Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1921, p. 12

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»"L ' ^"^ THE LAKfe SHORE KEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1921 Classified Advertisements Ki ,TESâ€"10c per line for ant insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be m by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The****â„¢fi** News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and GJencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion. 10c per lmc. REAL. ESTATE Want a home? see these Cosy and attractive bungalow in splen- did East location: nearly new: newly decorated: hot water heat; 2 grlassed porches: fine lot; reduced to $13.5fl0. Nearly new 9 room stucco near lake; a tasty and artistic home, in splen- did condition; a real bargain at $16,- S00. Owner grone East, must sell. Fine 8 room stucco in finest location: in â€" beautiful condition; glass sun And sleeping porches: double garage; beautiful wooded lot; $17,500. Owner leaving; will sacrifice 9 room stucco In finest location: splendid finish; hot water heat: a clever, at- tractive home on wooded lot 75x200; garage; $20,000. Make offer. M. E. BARKER & CO. WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL housework; two in family: bunpa- â€"low. 70S Gregory Ave., Wilmette. Thone Wilmette. 521. LTG22-ltc End of "L" 405 LTndenT LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"$5,250; 7-ROOM HOUSE In Hubbard Woods; lot 50x200; old house; needs some money spent on It; fine location. Hubbard Woods; Colonial home. 7 large, light rooms; nice location; $15,000. ., „ Hubbard Woods, east side. 7-room frame house; garage; lot 50x150; $11,500. m ' Hubbard Woods, 8-room frame house; modern and up-to-date: 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; garage; $17,500. Winnetka. Indian Hill section; south west; English brick and stucco; 6 bedrooms: 3 bath rooms; 2 sleep- ing porches; large sun porch; at- tached garage; bargain; $25,000. FRANK A. REID 9IS Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winnetka. 1300 HOME BARGAINS WE HAVE A DOZEN OR MORE homes in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe that must be sold this month: prices range from $7,000 up as high as $60,000. If you are look- ing for a good buy It will pay you to see us before deciding; reasonable offers will be seriously considered. Will show property week days after 6 p. m. by appointment. HIIX^& STONE Winnetka, Office West of .Depot. :,â- â€¢;•â- â- .________ LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BARGAIN FOR HOME and Investment; 2 family house In fine location near transportation and school In Winnetka; 5 rooms and bath and very large enclosed porch on first floor; 4 rooms, enclosed porch and bath on second floor; well built and In splendid condition. Owner leaving Winnetka will sacrifice, for $9,300. Inquire 877 Elm St., Win- netka or phone Winn. 1689LTG22.ltc MAID â€" WHITE. FORGENERAL housework: private room and bath. 804 Forest Ave. Phone Wil. 14. LTG22-1tc COOK AND SECOND MAID; WHITE; experienced: srbod wages: small adult family. Call Rogers Pn-k 1064. « LTG22-ltc WANTED â€" NTRSEMAID; WHITE; light duties: highest waires; refer- ences required. Phone Win. 1425. _____________________â-  _________LTG22-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID: WHITE; GENERAL housework; small family: no laun- dry; highest wages. Call Win. 1425. L22-1tc WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GENL housework. Phone Wil. 906-.T. LTG22-ltc GIRL WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK. Tel. Winnetka 1125. LTG22-Uc .HEM WANTEDâ€" l,P wil^TFiPâ€"M*t.W -ASST. GARDENER. AP- plv C. A. Stonehlll. Glencoe 174. An- nlv head srardener. LTG22-lte SITUATIONS WANTEDâ€"V*?M*t.E WANTEDâ€"GENERAL HOUSE CLEAN- Ing and laundry to do. Address or Phone 118-W, Zlon Cit>y, 111. 3100 Enoch Ave. Mrs. Brlster. LTG22-tfc YOUNG LADT WISHES ENGAGE- ments; plain sewing and mending. Address Lake Shore News, ".J*. LT22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD J500DS FOR SALEâ€"MAHOGANY UPRIGHT piano, fine tone; dining room set: 54 Inch table; buffet; 6 chairs; two liv- ing room chairs; new slnsrle whlt*» Iron bed, springs and mattress; 1 white chest of drawers: gas ranee almost new; Seesrar refrigerator 125 lb. canaclty; 3 Vudor porch shnd*>«: swinging norch seat inlaid, linoleum 9x10 small oak dresser: Sm'th Pre- mier typewriter. Phone W'l. 31?. LTG22-ltp FOR SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM brick and shingle home in Kenil- worth; large living room; glassed breakfast room; 50 ft. lot; garage; a bargain at $13,500. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO., 240 Linden Avenue. Phone. Wil. 68. L22-ltc ONE 52 INCH MISSION DINING ROOM table and 6 chairs: one mission li- brary table and comfortable living room chair: one'double bed and felt mattress: all reasonably priced. Tel. Glencoe 583. LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"DOUBLE SPIRAL SPT'Tvr; for a single bed: mdinpunv »»»Me: medium siae girl's biovoip- ttm»»Vv No. 4 vacuum cleaner. *ffi SHp»-»'1j>ti road, Glencoe. .Phone Gle"""" nn <LTG21-2*c prvrjâ€"OAK OHTNA CABINET, oval fl«>«m front: hall seat and mir- ror; mahoganv divan and two chairs to match. Phone Wilmet»*> *<??. LTG22-ltc FOR RALEâ€"RED: LAUNDRY GOODff wicker dron leaf table; fernery, tea cart and stool; art lamp. Phone Wil- mette 243. LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"EARLY ENGLISH DIN- ine set.bed daver.nort, 2 brass beds, snrings and mattresses. 899 Oak street. Winnetka. L22-ltc BARGAINS IN VACANT Pine lot. N. E.; wooded; $4S per foot. -J M. L. MOODY & ro - -^ Phone Wil. %?*%*** B11 Fourth St! ______ " L20-tfc FOR 8AL*J â€"ELEVEN STORM SASH. 2 ft. 6 by 4 ft. 6 and door;,_braa bedr~an^ other^.household Furniture. Phon e Sf|j»pA^ * -<t 17. LTG21 -1 tc THINGS THAT NEVI "•^^ By CENT 4YRNCS WB DO TRADINOâ€"TRADR »^ old piano or talking macbta? In use, on a piano, pUyZr 3 talking machine, washlng^J! vacuum cleaner, mangle JnJ writer. Patterson Bros., m» J St.. Evanston. HI.__________gjg FREE ONE BEAUTIFUL ENLABfl] with each five dollar work; developing and printin? us your films; we guarantee B faction; our work is the v*rv * H. E. Chandler & Co., Kvanstoiu I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS* clothing of all descriptions .. Evanston 102 and I will call X 1644 Maple avenue LTca PHONOGRAPHS REPAIREDâ€"W? pair all makes of talking math. Patterson Bros. -828 Davis 80S ton VACUUM C^EANEfUTREPj„. repair all makes of vacuum ele. ' Patterson Bros. 828 Davis 8t anston.