THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â€¢â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦< >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*« '(Church >♦♦♦♦♦♦«>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ be served at noon. Mrs. Grabbling will be organist for the day. METHODIST CHURCH The boys of Brother Cox's Sunday tchool class put up a strong argument in the ball game at Third and Linden last Saturday afternoon with Emer- ion pitching in good form, but against tuch heavyweight batters as Stoker, Bickhim, Cox and Lundberg on the mens* side, and the perfect control of pitcher Cox, they were not equal to the task and had to accept the short end of a ten to eighteen score. It would be good for our Sunday tchool to have games of this kind frequently. The memorial tablet promised for dedication last Sunday was found, when cast, to be defective, and could not be delivered. It is promised for next Sunday June 5. Beginning next Sunday our morning service will be conducted on summer schedule, the entire service lasting about one hour. The subject for the sermon is, "Consider the Lilies" and Dr. Rapp promises to consider them for not more than twenty-five min- utes. , Chorister Watson and the organist were nearly the whole attendance at rehearsal last Thursday. Most of the choir were at the Music Festival, either ai singers or auditors, and while this did not help the Sunday music, it will not happen 'again until next year. , The subject for rhe Teacher Train- ing class Monday^June 6, is "The Coal of Religious Teaching ;s Guiding the Child to the Achievement of Creat- ive Christian Personality". The district meeting of the Wom- an's Home Missionary society will be held in our church Tuesday, June 7. Thts is an all day affair. Lunch will The monthly meeting of the Offi- cial Board held in the church Tuesday evening, JUme 7. at 8 o'clock. A week from Sunday. June 12, will be Children*' Day and it is the ex- pectation to make this a big day in our church. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH Next Sunday, June 5, will be the second Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at HA, M.. Church school at 9:45 A. M. and Ho- ly Communion with address at II A. If. Next Sunday being the first Sun- day in the month, is the corporate Communion Sunday for both Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. These Communion leagues are separate or- ganizations, the one including the Confirmed boys of the parish and the other the Confirmed girls. Practic- ally all the Confirmed boys and girls of St. Augustine's belong to these leagues. Their main object is to de- velop the habit of regular attendance at Holy Communion. Each member agrees, as far as possible, to attend the Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and this at- tendance is in addition to attendance on the special Holy days and the great festivals of the Church, such as Christmas. Easter, Whitsunday and other special days. On Sunday last the morning con- gregation at St. Augustine's had a sermon on the lessons of Memorial Pay and on the Monday morning of Memorial Day there was a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion with special prayers suitable for its com- memoration. There it no, more suit- able way to commemorate Memorial Day than to begin the day in Church with a aervke of special prayers to God for those who have given up their lives for their country in the past, and for the blessing of God on the country in coming days. On Wednesday last. National Bun- dle Day. bundles were received all day at St. Augustine's Parish House from the citi?ens of Wilmette. which were later forwarded to Chicago to be added to those which had been col- lected in the same way from all over the district. The committee in charge hopes to be able to send ten carloads of clothing to the suffering and des- titute in Armenia. Many of St. Augustine's people at- tended the splendid meeting Sunday evening in the Congregational church building held under the auspices of the American Legion, and listened to two splendid addresses, one by the head of the legion in this state, and the other by Dr. George Craig Stew- art. the rector, of St. Luke's Episco- pal church, Evanston. Many Parishioners attended in the afternoon of the same day t-he pa- geant. "The Oblation 6f the Cross", presented by the Evanston Episcopal churches in St. Luke's church. Evans- ton, for the second time, many hun- dreds having been unable to attend the first service on the preceding Thursday. The last meeting for tfie present season of the women of the^Associ- ated Guilds was held under tt»e Pres- identship of Mrs. R. G. Read on Fri- day last after rhe public luncheon. Many matters of business were trans- acted and a program drawn up for the autumn