i wwwmmmmim < â€"â- â€" â€" wmmwiwwiwiWMiiiniMH........mniiwtimiiM.tw.....,..... THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY; JUNE 17, 1921 in byRufKRijIey WEDDING, attractive for its simplicity, was that of Miss Margaret Lois Wray, to Mr. Russell Sterling Cheney of Nohlesville, Ind., which took place yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. James G. Wray, 618 jgton avenue. The ceremony was performed bv Dr» J W KighHn of Janesville, Wis., at four o'clock. The bride wore a most attractive pown of white satin, and [irHe(l a shower bouquet of sweet peas and lilies of the valley. jer veil of tulle was held in place with a bandit orange blossoms* Jiss Lois Cheney, sister of the groom, attended Miss Wray as laid of honor, wearing a pretty frock of yellow organdie, and" the lye bridesmaids, all nieces of the bride, Miss Helen Hayner of Kigo, Wis., the Misses Florence, Alice and Ethel Wray" of this KllagP. and Miss Jean Wray of Park Ridge, wore frocks of or- uidie in the varfed pastelle shades. Little Irlelen and Clara Grace Wray of Witmette, and Janet and tibeT Wray" of Park Ridge, four other nieces of/the bride, dressed white organdie, served as flower girls, ancTtittle Helen Havner, ' Antigo, Wis., was ring bearer. r Mr. Louis Hayner served Mr. Cheney as best man. Following honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Cheney will make their home Nohlesville, a suburb of Indianapolis, Ind. ♦------------râ€" - â- - •- r±z The marriage of Miss Florence Mary Cummings and Mr. ferdon Campbell Gillies, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillies of 735 Eighth street, was quietly solemnized on Wednesday afternoon the home of Rev. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd, 1035 take avenue, four-thirty o'clock, Rev. Lloyd officiating. Following the'cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies were entertained at dinner at the tdgewater Beach hotel, after which they went directly to their new (ome, at Ainslee Manor, 4878 Magnolia avenue, Chicago. The home of Mr. and Mrs Will. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Ja- lonrad Braun, at 807 Central avenue jcobson, niece of Mrs, George E. fill; be the scene of an attractive (West, to Mr. Alhan T. Ellwood, was .Tililiny tomorrow evening, when solemnized in St. Augustine's church ieir daughter, Marjorie, will be- at four O^cloclcToirSaturday. June 11. After the ceremony a small reception jme the bride of Weldon Clark Die rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dietrich of Winnetka. Rev [eorpe P. Magill of the Presbyterian Piurch will read the service at eight- lirty o'clock.------ Attending the bride 'will be Mrs. Jradwell L'eBerthon Sears of Chi- igo as matron of honor, Miss Ma- Fleijr. and Miss Edith Fleig, cou- ins as maids of honor and brides )ick Hall, who will serve as flower irl and ring bearer. Mr. Gradwell fears will serve the groom as beat Jan. There will be ar reception for i large number ' of relatives and friends, after which the bridal cou- le will leave on an extended wed- ling journey. â€"•â€" Members of Mrs. Henry J. SmfitfiV lasses in French gave a program »8t Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Smith; 806 Oakwood avenue. several scenes of the comedy, "La Idle Aventure", were read. Mrs. 'aul Howler.,presented-a piano se for the relatives was held at the home of the bride's aunt, at 1033 Green- leaf avenue, after which the bridal couple left for an extended trip to Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo. Niagara Falls and Canada. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood will be at home at 4556 Beacon street, Chicago. Miss K a t h e r i n e Scheidenhelm, The McAffister-Worthen Company Special Sale Beginning Friday June 17th Ladies' Muslin Gowns Well made, full cut, trimmed with blue stitching. A regular SI.25 gown for this sale ....... fOC One Day Only Saturday June TBflr^ MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Good grade percale in a large variety of patterns and colors. All sizes from 14 1-2 to 16 1-2. These shirts have sold at SI.50, on no sale for one day only at.... 90C â€" Men's Silk Hose Pure silk hose, black only. Double sole and heel, Sizes 10- 11 1-2. A splendid bargain for this sale...............5UC Verlaine Voiles Large variety of patterns and colors, suit- able for summer dresses. 