THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921 Classified Advertisements JtxATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum S lines. Copy must be in by ?cdnesday. Rates for same advertisement in The lake Shore vs. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, ate par Una first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c par Una. sertiot Wedn« News. ftrfin J REAL ESTATE FOB SALE Splendid brlcft 7 r. home on beautiful deep wooded lot. H. W. Heat; fine finish. Owner cuts to $12,000; easy terms. Near new 7 R. Stuee©, wooded lot SSx 200. H. W. Heat: slpff. and sun porches: tile bath: dble km: Cut from $18,500 to $15,500. Luxurious 9 R. Colonial home; 3 baths: sun and sleep, pches; Nokol Ht. Wtr. Htr. Dble. icar. with chauf. qtrs. HuKe wooded lot. Cut to $30,000. Gointr to Cal.. make offer. _JM. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L", Wllmette 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wllmette 484 LTG35^1tc BUY YOUR VACANT NOW We have several choice lots on which you can make a handsome profit or a savin* worth while if you want It for aâ€"htmrer^ruT you must act how. See us at once for particulars. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents A. J. Woodcock. Prop. 613 - 4th St. Thone Wil. 1304 _______________________________LTG35-ltc For Sal*â€"East Wllmette-:- « room stuc- co: hot water heat; extra lavatory and toilet on first floor: sleeping pbrch: jcarajre; lot 50x100. Decidedly srood value at $12,500. R. M. TOHNSTON & CO., Opposite "LM Terminal. Tel. Wil. OS t*1-J _________ L«5-ltc F»» m:M-n»MMii:i> inn si:" FOR RENTâ€"FIVE ROOM COMPLETE- lv furnished bungalow, in Glencoe, near Hubbard Woods. Tmrnerllate possession. Call after 0 p. m.. 510 Woodlawn avenue. Glencoe $80. EXTERIOR PAINTING, PAPER hanging and all kinds of Interior decorating; neatly done by C. H. Wil- liams. 1210 Central Ave. Ph. Wllm. 887-M. - LT032-4tF EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- palring. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour: men for house- work and building- wire fences. Ph. Wlnnetka 329. LTG24-tfc foii s\i,i:-iioi si:iioi.i> <.<><»!>* FOR SALEâ€"GRAY ENAMELED UNI- versal Combination Coal and Gas range. Phone Wllmette 2202. LTG35-ltp FOR SAI.K-MlStKI.I.AXKOrs FOR SALE â€" SPEEDY RELIABLE long distance, pedigreed and regis- tered homing pigeons. Trained and untrained. Edw. W. Sperber, 1520 Hlarhlnnd Ave., Wllmette. 111. Tel. Wllmette 966-W.« LT35^1tp FOR SALE â€" GOLD WATCH AND chain:- -lady's fur coat and other clothing; fourteen year girl's cloth- insr: also bookcase, brlc-a-brae. etc. Address Lake Shore News C-63. . L35-ltc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEâ€"INDIAN motorcycle: nearly new tires; $40 or exchange for canoe. Phone Glencoe 155. LT84-2tp FOR SALEâ€"CANARY TURDS. GUAR- - awteed good slngc-rs. $10 a pair. Tel Wllmette 1797. L35-3tc WAWRDTO HÂ¥*Yâ€"MISrELLATVROirg Phone 557 Highland Park or writ* H. S. M.. Box 218.__________LTG84-tfc ^POR-^tENTâ€" ^l^RNISHED HOUSE. July 15th to October 1st. Large screened porches i one block from lake. flood transportation. Phone Wlnnetka 1079. _____LT85-ltc for rentâ€"House, wilmette; 6 - rooms, "sleeping, and living; porch. $125 mo. July and August. Keith. 222 Ninth St.. Phone Wil. 1505. LTG34-3tc foii itr.vrâ€"iioo>i FOR RENT - LARGE PLEASANT room in private family. 152!» Wash- ington avenue.______^_______L35-ltp for iii:\i-â€"sn mo FOR^RENTâ€"STUDIO IN W11M KTTK. -on Fridays an«l Saturdays. Address Lake Shore New:; <V51. LT35-ltp Wanted to hextâ€"hoish Wanted to rentâ€"six "or seven room house; Wlnnetka. Kenllworth or Wilmette. Address Wlnnetka Weekly Talk C-.'»2.__________LT38-ltc WAWTgP TO HKXTâ€"HOOM WANTED TO RENTâ€"FOR BALANCE of summer, large furnished room with two beds; near lake, conven- ient to cafe. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, fclO W Nevada Street. Urbana, 111. .â- __________________ LT<;:ir»-2tp HKi.r \vaxti-;»-i'i:m\i.i: WANTEDâ€"YOPNG GIRL FOR GKN- eral house work and care of 2 child- ren. Good home, Mrs. Olllflllan. 241 Fairview Rd.. Glencoe. Phone Glen- coe 3!