Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1921, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JUKE 24. 1921 Kenilworth Htppeninf s On Friday night, Mr. and Mfg. John V. Rathbone will entertain for their1 Mies Helen Schulze, daughter of Mr. Mark Cresap arrived home Wednesday lor Naples, Italy. She will tonr Europe lor three months, and return on October l.^to Smith college, where the it a junior. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridge way and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah ar- rived home the latter part of this week alter spending two weeks at the Lake Placid club and motoring ton Jack, with a small theatre party, and on Saturday, Mrs. Rathhone will entertain for her small daughter* Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Rathbone and. ... their family will leave next Thursday on to B*aMO for Trout Lake, Wis., to be gone a' Miss Mary Mills ol Calumet, Mich., month. who was on her way home from Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clark and! Smith .CoUe*e. /&*J^ **£*!* Mr. Samuel Clark of Wilmette and with the Misses Emily and Dorothy Miss Harriette Ridgeway arrived | Foresman. home on Thursday after motoring; Mr. Abernathy of Kansas City, who from Philadelphia, where they were is to marry Mrs. Walter Scott Tins- attending the wedding of Miss Doris man on the first of July, 11 visiting Miller and Mr. Wendell Clark. friends in Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rath-t Mr. and ^Mrs. Percy B. ' Eckhart bone will-entertain with"^0â„¢*^*+â„¢]*^*"""^***** dinnerparty at their home on Thurs-'ing their daughter, Eleanor, off for day evening of next week. There Europe. . will be covers for sixteen guests. Miss Mabel Harney of Milwaukee Mr. and Mrs. Roy Osgood^and Mr. was the guest of her •«•{«. J»* week, and Mrs. A. Converse of Winnetka,|Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone. motored up to Lake Delavan, on last] The Bridge Club met wi week-end. ondge Club met with Mrs. {Sidney Ball on Wednesday afternoon Come as Early as Possible It has been said that% if good food is what you want always look for the crowded restaurant. We are crowded at lunch and at dinner for the one reason- UOUITTUOP WELL SERVED mmâ€" Welch'8 Cafeteria Central Ave. at 11th Street Wilmette, III. Phone 2420 H* Mark Cresio *q^<Jj3m* and their d^ughtertHen, off lor En* rope* Mrs. Robert Berger and her dangh- ter, Ethel, left the4atter £*«*£* week for Boston to"be goneâ- -*- wcck or more. Mr. and Mrs. Higbee, tgmfcjft Kenilworth and their to^Ur,J*ne are motoring through the White mountains. Miss Priscilla Allen arrived home on Wednesday after attending the commencement exercises at Weiies- ley college*â€"___^____^-----------â€"^â€" Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crooks ar- rived home last week from a two months' stay in New \ork. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck leave next Monday for their summer home in Wisconsin. Mr. Roy Osgood arrived home the latter part of this week after a short business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrett left on Thursday to be gone on a two weeks fishing trip in Canada. Mrs. Val Smith left this week for New York to be gone on a month!* visit with her mother. Mr-. Bruce Hulbert left last Friday for Minocqua. Wis., where he will spend the summer in camp. Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Exclusive Distributors •*JQ one believes that 1M "walls have ears," but it is a feet that they talk. A wan can say "rest, sanitation,beauty,durabil- ity"â€"and it can say other things not so flattering. VELUMINA the Oil Flat Wall Paint This practical paint, made with an ell base, for permanence, brings out the best points of wall decoration and gives an In- terior which your friends and neigh- .bora would envy. Velumina walls can be washed perfectly. L*t u$ suggest color schemes Wilmette School* ate now being decorat.' ed by us with- "Velumina*' Nothing Better in Flat Wall Paint Sold and Used CarlE. 1215 Wilmette Ave. Interior Wilmette 2491 mmmBBBmsmm SELLER OF GOOD FOOD \3tothtr saysâ€" never seen her play so happily "She always used to complain after a little while. But since she has been wearing those Hood sandals, she romps and plays from morning till night, and never seems to tire* I can hardly get her to wear anything else.'* Rest the growing young feet from their confinement in stiff containers. Buy Hood Cross-Strap Sandals. Brown. duck uppers, with white binding and white lining. Dainty,.__ attractive little shoes that wear quite as well as they look. o/o CASH DISCOUNT CsshsadOrri . - • • S* Diseeurt Oa orders si SI.QQ er ssste si eenesl Profit Goods. 