LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 aeaaifis*** lassilied Advertisements ATES-lOc Mr Iin« for •«ch insertion. Minimum 3 lints. &NNEXKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS?20c par lino. Black fee* typo chsrgsd doubU pries. * | SALEâ€"REAL ESTATE BARGAINS OEâ€"ONE OF THE PRBTTI- ocfttlona on the ssst side, near lake- Dutch Colonial, white lot 100 by 200 feet; ffarajrs to sj houMo; 7 large rooms. 2 baths. IoshI porches 120,000. oeâ€"Woodlawn Ave.; New shln- oloniul. Ave bed rooms, 2 baths. See; too ft. lot; nloe trees and I $10,000. *tknâ€"East;-aWsMroom Btuceo. noreh, hot water heat, 100 feet nuv; sacrifice for cash. $15,000. 'mrtl woodsâ€"Brand new, beau- honus four large bedrooms, i>iu porches, double garage; |22 500; big reduction for cash. FRANK A. REID m hen Ave. Hubbard Woods nvi.-pin.iu': Wlnnetka 1800 LT042-ltc ITfof PoS ^.W^MRN), OVBff »««»k Po5tRl M*11 Serv ce. 9130 a i?â„¢!£i Examinations September. £xJ2fr,?nc® unnecessary. For free &?vfi,o0u,!!irf' wrlte J Leonard cforJIJ? LTCHl-tt am" -the f6ll6wI&W MNB SIDE HOMES. ALL WITHIN BLOCKS OP THE LAKE: m house...............$15,000 m bungalow...........20,000 m brick bungalow .... 22,500 m bungalow............18,000 otn Colonial brlok .......42,000 om house brlok ......... 50,000 •ale exclusively by us; sold only 2)ointment. h the time to buy vacant. High e vacant is steadily advancing value. See ui for particulars. LMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcook, Prop. 4th St. Phone Wll. 1804 LT042-ltc "LKâ€"MKAUTIPUL 70 FT. COR- n best northeait section of Wll- e, wooded with particularly fine Sj an unusual opportunity to se- a choice building site. !, M. TOHNSTON & CO. nden Ave..â€" Phone Wll. «8 ____________L42-lto BEB=T R66iri: iiWflfl; BK- nt location, fine lot 108 x 110. •h St., Wlnnetka. $10,000. Make Call this office for appolnt- BERT D. JOHNSON ft BRO. Dearborn St. Phone Rand. 112 LTO42-U0 »iri ATIOM WAVI'IMfâ€"Fl-IMAM-; SITUATION WANTED â€" TUTOR â€" -J???.*' refln,ed Primary teacher, two ~^e^t" experience, single. â€"«-«™ Ruth Dodmead, Eau Claire, Wis -------------------------LTG42.1t« FOB »A1,K~H<H SKHQl.p <;oons~~ P(??«f AL,B7r°AS STOVE $10, ICE BOX iisAA•e?tl?n,al bool«"CaB*. mahogany ,lBii?V •1«otp»c motor. 1-6 horse pow- erJ10Vbra,S bed and "PJlngs $10, and other household goods. PhonJ 769-W 110-Sth street. Wllmette. L42-lte *rOR SALEâ€"BARONIAL OAK BOOk- case, 60 Inches high. 45 Inches wide, ••««•â- deSH; excellent condition; $20. Phone Wlnnetka 581-J. LT42-lto KlllL **};VT-}jAm'K kermanshTH rug, 9 ft. 8 In. x 11 ft. 2 in, $900rftn- 22=A8Dec,,men ot Saruk rug, 4x7 ft., !?52; ^L1 r«nner. 3 ft. 8 in. x 15 ft., ^MS, Phone Wll. 1998. LTG42-ltc For SALEâ€"WALNUT DINING ROOM extension table, stained mahogany; good condition. 719 9th St. Phone Wllmette 1967. LT42-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY AND LEATH- er rocker, dining room electric light dome. Oarage for rent. Phone Wll. 1778. 418 15th St. L42-ltc FOR SALE â€" ONE MEDIUM SIZED Oriental rug; 2 smaller ones. 857 Michigan avenue. Wllmette. Phone Wllmette 1672.__________ L42-ltc FOR SALE â€" HARD COAL RANGE. laundry stove, fluff rug 9 x 12, baby carriage. Tel. Wlnnetka 486, ~-Itc ALEâ€"EAST* WtLjiETTE, MOD 7 room stucco, water heat, gas, i'ii lot: liv., din. and slog porch- leavlng town, must sell; $15,000. reus Lake Shore News C-97. __________________ LTQ42-ltc Sale" BkMig BuiLD-INOTZ â- and 2 flats; also 6 room house iir: $18,000, less for cash. Inquire y Ceruttle, 908 Linden Avenue, hard Woods. I LT42-ltc ALEâ€"8 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. water heat; lot 40x180; 8 blocks orthwestern; immediate posses- ; price $10,000; terms. 