On Friday last. Mrs. Bwitly Mc- ; Cloud entertained for Mrs. McCoy ot Omaha, who is on her way east ?o at- tend the graduation of. her daughter, 'with an informal tea. BEING A MIRACII OF MODERN TIMES On Saturday afternoon. May 21. at ie home of Mrs. Rufus B. btolp a Mrs. Julius A. Petersen entertam- o. aio;p. » ed at a luncheon on W <d«**d*>" Jg? safe oHancy articles w«s held forjher $ister-in-la*. Mrs. Uaire Peter- Se benefit of the Evanston Hospital $en of Chicago, who has ,u*t return fund. A little over five hundred dol-!ed from a trip to Europe. WUatttt Baptist Ckwrck Organisa- tion Succtistally B«Ut «n Mot* Trying Y«ar» of TwonUoth Contury lars was clearedand this sum togeth-i er with some mt.ney made last year it S^^^^!J r*oorts of the de-|TU*H OFF THAT SPRnt ^SSl^S Mrs. Percy . Eckhart ^*^^*^|^^ at a charity bridge party will furmsh to cast next week to attend^t^ fc«| iR ^ **n rooms in the new Evanston hos-graduation ot her daughter. Charlotte. v\umetie mji evening ^al °?lrs. Stolp. with the •;•««««! who attends Ro^^^*«*^^ by the of M^S^^^S^^^^ Mr, OJive7 R Barrett vvhoOeit-a^airrn^^ was in charge of the sale, and donat- 4n itaiy on Wednesday. rjI the articles Miss Priscilla Allen. â€"♦â€" Jfi«Miriam Vhatttick. Miss Cathenne^ Mrs.-r6omis Hypes arrived home ^erMis^ Ruth Woodward, Miss on Tuesday from Milwaukee where jago to visit ho definitely. J.i ' -+- reported a net gain ot thirty member* making the total membership now ££>. \ thorouffh parish .organisation w'.tn district chairman Has bten developed by this department. Great .interest was centered, about t h e var i ous -report s-of-"theâ€"Prorterty and Finance departments. Ix was re The heat wave early this much concern to the Villa- partment when, by actual discovered that in the eveâ„¢ there would be insufficient battle the flames; Reason: most every lawn den sprinkler in the village « chara'cteVized.Vhe "year as one oi jn- jng overtlme in ^the st - wi tensive cultivation in which many wlth bHiterin» oM Sol. â- ~ new leaders had »?en'd?~2nddew- Attention of the villagers it developed and inherest^m Wj^ cd to an ordinance which tion to the work of the churcn »VUhat, upon the blast of the , creased. I sprinklers must be shut off , TI^XTreopeneiF until three sharp b 'the siren announce the fire" extinguished. Violators of this village 0r are liable to prosecution. Turn 'em off when you hear ren. 2 and 3. .brkf closing «port the P«tor r D. Grelg. one of the six ,^Lof-the church eight years ago, â- U, now resides in Florida, was pres- . t with his wife. He recalled how S£3& years ago the «jaj verv weak and struggling and that it made his head Aizzy to hear the \a- tfom treasurers speak in terms thousands of dollars. of ;i it. i.aun'jv.1 ..... .. .-~â€" ana riiuinc ^i"" .â- .••â- *«•».-. •• -- â€"- -m friends in Xew York, in- Vealed that the church has raided tor s <cofield of Genesee, N\ Y.. who definitely. ' its running expenses 21 per cent more ha- i,;en vi! 5iS her cousin, Mrs. J.i -♦- tban the previous year and that it r â- IcWslev for the past fortnight, j Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith ^-AhM^it^r^JDT_1hsi^oimnx:y^T an fe^S^^taiHed-^^^ of 55 per cent. In Benevo- ^eralfriends, during her visit here, day evening. Hence* it had increased its givm^.y JOn Monday evening last, Mrs. King^- Vv entertained at bridge in honor ot | he> guest. On Tuesday evening, Mrs., Rov Hulbert entertained with a din- ner partv. Mrs. E. John Hicks gave a luncheon on Thursday, and on rn- dav Mrs. Howard Jones entertained at'her home with a luncheon; Satur- day. Mrs. George Jones entejtained| -fnrHtfrs. Scu^ld"aT-Th^-^OTn^n^lTOTei "Country'auTTwTni a luncneon. Mr. â€" ♦â€" and Mrs. Sidney Ball returned the first of the week from at w o months' trip through California. " v: â€"♦â€" Mrs. Fred Little entertained inform- ally Friday afternoon for a few friends. â€"♦â€" 196 per cent over the previous year The gifts to the Building Fund were $20,888 representing an increase of 352 per cent over the previous year. The entire giving for the year by the members for all purposes was- S29.557.75. an increase over the pre- vious^yeaj^o^l9JI5^p^r_cejLL__Xhii- ;ine^nTJThTtrra7iri^ident member of MrsT^Benlamin