Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1921, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 CLASSIFIED ADS 11 tnr answer*: B-16, B-SS, B-43, Call * r â€" *â-  w, ma D.01 U.a« I.CfVff B-iiV b-t*. b-»». imTi. B-»e; H*-M- in.....mi FOR RENT , have for rent several furnished nej .'01 ^«traVava?or3r. ©iTaW'laonrQs^sa ,M.......... uimoloua center entrance ml/SalS â€" Exceptionally fine 7 F° hmme: two large screened porch pom nou»e, ; flgc room; spacious center entrance hViLMETTE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents A. J. Woodcock, Prop. I ti« 4th St. Phone WU. 1804 1 " I/TQ88-UC !T ^ALK â€" ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM ih«m«Vlu best east Section, In line con- fi'n- large wooded iot; Cut to K}FbO<T Must sell. Make offer. Ell! NKAR NEW STUCCO IN EhAiMSt loc; h. w heat; 4 master bed fSomH maid's r., two baths; double LVrajre; deep wooded lot; owner fc reduces to $20,000. ESSlE REAL BARGAINS IN LOTS. M,E. BARKER & CO. |405 unden Ave. Phone Wtl. 484 TTv <\I,K--VERY ATTRACTIVR 6 room stucco, In beautiful section; al- io convenient to transportations hot intu heat; sleeping- porch; garage; hot 47x185; exceptional home at n&.% JOHNSTON & CO. nnoalte "LM Terminal. Ph. WU. «8 L33-ltc b saTe^coTonial homes wk vill build for you a real home in tforth Hvanston on our large lots, tnd you can pay for it like rent If iou can show us that you are in lamest and want to stop paying fent Answer this ad. Curiosity keekers please0 do not answer. This a not a fake ad. Address C-86, Lake fee News. ________LTG82-8tp h, S\iJ.:--TWO FRAME BUILDINGS lultable for remodeling into small bgidehces. Must be moved by pur- Ihaser. Address Wlnnetka Park Dis- Vict H. L. Woolhlser, Park Manager. bhorie Wlnnetka S4. > LTQ88-ltc R"SAUKâ€"DUPLEX STUCCO HOUSE f room apartments; sun parlors; keeping porches; 75 ft. lot; perennial fartl.'iis and fruit of all kinds. E. R. lourse^ 1716 Forest Ave., Wllmette. LTG33-ltc 'mvron to hityâ€"vacant lNTKr) _ VACANT LOT IN WIN- Vtka or Hubbard Woods. Have 5 kxsenKer auto and cash. Fox. Win- Ptka T)99-W. LT83-2tc FOR RKNTâ€"ROOMS RENT â€" 4 ROOM FURNISHED >artment in Glencoe till Sept. 1st. children. Phone Glencoe 564. LTG331tc RE NT â€" COMFORTABLE ROOM, Stable for two, employed. Christ- Scientists. Phone WU. 874-M. LTQ83-ltp RUNT â€" LARGE PLEASANT >m in private home. Phone WU. ftJFSS TO £BNT ~ HOUSE OR XX.„n?' 2V*ZJW * wonth rent Ad- dress Lake Shore News C-88. LTlf-lt &«*•*-?/ «nS?rnlshedfo4r ho\2£ keeping. No children. Phone Win. *** LTQ88-U1 Mu«V fhL â„¢2ln* on«*«»r » week. Must be good worker. 1229 Scott Ave Hubbard Woods. Phone Win! Ift4°-_________LT38-UC WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL Rework and assist with care of es. 1025 Ashland. Phone Wllmette 17y* LTQM.lta WANTEIV-WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST hiU- ho~8e,V°^i motnlngs, In small o clock. LTQ33-ttto WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; exp. white. Family of two. Phone Wllmette 849-R? LT88-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL ho«U8J5work; no washing; best wages. 838 Greenwood Ave., Wllmette. LToaa-ito WANTED- â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework and plain cooking. Only white need apply. Phone Wll. 176 L33-ltc WANTEDâ€"TOUNG GIRL 16 OR OVER to care for 4 yr. child one day a week. 469 Maple Ave., Win. Sweet. _______ • ____________LT33-ltc LADY. EXPERIENCED AS 8UPKR- vlsing housekeeper, desires position. Graduate of Home Economics. Ad- dress Lake Sore News C-39, An- swer at once. LTG33-ltc S.TVAT.Q* WAMTRD-MALB ' I PUT UP GALVANIZED IRON EVE troughs and pipes, and paint gutters . at reduced prices. E. 8. Price, Sheet Metal Worker, 220 Nanslg Ave.. Wllmette. Ltg22-2t EXTERIOR------PAINTING.---------PA>< hanging and all kinds of Interior decorating neatly done by C. H. WU- Hams. 1210 Central Ave. Ph. Wilm. S87-M. LTQ32-4tC EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wll. 1115. LTG28-tfo FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING HY contract or hour; men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Wlnnetka 229. LTG24-tfc YOUNG STUDENT 6F JFJk9 N C H birth wishes to act as traveling com- panion. Address Lake Shore News C-88. LTQ38-ltp YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flagg. LTG83-ltc FPU WALEâ€"HOI MEHOI.n (KHUH FOR SALEâ€"1920 WE8TCOTT; GOOD condition; driven tittle over 8,000 miles; price 11.650. Win. 1546. LTG83-lto FOR SALEâ€"MISCBLLAM 5Sf1 FOR SALEâ€"SMITHS MOTOR BUCK- board, ISO, or will exchange for rpw boat motor. Phone Wll. 584. _____________________________LTQ28-ltc for saLe-bIWgle FOR U6T 7 TO 12 years of age. Good condition. Will sell for 28. Phone Wll. 482 L33-lto KD TO IHY-M!MKM,A\K()l!» WANTED TO BUY â€" SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc I BUY HOU8EHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell. 1644 Maple Ave. Ltgl7-tfc == I I â-  *-Jâ€"| HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- ed In your own home. We can elth« or do this or call for and deliver* We have years of experience and oan do satisfactory efficient work. The North Shore Upholstery Cleaners. 1026 Emerson St.. Evanston. Phone Evanston »73t. Ltg81-ltO MISCBLLASBQtJS WILL EXCHANGE MAINB CANOB good aa new, for flat-bottomed row boat. Phone Wlnnetka 42. ^Sf M>,T AMI Rggg LdSÂ¥ - &<6UbAÂ¥, iAtk A* dolA rimmed glasses In case. Finder please return to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central Ave. LS3-1I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Everett left last Sunday and motored to Lake Wi- nona, Ind„ where they stayed until last Wednesday. FOR 8ALE â€" BRAND NEW VICTRO la, never been used. Plays all re-, cords. Can be seen at 425 Chestnut St., Wlnnetka. LTG83-ltc _______HELP. WAXTHD-MALE A LIVE REAL Ef TATE ORGANIZA- tlon with offlcfs In the loop and branches on No-th Shore has open- ing for a manager with an auto, for one of its braich offices. Prefer a man with an acquaintance and one living on the north shore. Address Lake Shore Hews B-85. Ltg27-tfc WANTEDâ€"YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE small car around Chicago during the summer months; ' state salary expected. Address Lake Shore News C-87. _______ L82-lto SALESMAN WANTEDâ€"Must be high grade man of integrity; none other need apply. Unusual opportunity. Address Lake Shore News, C-30. ______________________________Ltg32-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE SUMMER KINDERGARTEN, LAUREL Avenue School,, mornings 9:30 to 11:30, June 27 to July 29. Rates 38 per week. Miss Laura Flentye, tel. Wllmette 1382. L33-ltc PRACTICAL NURSE MAKES SPEC- ialty of confinement canes; can give referenj^eA-Ph^JWln^Jao,__LTG29-8tc SHAMPOOING. SCALP TREATMENT facial masBage and manicuring. Will go to homes Ph. Win. 1657. LT81-tfc FOR SALEâ€"DISHES. PICTURES ANO old walnut furniture. Phone Wll- mette 369. 117 Broadway, Wllmette. _____ . LTG33-ltc FOR SALE-^RUG. 9x12. DOMESTIC; small oriental pattern; good con- dition; $20. Phone Win. 6>S. LTG3i-ltc OWNER HAS SOLD HOME. HOUSE - hold goods must be sold at nnce. Reasonable. Call Wllmette 1248. LTGas-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SMALL ICE BOX, $10.00. Phone Wll. 1526; L33-ltc FPU SALEâ€" A t TOMOHIMIS BIG BARGAIN 1918 STUDEBAKER 7 PASSENGER touring car, In unusually good shape. Body, fenders and leather,, upholstery In perfect condition.^ Motor and transmission just gone) over. Bat- teries almost new. Will let go cheap for quick sale. Phone Win. 725. ^ LTQ38-lto FOR SALEâ€"APPERSON JACK RAli- bit, in first class condition. This car has Ave good tires and two bodies, $350.00. John Bleser, Ridge and Washington, Gross Point, 111. LTG33-ltc ^OR -SALEâ€"FRANKLIN"ltOAD8TER in good condition: cheap; demount- able rims and spare tire. Can be seen at" 1T2T Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wll. 158. LTG33-ltc !4. » LT33-ltp FOH RENT â€" OFFICES._______ . RENT «5 GLOVER P^WN fl*.. 1159 Wllmette Ave. Wllmette; Fgant office for physician or den- Jt. also large dry basement. Hall parties and entertalnr"«r>**. _______ Ltg29-6tp \Mi:i>-H(H»l AND I1Q"a HI) If TED â€". ROOM AND BOARD ON Irth Shore for summer season by Jun>j couple and five year old child. glresB L. S. R., 1515-111 W. Monroe Chleago. ----- L33-ltc WAXTBP TO RENTâ€"HQ1T«W ITEDâ€"IN WILMETTE. WINBET or Glencoe* a pleasant* denlrn- smnii house* with enough biiiiiI to make It a home, bjr-fnm- now of Evanston* four adults an Infant. Someone who will v<* a vacancy on their handa aome le thla rammer and aeea the ral- ly of high rents can be benefitted thla leaae. Will take 1 or 2 year Me with option to bny and will j any reaaonnble rental* bnt none (the fancy figures agents nre aak- Addreaa Lake Shore New* C27. Ltg32-tfc »MT /NTHECAHAD/t AM) <S£ATri£. The rftiPfXoMX 6* MAor on rMt/htsimtS tvc/hs r*£/ns/o£ tours m*c* turns trstW MHOOMO THHOUttt HVMOMffS OrMWrtfiUL /3t*fiP3 alongs/de shox£ uNes or/HM£#se www Aarrsrs.mscwrouj a/rrs, to****** m4 MOUHTMMS. r*£At*#0OUS Gl*C/£*S AS *4* M W£ SUB CAM *0*CMA*O OPT** IMSN t» 0ASS/MG rHVOUGM *Z0A>r/M6 /C£Of*GS. WMC* M4V£ eXOK£M GTS f*0/« TMC GlAC/MK A>LO*G THSSHOXE, AV*> SALt. CA7ASH/NG- MTV /*ST OOEAM. ' 3 >" DAYS ALL EXPENSt'S •INCLUDED \THtr*ii>gr*AiLr*OHf#A«*my ro Yukon Aourm. f*om â„¢t*g on by bc thk kxonojkm Colo *"-H> A»ru*NMt+ ro Snmoway ano THt*t ON BY BOATOOWMTNt YUKON* TOi WSON WtfH Vttff TX> J . OVMA TNmSA0$m NOP «€HOMCWAAOTAtAMOM&ATTLB INtLUOfS AtrfiAml*MATlPAAK.AtAVXANO A*&L£WA ONWAY AND SOAYSM CLACIEK ASfrl AWt(.