822-14th t, Wllmette. Phone 1798. LTQ42-ltp ALEâ€"CHOICE LOT. I BLOdk lake; 50 x 170, wooded; 1-8 , balance terms, Bargain at $65 Address Lake Shore News C- LTQ42-ltc : KXTâ€"FURWUHB^CO^AOE ENTâ€" FURN. 7 ROOM SUMMER age. on bluff overlooking Lake teaii. 10 miles south of Sauga- not part of any resort; di, bathing, tennis; two flre- <>s, running water both floors; tember $50. C. W. Washburne. . D. l, Fennvllle. Mich. Telegraph fHs, lii.-un. via South Haven. LTG42-ltc HI-'.M'â€"Fin (ED HOUSE Rentâ€"9 r66m purn. house : drowns. 2 porches, garage; $800 month. Address L-25, Wlnnetka LT42*ltc rOH ItKXTâ€"APARTMKWT RENT-^-2 ROOM APARTMKNT Studio; also garage. Brown levar.l Building, Central avenue 11th utreet. Phone Wll. 2899. L42-2tc B â€"â€"â€"â€"= FOR RENTâ€"OFFICES_________ RENTâ€"1159 WILMETTE AVE.. ph. business rooms, hall for enter- ments, with piano, organ and h»-n: larffe basement for store. ne.Wllmette 239ft. L42-2tc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS RENT ROOM W ATTPACTIVE se, fc.i gentleman with references: lenient to transportation. Phone ^S4 4-.T. , __________L4i-ltc 7:e\t--ROOM IN ATTRACTIVE ". for gentleman with references. vtni.nt to transportation. Phone . M4-.T. L42-ltc K n NTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN active private home. n. e. loca- tor trentleman with good refs.: !"• Wil. 1179. LTG42-ltc KENT- -LARGE. NEWLY FttPVi t room; east side. Phone Wll. L42-ltc 11R vtâ€"FURNISHED ROOM; transportation. Phone Wll. 545. LT042-ltc ROTO RENTâ€"HOFSE ORJFLAT ED TO RENTâ€"TOUNO~"MART We would like 3 to 6 rnom un- \nhf(\ house or flat in Wllmette. reas. Lake Shore News, C-100. L42-ltp ER JO RENTâ€"Fl'RN. HOl^ ED _ FURNISHED HOU8E Oct. 1 to May 1. Small family; ,Hetit care; references. Phone n 4 717. L42-3tc Miji.p \V\\TRP-FEMALE rn, young OIRL TO ASSIST "n.ral housework; family of A ga nnd small girl of six years. n* Wll. 492. 815 Gregory Ave., ette. I,T042-ltc EDâ€"GIRL TO ASSIST IN OEN- housework; goo'd home; good e«. Phone Wil. 319. 1062 Lln- Ave. L42-ltp ED â€" TOUNO GIRL, WHITE, assist with household duties in 11 nome. Phone Kenll. 8MA LT42-ltc FOR SALEâ€"CHILDS METAL BED, $2; also vlctrola. 322-14th street, Wll- mette. Phone Wllmette 1798. L42-ltc FOR SALBT^- TIOUSEHOLD FURN^t- ture. Phone Wll. 828-J. LT042-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS" HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTINO AT- tachment, works on all sewing ma- chines, $2; personal checks 10c extra. Light's Mall Order House. Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. ________LTQ41-6tp FOR SALEâ€"AIRDALE PU1JPIES; 8 months old; housebrokep. " Address Alrdale, Lake Shore Publishing Co., Wllmett*. LTG41-^tp FOR SALEâ€"BULL TERRIER PUP- pies; good stock, healthy. Phone Wllmette 721-M. LTQ42-ltp FOR SALEâ€"10 HOMING PIGEONS: cheap. Phone Wll. 1116. LTG42-ltc FOR SALE â€" REVELATION^ CHlWA. Kiln No. 3. Phone Wll. 2192. _________ LTG42-ltc ss WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY â€" SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston. HI. Tel. 189. LTO!9-tfc I BUY^ HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple Ave.________ LTQ17-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"OVERSTUPPED davenport, in excellent condition; also well trained Boston terrier. Tel. Win. 834. LTG42-ltc S RANDOLPH «J" MARKET -â€"â€"â€"_^_ Market PHONE tut Next to Rosenberg's 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats SPECIAL Beef Tongue, Pickled end Fresh. .35 Spring legs lamb...............3$ Lamb shoulder..................20 Lamb patties....... ...........SO â-¼ wsu nwii. . ^ * • ....