H. Bisbee entertain- tb+- 'rlmn.li is ed at a luncheon on Tuesday for a j 0f $3 few out of town friends. Mrs. Fred Gardner White and her mother. MTsrSkinncr, who have been in Clearwater. Fla.. since January, bave-retunied-and areâ€"ma king^ wnx^ home at the Somerset hotel â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Prest .who for- merlv made their home at 786 Foxdale avenue. Winnetka. have moved into the house _ai^-*85 Greenleaf avenue. One of the TuesdayJ.unchtJ Bridge clubs will be entertain^ the home of Mrs. Thomas M. 519 Forest avenue, next week. ^djs^_PearlJCouffer has return* TierTiome at 903 Lake avenue, a five month's trip to Albuqie N. M., Phoenix and Colorado So MOOX MAGIC •â- â- â- â- I average gi\ing. <»n "aTT of 5^ a week. The Church Council recommended the purchase of the property just Edwin Hedrick entertained the;__weM_^_t4« -rie^^hurcrr ^iitfic^"aT-| 1 M028 Fo re s t a v e nue^-iram--tn.e-ovv n e r. t -♦â€" a .â€"•♦â€"" Miss Harriette Ridgway. who has] been visiting in Boston, is now at Mr Bradford academy^uendjn^the^^ iiel^elnTnT'^eTases which began on her home. William R. SVitson Wednesday. On that evening, a con- i - "Tt~; , . used,'beginning Jul> bv an excellent or- Miss Virginia Little arrived home dence ot-the pastor c of the-j^n- iMiadaj^^^ in The Building Committee stated that This is an an- j Madison with a schooI^frTendT- ~the use of the new quarters would be _3tfidsummer Clearance which will De 1. as the resi- cert was given Bo; ton chestra trom pupils or the school. nual affair at the school is an an- and it is ^rrrrsifltred a-ereat-honor to. be-enos^. IHs one oi Sie hveto play with the; S club _ met o?ches?ra Mi.s . Elizabeth Merrill | Hannah, was chosen to plaxUhe piano accom- paniments and al>olgave several solo selections. Miss Merrill will arrive £)n Frida^vâ€"rfre *T7 .__^_â€"s__-Igin-w-ith-the-first Sun dav fn Septem^ -♦â€" with- Mrs. Alexander W her : â- 1 Hand carved "Polly Chrome" Candle Sticks, Book Blocks, Mirrors, Picture Frames, etc., etc., at 25? discount. Cretonnes at 40 cents per yard. Wall Paoer at 25 cents per roll. Johnson's Liquid Floor A Furniture Wax at 50c a pint. Varnishes at $2.90 per gallon. Ready Mixed Paint at $2.50 per gallon. Brushes at 15? discount. We Carry a Complete Line of Paint Materials. â€"+â€" The Afternoon Bridge club wa< en- tertained at luncheon by Mrs. Mark Cresap on Wednesday. â€"*â€" Mrs. Jarnes Murray entertained at a luncheon on Tuesday. â€"+â€" Mrs. F.. D. Parmelee entertained the Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. â€"♦â€" A son was Tohn Bellamv to .\f r. and Sundav. Mav k: \ \fi 4MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" FILM SHOWS AT WINNETKA home from school next Thursday. â€"♦â€" Mr and Mrs. George Shipmaji1 apd I Mr and Mrs. Carl Keith left on Mon- day in the Keiths' car to motor over! to" White Lake, to spend a w^ek m > the Shipntans* cottage. On Frijay, Mis- Elizabeth Shipman, George Ship- man. Jr.. Alice Shipman. Margaret Keith, and MUs Ora McDonald, for- merly of Wilmette. now ot Evanston. will leave for White Lake to spend the week-end at the cottage. â€"♦-- i Amonk' the Kenilworth people who; auen ed a luncheon at the North Wilmette and Kenilworth residents rimle Uotcl given by Mrs. G. A. Koh- jhave the remarkable patriotic oopar- f^J^^Winnetka.nowof Ev- tunity. thank, to the Winnetka. post anstPn for Mrs. Carlton Alms, who'of the^\mer«an_Legiojr^_oi_ _viewin.g l, iui ci»i 1 'â- ! fi-om'-u iv iii^iMh--a-)-r^TrT'yfa^raT^!""h>ar7)ric^â„¢ reproduce -u\itJun CttiiTwai» were; Mr^-H^gU j lion of Edward Ev^r^t-^e^T^. Foresman Mrs. John Everett. Mrs. Man Without 1 Country . which has Henrv Everett and Mrs. Mark X*re- | attracted national attention trom its] nu • ; enthusiastic reception at Wa-htnuton. : ^*P- â€"+â€" j Xew York/ Boston, and exclusive Vfiss Kuth Watt, daughter, of Mr^clnbs throughput the country _ and Mr. Frank Watt of KenlKvorth.} Perhaps the most remarkable .iea- attended a formal tea given by Sen- | ture ^otjhis jmracuonwhich will be j a or and Mrs. McCortmtrkMn-Wa^h-M*^^ community s reccntry-.