THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 192! THE returns of the drive for Arden Shore are beginning to come in and generous donations have been made. Arden Shore is an association which takes care of mothers and chii- dre nduring the hot summer months and gives them vacations in the open country. During the winter the asso- ciation takes care of boys who are old enough to work but not able to because of the fact that they are un- dernourished* â- Mrs. Cart~B7~fstham,-fofmer!y of Wilmette. now of Evanston, is presi- dent of the association. Mrs. Grant Ridgway is one of the vice-presidents and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee is treas- urer. Mrs. Mark Cresap is in charge of the Kenilworth drive. _ Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy, who have been living at the home of Mr. McCarthy's parents in Evanston. for the past week, returned on Tues- day to their own apartment. Mrs. McCarthy, who was formerly Miss Margaret Fitch, had sprained both her ankles and was unable to walk about. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Everett left a week ago last Thursday to motor first to Winona Lalce^IndrATter^that they were planning to motor any place where there were good roads. They will return home next Monday. Mrs. Fred C. Traver..formerly of Kenilworth, now of Rogers ****.** her daughter Mrs. Walker Langore, are planning to leave ne* week for Culver to attend the graduation exer- cises of her son, Paul Traver. Mr. and Mrs. C. ILDki »* ** daughter, are spending the •««mer with Mrs. Dine's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Henry Everett. Mr. Samuel Loornis Hypes is ex- pected to arrive in New York the latter part of this week, after a six weeks' business trip in Europe. __«._ â- .. "Mrs. John Rathbone entertained the Sewing club at her home on Tues- day afternoon. ., - __-----------.-----__F___ Mr. Andrew Taylor of South Bend. Ind., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. William J. Taylor. â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole leave a week from Saturday to attend the commencement exercises of their son, Hallet. who has spent the winter in Howe's Military academy, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Everett and their daughter, Joan, left on Wednes- day for their summer home in Wau- kazoo, Mich. GEORGE STUMP TENOR j_______T«sshw ttt Hinging Assistant to Fronts Prose howsky 718 Fin* Art. Bldg. CHICAGO TaUohon* t Harrlaen 4031 It must not be thought that because our store is pleasant and our goods high in quality that our prices are high. Each article we sell is priced closely -â€"«a quality business is our aim. Sport Hats for all occasions in the finest straw and dj£ jq best colors We have the largest line of beads and bugles on the North Shore Flinker & Flinker Millinery - and - Dry Goods 1217 Wilmette Ave. JUST WEST OF THF TRACKS The wedding of Miss Olive Bnttey of Kenilworth to Mr- Ward Starrett will take place Saturday, June Z5, in- stead of June 2. as previously an- nounced. Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Gillis of Berwyn and their daughter, were the *«»«•*• of Mr. Gillis* sister. Mrs. Claude G. Burnhatn, over Decoration Day. Let us Clean your Rugs Our Improved Method of Cleaning keeps their color and removes all dirt and grease Aran K. Mestjian Native cleaning and repairing of oriental rugs and carpets* 607 Railroad Ave. Wilmette â€" Phone Wilmette 1949 Mr. Carl Keith left Tuesday to drive up to his island on Biff Late. Wis. Mrs. Keith and the children will leave the latter part of Jane for the islaad to spend the aunMBer thcrc^ Wilmette. IU., j^, J On asdsftor tsit fete I %*,. toe- m debu^M Bi r my feMofcter fftoelfe Ehi^J* WILLIAM EHU^ nnrr SPOIL YOUR VACATION!! by worrying about your silverware, valuables, etc left at home. BarfUrs arc â- •* â€"eritiai oa the North Skr* Remember for a moderate charge TOUR HOME BANK will store them by the month in their Fire and Burglar Proof Vault A Safe Deposit Box also for valuable papers is a splendid Nerve remedy. WILMETTE STATE BANK '.ifFfil ?w^r?4\ir^it?i^fir?i\^ Why Your Dentifrice? <25« !G rOU use a dentifrice to keep your teeth whiteâ€"to give health to the gums, and cleanliness and comfort to the mouth. Dentists say this is all any dentifrice can safely do. And this is what Klenzo E>ental Creme accomplishes perfectly. . The denti- frice famous for its lingering Cool, Clean. Klenzo Feeling. «kt a tube today. Vam De SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephone* 510, 811,812*813 Meat Telephone 814 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St oh CASH DISCOUNT Cwh and Cunj .