take you direct to the North Shore Terminal Station, Milwaukee, convenient to hotels and transportation lines. NORTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH MILWAUKEE R. R. 1CAG0 Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue