*WP^M'^ m^msmmmmm^wir^ *?wmm^mf^Wm! THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921 Public Library Ne*os and Reviews By SUE 0SM01HERLY. LIBRARIAN 2 to even- Hours: Every afternoon frtm '.v\- Wednesday and Saturday in« from 7 to 9.. Branch Library in Public school at i-venth and Laurel. Hoursj_ Every fternooiTTFom 2 to-?, except Satur- day. Yesterdays in a busy life, Candace Wheeler. Mrs Wheeler, at the request of imanv of her friends, has written the ton of her life. Born in 1827, the ird of a family of eight children, sturdy Puritan ancestry, in the settlement of Delhij-Nr Y.,-her child- lood was spent in far different sur- oundings from .any that her readers 11 remember. The family life a center of very lively creative nterest, and all sorts of manufac- tures were accomplished therein* heese. candle making for the fam- ily^ smoking and curing of meats; storage of apples, potatoes and other vegetables were only a small part of the work done in the Wheeler house- hold. Marrying Thomas Wheeler, of N. V.. when she was seventeen, Candace seemed to step over a cen- tury, leaving behind the habits and thoughts of early Puritan life and to come into a new life of advanced thought and intellectual freedom. Having entree to the circle of wri was which Bryant and Lowell were mem- bers, Mrs. Wheeler knew the most cultivated men and women of^ her time, and she gives illuminating side-lights on their characters. Later she founded the Society of Decorative Arts, which was to en- courage profitable industries to wo- men-who possess artistic talent "and to furnish a standard of excellence and a market for their work." Mrs. Wheeler was director of the Wom- an's Building-at-the^ Chicago Expo- sition, and the author of several charming books, of which Content in a garden, Decorators and Decora- ting, How to make Rugs, and The Dream Spinner, are among the best known. Interesting as the book is to many its chief charm will be the beautiful spirit which prevades it, and the author's fresh and enthu- siastic outlook on life, which might be that of a girl of nineteen, instead of a woman of ninety.______' Queen Victoria, Lytton Strachey. Mr. Strachey'* book is a portrait of Queen Victoria, as she appeared to her subjects and to those who knew her personally. With char- acteristic honor he pictures -Lord- Melbourne, Disraeli, and Gladstone, those public figures who at various times were the powers behind " the throne. As a girl, having just as- cended the throne, Victoria greatly admires Lord Melbourne. After her marriage, Prince Albert exerts great influence and later, after the death of the Prince, Disraeli, with his cunning shrewdness sways her decisions. All these influences are of hot kitchens this weather. The best meal you can cook: is not worth the effort Eat here, the cool cafeteria way, iUs cheap-and satisfy- ing. elch's Central Am^atUth Street Wilmette, III. Phone 2420 HONEY DEW ICE CREAM SWEET AS HONEY 50c A BRICK 65c A QUART IN BULK, 5c extra if delivered The manufacturer has reduced his price to us and we passlit on to you. ~ SPE€IAti?OR^UNDAY X solid brick of Fresh Peaches in Vanillia Ice Cream. Can you suggest a more delicious combination for desert. Order early^o that we may serve you promptly. vividly portrayed through the num- berless quotations from' her diary, which Victoria kept from her child- hood, writing in it without reserva- vation all the events and/emotions of her life. Mr. Strachey, author of Eminent Victorians, has proven himself a master biographer, and in this case has chosen fc.r his subject one of England's most famous char- acters' If you would enhance your pleas- ure in listen!;i^ to the operas at Fa- vinia this sunr.v.«r, refresh your memory with the stories of the op- 00 paid down delivered to you an Electric Balance in monthly parts <I Have you not need of pressing something every day? f You can do it with the Electric Iron in any room where there is a lamp socket. All sizes at our Sales Rooms Public SeTvlceCo: of Northern Ills. eras to be pre.«eultMl. A knowledge of them, and of the composers are necessary to your full enjoyment. Your library will have a list of the works to be given each week, and books containmg the stories c f the operas. Sanitary District Drainage Channel, has been halted temporarily with the completion of the caisson work Sink- ing of the caissons represented a separate contract and further work on the edifice will resume, it is said, as soon as subsequent contracts are Uet, ', . = HALT TEMPLE BUILDING Work on the construction on the Bahai Temple at Sheridan road im- mediately south of the Chicago j "Classified Ad." Are A Big Economy Market National Bank Protection _ for your Savings You get it here. It is atr element of security, why not have it? This bank is chartered by the federal government, it is examined regularly and under its constant supervision. A Savings account with National Bank Protection is what we offer you. Member of Federal Reserve Bank of Wilmette ffi^omecfSarings^posifors 1 m g * Rexall Store Telephones, Wilmette 28 and 29 It has always been a well known fact that buttermilk, taken in a regular way, is one of the. greatest body builders known. It fills out thin, ematiated bodies, makes nerves tingle with well being, puts the sparkle into dull eyes and stimulates the digestive organs. We are delivering many gallons of this vital health fluid every morning to Wilmette^ople^ Phone in your order and it will be promptly taken care of. « rift c c c « m ^ «. c c â- â- * e c JB tt c -*-â- # WILMETTE D LEO DEAN, Proprietor 1119 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wilmette 224 c o m m c e c c c <£ c c Jfc- o e c c c c 3j( -------------- '" wi