mmmmmmmm. lWIM|.WI|llWllilui THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY g, 1921 >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦€♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦i >*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦***♦* Sunday school class last Sunday. Professor Hutchens had wore than sixteen in his women's class, but they were not all women. Those who heard Irwin C. Lam- bert when he occupied the puplit jrf the JPresbyterian church some weeks ago will be pleased to learn that he is to conduct the services again next Sunday morning. Chorister Thayer, was absent Sun day, on a vacation, and will be ab for the chadren and the grown folks, among these a batt S»«f be- tween the married and the unmar- ried men. Oast conte»tf of various kind* are also on the program, witt prizes for the winners. Of course refreshments will be there too. Everybody ont on the loth. Mrs. J. C. Drake will be absent Mr. Lambert has for thirty years, tr.°* her class of girls for a couple been identified with Marshall Field & Company and has been a student not only of men and business, but also of the very best literature, art and poetry. His address will be up- on th% subject, "Why Did Jesus Go Away When Here Upon Earth?" This will doubtless be an interesting and scholarly address. Sunday school at the usual hourâ€" B9;30 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH His body having been found, in the lake, on Friday and having buried him, in beautiful Memoral Park, Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold now have at least the sat- isfaction of knowing where their boy William is. The terrible sus- pense of three weeks is over and it "is now possible for time to bcgnr that mysterious process of sooth big their torn hearts and of adjusting them to the new condition of having one boy at home and one boy who is "just away" and to learn to i way 'Think of him faring on as dear in the love of There as the love of here. Miss Redtern has given up her Rev. Harry L. Meyer, who will preach during the absence of the pastor, Rev. S. A. Lloyd, will use as his subject next Sunday, "The One Religion."^ Service will begin Sunday schooHrlass of girlsand has promptly at 11 and close at 12:05 been succeeded by Miss Nystrom. 'o'clock. of Sundays due to vacationing. The prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight o'clock will be con- tinued throughout the summer. Look in .some Wednesday evening and see whether what you hear is worth while. The Sunday school is considering having a beach party instead of a picnic this year. Which would you prefer? The church bulletin has been dis- continued until fall, and until then the announcements will be made in the same old way by the same old man. Brother Waidner's pew was empty last Sunday. When this was written, Monday night, he was better. We hope to see him in his place next Sunday. usual during the summer, the only change being the arrangement of classes. Juniors will meet with the Intermediates in Pilgrim Hall and the Beginners department will meet in the Junior room. Prayer meetings will be held each Wednesday evening during the sum- mer, under the leadership of the deacons. Mr. J. D. Roth will have charge of the meeting next Wednes- day evening.â€"Service begins at 8 o'clock, and is held in Pilgrim Hall, â€"- The Baptist ohurch is holding all The men who have been attend- j its regular services as usual during ing the volley ball and basketball j July. Bible school in Browns Hall gam/es. Friday evenings, have en- begins at 10 o'clock_dunng this joyed them so much that they plan!month instead of at 9sJ5. Morning to meet twice a weekâ€"Tuesday and worship at 11 o'clock. Mr. Stiner is Friday evenings. preaching a series of sermons which You are invited to join in the I he entitles "Recharging the Batter- games "at any time. Games begin I ies after a Hard Year's Run. The about 7T30 o'clock. | theme last Sunday was "The Glory j of the Commonplace." The theme Limitations." Keep on Shakeup camp will be made at that time and *«<* "Cod Needs You-r it is necessary that every girl who is expecting to go with the group be The July Meeting of the Woman's on hand at that time. This is the j Society will be held this afternoon at last meeting of the group until! 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. September. | P. Dubbs, 1221 Greenwood avenue. fThe theme will be "The Young | Woman in Chicago. Miss Beatrice ; Segsworth Will lead the Devotional j service. A representative of the ! Young Woman's Christian Associa- tion of Chicago will speak. If the weather permits the meeting will be held on the spacious lawn of the Dubbs home. •on* length the ^rcSSfj church negotiations are \uS^ for a new edifice to be eretS 1 prominent location in WanSt*] the Women's Missionary *J met on Thursday afternoon. ftS at the home of Mrs. J A rL1!?1 200 Sixth street, WUmetteT^" Morning services are to h. tinned throughout the sunm£' Lutherans, all visitors_jaui5w ists are cordially invited. Come and worship. aay, on a vacation, ana win De »d- ' •!• «â€"«' ur% t •« sent a Sunday or two more, and hel The Tatapochon Camp Fire Girls 1 this week is Our -UM was missed. will meet at the church at 3 o'clock I Later the subjects will be â€" Thursday afternoon. Final plans for Smgjng, The Value of a S ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Our Fathers' Faithâ€"Our Country's Language. 9:15 a.m. Sunday school and Bible , _ s^at^ur^ Linden*' hSL^*3* ST"?? Prairie avenues. Herman W. Meyer, 'i^Jggf1. *§jLhcjgrta8 p"8"*1 '** M. A. Pastor, 406 Prairie avenue, *°c,°cl<'a.1 Bro.wn H?"\, posd»ck s Ph.-m,. no* The Meaning of Service" will form * . f the basis of the discussion. Jim Swan, Jack Burt and Lusted, three New Trier sen have gone on a camping ♦»!? Rhfnelftnder, Wis., and Mar«t Mich. They will be gone aboi weeks. Phone 1396. "Godliness with contentment is great gain." Tim.6,6, is the text for next Sunday's sermon. It bears a great lesson for our time. You are j mer services, invited to come and hear. * Informal dress has been officially adopted by the church for the sum* The Quarterly meeting of St. Dr. Ranp had sixteen men in his John's congregation takes plac# on Tuesday evening. July 12, at 8. o'clock a* the church. Every voter is expected to be present. A full re- Rev. A O. Soholm, Pastor. Resi- port on the proceedings of the clence, 1235 Elmwood avenue, tele- jVprJ.hernJUJmois_District Synod will phone Wilmette 1938. be rendered. , _ , â€" Services every Sunday at the" Wil- The annual Sunday school outing mette Woman's club at Tenth %treet is to be held on Saturday afternoon, and Greenleaf avenue. Sunday July 16 at the Mew Trier "High school at 9:45 a.m.- Services at School grounds. The committee in 11 a.m. • ~- ! (charge has arranged a very attrac- â€" The Church School will meet as tive program of gomes and events The Church Council-met nn Tups \AW JPK W=* 1=1 â- FT, STORAGE b FURNITURE CO phones: re*. 3* Wilmette Can Attain National Fame a Single Year, and Without a Dollar's Cost Brookline is famed as the city of wealthâ€"Brooklyn a^ the cl^oT^churche5---Philadeiphia, the city of iesâ€"Gary, the steel cityâ€"Detroit, the auto- mobile cityâ€"Grand Rapids, the furniture city- Minneapolis* the flour city. L-iir famennee<J no/ consist in majestic monuments, billion dollar banks, marble mansions, picturesque parks, motor manufactories, or multi-millionaires. Years and years of time, millions, and millions of invested capital have conibine^nto^aV^h^^osT of fame to these^ and-many other notedncitiesr- Fame, said Socrates, "is the perfume of heroic deeds. And what, then, is this heroic deed that can within a year^tnne^jvv^ cos| -tang this^aTne^WilmSter^It is this: Let evei « -----.- â- , \™£-~Lk " I5in»s: Let every €l*?eJâ„¢^^ churcrr^wSrr regularity throughout the year. __ . . The Wilmette Baptist Church Wilmette English Lutheran Church The First Methodist Church The First Presbyterian Church St. John's Lutheran Church Church â- »«