Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1921, p. 10

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10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS ltn with which to wnMmnm local nwn Established lttt _____ UHIBD FRIDAY OW BACH hy LAKB SHORE PUBLISHING COMPAQ IMt Central Ave, Wllmette, HI. â- UBSCRIPTIO.f A YEAR All eomraunleattoae "U'V-JJi-.**: comptnted by the nam* and address: •* tb? writer. Article, for PUb»cetloh should reach this ©fflee by SSSSfHJ afternoon to insure appearance in current Issue. Resolutions ot «°nd0*«nc* *!£*• *f thsnks. obituary J»^^S.U««J2 •ntertstnments or <>«heraff«lrs where an admlttance'Charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at resular advertising ratea Entered at the postofflss st Wllmstts. nilnols. as mall matter of the second class, under the act of March t. U7t. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 Five Hundred Million Gone/ Fire loss in the United States last year aggregated something more than five hundred million dollars, an immense sum of money. A small proportion of this loss \v*s due to incendiarism. The major part how- ever, was'due to the carelessness of somebody. Statistics are not avail- able to show just what was the loss of life because of these fires, but there is no question that it was con- siderable, and. in most cases entire- ly unnecessary. Carelessness on the part aof some" one, who should have been responsible is productive of nearly airThe~catastrophes that come to majk___ - In Illinois we have fire prevention day, a yew hours out of the school year in which the children are told of the causes of fire and how to pre- vent them by the observance of a few simple rules of caution as to^matches bonfires, rubbish, and disposition of waste paper and ashes. With all the many duties that have come to be shifted from the shoulders of par- ents to teachers, the part of one ses- . sion of the year is all that can be spared for teaching the result of careiess^ess-tn-tbe-matter of fire and what it is necessary to do to ensure safety from-such loss and danger. It is a little that should be made pro- ductive of the most in information in training the children in little hab- its of carefulnessâ€"andâ€"respen»ib4b^y The Sixteen fortunate golfers who qualified for the first round of the Aberdeen Cup race at Westmoreland will meet in conflict - this "Week Sat- urday for the elimination. Good wea- ther, should bring forth a large gal- lery of spectators whose interest has been aroused by this Trophy. There will also "Be~tne weekly Tellowship Cup up for °the holder of the low score on 18 holes, medal play with handicaps. f Our Storage Room is light and well ventilated Our packer is an expert and there is absolute pro- tection from fire. STORAGE h FURNITURE CD T*S£&BtLHh D.m St. Evaastsr MATINEEStesd4 Evssistt 7 sad iaturdsv______ J«»« ** THE DECEIVER" Ail-Star Cast Paths News Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 27, 28, 29 THE COUNTY FAIR" Thursday Â¥r\**y June 30 July * The Laughable Satire • "SKIRTS" FIREl Saturday July 2 WILLIAM FARNUM in the well-known Zane Gray Story "Riders of the Purple Sage" Same old stand on Weat j^**"*""" «»"*«* and Central near Memorial Park Cemetery, Same good brand of fireworka for Independence Day Celebration CLIP OUT THIS AD and bring it with $10 and get an extra DOLLAR'S WORTH FREE at Rake's Original Fireworks Stand Do not be misled as there are other stands this ysa,. Orders can be phoned to Rake's Hardware 1943 Central Street, Evanston Wionesl&aXliJ ROOMS FOR RENT? USE "FOR RENT" ADS Want to Buy a Home? ~^UieTeT^tewiiiea^ WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. ____-_â€"-__________. O. S. SATTLER, Prm: , . ' ' .-. The unmistakable mark of distinction to be found in funerals conducted by us is a Guarantee of the Jiigher Character of our SERVICE. CASKETS as LOW as $35. No chsrge for distance H. F. UNSER 1022 Davis St. Evanston, III. manager pn0nes Evanston 98 ___ â€"-«â€"* wjjiwetfc 280 in teaching them to think of 'heir oh ligation to protect the property of their neighbors and the community a* a whole, as well, as their own. The five hundred million dollars, that last year went into smoke and ashes should he made to buy at least a small amount of improvement in the capacity of the American people for taking thought for thos^ things that make for security from fire. The Fourth .^__- , The observance of the Fourth of July, hair come to be so generally marked by safety and sanity that warning -is scarcely warranted, at least not in the old, sense of protect- ing children from wounds and burns resulting, from the explosives that were wont to be a feature of celebra- tion of the nation's birthday. To-day ihe'fourth of July is marked by quietudealmost as |jrofourrd as that of theSabbath. __ . Evanston h_as_ such regulations as to the sale of explosives, and other •-â- ' fourth of July materials that the stock to be found in most shops is of the most meagre sort. A de-natured fourth of July program is likely to be quite insipid if it is to con>i>t only of noiseless firecrackers -and harmless fireworks. The family picnic in the woods is very much to be preferred ;.nd is adopted as the program in -he majority of house- holdsi.But it serves no other purpose than giving tSe children a good time and keeping them out of danger. As a patriotic occasion the fourth 0lju- ly counts for just ^nothing at all $292.00 Cash or your car in trade buys a new Balance in ten monthly installments. The Overland Motor Car is a good investment. $761.00 Cash or your car in trade buys a new Balance in ten monthly installments. The Willys-Knight Motor Car im- proves with use. Using this easy method of buying a car allows you to have the use of it while you are saving the money to buy it. The roads are good, there are three months of touring weather ahead. When you buy the car you buy also the roads and the pleasure of skimming over them with it. whjch 4s a pity in view of-the-fact that the ri-m^' generation is. going to have such ueed for the exercise of F»^mty-4rom-^hg possessioi patriotism of a superior type. ACCESSORIES THAT ^ ARE STANDARD REPAIRS THAT ARE EFFICIENT Wm. T. Wehrstedt, Proprietor. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 165

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