H,iP^M.I|ipipiiM . M - â- â- -;v' ~7 â- â- ..â- - 8 a THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921 JEROME CROWLEY DELIVERS TALK TO OUILMETTE K. of C. i- Ouilirettc Council, Kniffhts of Columbus, enjoyed an interesting meeting Tuesday evening at Jones* Lodge' hall when Jerome Crowley, Mast'-r 9i the Fourth Degree, spoke of the work accomplished by the Knightr; of Columbus during the war and in Porto Rico since the war. Practically all arn ugements have been completed for the banquet, scheduled for the evening of Thurs- day, May 12, at the Winnetka Worn- •n't elub.â€"Sev^eral prominent speak- ers will be on hand, the Ouilmette quartet will sing, and the "feed" will be of the finest quality. The next.council meeting will be held, Tuesday, April 26. The attrac- tion of the evening will be the exhi- bition of motion pictures taken dur- ing the recent K. of C. pilgrimage. The films include pictures o'f the Vatican at Rome, the arrival of the party at France and their visits to the several noted World war battle- fields. The pictures will be ac- companied by a lecture by Peter Kranz. one of the members of the group, _____________^^ Kenilworth Happenings Several parties are being- given for Miss Catherine Orde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Markftam B^Orde of Grcrn'eaf pvf>m»e. Glencoe. whose marriage to Mr. N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, 435 Kim street, Winnetka,, will take place on Saturday evening, April 23, in the Glencoe Union church H. E. UNSER MANAGER FOR UNDERTAKING FIRM HERE H. E. Unser, who has had more than 10 years' experience with lead- __ing.-jundeilakuig_ establishments in Chicago, has' been engaged,by the ./estern Undertaking company, re- puted to be the largest organization of its kind in the country, as manager of its Evanston and Wilmette branches. Mr. Unscr was selected by the of- ficers of the company in view of effi- cient and_conscientious .service rend- ered by him while connected with other Chicago establishments. Mr. Unser is a young man of the ag- gressive type now, more than ever >cfore,â€"comingâ€"Hrto^-prominenceâ€"it* American business enterprises. The Western Undertaking company opened its undertaking establishments in Evanston and Wilmette about seven years ago. It attributes their success to the confidence of the public in the Western Undertaking com- pany's "square deal policies". of Glencoe, entertained Miss Orde and her bridesmaids at a luncheon at the University club; followed by a theater party; on Saturday, Mrs. C. W. He&s of Evanston will entertain for Miss Orde and her "maids" with a luncheon at the Woman's Athletic club. FojlowJngL the luncheon they will adjourn to the Blackstone to see "Babs." Mrs. Amos Miller, formerly of Kenilworth, now of Evanston, enter- tained at a luncheon for her mother, Mrs, Gilbert, who has been spending a few months with her daughter, on Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert expects to he MRS. EM!L NORD EXPECTED TO START HOME THURSDAY Her condition permitting, Mrs. Emil Nord, wife of the prominent Wilmette merchant tailor, was to TcaW^SwedelrtTis week .to sail for America. Mrs. Nord has been iii for several months. What at first, was thought to have been pneumonia later de- veloped into a form of sleeping sick- ness and for a time specialists des- paired of her life. Mrs. Nord has Oji_JVv^dncadayv^Mrs_wJaIjCirJt recuperated â- »»5flently>, ta attemp the journey home, physicians cnter- Icaving the home of her daughter in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood en- tertained several of their Wilmette neighbors at bridge last Thursday evening. The party was given in honor of Mr. and'Mrs. William Trask, ly^ofâ€"WHmette; who leftrrnT Monday to make their home in Cali- fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Reed G, Landis and their daughter, Nancy, are the guests of Mrs. I.oomis Hypes, at the home of Mrs. Hypes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee. Mr. l.oomis Hypes, whose marriage to Miss Charlotte Parmelee, was an event of only four weeks ago, left on Tuesday for Europe to be gone oil: a three-months*~busihess trip. SCHAEFER wants you to call htm for CONOMIST LECTRICAL REVIEW TUDE - VERY BODY'S MAGAZINE XTENSION MAGAZINE WILMETTE 999-W * GEORGE STUMP TENOR T*aeh«r of Singing Assistant to Frantz Proichowaky 718 Fin* Arts Bldg. CHICAGO T^oohon* i Harrison 4031 North Shore Baths taining the opinion- that the sea voyage wOuld be entirely beneficial. Mrs. Nord will be accompanied by the two small children and a brother. Mr. Nord returned from Sweden last fall. .' JUST WHAT YOU WANT-FOUND IN AN AD NEW MOTORCYCLE F<v Clement Ley, KenilworC of speed enthusiasts will beg, with a new "Henderson sp«e sometime next week and warn all ambitious motorist on the lookout for his special." ORGANIZATION DAY SUNDAY FOR NEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, April 17, will be a memor- able day in the