mmmmmmmimmmmmmmm. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921 mm* A 'Church i If ♦♦ ♦♦ ;;tt+***++++*+**+**********************++*+*+***+**** days, will be, Mrs. Williams, Miss Stafford, Mr. Bowman and Mr. Moulding. ENGLISH LUTHERAN Rev. ence, hone A. O. Soholm, pastor. Resi- 1235 Elmwood avenue. Tele- Wilmette 1938. Services every Sunday at the Wil- â- nette Woman's club, Tenth street nd Greenleaf avenues. Sunday •hool at 9:45 A. M. Church services [ 11 A. M. _ Services are being continued iroughout the summer and visitors nd vacationists are especially and ordially invited to attend. METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. F. A. Grambling has been en- gaged as organist to succeed Miss Watt, who, we understand, will spend the winter in New York. Mrs. Grambling will take charge of the organ September first. A special appeal is made to those who are behind with their Centenary payments, that the subscriptions for the year may be paid in full. Dr. Rapp had twenty men in his ible class in Jones' Hall last Sunday. ou are invited. The class, for men ily, meets Sunday morning at 9:40 clock. $Ir7~and Mrs. E. W. McCullough id Miss Mildred are now members Foundry Methodist church, irashingtonj D. C Everyone that oes to Washington does not stay iere and Wilmette is a good place â- come back to. I The monthly meeting of the Sun- iy school board will be held in the lurch Tuesday evening July 26 at o'clock. -â€" Dr. Rapp will give an address on t. Luke at the prayer meeting Wed- ssday evening, July 27. The subject for the sermon next nday morning is, "What to Believe s Christians." The quartet for the next two Sun- Rev. Harry L Meyers, the vacation pastor, will preach next Sunday. Services begin at 11 o'clock. Church school meets as usual at 9:45 A. M. The mid-week meeting, Wednes- day, July 27, will be in charge of J. M. Irvine. Men's volley ball and baseball games are becoming more and more popular. The men meet on the play- ground each Friday evening about 7:30 o'clock. Games are open to all men, young and old. Come tonight and see if you will enjoy it. Mir. Gilmore will be at the church office each Monday and Wednesday from 2:30 to 4 P. M. The following girls left Monday, July 18, for Camp Kiwanis Nawak- wa, South Haven, Michigan, where they expect to have two weeks of real life out in the open: Ruth An- derson, 1123 Elmwood avenue; He- lene Seibold, 523 Washington ave- nue; Martha Crossley, 602 Washing- ton avenue; June Germer, 1006 Green- leaf avenue; Pauline Wallie, 205 Ninth street; Catherine Moore, 1203 Ashland avenue; Harriet Woodcock, 935 Sheridan- road; Helen Newey, 436 Lake avenue; Elizabeth Mulvey, 800 Oakwood avenue; Mildred Burns, 727 Laurel avenue; Mildred Melone, 914 Forest avenue; Marjorie Pardee, 925 Forest avenue; Jane Pardee, 925 Forest avenue; Virginia Hannah, 1120 Elmwood avenue. BAPTIST CHURCH The best summer congregations in the history of the church are gath- ering from week to week in spite of the intense heat. Mr. Stifler is giv- ing what he has styled a "recharg- ing of the batteries" in a series of brief sermons on Personal Religion. Last Sunday the theme was "Keep on Singing". Next Sunday the topic will be "The Value of a Shake-up". The series will conclude on July 31 when the sermon topic will be "God Needs You". Work is progressing rapidly on the new building with the expectation that it will be ready for occupancy by. the first Sunday in September The Mid-week meetings for the past two Wednesdays and for the re- mainder of the month will be held in the new building, commencing promptly at 7:45 o'clock and closing at 8:30 o'clock. way. Good weather, a large attend- ance, plenteons refreshments, and a fine program of games and events made it a thoroughly enjoyable day for everyone. St. John's Sunday school takes this means of express- ing its thanks to the High School Board for the use of the grounds. GEORGE STUMP TENOR IWWof to Front* 718 Fin* Arts Bld«. TV CHICAGO ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN "Our Fathers' Faith try's Language 1" Our Coun- 9:15 A. M., Sunday school and Bi- ble Class at Library Hall. 11 A. M., Service at the church, Linden and Prairie avenues. Herman W. Mey- er, M. A., pastor, 406 Prairie avenue. Phone 1396. â€"â€" "The Lord's Day and the Lord's Children" is the subject of the ser- mon for next Sunday. Text, Psalm 122:1.. Rain or shine, hot or cool, remember, services go on as usual, and you are invited. * The "Lutheran Witness" in the home of every member of St. John's is the summer plan of the "Builders" young people's society. A committee of four has been appointed with this object in view. The Sunday school picnic last Sat- urday was a great success in every ®!j* #t0-r* Mnt 1160 Wilmette Ave. Telephone Wilmette 311 Wilmette jdL O Summer Days, how warm they feel; We'd hate to wear a coat of seal Just now, or anything so hot! But KIDDIE NOOK has just the kind Of things to wear, and there you'll find What's best for every little tot. Exclusive, but Inexpensive This advertisement concludes the series that has been published weekly by the subscribing churches for"nearly a yearr~ But the negfl of xhurch advertising is not by any means ended. More and more the church is awakening to the fact that the importants of church-life to the people of a community can be exploited through newspaper advertising even as the phonograph, the fountain pen or the auto- mobile. At first church advertising was frowned 43pon as non-ethical and undignified^-â€"^£et church notices and news printed as part of the regular news items. If printed strictly as news, the publishers pay the cost. If printed as an advertisement, the churches pay for it.â€"as they should. And that is the on- ly difference. â€"i-#J these same dissentors found no objection to ^These subscribing churches are not com- peting, rather are co-operating, through paid publicity, for increased church attendance. It is less important which church you attend than that you do regularly attend one of them. If you have not yet permanently affi- liated with a Wilmette xhurch, you will be cordially welcomed here. - Wilmette English Lutheran Church The First Methodist Church TferFirsf Presbyteriarthurch" St John's Lutheran Church The First Congregational Church St Augustine's Episcopal Church The Wilmette Baptist