Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1921, p. 8

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*mmmm pp THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. JULY 15. \m c Burin*** Men Meet To Plan Big Outing Every Merchant in the Township In- vited and Urged to Attend Members of the New Trier Com- mercial tssociation and all business men of the township are invited to a meeting Monday evening, July 18, at the Village Hall, Wilmette, to dis- cuss plans for the annual New Trier Day outing. New Trier Day has been for sev- eral years the most important event among the business and townspeo- ple of the north shore, being ob- served, generally, by a picnic or out- ing, preceded by a parade with priz- es offered for the most effectively decorated floats and automobiles. Every business man in the town- ship is invited and urged to attend the meeting Monday evening, as the planning of this great event is of vital interest to every merchant in New Trier. The meeting is sche- duled for 8 o'clock. REALTORS WOULD DISPEL GLOOM IN BUSINESS WORLD North shore real estate men were numbered among the ten thousand real estate operators who are in na- tional convention this week at the Auditorium theater, Chicago, meet- ing for the avowed purpose of dis- pelling the financial gloom which hovers over American business and industry. It was the fourteenth an- nual convention of the National As- sociation of-Real Jistate Boards~ahd the North Shore Real Estate Board was fully represented at all of the many sessions, assuming an impor- tant part in entertaining the visit- ing delegates. Delegates of the North Shore Board are C. T. Northrop, S. B. Thomas. N. D. Hill, A. R^Eddington^ rnest Smith. LeonardRoach, Paul Hardmann. E. R. Stone and M. E. Barker. The Convention committee of the Brown ..Mrs. Sarah E. Hardiman, mother of Mrs. Launders, hat gone east and will return to Kenilworth in Sep- tember. * ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbard of Chestnut avenue, were dinner hosts at Exmoor Saturday last. ♦ Mrs. John P. Oleson, Mrs. Walter D. Launders, Mrtf Edwin Hedrick and Mrs. O. C. Owen were among those who lunched at the Drake hotel on Saturday. The Kenilworth Garden club met Wednesday at Mrs. E. C. Snydack- ers Mr. and Mrs*. Charles Ware- of Abbottsford road, are expected to arrive from Pasadena, Cal., the first of next week. nifred Adkins of 1112 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrett and son. Miss wmn atteod8flg summer Herbert, and daughter. Aflc* JKlSSST ZtcZmmb* University in _____a *i»i__.^„. oct from a two *cnop» _ »*â€"y turned Thursday last from a two week's fishing trip in Canada. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick entertained her card club at luncheon Thursday last. :;* Miss Mary Hannah has as her guest, Miss Marjorie Hodgson of New York. Miss Hannah and Miss Hodgson both attend the Country Day school, Warrington, Va. â€"♦â€" Mr. John Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Ross returned Jast week from a trip through the Great Lakes region. Mi'ss Mary Hannah was a dinner hostess at the Drake, Monday night, in honor of her guest, Miss Marjone Hodgson of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett have returned from their honeymoon and are at home on Catalpa street, Edge- water. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Claude Burnham and sons, David. Phillip and James, left' Mr. John V. Rathbone returned Wednesday for Lake Geneva, where Monday after a sojourn of two they will be the guests of Mrs. weeks at Trout Lake, Wis. Frank Nellis. â€"•â€" Miss Ruth Watt entertained at bridge Tuesday last in honor of â€"♦â€" New York. Miss Edith Adkins of 1112 Central avenue, is spending sometime in La Porte. Ind.. as the guest of her sr and mot her. • â€"*â€" Miss Minnie Hughes and Mist Genevieve Cole are spending their vacation in New York state. Miss Marie Meyer left Wednesday for an indefinite stay in Seattle. Wash. Mrs. Sherwood of Washington, D. C. is the guest of ^er daughter, Mrs. Samuel Henry Roberts, 613 Central avenue. _____ Word has been received that Mr HEALTH SPECIALIST c TO CENTER TUESDAY^! Dr. William R. Abbott, <_w I cialist of the Tuberculoid,Tr( will be at the Grosse PoinT Center. Ridge and WilmettTr on Tuesday, July 25, at 10 oV, conduct tree examinations desiring further information cerning this clinic are asked ^ The Child Welfare Clinic 1, ducted at the center every \v, day afternoon from 2 to 4 0» with Dr. M. C. Hecht and the in attendance. ENJOYING A VACATION M. J. Timberlake, veteran* Civil War, who has been deV) the past month to soliciting scriptions to The