____________________ LTQ.H LOUIS PANTLE. LANDSCAPE <» dener; work by contract or Phone Win. 549-M. LT Cupid spends a reasonable ar of his time loafing about the rooms of the. American Legion at West. Warren, Mass., for marr, is subsidized in that organization.V post has voted to present $25 to eve member who gets married. The ol is retroactive to the date of org ization of the post; consequei seven of the members will receive t gift. Bulletins containing the names Virginia's draft dodgers will be se to all posts of the American Legiom soon as they are made public by -<_, War Department. Posts of that sta will receive instructions from Depa ment Headquarters to co-open with the constituted authorities the slacker round-up. FOR SALEâ€"PONY BARN AND SMALL chicken house. Address 794 Rose- wood Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Win- netka 1525. LTG22-ltc FOR FOR SALEâ€"ONE LARGE REED baby buggy; reversible gear; in good condition. 1007 Lake avenue. Phone Wil. 572. L22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"SADDLE PONY, MEDIUM height. Call Wilmette 724-R. L22-ltc NORTH SHORE CEMETERY â€" ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For information call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office, Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M LTG13-tfc AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1693 F.JO. B., FACTORY C. H.BRIGGS Evanston 140 1849 Sherman Aventu F°"c SALE-Rib BRICK HOUSE, nearly new, in Glencoe: 7 rooms; hot water heat: lot 66x400; Bargain, $10,500. Inaulre »?7 Elm St., Win- netka or phone Winn. 168£TG22_ltc FOR SALT? â€" nAROAIN. DUPLEX Ironer; used onlv three times: per- fect condition. Phone Winnetka 817. L22-ltn FOR SALEâ€"OAS 1621 Lake Ave. 828-R. RANGE, CHEAP. Phone Wilmette L22-H" W\*TKI> TO 111 Vâ€"HOME WILL PAY i\\*\^ FOB SMALL HOUSE near lake Jn best location: give low- est price. P. O. Box 23„ Wilmette, -IlL -- - FOR REXT~HOU8ES FOR RENT â€" COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed 5-room ^bungalow In Glencoe FOR SALEâ€"OHI« ELECTPTO: IN good serviceable condition: just the .,.,,, car for universityâ€"ot^-hlghâ€"school *****-**v student, or for local shopping Price Call Wil. L22-2tc DODGE ROADSTER; FOR SALE' runs and looks like new: right price near Hubbard Woods, west of tracks For gitt^ir ,.)«, pH^fflfl-i^----- M0: May 1st to Octr-tstrâ€"Address" LTG22-1 H. S. Mats, Box 218, Highland Park. HI. _________ LTG22-tfc FOR RENTâ€"8 »!< >< ».M RESIDENCE. 93? Oak street. Winretka. Call after 5 P. M. or phone Win. 318. LTG22-ltc WANTRD TO BEVrâ€"HOUSE* WANTED â€" FITRNISHED HOUSE from May 1st to October lstr will consider one year lease. Phone Edgewater 6674. LTG22-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED Steam heated room. Phohe Wil. 1080. - ________Lll-tfc W>R REVT-r PO'nts r.LRWTKiw Road; $15. Call Wilmette 715-W. ______________• L22-ltc ROOM. PHONE L?2-3tc FOR REVT-rTRX. WH. 343. _______ WASTED TO HK\Tâ€"ROOMS WANTED TO RENTâ€"LARGE ROOM '•"" by couple employed. Address Lake * Shore News B-33 ; ---------L22-ltc FOR lti:\T STORE FOR RENTâ€"STORE ROOM IN W^N- netka. G. F. Gonsalves. a"* Center St. Winnetka.___________ LTG22-ltr FOR hfatâ€"«: \H %«;t:*i FOR SALEâ€"GAS RANGE: CLARK Jewel; (rood condition; 220. Tele- __phone Wil. 1334. L22-lte FOR SALEâ€"AITO $225. 