Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1921, p. 5

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I .in.....IIIIJHIMIIIIIIIIII ^foci&l L* Wv 3U 1 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1921 Miss Christine Bauer of \Va u enue, k*ft M ondav f 6 r ^ f I i*A* Wilnvette ^Kenil\OortK by Rut'hJRijley k .;-1 Mr. and Mrs. 1\. I). Fuchs. 1043J XI:-. C.eorue P.ird, MHO Che^nht # , qrj Chestnut avenue, announce the hirth avrnif has as ur hotfse guest. Mrs. â-  York City, to attend the wedding ^\ "of a son on Tuesday, May 17. 1 Sadie Hichenor <-i Los Angeles Giit I lier ftrotfler. Mr. John Bauer. \v!iieli ! â- '+ •"- -----------*â€" ||it to" take, place on fune 21, â-  ti,\ ««nn« i 1 !'â- "<* 1 * • -M" ;Mul Mr>. Morton A. Bassett of* â- *â€" . ., i ..,..•..â- â€¢ MO Lake avenue, have cone to rrank- Mtes The "5txr club met on Tue>da evening at the home of- Miss Marv KatluM-ee VYinslvip of «*3f £te|ne£ 44$! Wi?raette"avenue i Chestnut avenue who ha> heen spend- , ihg several davs at her home in Elk- hart ln*l. will return to the village! The Manuka ciuh mejt-<ui...Thursday ion, Mich, to Htid the summer on Monday â€"*â€" saay Luncheon and Bridg< niegt ;r, the komi Webster, 502 \ _La£tcruoon at the home of Mrs. iâ- '. I, 1215 l'orcst avenue. ~^~ Ml. \V. A. Pu feer, 1214 take aye-. left Monday morning, to visit He v | > a r CI ft s i tT1 -a n B i n gâ- , Mich. ^5 ^^^SB^^.........." "5]^JAu^ XViTATTONS were issued this vveek forjlu:- Jiiarria-e of Miss : av,,:n,°' ;""* W!^- .-Susie Paulson^daughter ot Mr. arid. Mts,. WiilTam B, Pauirl The Worth Knd CiTcU"ajUUe','t.Oiif • ;o Mr. Hugh G. Bersie of Evans-ton, son Of Mr and Mrs «r«ga.tiona1 church will meet with . . .. ___:,. -rg"Tr^^-i.^s *,-. *._"i. â- -. â-  ,i, • . .. . '•' *- -Mr*. P.r'rr-tv'-i! V r.u-W M1rt icklaml Mrs. Pe'rctval \. CU1 ler." l<>hV Ashland : »»g avenue. Rev" 4JT4ici3i£-j»iii*2!!*as' to take place on Saturday e-vei A*, at the Paulson home. 715 WasTTinpor] avenue. j.I »yd. pastor of the Congregational church, will read; One oi the Tuesday Luncheon and ....â- -.• it 8:30 o'clock. , Bridge cluhs v ,-..o _cuT<-rtathedr this ------ , "" ' +\-------;-------- j wrrk in 1 hv h-<nm* of aTrs. RiMTaTd • \\\,4Ueu_.YvilL entertain aM«nc4woH-and bridge* in her |Jordan* ^^T.rev.nvood avenue ,v i^ cli est nut avenue, on Wedtiewlav ft!^ re) noon t)i next week. I M>. and Mrs. Joseph A\. Ma^dTalT , . __.... : 104ft IChnuood »venuev returned Fri- ... image of Miss Helen Roberts, da tighter of Mr. --ml M rs. \ fay from Clearv. ater. I*la..e.where t'h.^y > \c< X. Roberts of 1014 Lake avenue, to Mr-Cha»!es Phillips jIlavc ,)een spenclini? the winter. I^1(v\ was solotnnized on A\rod;uis.lay oi this week, in VU ,1(v \\-a.S SQKMIUM/.CU «M1 -VV rUi!.t>U;iv (JJ THIS \V<lCK, lit \l)t'<'Ucr- ,, , ... , , ,., ,____,, ...... ,-------- AT n „i AI- /-i ' i â-  >L!LL-li!iy4^^H--Mi>i (. haih-s C. <: arnalian.-'/tm \ eiT-- Xi" wex'.co. Mr. and Mrs. Glennorj ar^j>taTming to s»)end theltfal avcnueTis- -pomlin- a fortnight fev- months on a ranch in koswell, New Mexico. Among those I3?5- t,u' attest ot her daivMiter. Mrs. atfended the wedding were Mrs. Charles Robert- the'hride^s 'Donald M. Simmons, in. Litchfield. 111.! i i____ _....*. tvt;.., r ..„____ r-\__t.. "'. â€"+.â€" 1 her aiint.-Mrs.-Lyman Drake__________________^. \r.