Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1921, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 I7.tmiitfnt hit been added to •^ Hi anticipation of the f°X fi held Wday af- lrtf| 0( the fe*J '.** CWj iiiducted to dMm^ tf owned by Mr. and Mn. Burt*, where they will hold a Central Ave7ue Circle will meet K the home of Mrs. W. H. [J 2418 Perk place, Bvanston, JF*n Burtner assisting. Elec- p'oftieers for the coming ye»r flee place at the meeting Imme- 1 following": the luncheon, A-Ki-Yu-He-Pi Camp Fire ,111 meet Wednesday at 3j30. of meeting to be announced Tfttttpochon" Camp Fire Girls Let Thursday at 3s30 at the w,MHe^ Ouild; wilt hold an loon tea Friday, June 10, in the K oarlori at 2:30 o'clock. All ,h aPre cordially Invited to this ioeial of the icaion, given in pnor. Mn. H. B. Pruden ii In , Washington Avenue Circle will fcl lHjit luncheon of the season June 10, at the home of Mn. [rick Tilt, 615 Laurel avenue. B, Crowley and Mrs. Charles agisting. ^jâ€" airy room* to rent In strictly nrtvat* Ir..Ji*wtl *nd trttis board optional: ooupU or wom«n; t«>rma r#««oniibli l'hon«. Hltrhlund l'»rk mart. i/a.V.Tt. HWI.|» WAMTjBPâ€"rBMALK WANTWI>-aâ€"vTTTTTTC TTTTTrTTrm KPiV*' ho«MWork! one who lovea ohlldren; no'laundry: good ho right party. Phone Ml, MM? 5iSll*ftA^.V5on, 11 hrtP w,th two â- mall children. Phone Xentlworth SMI. UO-lto WAMTHb-pUlM HflWlNd fcAHB a* my home. Phone WU. lies. HBLP WAWTBD-M \ 1,10 a MVJ4 MIL BMATH 6MAHIIA- tlon with offices In loop and branches on North Shore haa opening for a manager with an auto for one of Ita branch pffloei. Prefer man with an acquaintance and one living en north shore. Address Lake Shore Ncww H.8B.________________LTQ87-tfc amioffliiiMaaaagngr «f CHILdrbn, do sewing or waitress work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1840. LTO80-U vmm « [No dRABBM i-f; HIHb HVNL In if! 8 hrs. dally; July. Summer re- sort. Phone Austin 8880. Best ref. LTO80-lto •RACTICAL NURBS MAKlfiB ePBflUL- ty of confinement eases; oan give refs. Phone Win. 746. LT089-8to WAMTMI -MAI .14 rip to the Field museum will he, , by members of â-  the Church I Saturday, June 11. Party will fat the church tt 11 o'clock, with lie lunch and uf fare to the Those who are planning to go 1,1 notify Mr. Oilmore, their school teacher, or the church BKf BMftft »a1H«W». EAMIft HAW*- Insr and nil Hinds of Interior decorat- ing neatly done by O. W. Williams, 181ft Central avenue. Phone WU. 0Q8-M. L88-4tP c'KietiW. W6Hk iiV ddmiUW, 1!h- timates cheerfully .given. Reason- able. Inquire 18S7 Wesley nvc, ffiv- anston. Phone Bvanston 8481. LTQ87-tfe aUtl'HU" WANfl TUNIN6 AHB RB- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thom- as Loekervle, 71 f Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 1516. LTG88-tfo contract or hour; men for housework niui building wire fenoes. Phone Win net Ka 32ft. LTQ24-tfe IASSIFIED ADS Mi: A I, HETA'fH I\w following Properties In!, singly-or as a whole. Beauti- Ftraet of vacant land, 8B0x848 f$. it Bvanston; convenient to trans- itntlon, Hplendld trees, Also at- fctlvp ft-room cottage In Wlnnetka, f, iiMilfin Hill Self Club; furnace it garage, flO ft. lot. Also i-room L in best section east Wlnnetka, IrmitiK Interior, garage -in oon- Ition with house, lot MxIBO. \nv er all above properties for k or will trade all or part for Sthette property. Let us hear L ST IOHNSTON. & CO. nit., i/* Terminal Phofte Wll. «8 .____________ LaQ'ite IK EEif BUYS washing and general cleaning. Tel- ephone Douglas 78B8._______L88-8tp ItefttfALM-Af <>ntk. HTCIaT IOT black Iron bed with brass trimmings, a very flne box spring and best qual- ity felt mattress. All In splendid con- dltlon. Phone Wll. 8108. L80-ltp twin beds, 1 child's hair mattresa, 1 twin go-cart, Field's make, like new, very reasonable. Phone Kenllworth 1509. L30-lto F^iTgALfl - feRyN^widK mm refrigerator, porcelain lined; 100 lbs. Perfect condition. |4ft.0ft; easy terms, i Phone Win. &04-M._________LT80-lte frigerator; porcelain lining; ISO lbs. capacity, fhono Wll. M^^ Ult SAi.F,-^ls« titLA^ol [mint bungalow. In »P,p.n,l,rtI,1e0,nii: Viit*-weiwIwWot; double garage! mi; iiuiHt nell; make offer. m mi Colonial 7 room stucco; 3 fire- h; .lining ftnl slee|»ln* M»fehe»5 ^Iful wooded lot. Cut to fl 1.000. j»< room^rlek bom'i In nuest lo- in: Immense living r'.om, *>!lllard ill room; 3 batliK! double r«rage; wooded <ot. Must sell. Hedueed re'llAVK HPJVWHAt. TTNTJHUALLT lAT MAUOAINS IS LOTH. ^^ M. E. BARKER & CO. Sbtfleii Ave. Tel. Wttngttyg Ot'SR IN WtLMETTE PoTrrosfi=n.. electric fan. Mrs. Case, 30 Bast Hehiller street, Chicago. Phone Sup. â€"StOfcâ€" LTQ80-8to yoft yALB-^HHÂ¥U^b P6WV, MA- ket phaeton, harness, saddle and bridle. 