•••••......., 2 • • o» roui ............•••••••.... 19 Lamb chops..... ___.... .2$ Rib roast......................32 Veal shoulder..................20 Beef Plate Corn Beef........... .15 Plate Beef..................... IS Corn beef, boneless___ ........27 Rump corn beef................23 No. 1 hams....................34 Armours Shield bacon..........35 We dress our own chickens fresh every day. Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. Special Sweet Yellow Bantam Corn. .25c doz. Honey Dew Melons ............20c and up Osage Melons....................... .10c up Canteloupes........................3 for 25 Peaches................. .......29c Basket Bartlett Pears..............7....25c basket Oranges............ <?.20c9 40c, 50c, 60c doz. Grape Fruit......... ......."....3*1 for 25c Cooking Apples ............... .4 lbs. for 25c Casaba Melons....... .........40c up Bananas.............................. .20c Lemons...... ....... ......30c doz. Beets and Carrots............3 bunches 10c Fresh Lima Beans, home grown .. .25s basket Sweet Potatoes................4lbs. for 25c Cucumbers ..........................5c up Kalamazoo Home Grown Celery. 10-25 bunch Iceberg lettuce... ....... 10-15-20c head Tomatoes........... ........2 lbs 15c Egg Plant ..... -----10c each BUYING HERE IS SURE TO MAKE A SAVING FOR YOU LTG42-itc Our Classified Ado Classified Ad Investment is small; Your Clearing House Return on the Investment â€" BIG FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEâ€"WINTON 7 PASSENOER; finish and running; condition excel- lent; 2500. 590 Willow St.. Win. Phone Win. 629. LT42-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A SCRIPPS-BOOTH CAR: must be sacrificed. Phone Win. 283. LTG42-ltc MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"PITTSBURG INSTANTAN- eous water- heater, in perfect condi- tion. Call Wlnnetka 744. 1163 As- bury avenue, Wlnnetka. LTG42-ltc REFINISHINO, POLISHING. VARN- ishinsr pianos, talking machines, etc. Special Inducement this month. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- ton. LTG41-6tc PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- palred; expert. Phone Win. 509-J. LTG39-tfc LOST A WD FOIXD LOSTâ€"A GOLD KNIFE. ENGRAVED with initials "O. B." Valued as keep- unke. Reward. Telephone Glencoe 373. LTG42-ltc LOSTâ€"A LEATHER CASE WITH keys, marked SistersVllle, W. Va. $5 toward if returned to 429-10th street. Wllmette. Phone Wil. 271. L42-2tc i Way ^_____- - . j I A cool, restful ride to Mil- waukee on a big, roomy North Shore Car! At Mil- waukee you can make in- terurban connections for Wisconsin resorts. NORTH SHORE Watertown Oconomowoc Delafield Pewaukee Lake Lake Beulah Sheboygan Sheboygan Falls Port Washington Plymouth Crystal Lake Trains to MILWAUKEE VICTORY BALLâ€"NOV. 10-11 The famed Waldorf Astoria hotel on Fifth avenue will be used by-posts of the American Legion in New York City this year for their annual Vio tory Ball. November 10-11. President Harding has accepted an invitation to be honorary chairman of the ball and invitations have gone to Cabinet members and allied embassy staffs. Delegates from foreign powers who jsrill attends the disarmament confer- ence at Washington on November 11, will be invited. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avamss Daily boat connections for Northern Michigan points. Pere Marquette line steamers from Mil- waukee to Ludington, Manistee, Frankfort and Onekama. North Shore Limited trains, leaving Wilmette every hour, 5:48 A. M. to 12:48 A. M., take you direct to the North Shore Terminal, Milwaukee, convenient to hotels and transportation. bzâ€" t CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue