'â- â- â- •'•'••www ------- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, AUGUST ». 1921 ^^^^^^â„¢ fafr, Social Season To Open Soon With Promise of Interesting Events L Books and Programs Now in the Hands of the Printers; Suc- cessful Year Predicted With Many Important Social Events in View. i day evening, September 9. All of the juniors are invited to attend and to bring guests to this affair. The com- mittee in charge of this party will include Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Let- ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. H. Kfig- bee and Mr. and Mrs Douglass C. Boyer. ithin another month, persistently potently as the red and yellow orange will be flaunting their |ners throughout the country side, feting I* [will Istfe the' sound of honking horns ting the foliage in vivid hues, the will he calling back vacationists o the din of the policeman's the myriads of other busy noices Roman's club officers have been lily engaged in gathering material I their various year books, now in I hands of the printer, with the Imise of readiness for delivery tit the middle of September, and ML all dashed away to the* east, west Iiorth for a belated season's rest.' the Woman's clubs are all looking â- ward to a most successful year, and |h the excellent co-operation of the Lctors and members, as shown in Hious years, assured. Attractive Programs Attractive programs, with interest- speakers, and delightful music ,ve been worked out to the best fsible adyantage by the program kirmen, and arc sure to be thbr- Hily enjoyed by the club members. Io longer is the Springtime, and J month of JiineJtQ hold full sway [the matter of weddings, for the }]y months of this fall are filled [h the nuptial days of our north Ire young people. iliss Verna Tucker, daughter of I and Mrs. Willnam A. Tucker of llmette, will become the bride of I. Ren Lauren Blodgett of Madison, Is., on Labor Day. knottier wedding of interest will be [t of Miss Dorothy Taylor, daugh- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Kenilworth, who will become bride of Walter G. Gerould of Ev- [ton on the evening of September Ridgway-Clark Nuptials [iss Harriette Ridgway, daughter [Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, an- ler Kenilworth bride-to-be, w.ill wedded to Mr. Samuel Clark of llmette some time in the fall. -,9th*r..autulnn weddings will include Miss Elizabeth Klotz, daughter of Charles Klotz, of Winnetka, and Mr. 5?.beft ?««nett of Kenilworth; Miss Winifred Reinboth of Wilmette, and Mr. Harold Garwood of Evanston: Miss Ethel Beatrice Ostrom, of Win- netka, whose marriage to David Stu- art Jones of Oakland, Cal., is to take place later in the season; Miss Mary Dennehy of Hubbard Woods, and Mr. Hempstead Washburne of Evanston, who will be married in September. Miss Madeleine Mcllvaine, daugh- ter of Mrs. William B. -Mcllvaine, of Hubbard Woods, who has been spend- ing the summer down east, has set the early fall for her marriage to David E. McDougal of Riverside; arid Miss Lucile Drake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Drake, whose engage- ment is announced this week to Mr. Ferdinand Larson of Austin, has set the date for her marriage as early in October. ^v? The Junior Dance scheduled on the Ouilmette Country club program for Friday evening, September 16, has been moved forward a week to Fri- WOULD YOU SPEND 30c TO GET A GOOD COOK J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Art., WILMETTE, ILL Wilmette 37 FRANKLIN Salea and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. 5700 1629 Orrington Aw., Eranston CHANDLER'S Fountain Square Evanston North Shore Baths and Trait the wonderful Centennial Exposition Mexico City, Sept. 12 to Oct. 12. rU not to hot in Mexico! The tempera- ture to Mexico City la always springlike â€"85 to 70 decreet. Come with us to the crtat Exposition In celebration of 100 years of Mexican independence from Spain, to be fetid In Mexico City from Sept 13 to Oct 11 Visit this aualnt land of tropical beauty rapidly awakening to Its heritage of commercial development. Plan today to make this trip. Ins T. ft 8. Tours Co. Invites you to Join the first Mexican Special, which will leave Chicago about Sept. 1. under the personal toper vision of Senor W. Hernandez, charae d'affaires of the Mexican Exposition.â€"But •do mast make your reservation promptlyâ€" write, wire or phone today for particulars to T. & S. Tours Co. 103 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago Tdsphonaoi Harrison 3559-35M. WATCH FOR VAN'S MOVES If you are thinking of •torage for this fall, better reserve your space ana make moving dates before, the rush. zz stonyzn Store For Children 1160 Wilmette Avenue Telephone Wilmette 911 Beginning Monday, August 22nd, EVERY DRESS remaining from our August Sale will be closed out at $2.95 each, regardless of value Included in this re- markable offering will be some of our smartest dresses for ages I to 14* formerly selling up to $15.00* Nothing is reserved from this low price^df^ $2.95. You may have your choice of any dress still on hand. This is the final week to take advantage of an unusujrt xippartunity. We must make way for our Fall Opening this week. ^ The Largest Sporting Goods Store on the North Shore WelSupply Community Centers, High Schools and Clubs with Their Athletic Equipment Don't Forget Your Foor Ball Needs Closed "N*W Trier Day", Wednesday, August 24 H. E. Chandler & Co. The University Book Store Fountain Square Evanston Phone Evanston 123 ESTABLISHED 1854 H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS €12 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL PHONE EVANSTON 441 114 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1344-1347