Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1921, p. 8

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8 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, lttl 1 D Social fiappuing$ On Tuesday of this week, the Trav- el Club held its last meeting of the season, in the home of Mrs. Horace Drury, 622 Central avenue. After a delicious luncheon, Mrs. Charles G. Haskin of Glencoe read a most inter- eating paper on "Ireland". Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gage and ton, Billy, who have been making their home in Chicago, have moved into their cottage on Sheridan road for the summer months. â€"♦â€" Mrs. James G. Wray entertained with a bridal luncheon on Monday in her home, 618 Washington avenue, in honor of Miss Margaret Wray whose marriage was an event of this week. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKinney of 815 Linden avenue, left Sunday night for a week's trip east, visiting Bal- timore, Md., New York city, and Cleveland, Ohio. â€"•♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Retinoids of 711 Central avenue, accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Clark of Chicago, are leaving Saturday for a ten days' boat trip on the Great Lakes. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster will entertain at dinner tomorrow evening at their home, 502 Washing- ton avenue, in honor of Mrs. Miche- nor of Pasadena, Cat_____ • ,-â-  â€"♦â€" The Misses Dorothy and Priscilla Lloyd entertained at tea last Friday afternoon at their home, 1035 Lake avenue, for forty friends. Mrs. Thomas Skinner of Evanston, formerly of ^Vilmette. returned ear- ly this week from a fortnight's stay at French Lkk,_Ind. â€"♦â€" Mrs. W. M. ^urns i_ 727 Laurel avenue, are leaving next week to spend the Sauga- tuck, Mich. â€"•♦â€" Mrs. Ralph JSToody will entertain the members of the Tuesday Lunch- eon and Bridce club at the Evans- ton hotel on Tuesday of next week. •â€"♦â€" Hfr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers Miss Edith Ray Young is *P«*H^ A^S^Ue* the summer with her parents ST^H,*^^^, M. A. pastor, cennes, Ind. _ 406 Prairie ave. Tel. Wil. U96. Dr. and Mrs. George Weaver of 1020 Ashland avenue, are spending a fortnight at the Dells, Wis. SIMMER SCHOOL n WUm*tt* Public School. Stplp Build- ing. From June 20 to J u ly 8». Grade* 1 to 5. Miss Butts and Miss Loag\ Grade 6. Miss Garrlty. Grades 7 and S. Mrs. Vernon. MIm Hartmann and Miss Loftua. Rates45.00 P*r jr*ek â€"adv-L32-ltc CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued from page 7.) and small daughter, Genevieve, of 711 Lake avenue, have returned from a shortHtrtp to MirmeapoKsvâ€"----------â€" a â€"♦â€" . ; Mrs. Mary T. Barrett of Portland, Maine, is visiting her brother, Mr. William H. Tucker, of 1009 Ashland avenue. â€"♦â€" There will be a Puoil's recital at the Townsend-Fitzgerald Music studios in the Brown Building. Wilmette. Tuesday evening, June 21. Edward Schweitzer of Sheridan road, has returned from the Univer- sity of Illinois. ' â€"♦•â€"• • ••' Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister, 918 Ashjland avenue, are spending three weeks in the west. â€"♦â€" Mr. Frank Briggs of 117 Fifth street, is leaving this week to spend the summer ia Lakeside, X)hio. tention will be given the matter of games andâ€"organized play for the "younger youngsters.*' Mr. Stifler, the pastor, will repre- sent the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention at the Lake Geneva Student Conference June 17â€"27, where men students of the colleges of the middle West will meet for Bible study and study in methods Of Christian work and the choosing of life's callings. Mr. Sti- fler will have charge of all Baptist students there arid will engege in daily Bible teaching work. Prof. Norman E. Richardson of the Religious Education department of Northwestern University will be the preacher at the morning services on Sunday June 19. Dr. Richardson is rapidly rising to prominence as one of Chicago's great preachers and should command a wide hearing. The services will begin promptly at 11 o'clock in Brown's Hall. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 9:15 A. M. Sunday School and Bi- ble Class at Library Hall. 11:00 ; <I Need a little cash to finance that proposition? 