rlH Li S, FRIDAY, JULY 1,1921 Keailwortli HippusAgt Saturday evening the nuptials of Ifitt Olive Bulley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bulley and Ward Starrett of Chicago, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Starrett of Wilmington, N. C were celebrated. The bride chose her parents' twenty- fifth wedding anniversary for her wedding day. Spring flowers deco- rated the church and the home of the Bulley's, where a large reception fol- lowed with dance on a platform in the garden. Princess lace oyer ivory •atin composed the wedding dress. A half-wreath of orange blossoms held the tulle veil. The bridal bou- quet was of lilies of the valley and white sweet peas. Mist Pitcilla Allen wat maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Berhice Bul- ley, sister of the bride, Mrs. C. M. Puller of Janesville. Wis., and Miss Miriam Shattuck. Betty Zimmer- man was flower girl. The brides' attendants were frocked in rainbow colors of organdie and carried gar- den flowers. Mr. Starrett. father of the groom, served as best man. Ushering were Dougal Kittermaster of Glencoer Lorenz Devitt of Montclair, N. J., __Edward Hicks and Goldwin Starrett. Mr. and Mrs. Starrett have rented a cabin in the north woods and will honeymoon there. Mr. George Harrison. Mr. John Hawkinson, an d Mr. Frederick Updike were the guests of Mr. W. I. Woodward, Wednesday last at the North Shore Golf club. â€"♦â€" Miss Elva Southward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Southward left Friday to take charge of music at Warick Woods Camp, Sayner, Wis., during July and August. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Korrady and daughter, Margaret, were guests last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haskel of Goshen, Ind. â€"♦â€" ~Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck, Miriam and Walter, Jr., left Monday night for West Bay Lake, Wis., to be gone all summer. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Fred Forbes gave a children's party Thursday for Mary Macklit and Mary Lilienfield. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mr. V. A Smith, and Mrs. Fraxier, mother of Mrs. V. A Smith, are spending the summer at the Smith home on Ab- botttford road. â€"•â€" Mist Priscilla Allen returned Thursday of last week, after a ten day's trip to Wellesley where the attended the commencement excer- ciscs. „ Mrs. George Maher had at week- end guests, Mrs. Hooker and her daughter, Florence, who are on their way to Fenville, Mich., for the sum- mer. â€"•â€" .. Miss Putty Foresman and Miss Elizabeth Hannah will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith at Win- chester, Wis., for over the Fourth. Mrs. Frank A. Gerould, formerly Miss Mary Taylor, who hat been living in Milwaukee for the past year will spend the month of July with Mrt, Frank Ketcham. Mr. -and Mrs.r IUtph^1ffon~Teft Saturday for Glen Lake, Mich., where they have taken a cottage for the summer. ;â- '#- Mrs. J. V. Rathbone and children, left Thursday for Front Lake, Wis. where they will spend the month of July. 1 O '"â- ' Mr. and Mrs. LUienfleld have taken the Shattuck home on Kenil- worth avenue* for the summer months. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Herman -Hi cut/peter left Thursday for Longt Beach; Oal., where she will spend the summer. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Karl Korrady entertained her card club at luncheon on Tuesday last. Mrs. Frtnk NeJlis and children, formerly of Kenllworth have gone to Lake Geneva, for the summer. Mrs. C. O. Owen was called to Cleveland, Ohio., owing Jo^he_jud^ ^eir death"oT1ieT7nother7 â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Osier.of Philadelphia have taken the Roberts' home on Warwick road for the summer. > â- â€"•â€" Miss Virgene Maltby returned Sunday from New York where she has been for the past six weeks. Mr. and Ifra. George Keehn and ton. Grant, returned Thnrtday from Utica, N. Y. where they had b«e« attending the commencement exer- cises of Hamilton college. Mitt Elizabeth Hannah and Mitt Ruth Kasten attended the senior week house party at the University of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnham en- tertained sixteen young people at dinner and the movies in honor of their ton, Philip. Mr. J. Ellis Slater left Saturday for Ential. Wash., in hit motor, stop- ping a few days in Minneapolis and Yellowstone Park. Miss Betty Darling and Miss Marion Eckhart left Wednesday for camp Portland, Maine, to be gone all summer. Miss Elizabeth Stolp is attending summer school at Boulder, Colo., and will return home the-firstof-August. Mrs. William Taylor entertained the members of the Bridge club Thursday. Another delightful program has been arranged for the Children's af- ternoon at Ravinia Park, on Thurs- day, July 7. It will include an in- terpretation by Mr. and Mrs. Marx Oherndorfer, and a group of dance numbers by the Van Vlissingen Dan- gers/under the direction of JeanJYan Vlissingen. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Herrmann of the Boulevard building, and Mr. and Mra* Roland Hurford of Glencoe, will motor to Sturgeon Bay, Wis., over the week-end and Fourth of Tuly. â€" •â€". ~~HrX RaTphTX. Tffouldingenter- tained a group of neighbors inform- ally on Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1025 Elm wood avenue. • â€"♦â€" Adrian Brower, son of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Brower, of 720 Fifth street, is very seriously ill with pneu- monia, at St. Joseph's hospital. This Saturday and all week until next Satur- day, one full else cake of the new Klenzo Toilet Soap FREE with each purchase of a new, large, family-size, SO cent tube of Klenzo Dental Cream. KLENZO TOILET SOAP is pure, cleansing and soothing to the skin. Gives a thick, creamy lather and leaves the aromatic, deep- woods sent of pines* KLENZO DENTAL CREAM makes the teeth white and shining, the mouth clean, and leaves that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling. Giant, new, 50 cent tube contains enough Klenzo to brush your teeth twice a day for nearly four month** Most families use dental cream and soap fast. Why not save by getting several tubes and cakes now? You'll have to get them soon enough. Remember the date SATURDAY JULY 2id up to and including Saturday, July 9th. Orders reserved by phone, if you wish. It's a big economy, and people buy shrewdly these days. Better make sure of yours. ! x uriij The Rexall Store Telephones - 28 and 29 Via â€"â€" ^ eauti roun We are prepared and equipped to make esti- mates on^entire landscaping jobs. This takes in^every branch of this profession, from the clearance of the land to the final planting. Expert workmen remove all stumps and ob- structions, grade and terrace your land, fill in with rich mack dirt where necessary. Land- scaping artists will arrange the layout, select the trees and shrubs and supervise the planting of them. This may be done by the job,/taking the whole operation as one or may be taken by the hour or job by job.â€" ^^~ Sidewalks and driveways, important parts of your grounds are laid quickly and well. Excavating, done to your specifications, by the hour or by the contract. ALL WORK GUARANTEED riii Landscape Gardener Phone-Winnetka 549-M WINNETKA, ILL. 886 Pine St