Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1921, p. 5

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m»m^"^^mmmimmi tmHMMMWMWWWMMtWMMWHMH* THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 193K. !Ii!!!^!?i'.......t..M.m...............,. S&K Joei&l Happei\ii\6j Wikette^Kewl^^ by RufK Rijley *. NOTHER WEDDING OF INTEREST, the culmination of a high school romance, will be solemnized tomorrow-ftUcr- noon.when Miss Genevieve Grubb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Franklin Grubb of Evanston, formerly of this village __ome the bride of Lawrence James Wade, son of Mrs Ruth ade of Chicage, also formerly Wilmette residents. The wedding is v take place in the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Dr. ind Mrs. Lester E. Mee, 1227 Chestnut avenue, with Rev. Stephen X Llovd, of the Congregational church, reading the service at four- thirty o'clock in the afternoon.- The bridal couple wiU have as their )nlv 'attendants, Miss Hazel Brown of Chicago, who will be maid of lonor. and Mr. Edward Richardson of Wilmette, who will be best ia". . i jâ-  n';.. . . . After a fortnight s honeymoon trip to Colorado Springs, Mr. fcade and his bride will return to Evanston to make their home at [1592 Oak avenue. ~' " "...... ^ .....: • Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cox of 7155 Ogelsby avenue, Chicago, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen [ihirlev Cox, to Mr. Herbert J. Maas, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward [Haas, of 822 Forest avenue, on Wednesday, June 22, at St. Margaret episcopal church. The marriage of Miss Dorothy E. Jacobson, niece of Mr. and Mrs. George E. West, 1033 Greenleaf avenue, and Alban T. Elwood of Chicago, will be solemnized tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock in St. Augustine's church. The Reverend Hubert Carleton will per- form the ceremony. A reception for thcLimmediate families and relatives will be held, after the service, at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. George E. West... . A small home wedding was; solemnized on Saturday evening- last, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schultz, 1609 Lake av- LelWe^eii-4heitJd^^ Schempp of Kenilworth. Rev. Geo. P. Magill performed the cere mony. Mrs. George W. Kirchner was her sister's only attendant, and Mr. Charles Schempp served his brother as best man. After a short honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Schempp will be at home at 634 Park avenue. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was held at the Evanston hotel, Saturday evening of last week, when Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adelbert Bushnell of the Westminster apartments, Evanston, became the bride of Mr. Julian C. Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. ffHess of this village, one hundred guests being present. The bride was beautiful in white beaded georgette, made with a full court train of white satin, and a tulle veil held in place by orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lillies of the val- ley and brides' roses. ? The bridal party included Miss Jes- sie Hess, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, in a frock of green georg- ette over pink satin, Miss Marie Groth of Ravenswood, in an attrac- tive frock of pink taffeta, and little Jean Brashears, the bride's cousin, as flower girl, strewing rose petals in the path of the bride, who marched in, supported by her father, to the strain of Lohengren, played by Miss Hazel Traeger of La Grange. The groom was attended by Mr. William Norris of Wilmette as best men. Prior to the service the guests were delightfully entertained by sev- eral vocal selections rendered by Mrs*. Frerlcricka Gerhardt - Downing of Oak Park. After the service which was read by the Rev. A. S. C. Clarke, of the Second Presbyterian church of Evanston, the guests enjoyed dancing and refreshments and sent the bridal couple on their happy way amid showers of rice and confetti.