118. Will demonstrate. tc WA*TH«n TO HI V----MiS<-KM,tM:n|S WANTED TO prT f*fi* i»V|> HaVP furniture and other household good* Hi eh est prices paid for same. Oro«t Furniture Store. 1004-fi Emernnn St. Evanston 111. Tel. 189. LTGio-tfe WANTEDâ€"TO RENT OR BUY painter's extension ladders. Tel. Winnetka 1127. LTG22-ltc OLO ROOKS ROITGHT. SIMON. 719 Oakton street. Evanston. ___-----LTO20-4»« FOR « « l.f :----1||«« 'KI.l, A W.*U *i FOR SALE^â€"ALASKIAN SELECTED nine skin mink cape with eiehteen tails, assort.-d. at bottom of cane, with again as many little claws; lined with satin and brown ge»r- â€"get4eâ€"crepe: practicallyâ€"TfeW; 275. SIS Greirorv Ave^ Wilmette. Phone Wflrnette a«»?. LTG22-1»e FOR SALEâ€"CAILLE-J^JL-PV-RO^ 2«5;„ _baby Scales^ with picture of boat motor wh't*> canvas trav. $5"; ••THE FOPt'M" 2?^3fi. suitable f^r office or library. $5; full size coil bed springs. $1. Tel. Wilm*»t»e 1003. _LTG22-1tc FOR RENTâ€"OARAGE. 1222 LAKE avehue; size 12x16; has electric lieht. . Call Wil. 218. L19-tfc • FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE: STUCCO; WA- ter connections; well lighted. Phone Wil. 1334^_____________________ L22-lto FOR REN*»V~GAP AGE AT 21« WOOD court Phone Wil. 2332. L5-tfc FOR SALEâ€"STlTCCO GARAGE WITH servants' quarters and shower bath; In Winnetka. Call Rogers Park 10«4. LTG22-ltc HK1P W A XTTP-FEjULK COMPETEN 5NT LAUNDRESS FOR 2 days; steady place: must' understand washing machine and mangle. Ram- say. Phone Glencoe 204. LTG22-ltc FOR SALEâ€"RUGS.' STOVES TART.FJS chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink. . crises, beds, sewlne mach'ne and com- bination cook stove. We b»iv. «*>11 and exchange. s«8 Oak street. Wl*»- ne»>a r»hone.Wfn ??t?. L^G'^-tf^ ^i? SALE â€" t^rep TV^iV'tT"'! fn-icm-nod $.'o. T^ C. Srr*i»h »•»«:. Pomlneton f*2 Also nthef makes We *n renairlng. Pattersoft ' hr, :â- :: «2< DWSlW l>L K%»HSlOn. TTI ____________ T.*»*o-'»"-»r^ FOR SALEâ€" Rnr.s FROM OUR PEDp e-«»ed.S r» W. L*>ehorns: winners of _ cupa ribbons^jknA aweepstakes: settfns- gf_ j5L„gua ran teed â- *•***> 70<-M.______________LT22-1__ F«^*» SAM?-i?BAITim, PtJ'RCAPR- <*ne ouality Jersey: pood as new. •42 Cherry St.. Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 1(03. L22-1tc Trains A CONVENIENT SCHEDULE A DIRECT ROUTE Economical Transportation TRAINS FOR THE BUSINESS MAN Leave Wilmette 6:39 a. m. 7:09 a. m. 7:39 a. m. 8:09 a. m. 8:52 a. m. 9:09 a. m. in Chicago 7:25 a. m. 7:55 a. m. 8:25 a. m. 8:55 a. m. 9:38 p. m. ^JlSLe. m. And every half hour thereafter until: FOR THE 11:09 a. LUNCHEON, 11:39 a. MATINEE, 12:09 p. 12:39 p. 1:09 p. OR SHOPPING TRIP 1:39 p. 2.09 p. m. 2:39 p. m. 11:55 l^^J^JB^ 12:55 p. m. 1:25 p. m. ^^a^priisr 2:25 p. m. 2:55 p. m. 3:25 p. m. Every 30 minutes thereafter until: DOWNTOWN TO DINNER OR TO THE THEATRE 5:09 p. 5:39 p. 6:09 p. 6:45 p. 7:09 p. 5:55 p. m. 6:25 p. m. 6:55 p. m. 7:31 p. m. 7:55 p. m. Thereafter express trains continue to run every half hour until 12:09 a. in- then 12:45 a. ni. and 1:45 a. m. Ask for time-table at the ticket office. â€"This schedule is operated on Central Standard Time, which is one hour earlier than daylight saving time. N0RIH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue

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