Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1921, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 "Stop This Car" The sign displayed on automobiles which have been conspicuous in the streets'of New Trier this week is the invitation which has given scores of people free rides in the "Lark" and other new model Lexington cars. This is Lexington week in the north shore towns, and the local dealer has placed twelve new cars at the dispos- al of the public. All that one needs to do to get a ride in one of these cars is to hail it on the street or to tele- phone to the local Lexington head- quarters. A Lark will be sent on request to take any person to his or her desti- nation. R. R. Davenport, manager of the North Shore branch of the Lexington company, explains that the persons riding in the Lexington "need not feel obligated or even interested in the purchase of a car to take ad- vantage of this opportunity to ride in the Lark." He says that requests for rides have been so numerous at times that he has occasionally had difficulty in supplying enough cars and drivers, but up to date he has accomodated everybody promptly. The nuptials of Miss Harriette Reichmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reichmann and Mr, Mauls- by Forrest were solemnized Saturday evening in the Church of the Holy Comforter. The bride wore a gown -of white satinâ€"and carriedâ€"aâ€"shower bouquet of-1 illies-of valley and-erehids^ Mrs. William McCoo of Toronto. Canada, was matron of honor, and -wore a gown-ofâ€"yellow georgette^nd carried an arm bouquet of Aaron Ward roses' and blue larkspur, The bridesmaids were the Misses Dorothy and Emily Foresman of Kenilworth, Louise Sanborn of Chicago, Margaret Bunnel of Highland Park, and Jean Forrest, sister of the groom. They were gowned alike in green taffeta and carried pink roses and blue lark- spur. Little Ethel Berger was the flower girl. William Reichmann, brother of The bride, served as best man, and the ushers included Messrs. Bonla Cobb, William Lauderbach, William Cregeer Gray- Stubbs, and Lyman Barr, all of Highland Park. After a honeymoon in the north woods, Mr, and Mrs. Forrest will live in St. Louis, Mo. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Holden and "clfilo^reiT^returned Tuesday last from Fond du lac, Wis., where they have spent the past two months. â€"*â€" The Evening Bridge club met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp on Tuesday. â€"*â€" Mr. George Hoagland and Mr. Ed- win Hedrick returned Sunday from a two weeks' golfing trip. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Wilson of New York, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones left Thuresday last. The Camp Fire girls arrived home Sunday after a trip to South Hayen^ Mich. • â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Howard Starrett of Kentucky have taken- the^ Durham home on Abbottsford road "for two months. â€"*â€" ' Mrs. Charles Ware entertained at luncheon at Indian Hill Thursday in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor. . -♦- Miss Virgene Maltby gave a shower Tuesday in honor of Miss, Dorothy Taylor. j i â€"♦â€" - - Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burr of Rock- ford. 111., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Ellis~Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hale are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. . ' _ â€"+â€" Dr. and Mrs. Henry Everett spent =theâ€"week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laughlin of Oregon, 111. Miss Caroline Everett is the guest of Miss Patty Foresman. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. George Shipman and family, arrived home Tuesday after spending the summer at White Lake. Michigan. Mf. and Mrs. Frances Ely are being congratulated upon the birth »of a daughter, Sunday last. •â€"*â€" Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dines-have purchased a liome in Virginia Terrace. Evanston. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Bently McCloud re- turned Saturday after a trip thromdi t fee west. . â-  ._. _______^_ Mrs. H. F. Hutchinson and daugh- ter-Betty, have returned from Oma- ha, Neb., where they spent the past month. Miss Elizabeth Stolp was a lunch- eon hostess Saturday. _♦_ Mrs. Lachlan MacLean of Evanston gave a kitchen shower Wednesday last in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor. â€"+â€" Mjss Ruth Woodward gave a bridge partV~Thursday eremngHir~hioTior ~of Miss Taylor and Mr. Gerould. ------â€" .riday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tiylbrnentertainea^The bridal party~aT firmer at Indian Hill. K. of C. ELECTS OFFICERS, PLANS FOR ITS FALL DANCE Ouilmette council. Knights of Col- umbus, will hold its annual election of officers Tuesday evening. September 13, at Jones' Lodge hall. A large at- tendance is anticipated ,as the elec- tion is expected to furbish consider- able excitement for the members. The hall to be selected for the an- nual dance to be held within four weeks, will probably be announced Tuesday evening. The championship banner won by Ouilmette councirs~*n4oor team Sun- day, August 24, at the University, Newman and Ouilmette outing, will be-given its place of honor. The local team defeated University on that day in a 12-1 encounter. Ouilmette and University will stage another combat soon in a Chicago high school gymnasium. FINISHING JOBS Painters and decorators have the new work at the Village hall in hand at this time with propspects that all work on the second floor and in the main corridor on the ground floor will be completed within a few weeks. The new Council chambers are Ex- pected to be ready for occupancy soon, as well as the new public meet- ing pla'ce on the upper floor. FIND DROWNED MAN Police were notified Sunday of the recovery of the body of C. F. Clausen, on the shores of Lake Michigan at the foot of Elder street, Winnetka. Clausen died a suicide, from all indi- cations. He lived at 3883 Eastwood avenue. Chicago, and had escaped from a sanitarium where he had been recovering from a nervous collapse. IMPROVES STORE FRONT William Kaplan, tailor at 627 West Railroad avenue, completed work this week on a new display window. J'A double window effect has? added much to the general appearance of the shop. Mr. Kaplan has been in business at the same location for nearly ten years and is a leader among the west side business men. He is an active member of the New Trier Commercial association. -*-.â€" NEW DAUGHTER â€"Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hillinger Jr.. 1711 Washington avenue, announce the birth of a daughter at the Evans- ton hospital, Monday, September 5. UNDERGOES OPERATION Henry Schulten of Gross Point, underwent an operation for append- citis at the Evanston hospital on Thursday of this week. Pests Able to Travel Far. Investigations fcaSe shown that cer- tain kituls of malaria-bearing mosqui- Advertise In Your Home Peper & Big Stores 1559 Sherman Ave. PALACE Cash Meat Market 2 Big Stores 1526 Greenleaf J EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Evanston 2720 THIS IS "PEACOCK" WEEK 38c lb. ! 50c lb.! ! PEACOCK BACON, By Strip............... â-  PEACOCK BACONâ€"Sliced........................... i PEACOCK RIB BACON 29V2c â€"BEST PEACOCK HAMS 33V2c i ! ______________............................. VERY BEST SIRLOIN STEAKS................... SEJ&V^H ^§TSED |^^CKENN. STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED BOILING CHICKEN VERY BEST RIB ROAST (standing)................ GENUINE SPRING HIND QUARTER LAMB SHORT LEG SPRING LAMB ,..... ......... FRESH CALVES SWEET BREADS STRICTLY FRESH CALVES LIVER MILLER AND HART BACON, «tnp ..... r.... BONELESS RUMP CORN BEEF........ .......... A Phone Call and 30c Valuables Returned to Owners Places a three-line ad Through "Lost and Found" SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Wilmetteâ€"Central Ave. and 12th! Cash and Cwry - • - - 5% Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal Profit Goods. Cash and Delivered - - - These do not apply to Meat 5% CASH DISCOUNT SPECIAL SALE Sept 12th to Sept 1 Canned Fruit and Vegetables. Buy now. You will save money. All kinds are cheap now. Eve one who knows says they are going to be higher. Fruit far Preserves and Jelly. There are great quantities of fruit in the market now for pil serving. The prices are very reasonable. Fruit tars and sugar are cheap. Absolutely No Complaint. The O. P. Crowley Delivery System is now delivering my goods fj have absolutely no complaints. Four deliveriesa day and five on Saturday. Every delivery I time. I can deliver your orders cheaper than you can carry them. AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" 66 8T/'-oz. bars in box ......$4.45 ,10 BxA-oz. bars ................69c No cash discount. CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"Peet Bros.. 100 8-oz. bars in box ......