«1._________________ I «TC*|5 -_1 tc WANTED â€" MA1I» FOR <'. E NERAL housework: white; no laundry: 8 in familv; good home. I'hone Win. 1026. LTG35-ltc. WANTED TO BUY â€" SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Hle-h^st prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emeraon St.. Evanston. 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc I »UTV HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of allâ€" d^scr4ntioBBiâ€"Phon- F^'nnston 103 and I will call. N. Fell. 1644 Maple Ave. Ltg17-tfc 1 WANT TO BU'V A DRESSER OH chiffonier, cheap.. Phone Wil. 404 _T7.17r.TTc WANTED TO BUY â€" MAN'S*SECOND hand blcvcle. Must be in good con- dition. Phone Wil. 2252. L35-1tn >ns< i;i,i, \\i;oi s HAVPJ VOUR UPHOLSTERY OLE AN- ed in your own home. We can eith- er do this or call for and deliver. We have years of exnerience and e«»n flo satisfactory efficient work. '. The North Shore TTpholstery Cleaners, 1«26 Ewiersotr: St., Evanaiofn Phone Evanston 5721. EVanaton LTG31-tfc PIANOS TITNED. REGITLATED, â€"on I red.-----*6â€"vearsâ€"exnerienee, RE J?a44 your home tuner and avoid delays and high prices. Phone Win. 500-.T. LTG34-tfc FOII *\ IEâ€"A I TO MOM M> FOR SALE â€" OVERLAND TOURING ear. Model 0!»-T. good condition. $150. Phone Win. lolo between 10 and 12 A. M. LTG35-UC WASTRI) TO WI'.Yâ€"A I'TOMOMLK WANTED â€" CHEVROLET. OVKR- land. Maxwell or Ford with starter: Bargain for cash. I'hone Win. 393. LTG35-ltc LOST AWD FOUND WANTED â€" LAUNDRESS; WHITE: 2 days; permanent position; referen- ces. I'hone Win. 744. LT35-lte WANTED â€" WHITE WOMAN TO take family washing home. Phone Wil. 22i»2. _____________ L85-ltc MIT1ATIOX WAXTBDâ€"FEM*ALk" PRACTICAL NURSE WILL TRAVEL with party for summer as mmpan- ion. Reference. Phone Wilmette 3«**.________â- __________ LTG34-ltc SHAMPOOING. SCALP TREATMENT oial massage and manicuring. Will go to homes Ph. Win. 1657. -_________________i/rai'.tfe LOSTâ€"GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH chale 4-te»d i'n,r with Northwestern s- itr'v i'ev wttrohexD. betwee*1 Park ' ve. •••i«| Vnrt^V'^NTii Station on Central Ave, Finder please return t«' Lake Shore News office and re- ,;â- 'â- â- â- %' nwa-d. L3f»-,ltp PERMANENT WAVE PROMISING BUSINESS ON MICHIGAN LINK HOSPITAL TRAINED NURSE; CA- ° nadian: collesre bred: traveled; adaptable; reference*. Tel.- Glencoe 43».__________ â- ___________LTG35-ltc 1st CLASS LAUNDRESS DESIRES work bv the day. Phone Kenwood 4fc«5.. LSS-ltp •i F. i.i* «t \ti:pâ€"m % it: A LIVE REAL ESTATE OR^ANIZA- Qon with offie-s in the loop and â€"branches on No'*th Shore haS~open- ing ffr a iranaf««r with ah an*", for" one of its brai ch oftiees. Prefer a man with an %cquaintance and one HvI'mt e.n the north >hore. Address Lak» Shore >ew«* K-S5. Ltg27-tfc SALESMAN WANTEDâ€"Must be high grade man of integrity; none other need apply. I'nusual opportunity Address Lake Shore News. C-30. â€"â€"---------------------------------LTOSg-tfc On the new Link of Michigan ave- nue which will prove to he the dia- mond of Chicago, business is devel- oping so rapidly that it will soon he the rival of t*he Rue de Paix of Paris. Among the most cnterprisintr firms fitditin" for supremacy i* the Pertna- rHcnt-AVavtnir system company which only four years a«'o »tartrd the per- mar«il 'vvr iu the Michigan Iwmle- vard httildtttg, \fr I'tlin-Cmme i» the manager ami ha* •!»€•» iali/rd in that line for many yearn. He in nraetteatty » pimirrf in ihu w«,rk. Hit mm afa»». H# Spfih M'chtKan avrnur. i*. a 1H4K !•• "ihf Tityr"~ •• ' * .* T~ â- â- • ". 3 Mr. and Mr*, ptmm C, ir«»**ley of 40? Washinuton iivrtitie. lire motor- injr throufth th* ea*t ihi* month, and before thrir return will spend some time with Mr. Cro*sley\rrela- tives in Pennsylvania.______________ WAXTkl^-KXI'KIMKXfKb GARDEX- â€"♦râ€"4tttik »cr»'«;rih«>u!'e man; small amount of house work required: married man 'only. Referenees. I'hon*- Wi" >'!. LT35-*te Ht:i.l' \% %VTKPâ€"m \u: ow ik<»\u: WANTED : [ MAN »R \V«»MAV T« â-º CARRY A VERT small stock of flr>»t-*jaalitv tires at prices that meet all eomp«ftitiOa. Bus- 'iw?R"e»»I* be conducted riteht out oitf your home. stor»- or office and in Slf *t-"* aMTfty more titan trinle av- -r '«r- Lticottif. \W fumisK thf stock an«I T»ay th*> nV*ys'i>ar>*-r advertising. ESo^efcance f«»r you to lose a c*-nt hut if your atntdicafion is accepted you ca-i *-arn hiss money at once. Exper- i*.