(FOtnof WhoOOUTt Th9 YtLLOtVSrONS 7*0 Attff.BoSuUHtufd Abr GLAC/AA} MArlrTVHt For 7ho torn* Plnco «â€"â€" FOR MRTHeR. iNFORMATiON - WRITE'PHONE OR CALL TheT St S TOURS COMPANY 103 W.JACKSON BLVD- Phone .HARRISON 3566 wa^< IB Cheaper Insurance Ordinary automobile insurance is expensive because premiums have to be high enough to cover a large expectation of loss. We insure, however, only "pre- ^ § ferred risldsJ** Our expectation of loss is low. And therefore our premiums are lowerâ€"about 20%. If you can fulfill our require- ments you can protect yourself for less money. flmertnm 9tttomof>Oe ^ntertoriters 209 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicego Telephones Wabash 9275 THE GREENLEAF FOOD SHOP 530 Railroad A?e. Serving three meals a day and every one a satisfying one. Sunday and Holiday dinner 12 to 2:30 Breakfast Luncheon Dinner 7:00 to 8:30 11:30 to 2:30 530 to 7:00 DELICATESSEN 1133 Greenleaf Ate Fresk~tread, roils and cakes. Delicacies of all kinds for the making of^lioT weather lunches. Open Sundays 7 to 11 3 to 9 TELEPHONE WILMETTE 2433 (Same phone for both shops.) A Coal Salesman can not deliver in per- son the orders he takes, but the the Consumers Company's organization, constantly striving toward its idealâ€""The Satisfied Customer," assures the best service obtainable. "Guaranteed Products" CoafVXoi^Jci!, Feed, Fertilizer. Lawn Seed and Building Material (Ice not Mimed north of Evanston) @np 111 W. Washington Street* Chicago. Telephone Franklin 6400 NORTH SHORE BRANCH )l 5 Church Street Evanston. W. BT. Barbour, District Sales Manager Rogers Park 3800 â€"«.. â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  â- â- in Evanston 4500 Glencoe 75 ~ TELEPHONES â€" Wilmette 1300 2 Big Stores 1559 Sherman Ave. Cash Meat Market Big Stores 1526 Greenleaf Ave. EVANSTON, ILL. Phone Evanston 2720 MEATS ARE DOWN DIXIE BACON 17Mc Sliced Free STRICTLY FRESH EGGS* 36c Fancy "Small Whole Pork Loins* ItHc SUGAR CURED BONE- LESS RUMP CORN BEEF* 25c Cuying in Quantity and Sail- ing for cash, doing away with deliveries, brings our prices down to the Lowest Levels for the Best Meat. Peacock Rib Bacon, lb. -----35%c Very Best Peacock Hams, Pound..................33V2* Fancy Roasting Chickens; Pound Very Best Porterhouse Steak, lb................... .45c Very Best Sirloin Steak, lb.................. 35c, 40c Very Best Round Steak, lb. ....... ................He Strictly Fresh Calves Sweetbreads, lb................Sic Brookfield Breakfast Sausage, links or patties, lb..... 28c Best Bacon, sliced, lb. ___.........................50c Lamb Patties, lb.................., 30c Fancy Rib Lamb Chops, lb........................ 40c Fancy Legs Milk Fed Veal, lb.................... 24Vtc Pickled Beef Tongues, lb.. .32%c Hind Quarter of Spring Lamb, Pound ..... ... * * .#a*HI* -Fancy lf/f FRESH DRESSED BROl lb. ....,..../,,,,.. 50c Premium Bacon 38V2clb. Swifts Premium Ham

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