Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1921, p. 12

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12 â€"XHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 27,1921 1 Classified Advertisements ^ ATESâ€":0c per line for first insertion. Each succeed in j? in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. to 75% on g-ood property, and give prompt experienced service. Esti- mates cheerfully furnished without cost or obligations. Call Central 3311 for Interview, or Wilmette 909-J after hours. L,TG26-4tp. I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evans ton 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue. LTG17-tfc J HEAL ESTAfK BUILDERS I can clear your vacant property*. My stump removing machinery does its work quickly and well. Trees removed without injury. Telephone me for estimates be- fore you begin excavation. A P. Graham. 215 JNfanzig Ave Phone Wilmette 2196. LTG26-4tc THE BEST HOME BUYS 5 room buhjralow. hi splendid condi- tion. Fine woo'l.-l lot: double garage; 110.000; must sell; make offer. Semi Colonial 7 room stucco; 3 fire- places: dining a«vl sleeping porches: beautiful wooded lot Cut to $11,000. Nine room brick home in -finest lo- cation: immense living r«om. billiard or ball room; 3 baths; double rarage: huge wooded lot. Must sell. Reduced to $18,000. WE HAVE SEVERAL TWUKCALLY GREAT BARGAINS IV LOTS. M. E. BARKER & GO. 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette »S4 LTG2£-ltc A LIVE REAL ESTATE ORGAXIZA- tion with offices in loop and branches on North Shore has opening for a manager with an auto for one of its branch offices. Prefer man with an acquaintance and one living on north shore. Address Lake Shore News B-S5._________LTG27-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE Five million poppies have been re- ceived by the American-Franc-©- Chil- dren's League for sale to American Legion members and other ex-service men on Memorial Day. The League, which is the American branch of La Ligue Americaine-Francaise des En- fants. will devote the proceeds of the poppy sale to French war orphans. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦, NEWCOMB,«MACKLIN & CO, Manufacturer* of Picture Frames, Cornices, Mirrors, Console Tables, Decorative Specialties WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN*. DO -"--sewing or waitress work by day ,or hour. Phone Win 1240. LTG2S-2tp PRACTICAL NURSE MAKES SPECIAL- ty of confinement-cases; can give refs. Phone Win. 746. LTG29-2te Ethel Barrymore and a host of stage and screen celebrities contri- buted their talent-to the American Legion at the annual show of S. Rankin Drew Post, composed of New York ex-service men who are en- gaged in various-branches of theatric- al and motion picture enterprises. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE Expert clearing of acreage and lots. Trees removed, stumps pulled by machinery that does its work completely and well. Also general preparation for excavation. A. P. Graham, 215 Nanzig Ave. I*hone Wilmette 2196. LTG26-4tc Although he found thousands of J jobs for unemployed ex-service men, O. H. Krause, American Legion em- ployment secretary at St. Paul, Minn., was almost stumped when two mothers asked that two veterans be sent to care for their babies while they went shopping. The warrior nursemaids who answered the ap- peal made good on the job. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR GALLERIES WHERE CAN BE SEEN WORKS BY NOTED ARTISTS Wholesale and Retail N. State & Kinzie Sts. CHICAGO Phone Central 5215 **♦♦♦♦♦*♦+*♦♦**♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦****♦*♦♦♦*****♦*♦*♦**** **♦♦< FOR SALE â€" ATTRACTIVE NEW 7 room home; 4«rpe living- room with colonial fireplace: center entrance hatTTextra lavatory on first floor; tile bath; four large sunny bed rooms. Cannot be beat for $14,000. Exclu- sive agent. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513.4th St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG29-ltc FOR SALE â€" W.ILMETTE ATTRAC- ----tlve 7 room gtnorn and shingle home; east section; hot water heat; 3 fine porches; tile bath; lot 50x175; splen- did buy at $12,000. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminal Phone Wil. 68 a________ L29-ltc EXTERIOR PAINTING. PAPER HANG- ing neatly done by C. W. Williams, ing and all kinds of interior decorat- 1210 Central avenuer Phone Wil. 908-M. L28-4tp CEMENT WORK BY CONTRACT. ES timates cheerfully given. Reason- able. Inquire 1827 Wesley ave., Ev- anston. Phone Evans ton 2421. _____ LTG27-tfc YOUNG MAN, NOW IN COLLEGE, would like work for the summer. Ad- dress J. E. Brown, Jr., 1537 Central avenue. Wilmette._____. L29-ltp EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thom- as Lockervie, 711 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. IfiJS. LTG2S-tfc FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for housework and building wire fences. Phone Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfr LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY CON- tract or hour; general hauling. Angelo Santi. Phone Wil. 2158. ___________________________ LTG28-2tp WANTED TO B17Vâ€"REAL, ESTATE WANTEDâ€"TO BUY REAL ESTATE Experienced, successful builder wants to meet'owner of North Shore Vacant. I will finance, build, and sell. Address Lake Shore News B-79 -_________________LTG26-4tp WANTED TO BUYâ€"A LOT 50-FOOT I WANTED â€" BY WHITE MAN DESIRES GARDENING work for 2 days a week, also house- work. Phone Evanston 3293-J. ___________ : ___________ L29-ltp SITUATION WANTED â€" WINDOW washing and general cleaning. Tel- enhone Douglas 7656. ,L29-2tp frontage, east of railroad, for real dence in Wilmette or Winnetka. Must be reasonable. Address Lake Shore News B-98._________ LT29-lte FPU Hi:\Tâ€" Fl HMMH.I) not>~ FOR RENTâ€"DUniVG JULY AND August, charming Dutch Colonial home, modernly furnished, 8 rooms, sun room and garage; north-east section of Winnetka. Phone Win 1697._______________ LTG29-ltc FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED HOUSB Winnetka, .Tuiv and August: $125 p« r month; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, sun porch. Areolae, garage, central location. Phone Win. 1245. -___i __________;________LJHi£2 :tc * FOR RENT â€" S ('AIMER, < JL KXCOE east side well furnished 7 room house; 4 bed rooms, screenedâ€"Forct;: STUDENT. WORK; oaring for lawns or gardens. Phone Wil. 777-J. ______ L29-ltc LAWN MOWING AND ODD JOBS; 50o per hour; arranging summer schedule now. Phone Wil. 969-W. L29-ltc FOR S A 1,Kâ€" HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOS. OVER- hauled. guaranteed. Steinwav. $225; Kimball, $150; Bauer. $125; Bauer, & Gates, $125; Lyon & Healy. $50: Schubert. $95; 88-note player, like new, ^350. Used talking machines. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., $28 Davis street, Evanston. LTG28-2tc modern, convenient location. Th'.-nt ,,, . , Harr 7460 or Glencoe *34. LTG2,9-ltc for sat.1T â€" ovre AT'TnvATTP nv> FOR SALEâ€"WASHING MACHINES? rebuilt Thor. $45.00: Eden. $80.00; Bluebird. $95.00; Maytag. $95.00; 20 vacuum ^cleaners. $5.00 to $15.00. ^Patterson Bros., 828 Davis Street. Ev- anston. LTG28-2tc ; FOR RENT â€" EIGHT ROOM H i s r well furnished, one block from sta- tions, near high school. Phone Win- _ngtka 739. LTG27-3tc """"""""" FOR REM-ROOMS frgierator, 75 pound ice chamber: one hand power washing machine; one boy's bicycle. Phone Winnetka 739. LTG27-3tc FOR RENT - VERY DESIRABLE large airy room in well equipped modern home; two blocks from trans- portation: running wat»-rf suitable for gentleman. Phone Wil. S44-J. ;_____________________________L29-lt p FOR RENT â€" BEAUTIFUL ROOMS*] furnished or unfurnished, near lake. . * near transportation and near good dining place. Phone Wil. 4!H. _2___ FOR RENT - 'TWO .-CONNECTING | rooms.â€"newlf fur-nishfcd •' and decor- ated. 727 Park avenue. Phone Wil. 849-J.________ L29-ltp »R RENTâ€"SMALL FURN. ROOM* without board; adults onlv. Phone Wil. 1888. VL29-lte FOR SALEâ€"FINE MAHAGONY DIN- ihg table, also buffet to match; tile refrigerator, in best of condition. 555 Sheridan road. Glencoe. Phone Glen. fiS6, ______________ LTG29 -1 tC FOR SALEâ€"SOLID MA HOC; ANY LIB- rary table; practically new. Phone Wil. 22««. LTG29-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONE CHILD'S BED. FOUR living room chairs. Phone Wil. 2094. L29-ltc FOB S4I.F.