-i,.^ 'uttn*-c«rssarv. "Write no* and K^r *-«t chance -in i»ar locality. RtVffrT?<ir.»t TIKK STORKS ------- Miss Mildred McCtillouRh of Wash- ington D. C. has been the truest of Mi*s Ruth Xlouldin^. 1004 Greenwood avenue, during: the past fortnight. Mrs. A. C. Ohlendorf. 237 Linden avenue, has as her guests, her sister Mrs. C. L. Carter and son Charles of Terre Haute* Indiana. Mrs"."-Lawrence Tower and small son. 1132 Forest avenue, lef; Tues dayâ€" eveningâ€"for^â€"Eb^l^tni-- Mwiw where they^will be tbe grcests "*f Dr. ard Mr^r^ Rock, Mrs. Ro--k waa fc-riberly Miss Xorah Palmer. -------1 3fr3 East Michiir.-»n Ave. l.ansinK. Michigan l^r>-ltc «*IT« %ti<>\, m \\TrIfcâ€"**%â- »*____ r»r> Mr»T-«s^rsr^r ptstvvti kV- ar«ron <C*>». -A»» °f<*r W- P "T-â€" laroas-tfc JOHN B. GAPER. FORMER . TRUSTEE, TAICEM BY DEATH Succumbs to Loaf |Ua*M •" Sundbyt July 3; Was Leader i» Wir~ Work and Village Affairs Funeral services for John B. Gaper, former Wilmette Village trustee and member of the Executive committee of tne Wilmette Guard, local World War patriotic organization, were held from the home at 731 Park avenue, Wednesday. July 6. at 2 o'clock. Ma- sonic services were conducted hy Wilmette Lodge No. 931 A. F. and A. M., of which Mr. Gaper was a mem- ber. Burial was at Rosehill. Mr. Gaper passed away* Sunday.j July 3. following an illness of two years. He had been a resident of Wilmette since 1905 and was active in public affairs for many years. He was a member of the Village Board in the years 1918 and 1919. While a trustee he was particularly interest- ed in the perfection of the water sup- ply system, his work in that connec- tion winning for him the high re- gard of his associates. During the late war he labored unceasingly in promoting war relief campaigns and in other equally important war ser- vice. In private life Mr. Gaper was the head of a large Chicago Catering business. Mr. Gaper is survived >y - his widow and a daughter, Sara C, Gaper. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mcintosh en- tertained the Sunday Evening club last Sunday. SINGER Special Sale This Month on Sewing Machine* We Carry All Make*. - 1 Uted Machine* $8.00 Up _ PATTERSON BROS. j 828 Davis St. Phone Evanrton 654 EVANSTON, ILL AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY !. BRIGGS Ewnrton 140 1S48 Sh»rmsn Avonu« WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. ...........:___.....----= D. 5. SATTLER. Pro*. :â€"^-----1------......._ The unmistakable mark of distinction to be found in funerals conducted by us is a Guarantee of the Higher Character of our SERVICE. CASKETS at LOW as $35. No charge for distance H. F. UNSER 1022 Davu Evanston, III. MANAGER Phones Evanston Wilmette it Air. and Mrs. D. C. Caldwell of 616 Isabella street, liave gone to .Lonis- vilfev-Kv. ^r.-and \te ^ Seng ' -»fce j»»-»*«ae. are summering at Eagle River. WtSv. _=L:__* . NORTH SHORE The gateway to to Northern Lakes and Woods RAINS The great to Milwaukee CONNECTIONS AT MILWAUKEE lor Waukesha, Water- town, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Beulah, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake. ^r^ â€"-â€"-< DAILY BOAT LINE CONNECTIONS for Northern Michi- gan points. Pere Marquette Line Steamers from Milwau- kee to Ludington, Manistee, Frankfort and Onekena. The dean, swift electrics of the Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad are ideal for summer travel. The joy of your outing begins the moment you step aboard the North Shore Train. Your Milwaukee trip is smookless. dust- less and cinderless. You travel in comfort, and^rrive on time. Limited trains leaving Wilmette regularly, take you direct to the North Shore Terminal Station, in Milwaukee's business center, convenient to hotels and transporat ion lines. ___. â- , â- , ! CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue