THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 27.1921 iiii|i)!Uiit!U)ti»tiiwwppp|gi!BMppw»^^ -41 \\^. N*% ff^ Activities s^ [NortKJhoreCKibj by RutK RLrle^V UK NORTH SHORE GOLF CLUB announces the forma! opening of the Golfing season, with the following events scheduled: -.„__ ___V________ .» 1 Saturday, May 2$â€"18 Hole Medal Play. 5i? qualifying round for Memorial Day Flight Contests can be [nV«l Saturday or Sunday. Holiday, May 30â€"Morning Play. Flight Play 8 a. m., each flight *ti.'ht grouped according to Medal cards of Saturday and Sun- lv< njilifying rounds. j;jujy Contest. Afternoon Playâ€"Mixed Two Hall Foursomes. < ),K p House. 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. I )uiner Danceâ€"7 p. m. on Petersen ?venue, on Saturday, May 28, with Mr. Jew* Lowe Smith of Highland Park at the Nature Guide. The excursion is fir the purpose of becoming familiar vith the outdoor world, and «*venyone interested it in- vited to join the part;, free 6i charge. There are no feet of any kind. Come and spend a pleasant afternoon in the woods with us. Meet at Edgebrook station of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad at 2:50 P. M. -*»- uic will be a Dinner-Dance on Monday evening, Decoration hv at Indian Hill Golf club. --------------*-------------- A aeration Day Tournament will be played at Bob O' Link Coif Bub. including a morning round of nine holes , an afternoon round |t i :30, and the finals to be played at 3:30 o'clock. At 1:30 o'clock Consolation Event, op.e.n_to^wv_jnember_not m the Decoration )av Finals, will take place. Five north shore youths staged a hot weather "back to nature" move on their own Monday and paid $10 each for the privilege before Police Magistrate Northrop in Winnetka. They were Edward Tuhbs, 18. of Wil- mette, and Alfred McDougal, 19, Bas- J^et Ruff. 18, and Henry Orth, 18. of Kenilworthr The young men were swimming at the foot of Winnetka avenue minus the required accouter- ments. _ '.. Anarentiy heat, docs not lessen so- j-;ty women's enthusiasm and <Ie- [rmination in working for a «ood iuse, for on Tuesday morning, in Lto of the weather, almost every fie of the committee of 100 of the LiiHMs section of the Citizen's Chi- cago Opera committee attended a leeting at the Arts club. Many of ie members reported additional [uarantors, bringing the total nuin- |er already obtained by the women's L-ctinn up to 55. (Sub-committees to canvass the north iiore suburtfi were appointed and I'cri' as follows : , Winnetka: Mrs. William G. Hib- iard, chairman; Mrs. Howard C. Phil- ips, vice chairman. Kcnthvorth: Mrs. Henry Riggs latfibone, chairman. Evanston is to have a County Fair in the Patten gymnasium of North- western University on June 24, 25 and 26. It will be held under the auspices of the King'** Daughters, St. Mark's Guild and Northwestern Settlement three of the largest charitable organ- izations on the north shore. The fair will be open both in the daytime and evenings and will include industrial exhibits, pure food demonstrations, domestic science lectures, moving pictures, dancing, a style show, con- certs, and meals at all times. In order to make you better ac- quainted with the birds, flowers, and other objects of Natural History in his region, the Wild Flower Preserva- tion Society will make a field trip into the Kdgebrook Forest Preserve v//////////////////////////y//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////y/y//y//////////////////y//A Wind Safe, SELF HANGING Trad* Mark â€" PORCH SHADES Hade Under Patent Licence NORTH SHORE YOUTHS PAY FOR BACKTO-NATURE DIP Mr. and Mrs. John EL Gaper, of 731 Park avenue, have returned from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla*. where they have been spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue, are leaving today by motor lor a week's fishing outing at State Line, Wis. We carry a large stock of Elec- tric Machines to select from* 10 Styles of Washing Machines 2 Styles of Mangles. 4 Styles of Vacuum Cleanersâ€"4 Styles of Sewing Machines Largest Storeâ€"Best Serviceâ€"Lowest Prices PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St. Phone Evanston 654 The Jinert^reto Cars ♦'We fool the Sun »» Northwestern Shade and Awning Co (Not lac.) Manufacturer* of : Window Shades and Awnings 14 Prouty Annex Winnetka, Illinois 30*3% QAntir^dlSaSefy Tkad at the 20% Price Reduction Here is a 30x3i tire, with snappy black tread and creamy white sidesâ€"clean, trim, splendidly finishedâ€"generously large and full in size, with the Goodrich anti-skid safety tread. This tire will give you much longer mileage, the greatest of durability, the utmost riding comfort and the fullest satis- faction. Like all other Goodrich tires the "30x3 i" is made only in one Goodrich 30x3f anti-skid safety tread fabric tire now available at the 20% Price Redman* which went into effect May 2nd DINE AND DANCE ~~~~~ AT THE NEW * Chateau Maxim A place for father, mother, son and daughter GREEN BAY ROAD and COUNTY LINE One Block West of Braeside Station Watch this Space for the opening announcement of our $20,000 Dance Hall the most beautiful in the middle west. Chicken dinners, restaurant service a h cexte erid refreshments. Last year we served 9,000 chicken dinners. Special attention to private parties and picnics quality. It is so thoroughly and unusually good that its makers frankly declare it the best tire ever made for small cars. THE B.F.GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY vikron, Ohio Dealers everywhere are selling Goodrich Silver- town Cords* Goodrich Fabric Tint and Goodrich Red or Gray Tubesâ€"all one qualityâ€"at the 20% reduction in prices which Goodrich made five May 2nd, 1921. -« 3 _ - • • We are the Distributors or Tires Winnetka Tire Shop - Phone Winnetka 1565 LJL-.-. .. _______ m&mmmaukm &Bj&lUS&mimM