Lake Shore J G Osgood is convalescing at nis in wilmette and Kenilworth home in LowelL Ind., following a |aj<| aij«|e the subscription b temporarily, to engage in a speii vacationing. He will visit re One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained at the home of Mrs. Harry S. Griswold, 617 Seventh street, this week. -♦â€" The Misses Elizabeth and Rebec- ca Fitch, 1033 Elmwoof avpnjieLhaye| ^fa^E. G. Hunter who'condi, the services at St. AuguiS her guest, Ann Hancock of, St. Emily Foresman at the Indiana Hill On Friday last. Miss Louis Sena returned from Wellesley college, to of Santa Fe, New Mexico, was the'spend their summer_Jvacation at guest of- the Misses Dorothy and home. Louis, Mo. â€"•â€" The Evening Bridge club met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn. â€"♦â€" Eugene Cheeseman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cheeseman, left Friday for Minocqua^Wis.t^o-be~gone-six weeks. Mrs. Charles Meyer was a lunch- eon hostess at Exmoor Tuesday last. Mrs. James Murray and son, John Robert, and Mrs. Rufus Porter and son, Ned, left last Saturday for the Porter's summer home in Maine for Golf club. â€"♦â€" M r. W. I. Woodward spent- last week in Indianapolis, Ind. -•â€" in Jackson, Mich., for several w«c Mr. Timberlake is a resident i Winnetka, having recently tnord the north shore from Oak Park. NEW WILMETTE RES1DI church recently in the absence the rector Rev. Hubert Carleton' to make Wilmette his perm*' residence. Mr. and Mrs. Hu have purchased a residence in . village. They have been spend!! the winters in Alabama and tl summers in Wilmette. Mr. Hunti promi: the^ rest of the summer. â€"• Dr. and Mrs. Charles Barker b>ach an* water, a/nd the pure ait- Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Arro- wood of 1107 Forest avenue, are continuing their custom again this summer, of entertaining children from the poorer districts of Chicago, through the United Charities. This^ weekTthey have"aT~aieir guestsTTwo I th'* "Cop8. small girls, who are enjoying the' One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs wts entertained last week-at the home of Mrs. Charles L. Carnahan. 700 Central avenue. â€"♦â€" . w.......................... .,_, Mrs. H. J. Wolf of 819 Greenwood i #g a clergyman^ of national p.vll avenue has gone to Connor's Lake ence jn the Episcopal denominat Hotel, at Phillips, Wis., for the sum-1 --------------------------- STERNER DECORATES SCH The Carl E. Sterner company, | orators, 1215 Wilmette avenue, secured the contract- to redecoi the interiors of the Wilmette, mer. DISPERSE BIRD HUNTERS Police were called Tuesday to dis- perse a group of youthful mmrods Publi sphere The police were callecT and school buildings. The work u t bird population in the vicinity of in progress and when the school f Eighth street and Chestnut avenue, dies of the village go back to t We thank-you", chants the-birds to xlasses_jn September, alLthe_« will "look like new." 'local board comprises H. H. moved into their new home, 4191 g* the suburbs, and the environment -^V^r4n^r^^ avenue, last Tuesday.------cf & r*a1 home. Yesleiday aftcr- , w j. ivioir dim -n. j. _♦â€" ! m0n. Mrs. Arrowood accompanied cock. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TO STAGE GIGANTIC PICNIC Mrs. Reed Landis and daughter, i the youngsters on a trip to Ravinia . Nancy, left Fridav for Burt Lake.1 Park where thev enioyed the regu- the guests '"" we>kly Children s concert and Wis., where they will be K. Mountain program. of Judge and Mrs, I.andis. . . _ â€"♦â€" >f- Ocr^e F.. fhle, 911 Green- The Young People's Bridge club wood avenue, is visiting at the home Knights of Columbus of the Ouil- mette, Newman and University, ...... Councils, covering the territory from met Tuesday^evening at the home of . of his sister, in Jackson, Mich., this Rogers Park to Lake Forest, are to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett. i week, engage in a joint picnic. Sunday; Inly 24, at Glenview Forest Preserve at the west terminal of the Evanston Street railway Five thousand north shore and Chicago people are expected to par- ticipate in the activities of the day. There are scheduled ball games, ra- ces, field events and contests and special facilities for d a n ci n g. An excellent orchestra has been secured to accompany the dancing in a great open air ptvilion, it is announced. CAPTAIN KIDD OVERSEAS BUCCANEERS' OPENING DAY ><- â€"The spirits of Captainâ€"Kidd^Fran- cis Drake and Long John Silver hov- ered over Wilmette harbor Saturday afternoon upon the occasion of the formal opening of "The Port of Miss- ing Men", the club of the north shore