----Miss^ Watt has lunise ^undayl^MJsxid^y-ajid^Tue^day^rt dnticr at--ivatinTrai-^aTk^T^viieTi' one considers that seat- in.! nd will return home the} Washin^totr^M-for $l«x. and in many â€"•â€"-râ€"jTTther places tor Sr. i* the low adnv.s- » •-. ' sion price? The Legion is present-j -On Monday morning at ten o'clock, jjng the picture at cost for its le*»oit- there w-ill be a short Memorial ser- â- in Aipencarnstr.and the price will; vice at the Kenilworth Assembly hall, i be <nly halt The school children will sin-J- three songs and Mrs. Smale will sing a few selections. There will be a short, ad- dress bv Mr. Henry Riggs Rathbone. The Young People's department re- (J ported that for the fifth successive jk year the Service society had attained {â- the Standard of Excellence set by the denomination. A hearty greeted the splendid department. Phone Wilmette 2491 applause reports oi this 1215 Wilmette Ave. Carl E. Sterner Co. Interior Decorators i «... • â- â- â- â- â- •â- â- â- â- u seminary latter part of next week. â€"+â€" ~Mis* Louise Titfsman ieft.Wednes- dav for New York and Philadelphia. While in the castshe will attend the commencement at Ogontz school. Philadelphia rani then return-t^-ye^r York. She expects to return to Ken- ilworth about the tenth of June. â€"♦â€" Nlr.I.OTVHypcs \viio h;t« been In i work fascinating Europe for the last two months. saj^Xg^ggL-gSSSfc ^ef fiuiu fdic Jj mrge-mr^rTrFnsTe^rnTrTip 1 nom"$257 to$73. a **6lvmpic" for ~rTome: last Wedn es day. | wedc. ,--,. i. „.„' .u.-. i,;..^, ^.o^t We will teach home'the latter part the special children's performance at 10 o'clock Monday morning, the price for those under 18 will be only a gar- ter. The evening performance on Monday will !»e at 7:45. while the Sunday and Tuesday performances will begin at 8 o'clock. Cavity with all decay cleaned out, braced and ready to fill. Cavity with filling in. Neglect Is the Worst Enemy of Your Trees Millinery Designing As a Professor. J you will find the He will arrive of next week. - â€"+â€" - Mr. and Mr^. Frank W. Cherry have rented their home for the Sttttl- mrr and^>e-ttee la t of lunc Mrs. Cher- rv and her -on and daughter. Tames and Jeanette. . w.ili leave for Europe to he gone two or three months. Mr-. John ilarsnali k.'-erts and her [wn children will leave the' early ; part of June for Cajifprnia on .an ex- I tended visit. Sir. Roberts sails for Europe in a week or two to be gone j indermitelv on a busine?s trip. â€"*â€" Mr,and M'-- Claude l'-.-: -.-. • en-i tertained at a dinner party last >at-j urdav evening, in honor of Mrs. Mark .Cresap: who is soon tO >a;l i-r Eu- rope. SBtfs Charles Ware and Mrs. Al-j JUrPnn-r^l v-'iV ^Tprtiin j~^_ Wednesday a+44te-homeâ€"or Mrs. Ware. rt'. win icam I you.quickly. Day | and Evening In- | struction. Send I for Booklet L__FASH ION ^ULLlNERr^SeHOOlT- f 190 N. STATE ST.. STATE 4 LAKE BUILDING f CHfCACO s__________ _ s! William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfully furnished on | New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka j me Winnetka 1055 Yssss/rs/s///s//s//s///r////////s//////ss/ss/s///ss//////. Any unprotected opening in the live bark of a tree is a place for fungus spores to collect and germ inate.__They continue Jo grow, breaking down the live cells of the tree. The result is what is seen and called decay. â€"In-order to rid a tree of decay the cavity must be thoroughly cleaned out, disinfected, and the proper filling put in. Dead branches are a nesting â€"place-for-insects;â€"Th^y^ea^decaj^ into the main trunk of the tree. They are also very unsightly, giv- ing the entire surroundings an air of neglect. Don't forget, dead limbs are dangerous. Now is the ideal time for trim- niingr^avity-^woTlcrorntreesurgery of any kind. Work done at_thir -seasoFn gives tlie^rowng^ cells of the cambium layer an opportunity to form a protective callous over the wound before winter sets in^- Feel at liberty to call on us at any time. • Consultation and advice conscientiously given without charge. You will find that our men are practical and wellâ€"4raineeV competent to handle the .most dif- ficult as well as the simple tree problems. Local references furnished. C^U or Writeâ€"^ LOUDON TRCC EXPERTS 1609 Sherman Avenue Telephone Evanston 260 __JEVANSTON IlXt0 ^f,H"d^iraSi*^ «urroundings. "*â-