â€"A1TOS >NAL I'Mi'^tr POADSTRR;â€"♦ enger. wire wkeels. completelv •^hauled; bargain at $500.00. Tel. Wil. 93. LTG29-ltc FOR_R_ENTâ€"LOVELY LARGE FRONT room in east side home. Phonvr"WTT~ 1940.__________ v LTG29-ltc FOR StI,F-MIS(KI.I.\\EOlS WAXTKD-HOOW AXP BOARD WANTEDâ€" ROOM AND BOARD-FOR single woman; must be "lawn and FOR SALE^RroS STOVES TABLES chairs, mirror*, imny. bathtnb sTnTt eases, beds, sewine macb'ne and com- bination cook stove We huv. «#»11 and exchange. sns <~»nk street! Wln- netka r»bone Win T?12. LTGl4-ff«» shade in connection;- T. J. Lynch. 419 ! FOR SALEâ€"12 INCH - WESTTNOHOTTSB Keeney street. Evanst LTG29-ltc FOB io:\ râ€"OFFK i:s electric- fan___-Mr_««.__King.___39 East Sehiller street. Chicago. Phone Sup. 31 "2______l_ LTG29-2tc FOR "SA-fcB=TWIX STROLLER^^fATv reed, brown wheeN; like new: $15.00. Phone Glencoe 747. LTG29-ltc FOT> REVT_fjrJovER RROWv RLDG.. 1J5$ Wilmette avenue. Wilmette. eleeant office for phvsician or dentist ----------------...______ also, large dry basement HWlfor F°R ^ALE-POVY BARN. $25.00: ALSO parties and entertainments i ^T?a1' _r*Jllck*'n bouse. $8.00. Phone .____________________________LTG29-6tp Win. l.»2o. _________ LTG29-ltc FOR RENT aarage, FOB l«:\Tâ€"r;Alt %«E wastedâ€"fiis<Ki.i.\\i:ors riO^inde^ave^ue^Kh^ WAXTED-BY THE BABIES' FRIEND- Wll. 142. .___________________L29-ltc| V«»aJ^a_Z„'?a.rrjage_that .can *>* *old FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE. S31 OAK WOOD avenue. Phone Wil. 2094. L29-ltc HBtp wtyran^FEM a lb WANTEDâ€"WOM a N OR GIRL for whatever the parents can pay. D. H. Maxwell. Phone Wil. 702-R. L29-ltp FOR general housework or to assist with i housework: Van en home niehts if WANTED TO BT*Yâ€"SECOND HAND ""â- "iture and other household goods. Hiehest prices paid for same. Croat Furniture Store. 1O04-« Emerson St Evanston. 111. Tel. 1S». LTGl«-tfe LTG2»-ltc j WANTED Wanted .â€" maid for gene housework: no laundrv: 3 in famllv; I good wages. Phone Winnetka 1026. TO BT'Yâ€" A FIRELESS cooker: must be reasonable and good condition. Phone W41. 294. ________________________ L29-ltp __---------- ----------------------LT^29.Ate4^WA^CTFa>-^FORD^CAR_.;; t>ASS----f WANTEDâ€"M.*ID FOR GEVL H"T'SR- : R-ood^eondition. Phone WU. S94-Y-5. work; «mall family; good wa«r«>» ' LT29-ltn Phone Wil. 13€5. ' L29-ltc â€"â€" _ â€"---- MISCEl.I.A!VEOrs MKI.P WtVTROâ€"WALE __________________________________; BUILD \ow WANTEDâ€"ERRAND BOY IN PRINT- OLD ESTABLISHED CONTRACTOR Ine office; »|e->«3»nt â€" "-^• ***a*r ~r^- ___wlJU»uUd the housKzjranrwanfcat-aTr plovment. Phone Evanston 147 or! ama»lna*lv low fieure: for either «*a*h eall 1«40 Maple avenue. LTG2»-ltc or long- time payment. Can loan up Formation of a permanent organ- ization in Virginia for the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion was perfected at a recent meeting, which was addressed by Russell G. Creviston, assistant national adjutant of the American Legion. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R* Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY V C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenu* Teaming, Grading, Excavating Sidewalks and Driveways Constructed Trees, Shrubs and Flowers of All Varieties Work Done by the Hour or Contract All Work Guaranteed LOUIS PANTLE Landscape Gardener Telephone Winnetka 549-M 886 Pine Street WINNETKA, ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADS, YOUR CLEARING HOUSI In the new Field Museum of Natural History you will fnd one of the largest and most interesting col- lections of exhibits ever gathered under one roof. A day spent in this beautiful building on the Lake Front will prove a source of pleasure and interest. NORTH SHORE TRAINS leaving Wilmette regularly, take you direct to the "L" station at Randolph and Wells streets, where you can get an "L" train to the Roosevelt Road sta- tion without leaving the platform. A short walk east brings you right to the entrance of the building. NORTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Ticket Office

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