------_â€"I Mr. and Mrs. Hess are spending the week touring the state of Wisconsin. and making their headquarters at Ddavan Lake. They will be at home Iâ€"afttr^August first at 4816 Drake ave- nue, Chicago. . â€"♦â€" Miss Pearl Marie Barker of the wilmette Branch of the Columbia School of Music, will present her pu- pib-in-recital tomorrow afternoon, at three o'clock in Brown's Hall. She will he assisted in the program by Aiim Dvorsky and Ruth Ellen Zeisler. The students wlio will participate in "this recital will be Mary Elizabeth M< N'ulty, Marjorie Solomon. Davi4 Crane, Helen Larson. Edith Larson, tvhn; Xicholl Katherine Ellis, Helen Saul, Charlotte Moody. Isabelle- Me- k Mlister. Gertrude Copeland, Dorothy .' Oberbeck, Charles Keller. Elizabeth H tiff man, Eleanor Klein. Jean Hbs- " > r. Robert Anderson, Pauline Mc- Coy, Margaret Hoot. Ruth Rice, Me- '•'â- 'â-  -'ie Truman, Elizabeth Randall, Katherine Kelley. Theodore McCrea, Louise McCoy, Mentor Koretr and T>orothy Schmidt. * ~ XinonR the entertainments during past week given for Miss Dorothy â€"Jacobson, whose marriage to Alban T. IIwood will take place this week, wis a miscellaneous shower given '.' Mrs. Xopma«-AI^Stineman_Qf Ev- ^-ton. and Miss Virginia Xqe of ^'innetka, and another miscellaneous ower and bunco "party .given by On Thursday evening of last week, Mme. Eda Goedecke presented her pupils in recital at the Knupfer stu- dios in the Fine Arts building, as- sisted by Olivebelle Hamon, violinist, and Mrs. Jake L. Hamon, accompan- ist. Among those who appeared on the program were Alfred Abegg, Har- riette Hosken, Frances Howard, Ruth Bower, Ruth Truska, Winifred Ad- kins, Edith Adkins, Marjorie McEl- veen and Pauline Pettibone of Wil- mette, Frances Anderson, Harriet Childs, Marge Hyatt and Marion Os- ten of Winnetka. â€"♦â€" . Friends of Miss Mildred Leesley, formerly a teacher in the kindergar- ten department of the Wilmette Pub- lic schools, will be interested to learn of her marriage on Saturday evening of last week, to Mr. Albert Lucius of Chicago. She is the daughter oJLMrs. Kate Leesley of 901 Wilson avenue, Chicago. The Wedding took place in a large and attractive peony garden on a farm just west of Edgewater, belonging to the bride's brother, Mr. Clyde Leesley. Miss Edna Leesley was her sister's only attendant. ' â€" •â€" Miss Edna Gauger entertained with a miscellaneous shower yesterday af- ternoon in her home, 332 Linden av- enue, in honor of Miss Ethel Bartle- mann of Glencoe, whose marriage is to take place this month. A wedding attractive for its sim- plicity, was that of Miss Margaret £ing,ee' «dWhter of Mr- *n<* Mrs. Charles S. Dingee, and Mr. Lawrence Francis McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, Frank McClure, which was sol- emnized on Saturday evening of last week in the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Henriette Panush- ka, 1041 Forest avenue, Rev, Robert D. Scott of Chicago, great-uncle' of the bridegroom, reading the service at eight thirty o'clock. The bride wore a tovely frock of white organdie, made with a court train of georgette, and her veil of tulle was held-in-place- by.-a_ruchtng of tulle and orangeâ€"blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of lillies of the valley and sweet peas. , The attendants, Mrs. Thorpe L. Ed- munds, who was matron of honor, wore pale pink organdie, and carried a large arm bouquet of Aaron Ward roses, sweet peas and snap dragons; Miss Leonora Dingee, who was maid of honor, wore a deep rose qr- .gaudie. and carried an arm_ bouquet of pink roses, snap dragons, larkspur and sweet peas; the Misses Kather- ine McClure and Louise Berry, the ribbon stretchers, who wore frocks of pale pink organdie and corsage bouquets. Little Mary Ella Waidner, in a dainty frock of pink organdie carried a basket of daisies and pink roses. Mr. Prentiss Coucer served Mr. Mc- Clure as best man. Mr. and Mrs. McClure have gone on an extended honeymoon trip through the east, stopping in Washington, Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New York. Upon their return they will make their home in Evanston. The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church was held on last Friday afternoon in the church parlors. At this time the annual reports of all officers were read, and the election of officers for the ensuing year resulted in the fol- lowing: President, Mrs. S. H. Darst; first vice president, Mrs. E. M. Staf- ford; second vice president, Mrs. C. G. Smith; secretary, Mrs. W. E. Lind Members of the Presbyterian church held two neighborhood parties last week, one on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rowley, 1128 Greenwood avenue, for those residing in the north and west district of the village, and another on the following night in the church par- lors for those residing in the south and west district of the village. Both affairs were decidedly successful in their purpose of getting together and becoming better acquainted. Mrs. L. G. Hopkins of New York, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. D, Elmer, 1517 Lake avenue* for several weeks left this week tor a short visit with friends in Polo 111., before going on west for the summer. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathhone re- turned early this week from Milwau- kee, where she gave an address on "The Technique of the Drama", be- fore the Milwaukee Drama club on Friday of last week. blad; treasurer, Mrs., Culver; chair- â„¢< McAllister -Worthen Co. .....)IIMIIIIItl4llllltMll1IIUItlMIIMI)llllMIM)IIMIiritlllllt......lltltllt.....MIM111M11111M111111111M1111111IIMI i 11111 It M1111 i I • 11 • • 11111111111M11M1111111111111M111 Announces the Opening ^ of their M MILLINERY DEPT. at their New Store A Special Showing of Summer Models, both Dress and Sport at Popular Prices lllttllll 11II111 It 111 llll lllll 1111II 111 III It.........111 • IIII â-  11IIIII111111111111111 â-  I •.......11IIIIII11 till IIIIIII Mill 11111 tl IIII Mil II1111111 â-  111 It II11111 ll>tl â-  IIIIIIIIII11II11111 111! 1148 Wilmette Avenue wit MFTTF It L W. Mons; chairman Work Commit tee, Mrs. Harry E. Vroman; chair- man Flower Committee, Mrs. J. C. Drake. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rath- bone entertained with a dinner party at the Blackstone last evening in hon- or of their house-guests, Ivieut.-Col. and Mrs. Gerald L. Rathbone who are stopping here for a few days en route from New York to the_ir summer home in Burlingame, a suburb of San Francisco,. Cal. There were covers for sixteen guests. Lieut.-Col. Rath- bone is a brother of Mr. Henry Rath- bone'. ' â€"•♦â€" Miss Minnie. Hughes of 1006 Cent- ral avenue, accompanied by Miss Gen- evieve Cole, will leave Sunday even- ing for a fortnight's stay in Hartford, near Lake George, N. Y., the old homestead of Mr. Hughes, located on the Hudson. -----â€"- £***+**+++*****++*++**+**«i> THE RELIGION OF THE MAN OUTSIDE Many thinking people can not con- scientiously subscribe to the beliefs of the churches, and yet are as truly religious as the churchman. Are you interested in liberal religious thoughts? ----------- Address Hugh Robert Orr, Evanston, - â€". Illinois **+++++*+++++*++*♦+*++++++? Mr- Hills. Leonard Ficklen of Beverly Coal Economy North Shore Branch 1015 Church St.. Evanston W. E. BARBOUR District Sales Manager Telephone* Rogers Park 3800 Evanston 4500 Wilmette 1300 Glencoe 75 General Office* ft 111 W. Washington St., Chicago Telephone Franklin 6400 THE best thing that can be said about Cheap Coal, at a Low Price, ia that it shows the user that price sav- ing is the wrong way to fi- gure fuel economy. Good coal at a fair price, sold with our Guarantee of Qua- lity, Full Weight and Satis- factory Service, gives you full value for your money. Next winter when you are using your coal, the price you pay now for Heat Insu- rance, will prove a wise in- vestment. If you have not been getting efficiency from your heating plant, call for our Service Engineer. He will inspect your plant and sug- gest a remedy without in- curring any obligation on â- ss*pi»Jip Goad Food Cannot Be Made From Inferior Materials We strive to obtain the best of everything. Flour, Butter, Eggs, Meats, all are of first quality and the fin- • ished dishes Reflect that quality. Self Service cuts the overhead expense. That cut is reflected as well in the reasonable price of this good food. 8 Central Ave. at 11th Street Wilmette. Ill Phone 2420 r- Puretest â-  Easy To Take â-  â-  â-  your part. Coal, Coke, Ice, Feed, Fertiliser, Lawn Seed, Building Material Ice not delivered North of Evanston Guaranteed Products "What You Want, When You Want it. The Way You Want It* Made by a new process which removes every irritant impurity, leaving the pure Epsom Salts which do not injure the delicate lining of the stomach. Sold only in sealed packages. V4 lb. 19c - % *• 15c * 1 lb. 25c Renneckar Drug Co. The Kexail Store- Telephones 28 and 29 (onsumers -^smr- Fkeb W. Ufham^ President â-  1

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