___^^___,__* â-  :' - ' a___________• • * Mi^S • Kuttv .CJtLQJikx-Lt -.vdl 'Mil .rt a m : . . _ '-â-  _ tile memheraA^f-4h-e Kveninj? Bridge -Kj- cluh louiurrow evening at her home.; V;• â- :nch (if the Women's -!v..v EX-'ivision hospi111 j; organized here with l;;i."if.-.t a^ (diainnan ; MT77 iVfhl'ci helm, a.s vicechair- nas C. Moulding, sec- • \fri Albert Webster as Plte object of the auxili- /..!d. fhejtiaking of surgi- â- t ho pita! garnle.Us, and of nionej' for the hospital "• ',.\- work meeting will Thursday, May1 2r>. at the Inb, and a larfte attendance ; is desired at tdiis nieet- rine is welcome. â€" *â€" ,^'elier, teacher of.voice uuil pupil of Oscar Deis. ' pi.Vno department Metro-« .â- ",.â- .-â- .,>tory appeared in a â-  â-  11. a t t h e co ns e rvat ory r e - \f:iy !7. A large and n])- «-'udi.*nce was present to ~'V.r~>V'am which was well V!i>~ Rocttcher played s-e- • • .:'!;. ipTrT i'almgr-m"; T)i;- ' I !!â- :-/•!'•-â-  i Vfiss Ruth- I'.-.- !'.C"-i pi H !.0. P! edl. of •!•', a*t'M.ide. I th â-  pro- â€"* â€" •; of tl^ 'I 'rave ! Club , .:Cv a I'd ;.|. â-  much i 'â- â€" m- jiest meetmcr. which . • .'â-  in Tuesday at ttu: ' ;i s Henry V^c in Gleh- l:"fTl\e "baucluers' Day", â- v ,-nt in the club, :>:v.; alt :hi 'fs and granddaughters ebfirs have been tnvifeti to rhTere will he many oM dings, and a few rem Tb . - . ........ - ' - â-  v: iiuii i"!iini rim ',: \ ti m A-a lam]) hire eas lujd â- .[ â- :,- home , S21 Oakwi»od, awmie. :' rtlimir Ru^kr.ian; 025 F.lmwood ave^ "Prti-l.^n r-A'.,i.""i •' * A- i â-  > I' Mrs. !â-  rank !'.t own was ' hostess- to l oi Don V omp !â-  ire Ciirls u_c_tie '••"esrs ; • ._ ' 'n ^ < - •« i •in7 7,rt- ,1,1 i„ _____!__! " r - •> nn°"_n'" thc~~TaPs<t;» v Luncheon, and and took, most or ttre prizes for the n .a . i A -i â-  i . t i '.,,.•,,. ,. , .' â- â- â-  , ,, . I lindge clubs ih<. week rt! her bene \anous contests ; rtd wanies held aur-iAi-? r/.,t-. •,,- ;,, _i, .,-,.. ol_. Lake avenue. nig the ajternoou. _________.------.------â€"=â€"r Mi Iv'mh MeJ^,^^^^n;M-^^7^=An:^^ 1T;,^-M:iy=l^k^n-^- witli a miseellaft.-ouV' showcT on Sat- ;uld Bridge clubs was entertained ai. nrdav afternoon of last-week a< her the flomc of V'y~- \Vi!ham C). Belt home in Highland Park, in honor of|601 Washington avenue. Miss Marjorie Rrann, wh.nse- rrrai--! • â€"*â€" to' Weldon Clark Dietrich -ofj .The Reading Circle' will meet next i'!l line t'I'I'M Whmetka, is to take pla< Of irrrcresl to many of us is the an- nonncemenl that Miss Rdi'th AtHcius, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Irvin R. Adkins- 1112 Central avenrie, preseju- ed two pian > numbers ou rhrr pttj- gram at the meeting of the'Liherty- ville Woman A ~ elTrir last Nfoudu> af- •• f moon. Monday aft-vu ion at 'the horn Mrs. hf. J. Smith, 806 Oakwpod ave- nue.. -.'â- 'â-  â€"*.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. /Pearson, who have, been TcrMing' at 1303 Hill street have moved to 2745 ...Woo Ihino avenue: J-Aan si on. ^ McAllister - Worthen Co. Special Showing New Spring Waists .lust xeceived a shipment ot Ladies' ' "!'!!!l!HiH! Georgette Waists, overblouse aitd regular sjjde^j^iloi^fl^^wkt^ lone v-de w The greatest values ever offered at ___SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Ladies' Pure Linen Madera Handkerchiefs Fine-grade linen, variety of designs inj beautiful Madera work it will pay you to buy howi for future needs at the special price Ladies' pure linen handkerchiefs, plain colors in lavander. rose. blue, or green, priced at* 25c Child's Muslin O Ff Under waists i if* Full-cut, sizes 4 to* 12 ^^V^ yrs, raped button*. Special value at â-  Ladies Silk £\T* Camisoles MJ*!