mmrâ€" THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 RAVW1A IN AUGURAL PROGRAM JUNE 25 «TIm Barber off Se vilU," Comic Opera to Inaugural* Annual Mimical Program at North Shoro Music Confer * The Ravinia Opera season, which will hold its inaugural performance Saturday/ June 25, with Rossini's lovely comic opera "The Barber of Seville/* has been responded to by the public this year as never before, according to Louis Eckstein, presi- dent of the Ravinia association. He States that the subscriptions for the advance season of opera are far in advance of all previous seasons. Many attractions have been added to the list of Ravinia artists this year, among whom is Fulgonzio Guerrteri, Who will be remembered at the brilliant director of the Bos- ton Opera Company, whom Mr. Eck- stein has engnged for part of the season. Double Bill Planned "The second night a double bill will be presented that will feature many | "La Navarraise," will be sung by Alice Gentle. Morgan Kingston, Ro- thier, and the remainder of the cast that made it memorable last season. In addition, Anna Fitzin will make her first Ravinia appearance in the title role of "Thais," in which per- formance Stracciari will appear as Athenael.â€"â€" The special children's programs, which proved to be an extraordinary success on the Thursday afternoons last season, will be continued tfiis summer. Thursday, June 30th, the children's chorus of 100 will repeat the 'program that was given at the North Shore_Festival. The Chica- go Symphony Orchestra will'play and Millo Picco. baritone, will be the soloist. Osbourne McConathy will act as conductor. Beginning the second Thursday af- ternoon and continuing through the summer, the lecture-recitals by Mr. and Mnv Max E. Oberndorfer. will be resumed, in connection with spec- ial musical programs. Among the new scenic equipment New Strength and Energy For the Weak and Aged that oremnlc ironâ€"Nuxated Ironâ€"help* make. Nuzated Iron is like the iron in your blood and like the iron In spinach, lentils and apples, while metallic ifon is iron just at It comes from the action off strong adds on small pieces of iron. Over 4.000,000 people annually an using Nux- ated Iron. It quickly helps make itch red blood. revitalize wornout. exhausted nerves and give new strength and energy. At all druggists. Beware of substitutes. Always Insist on having genuine NUXATEDIRON ^WoodjStjenjjtnj HighClass Workmanship Cleaning, Dying Pressing Altering and Repairing of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Reasonable Prices New Trier Cleaners 607 Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL Daily Trip to Glencoe -}- BARGAINS. Ladies' Hose, fibre silk in black and white. Special while they last, 35c 3pr. - - $1.00 Sample lot of children's fancy sox at - - :*,-*mj 39c. Ladies' Hats cleaned, blocked and retrimmed. Neatly and efficiently done at reasonable prices. Flinker & Flinker Millinery - and - Dry Goods 1217 Wilmette Ave. JUST WEST OF THE TRACKS SUMMER STORAGE Our large Storage Vault enables us to store your silverware and other valu- ables at a very nominal rate. Why not leave your valuables with us while yoiT are away77foT summer? SAFE • CONVENIENT - REASONABLE WILMETTE STATE BANK YOUR HOME BANK ?Jgft55iggBffi We are prepared for 4th of July with some new Organdie Dresses UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. O0PLAN, Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE -WILMETTE________ftiH TIThMlti ttIT '"////////////// William Salmen LCTQR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfully-furnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St > Winnetka Phone Winnetka 10SS UILDI ATERIAL Since the settlement of the builders' strike the demand for all sorts of building material has become active. This is the proper time for builders to start to figure their estimates. We will be glad to figure with you. is moving now. When grain and other heavy ship- ments begin to move cars, and therefore coal, will be scarce. Fill your bins now when you can get the delivery, six months from now it will not be so easy. --^^;;:^v - T~~~^" Edinger