THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921 mmmmmmmHHim!^^................................................... Jbci&l Happei\ii\&r m \Oikette»~lKBnil^or^K, l>y Ruth Parleys [The coming of Mrs. Edward Mac- .well is always a real pleasure. tagnetic and charming, she brings fith her also the spirit of the high- it culture. â- • [The privilege of meeting Mrs. Mac- iowell will be given to the members the North Shore MacDowell so- ictv in the night of May 10th, at the mm- of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Ar- jwood, 1137 Forest avenue. # American creative art is the found- tion of "this society. This getting >gether of the arts (music, drama, •t and literature) and of those per- mits who are in sympathy with art levelopment, has created a stimu- is already. A portion of the five year financial [bligation will be given to the crea- jvc MacDowell colony at Peterbor- ough and the remainder will be used >r local work. The fact that the highest stand- rds of art will be maintained has Iravvn into the membership many rhose names and works are nation- lily known. The program for next Tuesday light will be informal. Mrs. Mac- lowell will be the guest of honor |nd she will play a few of her fa unis husband's works. The rest of ie evening will be given over to the lection of officers and directors, ap- pointment of the four art committees [ml other society affairs. It is so evident that the person (ominated for president will be lected that a secret may be divulged fhen we say that Mr. Jens Jensen the one. Who could doubt the [ftp-seated art interest of the socie- with Mr. Jensen at the helm. Any person with a wish for art [rowth is eligible and the charter stbâ€"those joining before [ay 10th. " _ "* * â€"•â€" On Friday evening, April 29, a mu- ical was given at the home of Mr. (ml Mrs. J. Benjamin Ott, 1228 Lake venue, by eight of Miss Mae Boett- iher's pupils. Thirty-seven of the mug folks' friends were present to ijoy the well rendered program and ie most cordial hospitality of Mr. id Mrs. Ott. The program, which consisted of (oice and piano selections, was ren- lered by Lois Phelps, Julie Hayes, Marjorie Niles, Frances Weld, Mar- garet Ott, Bemice Cookr^Katlrer^ u r.unte and Ruthella Morse. Miss ioetteher gave two vocal selections Accompanied by Misses Bunte and lorse. Mrs. Walter E. Lindblad was host- Iss to the members of the Fourth di- vision of the Methodist church on I on day afternoon, at her home, 338 Ireenleaf avenue. -'--------â€" k Arrangements have been completed by a committee of the Camp Fire bJrl»; headed by Mrs. John W. Moody of Chicago, for the production of Springtime" -a ^nusicat comedy-de luxe, under the direction of the John B. Rogers Producing company, at the Aryan Grotto temple, June 11. Mem- bers of the cast will be selected from the best talent in Camp Fire Groups. The production promises to be one of exceptional merit, as the talent in Camp Fire is of better quality- than the usual amateur calibre. The scen- ery and costumes as furnished by the producers, are said to be the last word both in splendor and beauty. A professional director will be sent here to Jake charge of the entertain- ment. Rehearsals it is said, will be- gin about May 20, the first try-out, on May 11. Five girls, members of the A-O-Ki- Ya group from this village, have been selected for the try-out next week, the Misses Jean Evers, Catherine Colton, Jane Grainer, Ruth Rockwell and Frances English. â€"♦â€" The marriage of Miss Gervaise Mc- Eldowney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edson McEldowney, to Mr. Ed- mund Findlay Mair of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Forrest of Belli ingham, Wash., will take place this evening at the home of the bride's parents, 1333 Elmwood avenue. Fol- lowing an extended wedding trip, Mr. Mair and his bride will make their home at 1415 Sherwin avenue, Rogers Park. They will be at home after June 1. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Moggs of Indianapolis, and formerly of Chicago, announce the engagement of the<r daughter, Miss Harriet Elaine Moggs, to Mr. Anthony George Zulfer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony George Zulfer of Chicago. No date has been set for the wedding, but it will take place later in the summer at the Mogg country home at Lake Geneva. Miss Mogg is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mulford, 835 Elmwood ave- nue. â€"♦â€" __:__ On Friday evening of this week, the Philathea class will present the playlet "The Trouble at Satterlees", in the parlors of the Methodist church, the proceeds of which will be used for benevolences. The cast of characters includes the Misses Lu- cille Drake, Marjorie Stewart, Myr- tle D'Arcy, MargareT~Sm1tht Ruth The A-O-Ki-Ya Camp Fire held a Mother's Ceremonial at the home of Jean Evers, 1020 Slu-ridan road. Six girls took the rank of Fire Maker and one. a Wood Gatherer; two of the girls who belonged as Blue Birds were made Camp Fire girls. Mfland Mrs. George E. West of KKW Green leaf avenue, announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Dor- othy Jackson, to Mr, Alban T. El- wood of Chicago. The wedding will take place sometime in June.' â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. McCal- lum have sold their home at 831 Cen- tral avenue, and will make their home in Evanston temporarily, this summer. â€"♦â€", Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Burghart will entertain at a at the Westmoreland Golf club tomorrow evening. There will be fourteen guests. Mr. E. W. McCullough of Washing- ton, D. C, has rented his home at 923 Elmwood avenue to Dr. Frank B. Earle of Wilmette. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Anderson of 1062 Linden avenue, moved last week into an apartment in Evanston. -r-a •immiiju^i; Hawkinson, Blanche^Gay, and RutK Smith. The Reading Circle will meet with Mrs. John Clark Baker, 347 Maple avenue, on Monday afternoon of next week. __,__J________ HUPMOBI LE Sales and Service A very Sensible Car for Sensible People GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Telephone Evanston 5700 Arlington Heights Sales and Service Telephone Arlington Heights 9 ThaSuartaat aid Bait Draisad Waaan in Cblcaga bava their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON 5KIRT SHOP "mad* milk your mm maUriaT Suite 1418 Steven* Building Randolph SS1S 17 North Stata CHICAGO 16 Narth Wabash C At I Rogers Park 3800, Evanston 4500 K^tXLtU Wilmette 1300, Clencoe 7$ _____________________________________________________________________y______ Por "Guaranteed Products" Coal, Coke, Ice. Building Material Ice Not Delivered North of Evanston Lawn Seed, Feed, Fertilizers ©isumers ©npany FRED W. 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He will tell you all about it. ____________ *</â- '/////'/.â- /////////////////////////////;////////////////////////////////////////////,/,/â- ,,/,/,///„,, Be Photographed This Year On Your Birthday-- _ We make a specialty of Children's â„¢ and Home Portraiture. EUGENE L RAY PHJO TO GRAPHER For Appointment Telephone 2238 Hoyburn Budding, EVANSTON ESTABLISHED 1854 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. PHONE EVANSTON 449 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 CONSULT -----R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Sash, Doors 910-912 Weed Street. CHICAGO North and Clybourn Avea. â€" Phon» 7012-3