36 in. wiJe,.- regular price 60c. For this sale... 45c Men's Silk Neckwear Four-in-hand ties in beautiful colorings, new spring patterns. Special for e - this sale at..........___ .......50c LADIES' GINGHAM DRESSES All sizes and colors, variety of style, Special values at............ $4.95 Matting Suit Cases Reinforced with metal. 24 inch size ................:..$i.9s at Boston Bags Genuine cowhide leather, black or brown, sizes 14 to 18 in. Special at ... $2.25 t • i Kirk's Hardwater Castile Soap, ideal bath soap, 6 bars for ----..../....../. . 50c Visit our now Millinery Department. Stylish now models at popular pricos. 1148 Wilmette Ave. We deliver Wilmette, III Phono Wilmette 588 W aid, and little Ja*e JEkfefl*n4*-daughter *ot "i(f^ -am* -Mrs.^R. -t. 1 ' â- " " Scheidenhelm, of 704 Lake avenue. who fyas just completed a course in dietetics at John Hopkins universi- ty, is sailing today aboard the steam- er Canada, with a personally con- ducted party of ten girls for-an-ex- tended European trip. They will vis- it first in Italy, cross the continent and spend sometime in England. Ire- land and Scotland, having made ar- rangements to sail for home on Sep- tember 1. On Sunday evening of last week, Miss Grace L. Maddock of 1005 ,, ,,Greenleaf avenue, entertained twen- fcctton, Jardms sw^^ uty couples from Nortliwesternr unt- pebussy, and Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack /ersit in a fareWe!l joint-cozy of atea group of trench songs. Mrs. -^ 9Jagon# During the year Miss OTith s pupils are: Mrs. J. Melville Maddock has entertained different irown, Mrs. H. A. Brassert, Miss irace Cooper, Mrs. Paul Fowler, Irs. H. A Honker. Mrs. A. W. Hos letter. Mrs. Joseph Lanning, Mrs. An- thony Lutnicki, Mrs. Sumner Mason, Trs. '(/has. F. Pease, Mrs. Ralph Pot- ter. Mrs. Arthur L. Rice, and Mrs. J. ). Siddall. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harpen?and [son, Robert, 719 Park avenue, are leaving tomorrow to spend the sum- per on their farm in Hartford, Mich. ptr, arid Mrs. George Zendt of Chica- go, who have occupied the Harper lliomc each summer for several years, pvill arrive early in the week to take [up their residence again this year. Mrv Zendt. better known at Mrs. Parle Sidenius Zendt, has been do_^ iny a great 'deal of concert work in Khicago and New York this past win- ter as. well as making several new [records for the Victor. â€"♦â€" A^roup of the Camp Fire crirls in tl'e village are leaving Monday to Leik>v_-aâ€"-fortnight's----.-outing at the Camp Fire Girls' camp which will at South Haven, Mich., on Mon- Among those who are leaving he Misses Helen ShurtlefT, Nor- Schuettge, Helen Ellis. Marjorie I'eurg, Ljllian- Fitch, Medora ht. Jean Evcrs, Virginia Park, Nice, Catherine Colton, Doro- Hubbafd. Roberta Hope Eliza- De Berard, Jane Cornell. Betty Mill ford; Frances Howard. Eleanor Packman and Mrs. Alfred Herrmann. â- â€"♦.â€" . Mrs. H. J. Burt has returned from a Few .lays' trip to Champaign. III., where she attended the twenty-fifth Ifeuni'in. of the. class of '96. of w Mr Burt is a member, Mr. Burt hav- ing i'one on to NeW Orleans for a fck or more on business. These re- rlfMis are held by the alumr ipei 'iv. > Xeu Rri RllTl tin t>-ti groups of twelve young people with Sunday evening teas, this one being in honor of the gtiausti£M and those leaving school. The Delta Gamma sorority met at her home on Friday last for a cozy. ' •â€"*â€" Last Thursday afternoon the mem- bers of the Tatapqchon group of Camp Fire girls gave a birthday beach party in honor of their guard- ian Miss Alice Clague. On Satur- day evening Miss Clague. and the Misses Helene Selbold, Martha Cross- ley, Elizabeth Mulvey and Helen Newey attended the Camp Fire play, "Springtime", which was presented at the Aryan Grotto. â€"♦â€" Dr. M. C. Hecht of 815 Gregory av- enue, has returned from an extended fishing trip in the northern woods. Miss Joy Scheidenhelm and Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen, who have been in