^* ^Hemstitch or lace trimmed, Flesh or white at WE DELIVER IHllllllll1linillllllll(tllltlirilHI||lllt!llllllHlli|llllltlllllHlll)IHIIIHIimMII!lll iii: :iiiir:'iii,:iHi:;iiilii'll!(n!IMI|i:illllHIHIi!il!.lllllllllllll itlimniti I 48 Central Avenue . %rm i\/tCTTl7 ir f Phone 588 WUrriette W ILlVlh 1 1 L, ILL. Nfr at â€"*â€" '. Thomas !.. bunco'on W M nil D Hal In'"s day Mr. am entert a inc evening at.tti.eir h-'une', 10IW Creenieaf avenue, in hottnr'ef Miss Dorotlrv Bushne'l ami Mi-. Julian Hess whrrs mai'riage is co lake 'place early next rnonth. There were-five tables. . and Mrs. F. A. Rock hold of h'.lnuvood avenne, fiave moved to Viuorelaud Country club for the W< suminer niotnb ot . i, Wi HI ! J' TbrAVo mette I'ost of the American Le- will hold a food sale «m ^.^vyt morning;' between the hours of. ten [Ham and one o'clock at the Wilulette Grocery and Market. ie N'orth -Shore- Alumnae of Chi iga was- ^uteitained in. the home Mrs. Knox Smith on Woodbine avenue, last Thursday afternoon. __ * â€" Miss Helen Sluirlh-K. 815 I.ake ave- !'('. 1 i\v< a- •avin; e em â-  today to spend ten Sli>s Pegtrv Wil- ^lesdames W. 11. Kllis atut C. A. Keller, *2;t Greenwood avenue. '"nter: tamed at a formal luncheon on ruthu'r Soutlrworth.} Thnr-day and Friday of this week at the'hotne of MtT-. KHis, ^23 i',;â- -.â- -n- wood avenue. Mi i" Wismette. who luivc been. .,!,,.-, -..ast this paA7 winter. '.â- .nests last_week of Mr.'â- and Renneckar 935 Tihnwood >f Mr. and Mrs. E. P "Mr. and \7rsrHarrA; M. Bachmatl of .,1249 Hill stre.-t. announce the inar- Wasliuigton avenue. They j riage of their dauuhter. Minuetm. to '•' on t">. I.ake Geneva this j Mr! Arthur \\ . F.b. r. son of Mr. and ; ok for a cottage in.--order j-Mrs. George I-'.ber of l>2.-< Twelfth uutv locate there t*9r. the street. â€"-"*â€" A"" ' _*__------- Mrs. Llewelvrt I., hodvvick. Jr., who r-.nt WeKare^BcJaTrl of Wif-jnas been spending the past fortnight !i mv- a't-i at ^he home of I with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. â- ...,: C - Arms 720 Take ave^H,- Xicholes. »16 Forest avenue.- re- r.e^aaernopn. May -nrned last evennm. to her homejn. t^a' is for j Cenrroville, jla. _-<._ oVTock. Th •rs in the drive for "funds | y tnke place the'week oi\ One of ~^*â„¢ '^-Vm" Miss Place superintendent tor Miss SifJte-p-auNon. Avas .a ««- -will give an interesting cellaneous shower given by II ti Infant Welfare. â€"* 'ft.? ':â-  • -1- O'clock clulH-under- the Ktoi^e Bedlan at her home, 7-1.1 Wash- ington avenue, en Friday afternoon oi last week. if Miss Brown, Miss hn and Mr. Gilmone, went - Shore last Saturday after- â- h the id,ea.of giving the boys time. They took ice cream and Game's were played and the Shore boy? won. at baseball. < : a good time. _ : â€"*â€". .A.;. • jivatrtl H,5Yonkers. enteriain- nche >n orT TnesTlay at her-1 ! Stferidan road. During the the vriiests were entertam- presentation of the one-act _Svrp-pr vssed Desires", by the ut of Xor4^ Shore Players, M|ss Elizabeth Duffy. Miss Ricksen and Mr. Everett Fox. in Rtelummd, lud. 