-••$% Discount Cash ami Delivered - - - - Vb On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delirerodl 5 SPECIAL SALE JUNE 3rd to JUNE 11 SUGAR The finest quality of Cane, not boot, granulated sugar, or charged, ft lbs. for...... ...... ............... With an order, either cash rrAJ ZIIZ3Z."j$iJ| life M Ca«% Annlac For Eatm* Tna roo** '•••on*D,y priced apple in the market. Q( |J| AYfD Pillsbury, Washburn or Ceresota. barrel Yellow Cling. Large No. 2*$ can; large halves; heavy syrup. 1M _______al_ D^^L Daa^La* At the I®w«»* P«ce we â- •â-¼â€¢" known for a long time. Buy now.97. rlymOUtn KOCK reaCneS Canned fruit will be much higher this fall than now. Lit Dozen $3,20; can.............................. .............. Sunibay Apricots l£" &7.EX! «V No 2,i *"* A* °"e h,,f ** pri"of mym 24c RE1NA OLIVE OILâ€"Pure; one of .Spragiie,. Wamet__oV-Colv_b«*t^- Qt. can $1.25; pint..........8Sc ANTONINI OLIVE OIL------ The finest, purest Italian olive oil; Qt. can $1.50; pint ......85c MAZOLA SALAD OIL- Made from corn._____ Qt. can 54c ; pint ... CHEESEâ€" • Xew whole milk; lb. 30c 25c 27c Wisconsin Brick: lb Young American; lb..........27c PRUNESâ€" Extra fancy. Santa Clara; ' Large 40-50 size: lb. . .. ... .T$e 20-30 size, the largest and finest that grow: lb........ ........32c RED WING CATSUPâ€" Look at the price: Fine quality 18 oz. bottle ^kr; 9 oz. 12c Large 3 3-4 oz. fixe 50c Renneckar Drug Co- The Rexall Store Telephones 28 and 29 CEREAL MEALâ€" The Ideal Health Food for con- stipation and evils resulting therefrom. 2*lb. can-----... .$1.88 VINEGARâ€" L'nele Hiram Apple Cider Vine- gar: Qt. Bottle _____ .......28c LARDâ€"Pnre bulk; lb. ..... 15c CRISCOâ€" â- ""'" *' ' •:'"" 3 IK can 60c: \}/2 lb. can.....3»c 1 lb. can ____".... .-___ .. 28c CAMPBELL CONDENSED SOUPSâ€"Any kind or assorted; Dozen $1.30: can............ -He GINGER CAKE MOLASSESâ€" Dark. 2V2 lb. can .....:...... .2Se DUFF MOLASSESâ€" Light. 2V2 lb. can...........32c COFFEEâ€"Fancy, mild, iweet. at a remarkably low price; tb. .28c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Equal â€"to^tny-^onVe^dr^the-marketrand saves you from 7c to 10c a Ih. Pound ..... ................38c TEAâ€" Oolong 3A. lb. ..............4Sc Knglish Breakfast L. F., lb. ..4Sc Chase & Sanborn's Orange Pe- koe. Yz lb. can ......... â€".. .48c Lipton's Yellow Ceylon and In- dia. K> lb. can................42c CRACKERS â€" National Biscuit Co. Don't forget that alt crack- ers and sweet cookies are dow;n in price, and in bulk they are one "half the price of packages. Premium Soda Crackers, lb..28c SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" 100 bars in box . ..........$425 10 bars ...----- . . . . . .. tXr Xo cash disccunt. SPEE-DEE- \ - Makes ouick time of grease and grime. Large qt. can ......,2Se AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP CHIPSâ€"Lb. package V......22* IVORY SOAP FLAKESâ€"Pkg 18c IVORY SOAPâ€" 10 oz. bars. 100 bars in box $13188 10 bars....;......:.../.;.....$1J8 <y oz. bars. 100 bars in box. .$8L88 10 bars___.".___ .....i.-.'.;. .88c Xo cash discount. LIBERTY KIPPERED HERRINGâ€"Fine quality, large can; 2 cans .-.. ^.............. 2Se RICHELIEU SHRIMPSâ€" Dry pack: Xo. 1 can ....___21c DEL MONTE APRICOTSâ€" Peeled: extra fancy; heavy syr- up; targe Xo. 2r4 can; doz^3L20 «* -......i...... ........2?e DEL MONTE PEACHES- Yellow free; large No. 2l/t can;! Doz. $375: can ....... ......32cI DEL MONTE WHITE CHER- R1ESâ€"Royal Anne. Large Xo.1 2y2 can: doz. $420; can .....Jfc RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS The finest quality packed; XoT can: doz. $3.15; can......... RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PI APPLE â€" There js no bet quality of Hawaiian Pineaf packed. Xb. 1 can. sliced, doz. can.................. Xo. 2 can. sliced, doz. Can................ i... MONSOON PEELED APRICOTS Fancy. No. 1 can, doz......4K can ..................... RICHELIEU LITTLE CORNâ€"This is Jelicious^M sweet corn; do*.___. - â€" BABY STEWART SIFTED LY JUNE PEASâ€" A bargain at this price: d< DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED SWEET PEASâ€" Small, tender, sweet; Doz. $2.40: can----- .......§ PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMAl Xo. 2 can. doac $125: can RICHELIEU TOMATOES- These are perfection in tomatoes; delicious ^|*T^I Heavy pack; large Xo. ZVz Doz. $3l25; can ..--• CAMPBELL'S BAKED With toanatoe sancer- Xot 2 can. 2 cans.....--• SYLMAR CALIFORNIA OLIVESâ€"Laree onart ca»- WOLFF QUEEN OLIVES- 9 oz. bottle............s"M