meetings and work of the Guilds. The women of the Parish are ar- ranging to give a lawn party on the trrounds of Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer's home at 601 Linden avenue, on June 21. Full particulars will be announc- ed later. Church Council will be formally in- stalled. A meeting for the »urpoM of or- ganising a Ladies' Aid society will be held at the home of Mn, L. r. Mueller, Sixth street and Gregory av- enue. Thursday afternoon, June V. All the women of the congregation and others interested are cordially invited to be present. All Lutherans and others not affifi- ated with a church in Wilmette are invited to jeome to the English Luth- eran church services. Comejnd wor- ships ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN ENGLISH LUTHERAN Services every Sunday at the Wil- mette Woman's club. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Church services at 11 A. M. On Sunday morning, June 5. the "Our Fathers' Faithâ€"Our Country s Language." Sunday school and Bible class at Library Hall at 9:15 a, m. Services at the church, Linden and Prairie avenues, at 11 a. m. You are invited. "When Jesus call*, what is my Re- sponse?" is the subject of the sermon next Sunday, Holy Communion will be celebrated in this service. The pre- paratory service begins at 10:45. The Sunday school teachers train- ing class meets at the church on Fri- day evening. June 3, at 8 o'clock. All teachers and officers are expected to be present. A mass celebration in commemora* TTon of the 75th anniversary Of Lutheranlsm in Chicago, takes place next Sunday at 3 at the campus of Concordia Teachers' College, Harlem avenue and Augusta street, River For- . est. The speakers are the Rev. F. I Pfotenhauer, D.D.. of Chicago, and , Pastor Harry Eckhardt of Pittsburgh. A mixed chorus of 1,300 voices and a male chorus of 800 will sing. Everyone is invited. The last of -the lectures on "The Doctrinal Position of the Lutheran Church, its Customs and Practices" takes place at the church on Wednes- day evening, June 8. at 8 o'clock. Sub- ject: "The Church Year. Church Hymns and Church Music in the Lutheran Church". Children's Day will be celebrated at St. John's on Sunday, June 12. by a special program at the Sunday school beginning at 9:15. A special invita- tion goes out to the parents of our Sunday school children to attend both the Sunday school and tht chi vices. BAPTIST CHURU The Chicago Baptist i meets on Thursday and J this weelrat the YVoodW'. church, 62nd itreet and l?B avenue, Chicago. Sessioni held in the afternoon and ev* each day. The Woman'i bJJ at 2:45 o'clock on Fridav sa? nual sermon at 4:30 o'clock gates have been appointed L local church and it is exnectal will attend. The Women's society will k June meeting one week from with Mrs. Edward \\m\l Eighth street. Complete not the program will be given next ^ The society, through its work c tee, is planning to take up Cxt« work in'what is known as the Cross work, the preparing of, sges and other hospital equii for the hospitals at the Foreign sion stations. The society will collect and prepare other niat< for use in the industrial schoo1 Mr. Stifler Ic giving a series ofl mens on the Great Texts of the] ble, On Sunday morning he one of the Beatitudes, "Bk the Peace-makers for they itjjjj called the children of God", At the Mid-week mectingi Emerson Fosdick's book, "The ing of Service", Is being used, Wednesday evening the latter of the chapter on "Justice" wi! considered. CONGREGATIONAL CI Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, use as the subject for his ter next Sunday morning, "The Se, the Soul", The summer schedule! start with this service, beginning 11 and closing promptly at o'clock. The last Business meeting of season will be held in the Out parlor Wednesday evening at I o'clock. Appointment of the Njf inating committee and of chairs for commissions will be made sti time, and reports will be given I ing of the work done by the vara; committees during the year. You Not Willing To Show Your Devotion To The Greatest Leader The World ^ Has Ever Known? Respect and devotion are honors due every true leader. Where men are loyal follow- ers of a political cause, a divine principle, or a religious faith, they are glad to make some expression of their love and devotion for him who leads them. Christ is assuredly the greatest leader of men toward right that the world has ever The First Presbyterian Church St. Augustine's Episcopal Church known, and church-going is an expression on on the part of His followers of their willing- ness to believe in Him and to obey His pre. cepts. Are you not willing, as a Christian, to de- vote a part of His day to a conscious realiza- tion of your trust in your leader? The First Congregational Church an Church The Wilmette Baptist Church