703 Walden road, Wlnnetka. Thone Win. 008. LTQ30-3to iPdit ^ALk-iu^v rararaii in good condition; very reasonable. Tel. Wil. 813. LIQ-lte board or Junior ear. Phone WlU R«4. LTG30-UC n lr large sunny bedrooms, **e«P}nf wch and tile bath, large living from, dlrjing room and sun poron, mri entrance hall and lavatory* jRfllshed attic, planned for. two |fiii'.")ii« and bath. Exclusive Agent â-  11. M KITE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. . Ath-'St. Wllmette Phone Wll. 1304 r/roao-it.' prt. n iiv«?nue and 7th street, 8-"£,m jMl.Tn house; lot 60x100. Phone Wll. '"".j â- 'â- â€¢â- â- â- â- ssâ€" â€": X/PO|0^l*** ,.:nt .»m)v«k mtowx d«i;y;: lift(» Wllmette avenue, Wllmette II.« nit office for physician or 4efitlet, Mm., large dry basement. HaH xer jitn !»•* and entertainments. m _____________LTQ£0j0tp Ji=i:fointKxfSw< >t>* â- b l(-ST I.AKClri ggXTOfTOCT furnished corner bedroom in new horn.-: east side lo*atlon; ref. I'h. Wil. 2192,___________|/r«l»»-H«' â- ' ;.vr I.UV1,I.Y MHOK K1U5g-l1 [r-" in .-ast side home. PpflP-'JlV- llfiii. *. LTO80-lfe WaMVWI. V^» bUT-tfsWJiiNb HANB furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost BvmTStonr^ffiâ€"Teli^lOer LT01O>tfr , MfiV hoU»wH6Lb ^Abs AMb clothing of all «J?»crlfitlons. ..PhoM Kvanston 103 and I will call. N..Fell, 1A44 Manle aventi.', LTQlT^tfg i.o»T axp rovaro llworth or on North Shore Klectrlc, or ?n loop. Liberal,, reward andI no auestlons asked. Phone ^Mr. Geo. Address"C^21. L30-ltfr AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor nets r. o. av, factohv C. H. BRIGGS Ev.„,tonl40 lOftglMmMnAewMie MEADOW FARM ACRES For Fine Home* Anew .uWivieion ^ffi^g^g1^^^ north of Hill Road and weft of Birch St. W^^1 from 2 to 10 acree. each tract having ^W^ £af City water, fewer, pavement, electric light ana gas ^^fflttgj^to^eae^act^^--^^. , ^ wm e11 t0 fa Surrounded by fine country ««»«««>. wr[• wlth sirable purchasers who will etect.JjQgiwj^LJgggJL^ surroundings. Eiclusive Agent* ^gg MnrraY & Tcriy^wp>iSOT Col/ WUmett*B& B^BSSTSS IM RANDOLPH MEAT MARKET Market PHONE mi Neit to Rotenberg't 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats 32c Meat Bargains. Pork Tmderioin.................... 65c lb. SPECIAL FANCY NATIVE RIB ROAST Rolled Beef Rom* ...................35c lb. Dfa^ Bacon Squares Native Pot Roast.................... 18c lb. m0 « oeff Hams Leg of Lamb.................• .7..... 38c lb* ..•...••.*.....**.... Roll Lamb Roast Boneless Veal Roaat >>.<••• â- .... •. ,<.... <<•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢>.â- >••>â- â€¢ •••••••••â- â€¢tififiiiiiiiiti 30c lb. 27c lb. 18c lb. No. 1 Bacon ........................ 25c lb. 30c lb. 35c lb. Fork Roast Creamery Butter....................39c lb. TRY OUR FANCY HOME DRESSED CHICKENS 35c lb. Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. 4 EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES, By tne box ... • •.......•...............e*f*Uv Green Beans.............. ... .18c qt. Fresh Spinach ..... ..... ... 24c pk. Home Grown Asparagus .......... 10c bunch Head Lettuce ..................^ .5c, 10c, 18c Green Onions, Beets, Green Peppers, Celery, Carrots, Cabbage, Dry Onions, Parsley, Watercress-LOW PRICE Cucumbers ....................18c and up Tomatoes, low price New Potatoes....................50c peck Imperial Valley Cantaloupe ..........10c up Michigan Strawberries, Low Price. California Blue Goose Oranges 40c, 80c 70c dot. Lemons, Low* Price. Grapefruit................10c and 2 for 28c Watermelons, Low Price. WE DELIVER IN WILMETTE AND KENILWORTH I A Trip Around the World In One Day at the new Field Museum of Natural History In the new Field Museum of Natural History you will find one of the largest and most interesting col- under one roof.T-~ lections of exhibits ever A day spent in this beautiful building on the Lake Front will prove a source of pleasure and interest NORTH SHORE TRAINS leaving Wilmette regularly, take you direct to the "L" station at Randolph and Wells streets, where you can get an "L" train to the Roosevelt Road sta- tion without leaving the platform. A short walk east brings you right to the entrance of the building. NORTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Ticket Office

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