yachtsmen, more popularly charac- terized "The Buccaneers". "The Port of Missing Men", the official clubhouse of the organization, is a remodeled schooner converted into a ship of the Spanish gallion type, with lofty decks and comfort- able cabins. FAIR NETS $12,000 North shore people who patron- ized the County Fair h.eld in Patten gymnasium, Evanston, late in June, for charity, netted $4,000 each to the Northwestern University Settle- ment, St. Mark's Guild and the King's Daughters. Mrs. Estelle F. Ward, treasurer of the Fair and chairman of the Finance -committee, announces the total net proceeds from the Fair to be $12,000. The three prominent north shore charities have many member's and friend-? in Xeiv_JTrier township. ♦â€" . Mr. Belknap Hawkes, son of Mr. I M«-«. Nafhanial C. Thayer and and Mrs, B. C. Hawkes, is spending familv of 610 Central avenue are the summer at Yellowstone Park. I spending the summer in Sioux City, â€"♦â€" ~ Towa. Miss Patty Foresman returned: * Thursday from a week's sojourn at' Mr. ami Mrs. Amos W. Hostetter Winchester. Wis., as the guest of have taken a cottage at Lake Oko- Margaret Keith. 1>r»" Ta.. for the remainder of the â€"♦â€" summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Clark, Mr. Samuel Clark and Miss Harriette Ridgway left Wednesday for Ocono- mowoc, Wis. They will remain over the week-end.^ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Kerr have rented their home on Forest avenue for the summer and have gone to La^Porter Ind.. for severaF - weeks. â€"•â€" Mrs. John Hartmann of 1305 Sheridanâ€" road^ accompanied-hy- Mrsr Oliver C. Dennis of Elmwood avenue, left Mondav morning on a motor trip to New York where they will remain for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, 822 Mrs. William Taylor and daugh- ter, Helen, left Friday for Fox Lake, Wis.^jwhexe_ theyâ€"will bt theâ€"guests of Mrs. Fred Casterline of Milwau- kee. Wis. Miss Virgene Maltby was a lunch- eon hostess Tuesday last. â€"♦â€" Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, arrived home {Central avenue, have as their guests Saturday after a five week's motor, for the summer, their daughter, Mrs. trip through the east. ! Myron Kirk and her four children, â€"♦â€" (of Dallas, Tex. Mr. Hovey Tinsman left Friday to \ â€"♦â€" spend the week-end in Kansas City,; Mrs. Amelia Joehrendt and her Missouri. . ) grandson. "E. C Hartmann, Jr.. 914 â€", -â€":#"- | Thirteenth street, returned home Jdrs.â€" Edgar Stevens entertained; Tuesday evenine after a month's her'bridge club last Friday. . {visit in Flint, Mich. Unbleached Muslin Luncheon Sets stamped to be embroideredâ€"one center piece, six napkins. R&IC Floss and lesson sheet, all for 85c. ,v//.v/ /•///// "/.-.â- ,/. '////. Flinker and Flinker COMMUNITY SERVICE SPEAKER1 Rev. FrancU A\ Mtrtcr. pastor of} ^ the Wilmette Bapti>t church, was the speaktr at Community *ervtct>;-_ this week in the Fir>.t Baptist church of Evanston. ,Ht^ sublet was. "Our Limttttit>ri-»" The Store of Personal Service 1217 Wilmette Ate. Just West of The Tracks /syssvvyssys/yssy/yss/ysss/ssy/^^^ J '/Z. 7?,S„WS,~,77>t >|M|l Jut', ' â- Â»jj| jk B»jtay$ ^**% ^•,:' ^ 1 In For Immediate Sale Winnetka residence near new #500.000 Winnetka school, Skokie park municipal golf links. Ideal place for small family or couple with chil Beautiful wooded lot 100 x 187, with garden, fruit, tennis court, garage and screened summer house. Stucco house newly painted and in excellent re Three bed rooms and downstairs sleeping porch. Exceptionally beautiful attractive place for immediate action. Price 512,600. MURRAY & TERRY, Agents 40 N. Dearborn St., Chicago or Call Wilmette 118, Evenings --------,------------------ REAL ACHIEVEMENT > .fry .r.w>,tc ttnr^ ^t II 4ft Wil. metre avenue,, in rhe- new. H»v?-'>rti"e J butMinjL;. the j>Iace with the Metro- politan atmosphere. an<i the partic- ularly effective display window ar- rangement, is the" new home of ^he McAlLi-ter- establishment represents one of the je?tty pr^gr*"^*^*- H»t^iw»*^ Achieve^ ments of recent years in the village and adds distinction and unusual prestige to the Wilmette - Central^ avenue business section WAMiS/^.lUJMlWVMWltWJ^^^^^ CONSULT irrco: £FOR| FrMaes, Sash, Doors aad hterior Fbish 910-912 Weed Street Coal Burning Time Is Fast Approaching! Are Your Bine Filled? Coal, Coke, Ice, Sand, Gravel, Crushed â-  i^Mtone, Portland Cement, Feed, Fertilizer and Lawn Seed I Ire MM IfcHwarf AfaM* mi flwHi^ @£flffi»s @npany HI %. Wmtkimtfmm Stect Ctipiâ€"w____________1MM«â€"' F"^ -â€" NORTH SHORE BRANCH '?**"' -TELEPHONES- 3S£2*

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