5 SPECIAL SALE JUNE 27th Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St| Cssh end Deliwed . . • • 2** Dim These do not apply to Meet DepsrtaMSt Credit and Delivered, one order delirereimil to JULY 2d SUGAR Cane Granulated, 10 lbs - - - - ; Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries and Sour Cherries Don't 1.11 to b»» *S> â- Sftâ€" _., ANT0NIN1 OLIVE OIL SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP Tha purest and finest Italian OH*« Oil produced. Quart can................... .....â- â€¢â€¢*â- â€¢â€¢â€¢' PACKET KIPPERFD "*»»IWfi $1.00 rebate for rase and bottles. The extra wear conies from the patented Hood Procesi. o4sk any dealer or write us. Hood Rubber Products Co.. Inc. Watertown, Massachusetts. â- iiftAtii â- nuui>* LEISURE Krsar Here is a smart summer shoe, light and graceful as a canvas shoe can be. A trim, well-fitting shoe that holds its shape, easy to clean, wears well and is unusually comfortable. For ^aves Here is a stylish, and durable shoe the "Movies" in Will RUBIDEAUX SARDINES LIBBY CORNED BEEF- â€"- No. 1 can............. ••â- ..•" LIBBY CHILI CON CARNEâ€" . Can.........................lie LIBERTY KIPPERED HERRINGâ€"Fine quality; Large can .......«.........Ws« are aukkry cleaned. 1 nee more vas Shoes are uaeuM. Fanry whole fish; Large oval can .........â€"**« B. * M. CLAM CHOWDER- Large qt. can..............31c PIONEER MINCED CLAMS- No.-54-ean ...................â- â€¢* GORTON FINNAN HADDIEâ€" Large jar ...................He PLYMOUTH ROCK TUNA FISHâ€"At a nice drop in price; Large No. 1 can 42c; No. ££.,Hl STEELE SARDINESâ€" In olive oil; 54s. can ........He CROWN SARDINESâ€" Norwegian smoked :_?4s. can.lte RICHELIEU Dry packed: No. 1 can ......tie MR. RED SALMON- Fancy Red Alaska; *_^ * JicvJ talUcan â„¢^~. ~â„¢.. Me MASON PRESERVE JARS- Qts.. doz. $1.00; pints .. .T7;. TBe E. Z. SEAL PRESERVE JARSâ€" Glass top; Qts.. dot........SMS Pints.......................sta* GOOD LUCK RED JAR RUBBERSâ€"Doz 12**c MASON JAR RUBBERSâ€" White: very heavy: doz. ...It* JELLY TUMBLERSâ€" Tall, 1-3 P»ntr doz............St* Squat, 6-oz., doe. >.^»»>.....St* AINSLEY'S FRUIT SALADâ€" Delicious. Alt ready to use. Com- bination of Pineapples, * Pears Peaches. Apricots and Cherries; No^lffiTcan: Pint can ........_±-----.....----..-----• • • • â€" 100 8-os bars in box Box ............ Ne cash discount. . 10 8-oa bars ..... A bargain. Specially selected. Packed in blended olive r fruit kernel oil. Larae can................... ... jaj Li SPARKLING ROCK GINGER ALE and ROOT BEERâ€" Splendid quality; large bottles; 5 to a gallon, doz..........ILS8 Charge for bottles and case. 80c BUCKâ€"First for Thirst; Doz bottles ................$S*S PINEBROS1Aâ€" Pine juice and sugar; makes a delicious drink; Pint........OSe PHEZâ€"Loganberry Juice; 12 oz. bottle.................40e WRIGHTS SUPREME MAYONNAISEâ€" 8 oz. jar............. .....• • -Mc BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATEâ€" Lb. 50c: cake ................25c LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" ~ Proctor & Gamble's; 120 bars in box ............$4.50 10 bars ....... ....... ......Sic cash discount------*â€"---------=â€" IVORY SOAPâ€" 100 10-oz. bars in box 10 bars.........* - 100 6-ozrbars in box . 10 bars _._.. •._.....-----.-.. FAIRY WHITE FLOATING BATH SOAPâ€" 10 bars ......... â€"....... .^.OOc IVORY SOAP FLAKESâ€" Pkg..........................ltc LINNâ€"It cleans anything. Made; by The Geo. R. Linn Products Co. Package -----............It* PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAPâ€" CaHe .............. ........lis JAP ROSE TOILET SOAPâ€" Cake ........................It* SCOURENE â€" Very cheap. For cleaning: and polishing. Sanolio inch. Cake ..Se BUY CANNED FH0IT NOW- All canned fruit is'-much chespj er than it has been in yearars| the indications ate it will much higher this Fall. MONSOON PEELED APRK Fancy No. 1 cag, doz.....9 SUN1BAY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy; Heavy Syrup: Large | lb. cans; At one-half the p of one year ago. Doz. can ___................. PLYMOUTH ROCK PEA< Yellow Cling. Large No. 2% caj.J large halves; heavy syrup the lowest price we have kno* for a long time. Buy se«4 Canned fruit will be much 1ms* er this fall than. now. Doz. $320: can ......â€" RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS- ---------------' v The finest quality packed; » can. doe, $3.15: can ..... RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€"The mo>t Pel Produced; __ No. Tpan,^6aT$3JST can DEL MONTE WHITE CHERRIESâ€"Royal Amu: No^2^canTn^u*T$«20TTa VERIBEST TOMATOES- Armour's finest quality 2 cant doz. $1J5: can .-•- BABY STEWART SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS- A bargain at this pnee can ___...............----- SPEE*DEEâ€"The wonderful greese remover; Large qt. can ............ KITCHEN KLEN2ER- HI taunce cans dz..l

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