'he* Evanston Community. Golf club will. hold ami)script ion d a n ce s every Wednes lav evening at the An- chor Inn. ' M \AT E are open----with a lull line of Merchandise, Dvy Goods and the very Finest of Millinery--â€" and cordially invite your inspection of our store. This week's itenrr^ Stamped Luncheon Sets of brown^uiusJin, center cloth. 6' Napkins and 8 Skeins of Floss. <^ 1 QA Donabi M. Gallic will enter- n^ the .Prima Srnd>' class at b-nch- eon on next Wednesday at her home llli Ehnwood avenue. . • Painting and Paperhanging Call WILMETTE 796-J H. J. MIL L E R 818 Prairie Avenue '-. st^opathi: Physician Phone Wd. 2352 * 1133 Wilmette A»e. RESIDENCE PhONe. 537 Mr. <;,h r. T- ! Mr*. F. R. Webber Tf- akin-; their home with Mr<* i parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1126 Wilmette avenue, en- the members of the Pot i vtuh and a few friends - on Saturday evening in hon- Mis* Dorothy Bushnell and ian Hess- . >t. hjnrv's Dramatic chib will t>re- "The Silent Detective", a drama fur acts, in school hall, St. Jo* Ph's. churchy- o» ^Sunday- evening. ay 22. at eight oclocje. Tickets may â-  obtained at the door. Mrs. Judson Stone will entertain the members of the Tuesday hunche- on and Bridge club hi her new home on Ashland avenue, on Tuesday at next week. â€"+â€" Mrs Frederick Crossley entertan- luncheon yesterday at her home 600 Washington avenue, in honor ot her sisted, Mrs. Comstock-ot Elgna. who-i*'.spending several days ure. On Monday afternoon the Terns- katawa Camp Fire Girl*, under the leadership of Miss Helen Shurtlef hiked to Westmoreland Country cum where they enjoyed a picnic supper. On Thursday afternoon of- week, Mrs. Charles L. Ostrom enter- tamed informally at a kitchen show- er at her home, 1025 Linden avenue. in* honor of Miss Susie Paulson. . Mr and Mrs. Samuel H. Cohen and small daughter, Ruth. 12J1 Forest ave. nue, are leaving today for a fort- nights stay at Irench Lick Springs. Indiana. European Tour Most Interesting Route, Modern Prices Reservations rapidly closing Write far Booklet FRENCH TRAVEL SOCIETY 122 S. Michigan A««.. ClMcai* Pbooe Central 2M Special Sale Gin^hafms 17c a yard . 1 lie tresliness anW style of the~t!afs we have stocked will please ttre most 'discriminat- ing. Flinker & blinker > Millinery - and - Dry Goods 1217 Wilmette Ave. ^inilllUniMMillllliniUUinniHMIPIIIIIHnilHIIIMaMIIIMIIIMUIlnHIIIIMIIMIIlMIIIMIMIIIIMIIIUIIMMMMIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMMnUniMIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIMIIMIIinitilltllinilllMllttlll Beware of CHEAP COAL North Shore Baths Mr Rodney Allen who ha*^>eeu making his home in Donna, Tex. for the past two years or so has return- ed to Wilmette and has takenup nis residence at 914 Central arenne. ;> | •T'He he it producing and lasting qualities of the coal you 1 * buy are of utmost importance. I Cheap coal will not prove satisfactory next Winter when you 1 burn it. i You get just what you pay for in coal as in other commodities. If you sacrifice quality nowâ€"you will pay for I quantity later. * Our Guarantee oi Quality is on Every Delivery, Ticket ar/uiixis (omp NORTH SHORE BRANCH CALL Rogers Park 3800â€"Evanston 4500 Wilmete 1300 â€" Glencoe 75. For "Guaranteed Products" Seed, FertiHzer. (Ice not delivered North of Evanston)

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