$625 10 8-oz. bars for........... 65c IVORY SOAP FLAKESâ€"Pkg. JOc felsTnaptha SOAPâ€" 10 bars.......................70c STUMP'S ANT PAPERâ€" ^ The sure cure for ants. They will not stay where it is. Sheet ..,..'....................20c BROOMSâ€"Little Miss Gale: 4 sewed, each ...............55c RAYO SELF-FITTING CANDLESâ€"12 to a lb. . ......27c CLOTHES LINES â€" Monsoon SASH CORDâ€"50 ft............27c White braided: 50 ft. .........45c LUSTRE SANITARY FLOOR OIL MOPSâ€"One of the handiest articles a house ever possessed: Each.......................$L40 LUSTRE FLOOR OILâ€" Bottle .-......................15c OGEDAR OIL POLISHâ€" For floors, furniture, linoleum, pianos and autos: 12-oz. bot..45c LIQUID VENEERâ€"Makes furni- ture look like new: 4 oz. hot. 25c: 12 oz. hot.....50c AMERICAN STEEL WOOLâ€" A.luminum ware cleaner: Pkg........... ........12Uc PAILSâ€"Galvanized Iron: 12 qt.........................40c SAHARA TOILET PAPERâ€" Fine crepe toilet tissue: large 6lA oz. roll: doz......-----..$1.20 PEACOCK SILVER POLISH- â€"Jeweler-s ^>aste-:-& oz^j**1 R1CHELIEU COCKTAIL CATSUP SAUCEâ€"Pint bot. .. .29c RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" Perfect quality, delicious flavor, heavy syrup: No. 1 can. doz. $2.4£i-ean ... .-^21c No. 2can, doz. $3.50: can ..',.. .30c No. 21^"can, doz. $4.25; can.37}£c MEAT DEPARTMENT Dixie Bacon, whole piece; lb. 22c Lamb Patties ; lb.............32c Milwaukee Frankf urers; lb. 25c Shoulder Lamb Chops ; lb. .. .35c Breast of Spring Lamb; lb. ...8c iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"^â€"â€".â€". REPUBLIC PRESERVESâ€" Pure sugar and fruit only, Straw- berry and Raspberry, which were very scarce this year. At a great bargain price; 15-oz jar; Doz. $3.35; jar ...............2fc SUNBEAM JELLYâ€" Crabapple. Grape, Red Currant; Large 10-oz. jar: doz. .___$2.90 Jar...........................25c GORDON A DILL WORTH SWEET ORANGE MARMALADEâ€"16 oz jar.....35c" DRIED LIMA BEANSâ€"Lb. ...12c NAVY BEANSâ€" Fancy Hand Picked; lb.....7Hc REINA PURE OLIVE OILâ€" One,'of Sprague Warner & Co.'s best; qt. can ...............$1.25 MAZOLA SALAD OILâ€" Qt. can ......................57c CRACKERS â€" National Biscuit Premium Soda Crackers; lb. .19c Uneeda Biscuit: pkc........7c Graham. Oatmeal, Vanilla Wa- fers, Fruitana. Chocolate, Arrow- root, Social Teas, Zweibach, Cheese Sandwich. Fig Newton: Pkg;.........................14c WRIGHT'S SUPREME MAYON- NAISE SALAD DRESSINGâ€" Full qt. jar ».................90c Sl/2 oz. jar................... 32c RAISINSâ€"Have gone down in price; IcTielieu, the perfect quality. Seeded; 15 oz. pkg. ,.........26c Sultanas, 15 oz, pkg..........26c SUNBEAM SPANISH QUEEN OLIVESâ€" Very large : qt. jar..........70c RANDOLPH CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€" -Large; qt. can............. .35c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn j Cercsota; Y% bbl............ CHASE & SANBORN'S SEAL BRAND COFFEE- 1 lb. can 42c; 2 lb. can ..... COFFEEâ€"ROAST SANTOS. fine; very cheap; lb........ LARDâ€"Pure; lb............. CRISCOâ€" 3 lb. can 63c; 1 lb. can...... PLYMOUTH ROCK PEACHE Yellow Cling; fine quality; No.J can ; doz. $3,15; can .. SUNIBAY A*PRICOTS- Fancy; heavy syrup; large J 2y2 can; doz. $2.75; can RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEAI The finest; No. 2 can; doz.U Can ................ DEL MONTE WHLTEL CHERRIESâ€"Extra fancy; No.j can; doz. $4.20; can ..... MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, large stalk; No. I *V* can; doz. $4.40; can RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€"The finest quality of sw« tender corn produced; Doz. $2.50; can ..........•..... HENRY SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Tender, sweet, excellent qua» Doz. $1.65; can ..............,l' VERIBEST TOMATOES- Armour's best quality; No.^ci Doz. $1.50; can .............â„¢ MASON PRESERVE JAR5r Quarts, doz.............••"' Pints, doz. ................'â- ',!- ATLAS E. Z. SEAL PRES6*," JARSâ€"Glass top; Qts.. doz Pints, doz..............* JELLY TUMBLERSâ€" Squat, 6 oz., doz........ T^th-fr^ pint, doz 0 0 MASON JAR TOPS-Doz. JAR RUBBERSâ€" Good Luck, red, doz. ••••••' White, very heavy, 3 doz. tor MASON IMPROVED JAR RUBBERSâ€"Doz........... PARAFFINE WAX- „ 1 If), cake ....â- â€¢â€¢...... tt) I*â„¢

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