attendance at Wellesley this past year, left college on Wednesday evening for New York, where they will _spend ten days visiting with friends before returning home for the summer. They will spend Friday with Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm, who is leaving on that day for an ex- tended European trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Dewey are returning next Monday to their home in Hartford, Conn., after a vis-, it of ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam E. Hess and family, 1607 /Lake avenue. Mr. Dewey, who is a cousin of Mrs. Hess, is an ex-judge of the Probate jgputt iiyiis own county, and has just completed InVTnird lerm as sheriff. Miss Louise Logie has returned from Oxford. Ohio, where she was instructor in chemistry at the Oxford College for Women, this past year. She is leaving on Sunday to attend commencement at the University of Wisconsin; where, her brother, Mr. James Logie, is a member oi the graduating class. The Woman's Guild of $t. Augus- tine's church will give a lawn-fete on the eveningj>fjruesday, June 21. beginning ~aT seven-tliirfy o'Clock, at the home of Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden avenue. There will be re- freshments and music. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Lewis en ^rfained the naemlxexa of the "H. an* W." club at their home, 710 Washing ton avenue, last evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Thayer, 510 Central avenue. â- -*- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanher, are returning this week-end from Grand Rapids, Mich., to spend a fortnight with Mrs. Flanner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Patch, 611 Washington av- enue, before returning to their home in Blackwell, Wis., for the summer. . â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schuettge and daughter, Norman, of 804 Green- wood avenue, will return this morn- ing from Des Moines, Ia„ where they have been attending the Shrine Con- clave. Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Grading Lawn Fertilizer Sand and Grarel Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Driveways -FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ato. Phono WU. S3 We are prepared for 4th of July with some new Organdie Dresses UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN. Proprietor 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Ph.n. Wilawlt. 2043 JI1MUU41.liU'LUiaill1UyAUiUtLimUiUUl"""".......IIHIIItMltMUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIlllMtmilllllUllMlllllllUIIIIIIMIHlltHMIMtllllllllllMIIIMltMltlimiMlllim.......minium" You are invited to attend a Lawn Fete given by the Woman's Guild of St. Augustine's Church Tuesday Evening, June 21/7:30 o'clock § at the Home of I Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer 601 Linden Avenue _ Music ImiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiH A Complete Line of Haberdashery ^rarfs - aSox - Shirts - Hats^ Collars Handkercheifs - Underwear BURNS TOGGERY RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE DEPOT fi'e years and become more and more ["m resting as time goes on. SUNDAY PINKER Seek relaxation and freedom from care and heat. Enjoy Sunday Dinner at the quiet, refined Evanston Hotel. ~ T7i7h~TruirC'>crtaitvith Whipped Cream Mii-hitan CtUry '- -,-"' Cream of Celery a la Louisette _. Salted Jumbo Pecan: *ad;?«ej Ripe Olive, Filet and Petoska HhiteFun Noisette Potatoes ' Sliced Cucumbers Suggestion* For Sunday Braised Vermont Squab-a-IaCmeombre , fi*v Potatoes in Sutter Saute New Corn aith Green Peppers Sew Beets in Butter Mexandri Salad Mayonnaise Dressing Strawberry Snow Pudding Ice Coffee THE GREENLEAF DELICATESSEN 1133 Greenleaf Ate \ Our quarters at the food shop are more and more cramped daily. Good food, well served is the reason. FOOD SHOP 530 Raik-oad Ato. Our bread output is sold out daily. We advise early shopping. Also everything need- ed for teas and lunches. ft5ft Ppanston ~~ Ai the y*>g in C Manager SJierrefanK&nci II Open Sundays toll 3 to 9 mssmssssssmJm Breakfast Luncheon Dinner 7:00to8:30 11:30 to 2:30 530to7:00 TELEPHONE WILMETTE 2433 (Same phone for both shops.)