- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1921 • 15 Residents of New Trier Township who will gather at Skokie ayiield Wednesday for the annual New Trier outing will ob- rvc the construction nearby on the new Winnetka Upper Grade folic school building. This structure was made possible by public subscription in a md campaign in which the people decided, in a thrilling school tctiou, to have the modern educational center located in the cokie at West Elm street. The building will cost approximately $350,000 every cent of hich was obtained by free-will contributions ranging from very odest sums to donations of many thousands of dollars. MANY NEW ROADS PLAN OF HIGHWAY BOOSTERS Good road enthusiasts throughout the state are showing much activity in the "boosting" of local improve- ments according to highway builders and they report that more roads will be built in Illinois, According to highway statistics there are more than 95,000 miles of roads in Illinois and there is agitation on foot to make some improvement on every mile in the state. Some of the roads, it is said, can be filled in sufficiently for travel dur- ing a good many months of the year, while others will be so improved that there need be but cessation of travel only during the worst winter months. Some of the mileage will be complet- ed as permanent highways. Most of the through route high- ways will be completed sufficiently, to serve as "all the year round" roads. Organization of a number of trucking corporations to make regular schedule trips between towns has been com- pleted and charters have been asked for at Springfield. A far reaching benefit is predicted as the result of the road improvement activities by shippers, merchants, and automobile organizations. PRIZE LEGION TOWN More than one-eighth of ,the popu- lation of Radcliffe, la., is enrolled in the American Legion. The. town has 156 ex-service men out of a population of 800 and every one of them is a member of the local Legion post. Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Grading Lawn Fertiliwr Sand and Gravel FILLING- Cindors Butktinf Malarial G woral Toâ€"if Wo Build Drifowaya REASONABLE 733 W. RailroadJA". Phono Wil. 53 A Want Adâ€"A Phono Call POSITION "nil MKMSMS&iypJlMSWMO^ WOMEN AT LEGION MEET More than 160,000 women, merabqrs ,i,4<H) units, will be represented at t. first national convention of the onion's Auxiliary of the American gion to be held at Kansas City uluneously with the third national mention of the Legion October 31 to November 2. The Auxiliary "has completed departmental organizations in more than thirty states. At the coming convention it will select a na- tional headquarters and. perhaps a new name. Wilmette boasts one of tlie first Auxiliaries-organized in the United States. FALL HATS Original and Exclusive Models---Hand Made By Ourselves -DtTVTrTTNT^^ VELVETS Very Reasonable Prices Your inspection invitedâ€"see our windows | Special designs made to order We dp remodeling and relining r at reasonable prices verybody Celebrate NEW TRIER DAY The annual celebration of New Trier Day will occur on Wednesday, August 24th. Flinker and Flinker â- â- The Store of Personal Service MILLINERY and DRYGOODS 1217 Wilmette Ave. Juet west of the tracks Phone Wil. 2279 ^ PROGRESS There was a time when the delivery of the Winter's Coal Supply was a matter of serious inconvenience and caused a great deal of annoyance to the householder. In keeping pace with the World's Progress Consumers Company's Spotless Service eiiminatei all of the old time worries. Every man, woman and child in New Trier Township is urged to take the day off and en- joy the festivities. In order to assist in the celebration, this bank will be open for business on that day, only from 8 A. M. to 12 A. M. You will plan therefore to do your Ranking early and celebrate the rest of the day. First National Bank of Wilmette MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK SB8SSSSSB tr/i^^ir^ir^ir^ir^ir^ir^i.Y^ir^ir^nY^h^; *- "d RANDOLPH K£ Vegetable MARKET PHONE 1251 Next to Rosenberg's 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats VUit our Coke Bungalow at thm Pageant of Progress Exposition Space No. 14-48 Section U Midway of the North Wing Are Your Bin's Filled? Coal Burning Time in a Very Few Weeks (onsumers (junpany ^-^ Fred W. Upham, Pre*. ^"^ * W^___ NORTH SHORE BRANCH 1015 Church Street,«vaniton~W. E. Barbour, District Saleiffgg^ -*w««*«wwo- -- TELEPHONES %E2£ 1300 >R "GUARANTEED PRODUCTS" Glencoe 75 _JLâ€"_ .FOR "GUARANTEED ^k^^^^^^-^-j^^ Coal. CokeTtccTTeed, Fertilizer*. Lawn Seed. Sand. ^avd. Crushed Lm»e- •tone, Portland Cement {te*NiADeUHt*iNotikofEiamU>n) SPECIAL Beef Tongue, Pickled and Fresh. .35 Spring legs lamb....... .......35 Lamb shoulder...........-----'"'Zk Lamb patties.................• -30 Veal roast........... .........*7 Pot roast............... .....*j Lamb chops...........*....."•" -Jj Rib roast....................-32 Beef Plate Corn Beef............15 Plate Beef..... ............13 Corn beef, boneless.............27 Rump corn beef............ .23 No. 1 !**â- *« %s Armours Shield bacon..........35 We dress our own chickens fresh every day. Vegetables* Fruits, Etc. Special Sweet Yellow Bantam Corn. .25c box. Honey Dew Melons ............20c and up Osage Melons......... l£«p Cantaloupes...... .............â- -'•'*.£*:£. BartlsttPear......:::^.^ ^J^TaC Oranges...... .. »c *0c, ?****£ Crape Fruit JjL £Sc" Cooking Apples ......4 lbs. for Bananas............ ......25c and 35c doz. Lemons............................30c doz. Green Peppers....................5 for 10c Beets and Carrots............3 bunches 10c Fresh Lima Beans, home grown-----30c basket Sweet Potatoes .......... „._.L. .4 lbs. for 25c Cucumbers........... .....5c up Kalamazoo Home Grown Celery. 10-25 bunch lettuce t *j »**........ Tomatoes 10c lb. BUYING HERE IS SURE TO MAKE A SAVING FOR YOU