THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 19ZI THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Rate>bllahe4 1*11 with which hi combined WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS Established lttt ISSUED FRIDAY Or __------------------**_ SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1SSS Central Ave., Wilmetu. 111. siBsrmiiiov A YEAR All communications must b« ac- companied by the name and address of th* writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to Insure appearance In current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, notions of entertainments or other" affairs where an admittance charge will be made or s collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. a record attendance at this novel mu- sical, ^ere^rill be no reserved seats so it will be advisable to come early. NORTHWESTERN SCHEDULE GOLF SPECIAL ADDED TO . Persons having a penchant for golf- ing-andr who slip quietly away from the office about noon-time to get in a big afternoon on the links, found a friend this week in the Chicago and Northwestern railway which for the express accomodation of the golf- ing enthusiasts, has added a golfer's special to its daily schedule. This train leaves Chicago at 12:20 Daylight Savings time arriving at VVilmette at 12:48. Westmoreland Wilmctte the most convenient sta- tion to their respectiveJiappy golf"*? grounds. . . k«*22 Earl Orner, sympathetic station agent at the local depot is responsi- ble for the Golf Special. CLERK-CARRIER EXAMS Examinations for clerk-carrier ot the Walmette post-office scheduled for ^Saturdey* May 14, at 9 o clock, are announced by the United Stater Civil Service commission. Mrs. Alward Chamberlaine, wife of Dean Alward Chamberlaine of St. Michaels Episcopal Cathedral ot Boise, Idaho, is visiting her niece, Mrs. William R. Crawford of 527 Laurel avenue. Entered at the postOfllce at Wllmette. Illinois, as mall matter of the second elasa under the act of March S, 1879. FRIDAY. MAY 6, 1921 WILMETTE ENGINEERS LEAD BATTLE FOR LOWER TAXES Discuss Taxation Question and Cir- culate Petitions Calling upon Legislative Action ',. "Help defeat laws that will unduly increase taxation", is the plea of the Wilmette Club of Engineers to the citizens of Wilmette. The architects a*idi engineers of the village, as an organization, have made a thorough study of and con- ducted discussions on the tax ques- tion as it applies to the citiznes of the state of Illinois and have arrived at the decision to place before the voters of the Seventh district of Cook County, a petition, requesting their senator and the representatives to lend aid in defeating such measures as will unduly increase taxation. The engineers ask the co-operation- of all voters in-the village in signing one of • these petitions which will be placed in all public places in the vil- lage. Announcement of the circulation of these petitions is made by D.'L. Nau- man, 215 Fifth^street, chairmanâ€" of the committee in charge of the peti tions. . .___________________:â€" "Sow Your Beans yy One for the mouse, one for the crow, One to rot and one to grow. " This quaint old seeding lore does not ap- ply to the dollars when Ithey are planted in our savings department. - None are for the "mouse," or the "crow." Everyone sprouts and grows and comes back: to you with accumulated interest. Such is the record here. â€" HEAR LEADING ARTISTS AT THIS AMPICO RECITAL This is planting time. Start your savings aecount today and watch it grow. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE The Home of Savings Depositors SAVE YOUR TREES From Tussock Moths and other Climbine Insects by banding them with Tree Tanglefoot On* application lasts three to four months. A pound ntku 10 linaal feet of band. .... (Caution.) Do not use fly paper for banding tree*, M „. effective for a f«w days only. - TREE TANGLEFOOT is applied with a wooden paddle, ft, mixing; conies ready for use. No creeping insect can cross a band of TREE TANGLEFOOT The standard tree-banding material for 20 years. Endorse* £ city foresters, park superintendents* ete. TREE TANGLEFOOT protects hundreds of thousands of fine trees every year_froBLthe wagesi of Tueaock Moth», Q-^, Moths. Brown-tail Moths, Climbing Cut Worms, Bag WormJ Canker Worms, Ants, etc. â- Pricesi 1-lb. cans 50c, 5-lb. tans $2.40, larger sizes proportion. ately cheaper. Solo! by Druggist and 5ce<f«men THE O. & W. THUM COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Also Manufactureâ„¢ of Tanglefoot Fly Paper DINE AND DANCE AT THE NEW Chateau Maxim Serge Rachmaninoff and Erno Dohnanyi, the foremost living pia- nists on one program! Alfred Miro- vitch, Mischa Levitski, Herbert Hyde, Leopold Godowsky,. as well. . Never before^ in the history of Wilmette's musicaI activi11es~have so many bril-Jf liant pianists appeared on the same program._________ _________________ -----:----- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A place for father, mother, son and daughter GREEN BAY ROAD and COUNTY LINE One Block West of Braeside Station Watch this Space for the opening announcement of our $20,000 Dance Hall, the most beautiful in the middle west; Chicken dinners, restaurant service a la carte and refreshments. Last year we served 9,000 chicken dinners. Special attention to private parties and pknfa ginmfiimiftimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiNitHfmMH^^ s The Chickering A m p i c o recital _ at the Ouilmette Country cl ub on the evening of Thursday, May 12, will afford opportunity to hear all of - these distinguished artists. From all indications there^will be Mqjestic Underground Gariugelfaxnver â€" » wkh d» Meketk GeAaei Receiver. Dogs cast epietllM they do 1» aadMr garbage caa and vennin can not get to k. It A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER The Grolier Society of New York cordially invites you to attend the opening of the Book of Knowledge Exposition at the Children's Shop in the North Shore Hotel, Evanston, Monday afternoon. May 9. This exposition is especially planned for the con- venience of the parents of school children on the North Shore. Many parents have heard of the Book of Knowledge but have not had a chance to examine a set. As a result they have purchased something else believing they were getting the Book of Knowledge and they have been disappointed The Book of Knowledge comes in twenty volumes and no abridgment has ever been made. During the exposition parents may arrange to buy the set if they wish, at the rate of one volume per month. If you have the good fortune to_be a parent you cannot afford to miss this opportunity to see the set complete, make comparisons, and ask questions Iron Works 74*8 Avenue CHICAGO If