history of the Wil- mette English Lutheran church when the congregation will Ik* formally or- ganized. Plans for organization have beer^completed and the charter roll. to be closed Sunday, shows aii en- couraging membership.. Services on Sunday at the Wilmette Woman's club are to be conducted by the Rev. John F. Seibert, general superintendent of home missions of the United Lutheran church. * The constitution will be read at this ser- vice and officers and deacefns elected for the ensuing year. Special music will be rendered by a quartet and a soloist. Services begin at 11 o'clock. Rev. A. 0. Soholm is pastor of the jiew congregation. Mr. Fred C. Little returned home from, California last Saturday and left-Jgain on Monday for Detroit to be gone on a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn have rented the Sanborn house on Essex road for six months and expect to move in on Satirrxhjty- ' The Afternoon Bridge club was entertained by Mrs. R. Tennant, at the North Shore Hotel on Wednes- day last. Miss Ruth Woodward arrived home from Chambersburg. Penn., last Sun- day. Tlfe Bridge club met with Mrs. V. ('. Sanborn for luncheon last Tues- day. Mr. Carl Keith is spending a few days in his island up in Big Lake, Wis. Mrs. I. A. Bennet entertained at.a luncheon on Wednesday last. -Mrs. C. C. Dent arrived the latter part of last week. I rt.tlill PMONl tVAN' SUMMER CAMPS andGIRLS -FREE information gladly given or literature sent on request. PjHONE CENTRAL 200 My years of experience, through per- sonal investigation and inspection of these schools, will assure your child- ren of being satisfactorily placed. LAURA MAE HAYWAHfr 1721 Stevens Bldg., Chicago Little Susan Anderson. infant daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. R,rA^J\L_ Anderson, 809 Lake avenue, is seri ous.l'y ill with scarlet fever.__:___ MOTORCYCLES 1021 MODEL3 HARLEY- DAVIDSCN. Call and m them or wild for catalog on new or uud ma- chinos. LANG, 1704 Michigan «vt. CHICAGO. ILL. //ssssss/rss/Jws/MsssssssArss/rsssss^ Hemstitching, 12 c per yd. Button ButtenhbtesTr: Pinking 7 "Skirt Pleating Accordian Pleating Flosr^Stft^Ing • We Do Only - High-Class Work Sale On This Monthâ€"Easy Payments PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street --=â€"^â€" EVANSTON CHICACO •/,'///S////SS/S////s/s/S//. â- '////SSSS/SSS"'SS/s. ' '//////S////SSS. GARAGES PERMANENT AND PORTABLE Lowest Price.* Send for Catalogue GEO. C. BRADBURY & CO. HO S. Dearborn St., Room 1403 CHICAGO Phone Control S10S For 26 Years STANLEY CARS Have been entirely controlled by one throttle lever, without any starter, any clutch, or any gears to shift. That is simpli- city. Get your NEW STANLEY steam car information from a dialer only. The Easiest Car to Drive and Understand. PRICES RANGE FROM $1500 UP WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 for us to appreciate, nor too large to execute EDWARD HINES CUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board £fc& MADE AT THE WILSON- ;> -^KWI^SHOP Mod* tcwA voitr own material"*" > Suit* 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 |7N.nti Si.'. CHICAGO It North Waaaa Are You Going to Change Coal Dealers? jT Consumers Company Unreservedly Guarantees the Quality, Full Weight and Satisfactory Delivery of any and all Guaranteed Products (Coal, Coke, Ice, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Material), making it a part of the Transaction to cheerfully remove the goods at their own expense and Refund Your Money if You Are Not Satisfied. 1L }*; President. Order Now to get the advantage of April Prices. Call Rogers Pk. 3800, Evanston 4600, Wilmette 1300, Glencoe 75, for "Guaranteed Product" Ice at Evanston Only CONSUMERS COMPANY NORTH SHORE BRANCH - 1015 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON General Offices: 111 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO Telephone Franklin 6400 Authorized Agents for HOOVER and SWEEPER VAC CLEANER! DANNEMARK'S ELECTRIC SH0I sK9H U55 WILMETTE AUENU WILMETT VACUUM CLEANERS SIMPLEX IRONERS WASHING MACH FIXTURES APPLIANCES WIRING --------------KKOHJ BV OUK StROiCt OPPOSITE VILLAGE THEATRE ELEPHONE WILMt Eden and Easy Vacuum Washers WESTERN UNDERTAKING COMPANY -ej;------------Llzjs:----------^ZZTOVS. SATTLER, Prm: â- â- Acting alon&oiir usual progressive line* and in order to more efficiently extend the SERVICE to which our patrons are justly entitled, we have secured the Ser- vices of Mr. H. F. Unser as manager of our Wilmette and Evanston establishments. PHONE WILMETTE 280 EVANSTON, ,1022 Davis Street PHONE EVANSTON 98 CHANDLER--STEPHENS DORT Sold and Serviced By EARL COAL MOTOR CO. 1019 Davis Street, Evanston USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT PhonM 57S .nd 5» WE fttmttr in. INTERIOR DECORATORS â„¢" !>Per' Window Shades, Paints, iWsTTVafnishes and Brushes^ ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY SOBMITTED Phone Wil. 2491 1215 Wilmette Ave., WILMETTE, ILL