1$ A want ad may find the fellow who has idle cash which he would be glad to invest flltVworth trying. Pastor Meyer has been inv'ted to be the speaker at the Mission ser- vices at Stâ€"Peters, Quincy. 111. on Sunday. June 19. Jn his absence the services at St. John's will be in charge of the Rev. Prof. M. Stopple- worth of Luther Institute. The annual Mission services at St. John's are to be held on Sunday June 26. The forenoon services will be conducted by .the pastor: the even- ing services at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Richard Buerger of Waukegan. 111. Special vocal and instrumental mu- sic has been provided for the occa- sion. The Children'* Day services last Sunday, proved a big success both at the Sundav School and the church After the children's program had been rendered, at the Sunday School the entire school marched in a body to the church grounds where ser- vices were held in the open air. 250 took part in these services, a gathering far too»large to find space in the -church. During' the Summer months, services on the church grounds will be repeated as the occa- sion offers and the weather permits. sSSther saysâ€" "No slippers tonight!" High Class Workmanship Cleaning, Dying Pressing Altering and Repairing of Ladies'and Gentlemen's Garments Reasonable Prices New Trier Cleaners 607 Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL " I've worn these \7urkshus since morning, and I have had a hard day, too. But my feet are as com* fortable as Pd want them to be. Even if the Smiths dropped in I wouldn't change. I got the Wurkshu habit from son, and he got it at that camp he liked so well last summer." The Wurkshu habit is clzo z saving habit. More people find it so every year. Hood wurkshus are famous for their durability end comfort. Heavy mail* bag duck uppers, grey tire-tread soles. Hood patented pneumatic heelsâ€"you walk on air. eAsk any dealer or write us* Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. Wat ertown, Massachusetts. BAYS1DE Oxford The best "sneaker" for boys. Baysides are the ordinary low price foot covering for boys, next to going bar* foot. You can't beat then for price. Don't ask for "sneakers," ask for Hood Baysides. Casco Oxfords are light, easy and cool, stylish in appearance and give excellent wear. Every member of the family should "give their feet a treat" these hot afternoons and evenings. And save money in the bargain. rFruit and Vegetable MARKET _ PHONE 1251 Next to Rosenberg's 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 MEAT Market Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats SPECIALâ€" Boneless Veal Roast - 25c lb. Fancy Lamb Roast - 35c lb. Fancy Rib Roast - - 30c lb. Pot Roast - - - - 15c lb. Hamburger - - - -17c lb. Pork Roast - - - - 19c lb. No. 1 Hams - - - -30c lb. Moose Bacon - - - 35c lb. Diamond Bacon Squares - -25c lb. Try Our Fancy Home Dressed Chickens Vegetables, Fruits, Etc, Cherries..................... --------30c lb. Telephone Peas............ ........15c lb. Green Beans ..... 2 qti. 25c Fresh Spinnach......................... 20 pk. Home Grown Asparagus..........10c bunch Head Lettuce....................5c, 10c, 15c Green Onions, Beets, Green Peppers, Celery, Carrots, Cabbage, Dry Onions, Parsley, Watercressâ€"LOW PRICE Cucumbers .. Tomatoes ... New Potatoes 5c and up 20c lb. 50c peck Imperial Valley Cantaloupe ..........10c up Michigan Strawberries, Low Price. California Blue Goose Oranges 40c, 60c 70c doz. Lemons, Low Price. Grapefruit................10c and 2 for 25c Watermellons ........ ....... 75c up WE DELIVER IN WILMETTE AND KEH1LWORTH $50 Complete with Case An Appropriate Gift------- Many boys and girls are being- graduated from grammar school, high school and college. .What more suitable gift could be found, for one you wish to remember, than Corona? Everybody likes Corona. It is the handy writing machine. It weighs only 6V2 pounds. You can fold it up, take it with you and typewrite anywhere! Let us send you Corona for exam- ination. You can rent or buy it on easy terms, if you wish. But you will not be obligated in any way. Call, write or phone us today. H. E; Chandler Co. Fountain Square - Phone Evanston 123 The Personal Writing Machine

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